Mirror repos from other servers using the Git protocol

Clone this repo:
  1. b9cba77 Merge branch 'stable-3.11' by Luca Milanesio · 3 days ago master
  2. 801d36f Merge branch 'stable-3.10' into stable-3.11 by Luca Milanesio · 3 days ago stable-3.11
  3. 82193b4 FetchOne: consider order of create/delete events when replicating deletions by Luca Milanesio · 3 days ago stable-3.10
  4. bf1d499 Add README.md by Daniele Sassoli · 1 year, 9 months ago
  5. 3d6db5b Consume only relevant stream events by Antonio Barone · 3 weeks ago

Gerrit pull-replication plugin

This plugin can automatically mirror repositories from other systems.


Typically replication should be done over SSH, with a passwordless public/private key pair. On a trusted network it is also possible to use replication over the insecure (but much faster due to no authentication overhead or encryption) git:// protocol, by enabling the upload-pack service on the receiving system, but this configuration is not recommended. It is also possible to specify a local path as replication source. This makes sense if a network share is mounted to which the repositories should be replicated from.


To be allowed to trigger pull replication a user must be a member of a group that is granted the ‘Pull Replication’ capability (provided by this plugin) or the ‘Administrate Server’ capability.

Change Indexing

Changes will be automatically indexed upon replication.

For more information please refer to the docs