| load("//tools/js:eslint.bzl", "plugin_eslint") |
| load("//tools/bzl:js.bzl", "gerrit_js_bundle") |
| load("@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl", "ts_config", "ts_project") |
| |
| package_group( |
| name = "visibility", |
| packages = [ |
| "//plugins", |
| "//plugins/codemirror-editor/...", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| package(default_visibility = [":visibility"]) |
| |
| ts_config( |
| name = "tsconfig", |
| src = "tsconfig.json", |
| deps = [ |
| "//plugins:tsconfig-plugins-base.json", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| ts_project( |
| name = "codemirror-editor-ts", |
| srcs = glob( |
| ["*.ts"], |
| exclude = ["**/*test*"], |
| ), |
| incremental = True, |
| out_dir = "_bazel_ts_out", |
| tsc = "//tools/node_tools:tsc-bin", |
| tsconfig = ":tsconfig", |
| deps = [ |
| "@plugins_npm//@gerritcodereview/typescript-api", |
| "@plugins_npm//lit", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| gerrit_js_bundle( |
| name = "codemirror_editor", |
| srcs = [":codemirror-editor-ts"], |
| entry_point = "_bazel_ts_out/plugin.js", |
| ) |
| |
| ts_project( |
| name = "codemirror-element-ts", |
| srcs = glob( |
| ["element/*.ts"], |
| exclude = ["**/*test*"], |
| ), |
| incremental = True, |
| out_dir = "_bazel_ts_out", |
| tsc = "//tools/node_tools:tsc-bin", |
| tsconfig = ":tsconfig", |
| deps = [ |
| "@plugins_npm//@gerritcodereview/typescript-api", |
| "@plugins_npm//lit", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/autocomplete", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/commands", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-css", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-cpp", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-html", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-java", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-javascript", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-json", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-markdown", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-php", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-python", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-rust", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-sass", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-sql", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lang-xml", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/language", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/language-data", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/legacy-modes", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/lint", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/search", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/state", |
| "@plugins_npm//@codemirror/view", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| gerrit_js_bundle( |
| name = "codemirror_element", |
| srcs = [":codemirror-element-ts"], |
| entry_point = "_bazel_ts_out/element/entry-point.js", |
| ) |
| |
| # These are the test sources for the web-test-runner test in plugins/BUILD. |
| # Run the tests with `bazel test plugins:web-test-runner`. |
| filegroup( |
| name = "codemirror-test-sources", |
| srcs = glob( |
| [ |
| "**/*.ts", |
| "**/tsconfig.json", |
| ], |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| # Run the lint tests with `bazel test plugins/codemirror-editor/web:lint_test`. |
| plugin_eslint() |