Git repositories on gerrit

apps/analytics-etlSpark ETL to extra analytics data from Gerrit Projects using the Analytics pluginapps/kibana-dashboardapps/reviewitThe 'Review It!?' app is an Android application for Gerrit that allows sorting of incoming changes and review of small/trivial changes. This is not an official Google of AWS setup scripts for setting up Gerrit Code ReviewbazletsRe-usable building blocks for Bazel build toolbuckbuckletsReusable building blocks for Buck build system.Core-PluginsParent project for core plugins in Gerrit.docker-gerritOfficial Docker image of Gerrit Code ReviewexecutablewarSupport for running code directly from WAR filesgcompute-toolsTools for Google Compute EnginegerritGerrit Code Reviewgerrit.wikiGoogle Code Wiki repository for Gerritgerrit-atticAborted experiments and ancient revisions of Gerrit Code Reviewgerrit-bug-reportergerrit-ci-scriptsScripts used for continuous integration builds of Gerritgerrit-fe-dev-helpergerrit-installerGerrit native installation packages for Windows, Linux and Mac OSXgerrit-lintergerrit-load-testsgerrit-monitoringgerrit-release-toolsgerrit-switchChrome extension for switching between Gerrit GWT UI and PolyGerrit UI.gitblitFork of projectgitfsFUSE file system for lightweight android checkouts.gitilesA simple browser for Git repositoriesgit-reporepo - The Multiple Git Repository Toolgs-maven-wagonMaven wagon provider for Google Storage for Developers. Forked from UI tools for GWT. This repository is deprecated. The code has been merged (with history) into gerrit as the gerrit-gwtexpui subdirectory.gwtormTiny ORMhntu-testhomepageSource for Gerrit Code Review homepage at for; playground area for homepage content port of Google Prettifyjgitk8s-gerritKubernetes support for Gerrit Code Reviewlibs/modules/repomanager/cassandraluci-configConfiguration for Gerrit's LUCI setup for running continuous integration tests and builds.luci-testmodules/cache-chroniclemapGerrit module for using the ChronicleMap as cache persistence layermodules/cached-refdbGerrit libModule to cache access to Git repositories' refdbmodules/cache-postgresmodules/events-brokerEvents Broker API for sending Gerrit Code Review eventsmodules/git-refs-filterGerrit lib module to allow filtering out refs in the Git advertizing protocol phasemodules/global-refdbGlobal ref-database interface for use with a multi-site setup of Gerrit Code Reviewmodules/index-elasticsearchGerrit libModule providing an index backend based on ElasticSearchmodules/remote-gerrit-account-cacheProvides a way to sync accounts from an external Gerrit system. This library overrides the Accounts cache implementation from core and loads accounts from an external Gerrit system using /accounts/ REST APIs. Upon fetching the account info from external Gerrit API, account is saved into NoteDb and re-indexed. If the external Gerrit API fails to return the account, the cache falls back to the accounts stored in NoteDb.modules/virtualhostModule to split the projects' space into virtual hosts similarly to an HTTP server and different domain names.plugin-builderBuilder for buck-based plugins.plugins/account[OBSOLETE - DO NOT USE] Plugin to expose a self-service API and UX to manage accounts and associated personal information.plugins/admin-consoleProvides information via SSH commands to Gerrit Administrators.plugins/ai-code-reviewplugins/analyticsplugins/analytics-wizardWizard to provision a new GerritAnalytics stackplugins/approval-extensionSmall example plug-in demoing extension points for manipulating approvals.plugins/approver-annotatorplugins/audit-sl4jPlugin for logging audit events using a SLF4J appenderplugins/auth-htpasswdPlugin for Apache htpasswd based authentication.plugins/automergerplugins/autosubmitterA plugin that takes care of automatically submitting changes when all approvals and preconditions are satisfied.plugins/auto-topicplugins/avatars/external[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/avatars-external"]plugins/avatars/gravatar[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/avatars-gravatar"]plugins/avatars-externalEnables to set a custom URL to load avatars from.plugins/avatars-gravatarPlugin to display user icons from Gravatar.plugins/aws-dynamodb-refdbAWS DynamoDB shared ref-database implementationplugins/batchThe batch plugin provides a mechanism for building and previewing sets of proposed updates to multiple projects/branches/refs that should be applied together. The focus of batch updates tend to be verification (by CI systems). The batch update service provides the tools to build refs by merging changes to temporary “snapshot” refs, which can then be tested extensively, and finally submitted ”as is".plugins/branch-networkPlug-in to display and navigate Git branches in a HTML5 canvas networkplugins/cfoauthPlugin to authenticate with a CloudFoundry User Account and Authentication server using OAuth2 protocol.plugins/change-head[DEPRECATED] Shift what the HEAD symbolic-ref points to.plugins/change-labelsplugins/changemessageThis plugin allows to display a static info message on the change screen. It's main purpose is to serve as an example plugin and as a base for building plugins with a more