Merge branch 'stable-3.3'

* stable-3.3:
  Fixup! Merge branch 'stable-3.2' into stable-3.3
  enable google Javascript formatter

Change-Id: If72fb4e6c0e993675363d5832af82eff68b1cbf6
diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68c4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c290fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+  "extends": [
+      "eslint:recommended",
+      "google"
+  ],
+  "parserOptions": {
+      "ecmaVersion": 8,
+      "sourceType": "module"
+  },
+  "env": {
+      "browser": true,
+      "es6": true
+  },
+  "globals": {
+      "__dirname": false,
+      "app": false,
+      "page": false,
+      "Polymer": false,
+      "process": false,
+      "require": false,
+      "Gerrit": false,
+      "Promise": false,
+      "assert": false,
+      "test": false,
+      "flushAsynchronousOperations": false
+  },
+  "rules": {
+      "arrow-parens": [
+          "error",
+          "as-needed"
+      ],
+      "block-spacing": [
+          "error",
+          "always"
+      ],
+      "brace-style": [
+          "error",
+          "1tbs",
+          {
+              "allowSingleLine": true
+          }
+      ],
+      "camelcase": "off",
+      "comma-dangle": [
+          "error",
+          {
+              "arrays": "always-multiline",
+              "objects": "always-multiline",
+              "imports": "always-multiline",
+              "exports": "always-multiline",
+              "functions": "never"
+          }
+      ],
+      "eol-last": "off",
+      "indent": [
+          "error",
+          2,
+          {
+              "MemberExpression": 2,
+              "FunctionDeclaration": {
+                  "body": 1,
+                  "parameters": 2
+              },
+              "FunctionExpression": {
+                  "body": 1,
+                  "parameters": 2
+              },
+              "CallExpression": {
+                  "arguments": 2
+              },
+              "ArrayExpression": 1,
+              "ObjectExpression": 1,
+              "SwitchCase": 1
+          }
+      ],
+      "keyword-spacing": [
+          "error",
+          {
+              "after": true,
+              "before": true
+          }
+      ],
+      "lines-between-class-members": [
+          "error",
+          "always"
+      ],
+      "max-len": [
+          "error",
+          80,
+          2,
+          {
+              "ignoreComments": true,
+              "ignorePattern": "^import .*;$"
+          }
+      ],
+      "new-cap": [
+          "error",
+          {
+              "capIsNewExceptions": [
+                  "Polymer",
+                  "LegacyElementMixin",
+                  "GestureEventListeners",
+                  "LegacyDataMixin"
+              ]
+          }
+      ],
+      "no-console": "off",
+      "no-multiple-empty-lines": [
+          "error",
+          {
+              "max": 1
+          }
+      ],
+      "no-prototype-builtins": "off",
+      "no-redeclare": "off",
+      "no-restricted-syntax": [
+          "error",
+          {
+              "selector": "ExpressionStatement > CallExpression > MemberExpression['test']['only']",
+              "message": "Remove test.only."
+          },
+          {
+              "selector": "ExpressionStatement > CallExpression > MemberExpression['suite']['only']",
+              "message": "Remove suite.only."
+          }
+      ],
+      "no-undef": "off",
+      "no-useless-escape": "off",
+      "no-var": "error",
+      "object-shorthand": [
+          "error",
+          "always"
+      ],
+      "padding-line-between-statements": [
+          "error",
+          {
+              "blankLine": "always",
+              "prev": "class",
+              "next": "*"
+          },
+          {
+              "blankLine": "always",
+              "prev": "*",
+              "next": "class"
+          }
+      ],
+      "prefer-arrow-callback": "error",
+      "prefer-const": "error",
+      "prefer-spread": "error",
+      "quote-props": [
+          "error",
+          "consistent-as-needed"
+      ],
+      "require-jsdoc": "off",
+      "semi": [
+          2,
+          "always"
+      ],
+      "template-curly-spacing": "error",
+      "valid-jsdoc": "off",
+      "require-jsdoc": 0,
+      "valid-jsdoc": 0,
+      "jsdoc/check-alignment": 2,
+      "jsdoc/check-examples": 0,
+      "jsdoc/check-indentation": 0,
+      "jsdoc/check-param-names": 0,
+      "jsdoc/check-syntax": 0,
+      "jsdoc/check-tag-names": 0,
+      "jsdoc/check-types": 0,
+      "jsdoc/implements-on-classes": 2,
+      "jsdoc/match-description": 0,
+      "jsdoc/newline-after-description": 2,
+      "jsdoc/no-types": 0,
+      "jsdoc/no-undefined-types": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-description": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-example": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-jsdoc": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-param": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-param-description": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-param-name": 2,
+      "jsdoc/require-param-type": 2,
+      "jsdoc/require-returns": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-returns-check": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-returns-description": 0,
+      "jsdoc/require-returns-type": 2,
+      "jsdoc/valid-types": 2,
+      "jsdoc/require-file-overview": [
+          "error",
+          {
+              "tags": {
+                  "license": {
+                      "mustExist": true,
+                      "preventDuplicates": true
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+      ],
+      "import/named": 2,
+      "import/no-unresolved": 2,
+      "import/no-self-import": 2,
+      // The no-cycle rule is slow, because it doesn't cache dependencies.
