Update document
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/rabbitmq/AMQPSession.java b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/rabbitmq/AMQPSession.java
index 8bc72c6..4a9b7ef 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/rabbitmq/AMQPSession.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/rabbitmq/AMQPSession.java
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
             properties.getBoolean(Keys.EXCHANGE_AUTODELETE), null);
         if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(properties.getString(Keys.QUEUE_NAME))) {
-          LOGGER.debug("Bind exchange and queue with key: " + properties.getString(Keys.BIND_ROUTINGKEY));
+          LOGGER.info("Bind exchange and queue with key: " + properties.getString(Keys.BIND_ROUTINGKEY));
               exchangeName, properties.getString(Keys.BIND_ROUTINGKEY));
diff --git a/src/main/resources/Documentation/config.md b/src/main/resources/Documentation/config.md
index 50eb13e..f7c73c7 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/Documentation/config.md
+++ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/config.md
@@ -5,25 +5,35 @@
-    uri = amqp://www.foobar.com:5672
+    uri = amqp://localhost
     username = guest
     password = guest
-    queue = gerrit-queue
-    exchange = direct-gerrit-exchange
+  [queue]
+    name = gerrit-queue
+    durable = true
+    autoDelete = false
+    exclusive = false
+  [exchange]
+    name = exchange-for-gerrit-queue
+    type = fanout
+    durable = true
+    autoDelete = false
+  [bind]
+    routingKey = com.foobar.www.gerrit
+  [message]
+    deliveryMode = 1
+    priority = 0
     routingKey = com.foobar.www.gerrit
     name = foobar-gerrit
     hostname = www.foobar.com
     scheme = ssh
     port = 24918
-  [message]
-    deliveryMode = 1
-    priority = 0
     interval = 15000
 :   The URI of RabbitMQ server's endpoint. If not specified,
     defaults to "amqp://localhost".
@@ -35,23 +45,48 @@
 :   Password for RabbitMQ connection authentication. If not
     specified, defaults to "guest".
-:   The name of queue. If specified, this queue is declared to RabbitMQ.
-    Also the unique exchange is declated with `direct` type (or `fanout`
-    type if `amqp.routingKey` is not specified). Then bind queue
-    from this exchange.
-    +
-    Note that `amqp.exchange` is ignored.
+:   The name of queue. You must set this property if you want to publish message.
-:   The name of exchange. This is used when `amqp.queue` is not specified.
-    The named exchange is not created. It means that it would be failure
-    if named exchange is not exist in RabbitMQ.
+:   true if you want to declare a drable queue. If not specified, defaults to true.
-:   The name of routing key. if not specified, defaults to the same as plugin name.
+:   true if you want to declare an autodelete queue. If not specified, defaults to false.
+:   true if you want to declare an exclusive queue. If not specified, defaults to false.
+:   The name of exchange. If not specified, defaults to "exchange-for-*queue.name*".
+:   The type of exchange. You can specify the following value:
+     * "direct"
+     * "fanout"
+     * "topic"
+:   true if you want to declare a durable exchange. If not specified, defaults to true.
+:   true if you want to declare an autodelete exchange. If not specified, defaults to false.
+:   The name of routing key. This is used to bind queue to exchange. If not specified, defaults to "".
+:   The delivery mode. if not specified, defaults to 1.
+    * 1 - non-persistent
+    * 2 - persistent
+:   The priority of message. if not specified, defaults to 0.
+:   The name of routingKey. This is stored to message property. If not specified, defaults to "".
 :   The name of gerrit(not hostname). This is your given name to identify your gerrit.
     This can be used for message header only.
@@ -69,14 +104,6 @@
     If not specified, defaults to 29418.
     This can be used for message header only.
-:   The delivery mode. if not specified, defaults to 1.
-    * 1 - non-persistent
-    * 2 - persistent
-:   The priority of message. if not specified, defaults to 0.
 :   The interval time in milliseconds for connection monitor.
     If not specified, defaults to 15000.