sophisticated logic for displaying change info messages.plugins/checksThis plugin provides a REST API and UI extensions for integrating CI systems with Gerrit.plugins/checks-jenkinsplugins/cloud-notificationsA plugin to obtain push event notifications through Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).plugins/code-coverageplugins/codemirror-editorCodeMirror plugin for PolyGerritplugins/code-ownersThe code-owners plugin provides support for defining code owners for files in a repository. If the code-owners plugin is enabled, changes can only be submitted if all touched files are covered by approvals from code owners.plugins/commit-message-length-validatorPlugin to validate that commit messages conform to length limits.plugins/commit-validator-sampleSample validator to accept, refuse or provide warnings on Git commit changes during push.plugins/cookbook-pluginExamples of plugin API usage.plugins/copyrightWIP: Copyright scanner to require qualified review when neededplugins/delete-projectA plugin which allows projects to be deleted from Gerrit via an SSH commandplugins/depends-onplugins/donation-buttonMake a donation button to Shawn Pearce Memorial Fundplugins/download-commandsAdds the standard download schemes and commands.plugins/egit[DEPRECATED] This plugin provides extensions for easier usage with EGit. The plugin adds a download command for EGit that allows to copy only the change ref into the clipboard. The change ref is needed for downloading a Gerrit change from within EGit. This plugin is deprecated because since long time EGit doesn't need the download string created by the egit plugin anymore but understands any link to a gerrit change.plugins/emoticonsPlugin that allows users to see emoticons in comments as images.plugins/eventsThe events plugin adds a stream events API which parallels the core stream events API with extensions to resume events on reconnect. Each event is stored in a separate file in a traditional filesystem. This plugin is multi-primary friendly when the filesystem is shared among the primaries.plugins/events-aws-kinesisGerrit events listener to send events to AWS Kinesis broker.plugins/events-eiffelListens to Gerrit's internal event-bus and pushes Eiffel[1] Source Code events to an Eiffel Event Repository. [1] events listener to send events to an external GCloud PubSub broker.plugins/events-kafkaGerrit events listener to send events to an external Apache Kafka broker.plugins/events-logThis plugin listens to stream events and stores them in a database. The events can be retrieved through REST API.plugins/events-natsGerrit events listener to send events to an external NATS brokerplugins/events-rabbitmqGerrit events listener to send events to an external RabbitMQ broker.plugins/evict-cache[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/high-availability"] Allows to synchronize the eviction of caches between two Gerrit instances sharing the same repositories and database As of branch 2.13, this plugin is deprecated. The functionality has been merged into of example plugins for Gerrit Code Review.plugins/find-ownersDeprecated: Use the code-owners plugin instead. Plugin to check for Android and Chromium style OWNERS approval before submit and find owners for a revision.plugins/force-draft[DEPRECATED] Provides an ssh command to force a change or patch set to draft status.plugins/gc-conductorThis plugin provides an automated way of detecting, managing and cleaning up (garbage collecting) the 'dirty' repositories in a Gerrit instance.plugins/gerrit-supportPlugin to collect information on Gerrit Code Review setup for requesting support.plugins/gitblitGitBlit code-viewer plug-in with SSO and Security Access Controlplugins/gitgroupsGroupBackend using text files stored in Gitplugins/githubPlugin to integrate with GitHub: replication, pull-request to Change-Setsplugins/github-groupsGroup backend implementation to use GitHub Organisations and Teams as Gerrit Groupsplugins/github-profileGitHub-Profile integration for migrating and synchronising your GitHub e-mail address and SSH Keys with Gerritplugins/github-pullrequestImport existing GitHub Pull Requests as Gerrit Changes and Patch-Sets with one click.plugins/github-replicationReplication wizard for importing and configuring GitHub repos as Gerrit slaves replicas with a single clickplugins/github-webhooksExpose Gerrit automation actions (e.g. importing a pull request) as GitHub hooks.plugins/gitilesPlugin running Gitiles alongside a Gerrit serverplugins/git-repo-metricsplugins/go-importThis plugin allows you to perform go get requests against a Gerrit projectplugins/google-apps-groupSample group backend plugin using Google Groups on a Google Apps domain.plugins/healthcheckGerrit plugin for triggering a general configuration and runtime health checkplugins/heartbeatPlugin that sends heartbeat stream event. Main use case for this plugin is to always keep stream events alive so Jenkins Gerrit-Trigger connection watchdog doesn't force reconnection when it detects no stream events activity.plugins/helloworld[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/cookbook-plugin"] Template plugin that adds new SSH commands to a