+      // Disable it.
+      "import/no-cycle": 0,
+      "import/no-useless-path-segments": 2,
+      "import/no-unused-modules": 2,
+      "import/no-default-export": 2
+  },
+  "plugins": [
+      "html",
+      "jsdoc",
+      "import"
+  ],
+  "settings": {
+      "html/report-bad-indent": "error"
+  },
+  "overrides": [
+      {
+          "files": [
+              "*_html.js",
+              "*-styles.js",
+              "externs.js"
+          ],
+          "rules": {
+              "max-len": "off"
+          }
+      },
+      {
+          "files": [
+              "*.html"
+          ],
+          "rules": {
+              "jsdoc/require-file-overview": "off"
+          }
+      }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.zuul.yaml b/.zuul.yaml
index e95b300..118ec6a 100644
--- a/.zuul.yaml
+++ b/.zuul.yaml
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
     parent: gerrit-plugin-build
+    vars:
+        bazelisk_test_targets: "plugins/task/lint_test plugins/task/..."
 - project:
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index 58f5464..ea5fe6f 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 load("//tools/bzl:plugin.bzl", "gerrit_plugin")
 load("//tools/bzl:js.bzl", "gerrit_js_bundle")
+load("//tools/js:eslint.bzl", "eslint")
 plugin_name = "task"
@@ -31,3 +31,22 @@
     data = [plugin_name] + glob(["test/**"]),
     local = True,
+    name = "lint",
+    srcs = glob([
+        "gr-task-plugin/**/*.js",
+    ]),
+    config = ".eslintrc.json",
+    data = [],
+    extensions = [
+        ".js",
+    ],
+    ignore = ".eslintignore",
+    plugins = [
+        "@npm//eslint-config-google",
+        "@npm//eslint-plugin-html",
+        "@npm//eslint-plugin-import",
+        "@npm//eslint-plugin-jsdoc",
+    ],
index 866c8df..c217ecf 100644
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 load("//:bazlets.bzl", "load_bazlets")
-    commit = "7ff4605f48db148197675a0d2ea41ee07cb72fd3",
+    commit = "6ebb3cfa1332a0dc0d2b7ea904a4703656f2ba54",
     #local_path = "/home/<user>/projects/bazlets",
diff --git a/gr-task-plugin/.eslintrc.json b/gr-task-plugin/.eslintrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d3dae..0000000
--- a/gr-task-plugin/.eslintrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-  "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "google"],
-  "parserOptions": {
-    "ecmaVersion": 8
-  },
-  "env": {
-    "browser": true,
-    "es6": true
-  },
-  "globals": {
-    "__dirname": false,
-    "app": false,
-    "page": false,
-    "Polymer": false,
-    "process": false,
-    "require": false,
-    "Gerrit": false,
-    "Promise": false,
-    "assert": false,
-    "test": false,
-    "flushAsynchronousOperations": false
-  },
-  "rules": {
-    "arrow-parens": ["error", "as-needed"],
-    "block-spacing": ["error", "always"],
-    "brace-style": ["error", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }],
-    "camelcase": "off",
-    "comma-dangle": ["error", "always-multiline"],
-    "eol-last": "off",
-    "indent": "off",
-    "indent-legacy": ["error", 2, {
-      "MemberExpression": 2,
-      "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2},
-      "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2},
-      "CallExpression": {"arguments": 2},
-      "ArrayExpression": 1,
-      "ObjectExpression": 1,
-      "SwitchCase": 1
-    }],
-    "keyword-spacing": ["error", { "after": true, "before": true }],
-    "max-len": [
-      "error",
-      80,
-      2,
-      {"ignoreComments": true}
-    ],
-    "new-cap": ["error", { "capIsNewExceptions": ["Polymer"] }],
-    "no-console": "off",
-    "no-restricted-syntax": [
-      "error",
-      {
-        "selector": "ExpressionStatement > CallExpression > MemberExpression['test']['only']",
-        "message": "Remove test.only."
