blob: 826f99d31ef89ab67c631052071db786170ec2e9 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="gr-checks-item.html">
<test-fixture id="basic">
<template is="dom-template">
suite('gr-checks-item tests', () => {
let element;
let sandbox;
let retryCheckSpy;
setup((done) => {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
retryCheckSpy = sinon.stub();
element = fixture('basic', {
retryCheck: retryCheckSpy,
check: {
checkId: 'test-check-id',
url: '',
started: "2019-02-06T22:25:19.269Z",
finished: "2019-02-06T22:25:44.574Z",
teardown(() => { sandbox.restore(); });
test('renders the status', () => {
const status = element.$$('td:nth-child(4) > gr-checks-status');
test('renders the run time', () => {
const name = element.$$('td:nth-child(6)');
assert.equal(name .textContent.trim(), "11:25:19 PM");
suite('duration', () => {
test('renders the run duration', () => {
const name = element.$$('td:nth-child(7)');
assert.equal(name .textContent.trim(), "25 sec");
test('renders 0 sec when the start and end time are the same', () => {
element.check = {
checkId: 'test-check-id',
url: '',
started: "2019-02-06T22:25:19.269Z",
finished: "2019-02-06T22:25:19.269Z",
const name = element.$$('td:nth-child(7)');
assert.equal(name .textContent.trim(), "0 sec");
test('renders a link to the log', () => {
const logLink = element.$$('td:nth-child(8) > a');
assert.equal(logLink.getAttribute('href'), "");
assert.equal(logLink.textContent.trim(), "View log");
// pausing this check until retry api is available from backend
// suite('retryCheck', () => {
// let retryCheckLink;
// setup(() => {
// retryCheckLink = element.$$('td:nth-child(7) > gr-button');
// });
// test('shows a link to the retry button', () => {
// assert.equal(retryCheckLink.textContent.trim(), "Re-run");
// });
// test('clicking on the link calls the retryCheck property', () => {
// assert.isFalse(retryCheckSpy.called);
// assert.isTrue(retryCheckSpy.called);
// });
// });