server.plugins/hide-actionsPlugin that allows to hide UI actions by configuration.plugins/high-availabilitySynchronize eviction of caches, secondary indexes and stream events between two Gerrit instances sharing the same git repositories and database.plugins/hooksServer-side hooks executed on Gerrit events.plugins/hooks-auditPlugin(s) to enable auditing of Gerrit admin and user activity to an external logging systemplugins/hooks-bugzilla[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/its-bugzilla"]plugins/hooks-its[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/its-base"]plugins/hooks-jira[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/its-jira"]plugins/hooks-rtc[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/its-rtc"]plugins/imagarePlugin allows Gerrit users to upload and share images.plugins/image-diffAn enhanced image diff plugin for PolyGerrit.plugins/importerPlugin to import projects from one Gerrit server into another Gerrit server.plugins/its-basePlugin base for issue tracking systems. New project for 'plugins/hooks-its'.plugins/its-bugzillaPlugin to integrate with Bugzilla. New project for 'plugins/hooks-bugzilla'.plugins/its-githubPlugin to integrate with GitHub Issue Tracker.plugins/its-jiraPlugin to integrate with Atlassian JIRA. New project for 'plugins/hooks-jira'.plugins/its-phabricatorPlugin to integrate with Phabricator.plugins/its-redminePlugin to integrate with Redmineplugins/its-rtcPlugin to integrate with IBM Rational Team Concert. New project for 'plugins/hooks-rtc'.plugins/its-storyboardPlugin to integrate with the Storyboard Issue Tracking Systemplugins/javamelodyPlugin to monitor a Gerrit server with JavaMelody.plugins/kafka-events(ARCHIVED: use plugins/events-kafka) Gerrit event producer for Apache Kafkaplugins/labeluiThe labelui plugin allows users to configure a different control for displaying the labels/approvals on the change screen.plugins/lfsLFS plugin storing large objectsplugins/lfs-storage-fs[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/lfs"] LFS plugin storing large objects in local file systemplugins/lfs-storage-s3[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/lfs"] LFS plugin storing large objects in an Amazon S3 bucketplugins/login-redirectPlugin to redirect anonymous users to the login formplugins/log-levelPlugin to allow an administrator to persist configured log levels across restartsplugins/maintainerplugins/manifest-subscriptionThis plugin allows users to monitor git-repo manifests in manifest repositories and generate rev-specific manifests (similar to "repo manifest -o") and store them to a separate git repository.plugins/menuextenderPlugin that allows Gerrit administrators to configure additional menu entries from the WebUI.plugins/messageofthedayplugins/metrics-reporter-cloudwatchThis plugin reports Gerrit metrics to AWS Cloudwatch Service.plugins/metrics-reporter-elasticsearch[DEPRECATED] This plugin reports Gerrit metrics to ElasticSearch Indexes.plugins/metrics-reporter-graphiteThis plugin reports Gerrit metrics to Graphite.plugins/metrics-reporter-jmxThis plugin exposes Gerrit metrics as JMX resources.plugins/metrics-reporter-prometheusThis plugin exposes Gerrit metrics to Prometheus ( that provides messages to users on fetch/pull/cloneplugins/multi-masterPlugin(s) to enable Gerrrit multi-master operation.plugins/multi-siteMulti-site support for Gerrit Code Reviewplugins/oauthOAuth2 provider plugin. Multiple providers are supported.plugins/out-of-the-boxPlugin to provide an out-of-the-box redirect for a fresh Gerrit installplugins/ownersProvides a Prolog predicate add_owner_approval/3 that appends label('Owner-Approval', need(_)) to a provided list.plugins/plugin-managerOne plugin to rule them all: install new plugins from Gerrit GUIplugins/project-download-commandsPlugin that adds support for project specific download commands.plugins/project-group-structureThis plugin enforce a project group structure and restrict project creation within this structure to project group owners only.plugins/prolog-submit-rulesplugins/pull-replicationMirror repos from other servers using the Git protocolplugins/push-pull-replicationAlternative Gerrit replication plugin that uses both push and pull operations as replication logic.plugins/quickstartGerrit plugin for providing a Quck-start configuration during the init phaseplugins/quotaThis plugin allows to enforce quotas in Gerrit.plugins/rabbitmq(ARCHIVED: use plugins/events-rabbitmq) Publishes Gerrit events to RabbitMQ.plugins/rate-limiterAllows to enforce rate limits in Gerrit.plugins/readonlyA plugin to make Gerrit run in read-only modeplugins/ref-copySmall plugin to provide a ref-copy command.plugins/ref-protectionCreates backups of refs that are deleted or non-fast-forward updated.plugins/reject-private-submitReject submission (merging) of private changesplugins/rename-projectA plugin which allows projects to be renamed from Gerrit via an SSH commandplugins/reparentPlugin that provides a self-service for reparenting projects.plugins/replicationCopies to other servers using the Git protocolplugins/replication-statusRecord and display the repository's replication status without having to dig into the Gerrit