-      },
-      {
-        "selector": "ExpressionStatement > CallExpression > MemberExpression['suite']['only']",
-        "message": "Remove suite.only."
-      }
-    ],
-    "no-undef": "off",
-    "no-useless-escape": "off",
-    "no-var": "error",
-    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always"],
-    "prefer-arrow-callback": "error",
-    "prefer-const": "error",
-    "prefer-promise-reject-errors": "off",
-    "prefer-spread": "error",
-    "quote-props": ["error", "consistent-as-needed"],
-    "require-jsdoc": "off",
-    "semi": [2, "always"],
-    "template-curly-spacing": "error",
-    "valid-jsdoc": "off"
-  },
-  "plugins": [
-    "html"
-  ],
-  "settings": {
-    "html/report-bad-indent": "error"
-  }
diff --git a/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin-tasks.js b/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin-tasks.js
index dbbbdbc..54585d1 100644
--- a/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin-tasks.js
+++ b/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin-tasks.js
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
+ * @license
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
 import {htmlTemplate} from './gr-task-plugin-tasks_html.js';
diff --git a/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin.js b/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin.js
index 1cfe322..34fa467 100644
--- a/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin.js
+++ b/gr-task-plugin/gr-task-plugin.js
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
+ * @license
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
 import './gr-task-plugin-tasks.js';
diff --git a/gr-task-plugin/plugin.js b/gr-task-plugin/plugin.js
index 19f0fb7..59d05b0 100644
--- a/gr-task-plugin/plugin.js
+++ b/gr-task-plugin/plugin.js
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@
 Gerrit.install(plugin => {
-    'change-view-integration', 'gr-task-plugin');
+      'change-view-integration', 'gr-task-plugin');
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index fe63184..ff90a5b 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
     "eslint": "^6.6.0",
     "eslint-config-google": "^0.13.0",
     "eslint-plugin-html": "^6.0.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.20.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-jsdoc": "^19.2.0",
     "rollup": "^2.45.2",
     "terser": "^5.6.1"
diff --git a/tools/js/BUILD b/tools/js/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fa2160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/js/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Empty file - bazel treat directories with BUILD file as a package
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/js/eslint.bzl b/tools/js/eslint.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d3f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/js/eslint.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+    "@com_googlesource_gerrit_bazlets//tools/js:eslint.bzl",
+    _eslint = "eslint",
+eslint = _eslint
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index c199d3a..0bdc3f3 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-dpWHn1Iu+w0uA/kvPb0pP+4Io0PrVuzCCbVg2Ow4uRt/gTFKQJJWp4EiTitEZlPA2dHlW7PHThAb93lGo2c8qA==
+  version "0.0.29"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-7ihweulOEdK4J7y+UnC86n8+ce4=
   version "5.3.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -91,6 +96,26 @@
     sprintf-js "~1.0.2"
+  version "3.1.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-gcem1KlBU7c9rB+Rq8/3PPKsK2kjqeEBa3bD5kkQo4nYlOHQCJqIJFqBXDEfwaRuYTT4E+FxA9xez7Gf/e3Q7A==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    define-properties "^1.1.3"
+    es-abstract "^1.18.0-next.2"
