This repository comprises of effectively two separate plugins, owners
and owners-autoassign
They share the ability to parse the same OWNERS file format, which facilitates the maintenance of ACLs, as there is only one source of truth.
For details on how to configure either plugin, please refer to the docs in the specific plugin's folder.
NOTE: A comprehensive introduction to both
has been given as part of the GerritMeets series in Jan 2025.
Here's an introduction to both plugins:
This plugin exposes the has:approval_owners
predicate that can be used with Gerrit's own submit-requirements to ensure that a change has been approved by the relevant users defined in the OWNERS file for the target branch of the change.
This allows the creation of a single repository with multiple nested projects, each potentially, used by different users/teams with different roles depending on the particular path where changes are being proposed. A user can be “owner” in a specific directory, thus influencing the approvals of changes there, but not in others, enabling great flexibility when working on repositories shared by multiple teams.
This plugin parses the same OWNERS file format as the owners plugin. It will automatically assign all of the owners as reviewers to newly created or updated changes. It also allows for completely custom management of the attention set, i.e. allows, via custom integrations, to not add people on holiday to the attention set, or that the same user is not added to too many changes at the same time, etc...
This plugin is built with Bazel and two build modes are supported:
To build the plugin, issue the following command:
bazel build :all
The output is created in
bazel-bin/owners/owners.jar bazel-bin/owners-autoassign/owners-autoassign.jar bazel-bin/owners-api/owners-api.jar
To execute the tests run:
bazel test //...
This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE:
Create symbolic links of the owners and owners-autoassign folders and of the external_plugin_deps.bzl file to the Gerrit source code /plugins directory.
Create a symbolic link of the owners-common plugin to the Gerrit source code directory.
Then build the owners and owners-autoassign plugins with the usual Gerrit plugin compile command.
$ git clone $ git clone $ cd gerrit/plugins $ ln -s ../../owners/owners . $ ln -s ../../owners/owners-autoassign . $ ln -s ../../owners/owners-api . $ ln -sf ../../owners/external_plugin_deps.bzl . $ cd .. $ ln -s ../owners/owners-common . $ bazel build plugins/owners plugins/owners-autoassign
NOTE: the owners-common folder is producing shared artifacts for the two plugins and does not need to be built separately being a direct dependency of the build process. Its resulting .jar must not be installed in gerrit plugins directory.
The output is created in
bazel-bin/plugins/owners/owners.jar bazel-bin/plugins/owners-autoassign/owners-autoassign.jar
To execute the tests run:
bazel test owners-common:test
This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE:
Add the plugin name to the CUSTOM_PLUGINS
(and in case when you want to run tests from the IDE to CUSTOM_PLUGINS_TEST_DEPS
) in Gerrit core in tools/bzl/plugins.bzl
file and run: