Update documentation

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+# Gerrit Verify Status Plugin
+A typical Gerrit installation contains integration with an automated
+testing system that evaluates patchsets and reports results to Gerrit.
+The only way for a Continous Integration system to report results to
+Gerrit is by posting a review as a comment. The problem with this
+workflow is that automated reviews and human reviews are stored as
+one piece of data (comments). Human reviews are inherently different
+than automated reviews. Human reviews have more meaning to other human
+reviewers, it serves as a conversation between people that are reviewing
+the change and thus it is typically given higher priority over automated
+reviews. Comments provide a great forum to discuss a change however when
+robots clutter that forum it overwhelms human reviewers and thus impedes
+the discussion. Robots should have a separate feedback channel so that
+the data can be easily queried, viewed and analyzed independently from
+human comments.
+This is where the verify-status plugin may help. It creates a separate
+“verify-status” channel for automated systems to report test results.
+It provides a set of SSH commands and REST endpoints allowing easy
+integration with any CI system. It allows the verify-status data to be
+stored in the Gerrit database or on a completely separate database.
+It provides a set of UI components to view the data independent of
+Gerrit comments. Lastly there's even a Jenkins plugin (Gerrit verify
+status reporter) that will publish test results to gerrit using this
+new communications channel.
+More information about this plugin can be found in the documentation.
+Additionally the Gerrit verify status reporter plugin provides a
+[quick start guide] that has a complete set of instructions on
+how to integrate Gerrit verify status with Jenkins.
+[quick start guide]: https://github.com/jenkinsci/gerrit-verify-status-reporter-plugin
diff --git a/src/main/resources/Documentation/about.md b/src/main/resources/Documentation/about.md
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+++ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/about.md
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 Any CI system can be used with the @PLUGIN@ plugin.
 A typical workflow:
-1. CI system triggers on a new patchset.
+1. CI system triggers on a new patchset, ref update or comment.
 2. CI system executes build jobs.
-3. CI system reports build job results with the @PLUGIN@
+3. CI system reports test results with the @PLUGIN@
 [ssh command](cmd-save.md) or [rest-api](rest-api-changes.md).
-4. CI system reports a combined `Verfiied` vote based on the results of each job
-using the review [ssh command](../../../Documentation/cmd-review.html) or
-[rest api](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#set-review).
+4. CI system reports a combined `Verified` vote based on the results of each job
+using the [review ssh command](../../../Documentation/cmd-review.html) or
+[review rest api](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#set-review).
 5. Users can view per patch job results on Gerrit UI or retrieve the results
 using the @PLUGIN@ rest api.
-_NOTE_: The [verify-status-reporter] plugin documentation contains specific
-instructions on setting up this workflow with the Jenkins CI system.
+_NOTE_: The Jenkins [Gerrit verify status reporter plugin] documentation
+contains specific instructions on setting up this workflow with the
+Jenkins CI system.
 ### <a id="change-screen"></a>
@@ -106,4 +107,4 @@
 [Jenkins]: https://jenkins.io
-[verify-status-reporter]: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Verify+Status+Reporter
+[Gerrit verify status reporter plugin]: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gerrit+Verify+Status+Reporter+Plugin