+    get-intrinsic "^1.1.1"
+    is-string "^1.0.5"
+  version "1.2.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-4470Xi3GAPAjZqFcljX2xzckv1qeKPizoNkiS0+O4IoPR2ZNpcjE0pkhdihlDouK+x6QOast26B4Q/O9DJnwSg==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.0"
+    define-properties "^1.1.3"
+    es-abstract "^1.18.0-next.1"
   version "1.0.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -114,6 +139,14 @@
   resolved ""
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+call-bind@^1.0.0, call-bind@^1.0.2:
+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-7O+FbCihrB5WGbFYesctwmTKae6rOiIzmz1icreWJ+0aA7LJfuqhEso2T9ncpcFtzMQtzXf2QGGueWJGTYsqrA==
+  dependencies:
+    function-bind "^1.1.1"
+    get-intrinsic "^1.0.2"
   version "3.1.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -182,6 +215,11 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-GpVkmM8vF2vQUkj2LvZmD35JxeJOLCwJ9cUkugyk2nuhbv3+mJvpLYYt+0+USMxE+oj+ey/lJEnhZw75x/OMcQ==
+  version "0.7.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-GKNxVA7/iuTnAqGADlTWX4tkhzxZKXp5fLJqKTlQLHkE65XDUKutZ3BHaJC5IGcper2tT3QRD1xr4o3jNpgXXg==
   version "0.0.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -198,6 +236,20 @@
     shebang-command "^1.2.0"
     which "^1.2.9"
+  version "2.6.9"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-bC7ElrdJaJnPbAP+1EotYvqZsb3ecl5wi6Bfi6BJTUcNowp6cvspg0jXznRTKDjm/E7AdgFBVeAPVMNcKGsHMA==
+  dependencies:
+    ms "2.0.0"
+  version "3.2.7"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-CFjzYYAi4ThfiQvizrFQevTTXHtnCqWfe7x1AhgEscTz6ZbLbfoLRLPugTQyBth6f8ZERVUSyWHFD/7Wu4t1XQ==
+  dependencies:
+    ms "^2.1.1"
   version "4.3.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -205,11 +257,32 @@
     ms "2.1.2"
+  version "4.3.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-mOp8wKcvj7XxC78zLgw/ZA+6TSgkoE2C/ienthhRD298T7UNwAg9diBpLRxC0mOezLl4B0xV7M0cCO6P/O0Xhw==
+  dependencies:
+    ms "2.1.2"
   version "0.1.3"
   resolved ""
   integrity sha1-s2nW+128E+7PUk+RsHD+7cNXzzQ=
+  version "1.1.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-3MqfYKj2lLzdMSf8ZIZE/V+Zuy+BgD6f164e8K2w7dgnpKArBDerGYpM46IYYcjnkdPNMjPk9A6VFB8+3SKlXQ==
+  dependencies:
+    object-keys "^1.0.12"
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-35mSku4ZXK0vfCuHEDAwt55dg2jNajHZ1odvF+8SSr82EsZY4QmXfuWso8oEd8zRhVObSN18aM0CjSdoBX7zIw==
+  dependencies:
+    esutils "^2.0.2"
   version "3.0.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -262,6 +335,46 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-p92if5Nz619I0w+akJrLZH0MX0Pb5DX39XOwQTtXSdQQOaYH03S1uIQp4mhOZtAXrxq4ViO67YTiLBo2638o9A==
+  version "1.3.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-7dFHNmqeFSEt2ZBsCriorKnn3Z2pj+fd9kmI6QoWw4//DL+icEBfc0U7qJCisqrTsKTjw4fNFy2pW9OqStD84g==
+  dependencies:
+    is-arrayish "^0.2.1"
+es-abstract@^1.18.0-next.1, es-abstract@^1.18.0-next.2, es-abstract@^1.18.2:
+  version "1.18.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-kAeIT4cku5eNLNuUKhlmtuk1/TRZvQoYccn6TO0cSVdf1kzB0T7+dYuVK9MWM7l+/53W2Q8M7N2c6MQvhXFcUQ==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    es-to-primitive "^1.2.1"
+    function-bind "^1.1.1"
+    get-intrinsic "^1.1.1"
+    get-symbol-description "^1.0.0"
+    has "^1.0.3"
+    has-symbols "^1.0.2"
+    internal-slot "^1.0.3"
+    is-callable "^1.2.4"
+    is-negative-zero "^2.0.1"
+    is-regex "^1.1.4"
+    is-string "^1.0.7"
+    object-inspect "^1.11.0"
+    object-keys "^1.1.1"
+    object.assign "^4.1.2"
+    string.prototype.trimend "^1.0.4"
+    string.prototype.trimstart "^1.0.4"
+    unbox-primitive "^1.0.1"
+  version "1.2.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-QCOllgZJtaUo9miYBcLChTUaHNjJF3PYs1VidD7AwiEj1kYxKeQTctLAezAOH5ZKRH0g2IgPn6KwB4IT8iRpvA==
