RabbitMQ Configuration

Some parameters can be configured in the plugin config file rabbitmq.config.

    uri = amqp://localhost
    username = guest
    password = guest
    name = gerrit-queue
    durable = true
    autoDelete = false
    exclusive = false
    name = exchange-for-gerrit-queue
    type = fanout
    durable = true
    autoDelete = false
    routingKey = com.foobar.www.gerrit
    deliveryMode = 1
    priority = 0
    routingKey = com.foobar.www.gerrit
    name = foobar-gerrit
    hostname = www.foobar.com
    scheme = ssh
    port = 24918
    interval = 15000

amqp.uri : The URI of RabbitMQ server's endpoint. If not specified, defaults to “amqp://localhost”.

amqp.username : Username for RabbitMQ connection authentication. If not specified, defaults to “guest”.

amqp.password : Password for RabbitMQ connection authentication. If not specified, defaults to “guest”.

queue.name : The name of queue. You must set this property if you want to publish message.

queue.durable : true if you want to declare a drable queue. If not specified, defaults to true.

queue.autoDelete : true if you want to declare an autodelete queue. If not specified, defaults to false.

queue.exclusive : true if you want to declare an exclusive queue. If not specified, defaults to false.

exchange.name : The name of exchange. If not specified, defaults to “exchange-for-queue.name”.

exchange.type : The type of exchange. You can specify the following value: * “direct” * “fanout” * “topic”

exchange.durable : true if you want to declare a durable exchange. If not specified, defaults to true.

exchange.autoDelete : true if you want to declare an autodelete exchange. If not specified, defaults to false.

bind.routingKey : The name of routing key. This is used to bind queue to exchange. If not specified, defaults to "".

message.deliverMode : The delivery mode. if not specified, defaults to 1. * 1 - non-persistent * 2 - persistent

message.priority : The priority of message. if not specified, defaults to 0.

message.routingKey : The name of routingKey. This is stored to message property. If not specified, defaults to "".

gerrit.name : The name of gerrit(not hostname). This is your given name to identify your gerrit. This can be used for message header only.

gerrit.hostname : The hostname of gerrit for SCM connection. This can be used for message header only.

gerrit.scheme : The scheme of gerrit for SCM connection. If not specified, defaults to “ssh”. This can be used for message header only.

gerrit.port : The port number of gerrit for SCM connection. If not specified, defaults to 29418. This can be used for message header only.

monitor.interval : The interval time in milliseconds for connection monitor. If not specified, defaults to 15000. You can specify the value more than 5000.