replication_logplugins/repository-usageSearches repositories for submodules and manifest files and saves references to a database.plugins/reviewersA plugin that allows adding default reviewers to a change.plugins/reviewers-by-blameA plugin that allows to automatically add reviewers to a change from the git blame computation on the changed files. It will add the users as reviewer that authored most of the lines touched by the change, since these users should be familiar with the code and can most likely review the change.plugins/reviewnotesAnnotates merged commits using notes on refs/notes/review.plugins/review-strategyProvide configurations for custom Gerrit review strategies.plugins/samlPlugin for Gerrit authentication with a SAML providerplugins/scripting/groovy-providerAllows the load Gerrit plugins implemented as Groovy scriptsplugins/scripting/scala-providerAllows the load Gerrit plugins implemented as Scala scriptsplugins/scripting-rulesplugins/scriptsScripting plugins for providing simple and useful extensions on top of Gerritplugins/secure-configPlugin to encrypt the values of secure.config.plugins/server-configThis plugin enables access (download and upload) to the server config files. It may be used to change Gerrit config files (like etc/gerrit.config) in cases where direct access to the file system where Gerrit's config files are stored is difficult or impossible to get.plugins/server-log-viewerDisplays $site_path/logs through a web browserplugins/serviceuserThis plugin allows to create service users in Gerrit.plugins/shutdownGerrit plugin to provide a graceful shutdown via RESTful API (intended for Windows Service integration)plugins/simple-submit-rulesplugins/singleusergroupGroupBackend enabling users to be directly added to access rulesplugins/slack-integrationAllows for the publishing of certain Gerrit events to a configured Slack Webhook URL.plugins/spanner-refdbplugins/supermanifestUpdate superproject in response to manifest changes.plugins/sync-events[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/high-availability"] Allows to share stream events between two Gerrit instances sharing the same git repositories and database. This plugin is deprecated. The functionality has been merged into[DEPRECATED replacedBy="plugins/high-availability"] Allows to synchronize secondary indexes between between two Gerrit instances sharing the same git repositories and database. This plugin is deprecated. The functionality has been merged into task plugin provides a mechanism to manage tasks which need to be performed on changes along with a way to expose and query this information. Tasks are organized hierarchically, and task definitions use Gerrit queries to define which changes each task applies to, and how to define the status criteria for each task. An important use case of the task plugin is to have a common place for CI systems to define which changes they will operate on, and when they will do so.plugins/uploadvalidatorThis plugin allows to configure upload validations per project. Project owners can configure blocked file extensions, required footers and a maximum allowed path length. Pushes of commits that violate these settings are rejected by Gerrit.plugins/verify-statusVerification status plugin to visualize different jobs status that contributed to verify vote.plugins/webhooksThis plugin allows to propagate Gerrit events to remote http endpoints.plugins/websession-brokerPlugs into the builtin Gerrit WebSession implementation and broadcast websessions to an external brokerplugins/websession-flatfileReplaces the builtin Gerrit WebSession implementation with one that uses a flat file based cache.plugins/wip[DEPRECATED] Plugin that allows to mark changes as Work In Progress. *Warning*: As of gerrit 2.15, the support for Work In Progress workflow was added to gerrit core. This plugins is deprecated and is going to be discontinued.plugins/wmf-fixshadowuserplugins/x-docsThis plugin serves Markdown project documentation as HTML pages.plugins/zookeeper-refdbZookeeper-backed reference database plugin.plugins/zuulGerrit Zuul Pluginplugins/zuul-results-summaryAdd a tab that shows a summary of results posted by the Zuul CI system ( zuul status on PolyGerrit changepolymer-bridgesprolog-cafeProlog Cafe: A Prolog-to-Java source-to-source translator systemPublic-PluginsParent project for plugins/*Public-ProjectsParent project enabling Anonymous Users readsummit/2015summit/2016summit/2017Gerrit User Summit 2017summit/2018Gerrit User Summit 2018summit/2019Gerrit User Summit 2019summit/2021Gerrit User Summit 2021summit/2022Gerrit User Summit 2022summit/2023Gerrit User Summit 2023summit/2024Gerrit User Summit 2024TestRepotraining/gerritGerrit related training and info materialtraining/sampleSample project for the exercises of the Git/Gerrit Workshop. This project is reset from time to time to the workshop-start tag. If you want to use this project for the exercises you may also request from the Gerrit maintainers to reset this project.zoektFast trigram based code search Read-only archive of past code reviews. Source of truth for this repo has moved to Git storage powered by Apache ZooKeeperzuul/configzuul/jobszuul/ops