+  dependencies:
+    is-callable "^1.1.4"
+    is-date-object "^1.0.1"
+    is-symbol "^1.0.2"
   version "1.0.5"
   resolved ""
@@ -272,6 +385,22 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-ELgMdOIpn0CFdsQS+FuxO+Ttu4p+aLaXHv9wA9yVnzqlUGV7oN/eRRnJekk7TCur6Cu2FXX0fqfIXRBaM14lpQ==
+  version "0.3.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-0En0w03NRVMn9Uiyn8YRPDKvWjxCWkslUEhGNTdGx15RvPJYQ+lbOlqrlNI2vEAs4pDYK4f/HN2TbDmk5TP0iw==
+  dependencies:
+    debug "^3.2.7"
+    resolve "^1.20.0"
+  version "2.6.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-QG8pcgThYOuqxupd06oYTZoNOGaUdTY1PqK+oS6ElF6vs4pBdk/aYxFVQQXzcrAqp9m7cl7lb2ubazX+g16k2Q==
+  dependencies:
+    debug "^3.2.7"
+    pkg-dir "^2.0.0"
   version "6.1.2"
   resolved ""
@@ -279,6 +408,41 @@
     htmlparser2 "^6.0.1"
+  version "2.24.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-hNVtyhiEtZmpsabL4neEj+6M5DCLgpYyG9nzJY8lZQeQXEn5UPW1DpUdsMHMXsq98dbNm7nt1w9ZMSVpfJdi8Q==
+  dependencies:
+    array-includes "^3.1.3"
+    array.prototype.flat "^1.2.4"
+    debug "^2.6.9"
+    doctrine "^2.1.0"
+    eslint-import-resolver-node "^0.3.6"
+    eslint-module-utils "^2.6.2"
+    find-up "^2.0.0"
+    has "^1.0.3"
+    is-core-module "^2.6.0"
+    minimatch "^3.0.4"
+    object.values "^1.1.4"
+    pkg-up "^2.0.0"
+    read-pkg-up "^3.0.0"
+    resolve "^1.20.0"
+    tsconfig-paths "^3.11.0"
+  version "19.2.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-QdNifBFLXCDGdy+26RXxcrqzEZarFWNybCZQVqJQYEYPlxd6lm+LPkrs6mCOhaGc2wqC6zqpedBQFX8nQJuKSw==
+  dependencies:
+    comment-parser "^0.7.2"
+    debug "^4.1.1"
+    jsdoctypeparser "^6.1.0"
+    lodash "^4.17.15"
+    object.entries-ponyfill "^1.0.1"
+    regextras "^0.7.0"
+    semver "^6.3.0"
+    spdx-expression-parse "^3.0.0"
   version "5.1.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -423,6 +587,13 @@
     flat-cache "^2.0.1"
+find-up@^2.0.0, find-up@^2.1.0:
+  version "2.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-RdG35QbHF93UgndaK3eSCjwMV6c=
+  dependencies:
+    locate-path "^2.0.0"
   version "2.0.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -447,11 +618,33 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-xiqMQR4xAeHTuB9uWm+fFRcIOgKBMiOBP+eXiyT7jsgVCq1bkVygt00oASowB7EdtpOHaaPgKt812P9ab+DDKA==
+  version "1.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-yIovAzMX49sF8Yl58fSCWJ5svSLuaibPxXQJFLmBObTuCr0Mf1KiPopGM9NiFjiYBCbfaa2Fh6breQ6ANVTI0A==
   version "1.0.1"
   resolved ""
   integrity sha1-GwqzvVU7Kg1jmdKcDj6gslIHgyc=
+get-intrinsic@^1.0.2, get-intrinsic@^1.1.0, get-intrinsic@^1.1.1:
+  version "1.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-kWZrnVM42QCiEA2Ig1bG8zjoIMOgxWwYCEeNdwY6Tv/cOSeGpcoX4pXHfKUxNKVoArnrEr2e9srnAxxGIraS9Q==
+  dependencies:
+    function-bind "^1.1.1"
+    has "^1.0.3"
+    has-symbols "^1.0.1"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-2EmdH1YvIQiZpltCNgkuiUnyukzxM/R6NDJX31Ke3BG1Nq5b0S2PhX59UKi9vZpPDQVdqn+1IcaAwnzTT5vCjw==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    get-intrinsic "^1.1.1"
   version "5.1.2"
   resolved ""
@@ -478,6 +671,16 @@
     type-fest "^0.8.1"
+  version "4.2.8"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-qkIilPUYcNhJpd33n0GBXTB1MMPp14TxEsEs0pTrsSVucApsYzW5V+Q8Qxhik6KU3evy+qkAAowTByymK0avdg==
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-LSBS2LjbNBTf6287JEbEzvJgftkF5qFkmCo9hDRpAzKhUOlJ+hx8dd4USs00SgsUNwc4617J9ki5YtEClM2ffA==
   version "3.0.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -488,6 +691,30 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-EykJT/Q1KjTWctppgIAgfSO0tKVuZUjhgMr17kqTumMl6Afv3EISleU7qZUzoXDFTAHTDC4NOoG/ZxU3EvlMPQ==
+has-symbols@^1.0.1, has-symbols@^1.0.2:
+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-chXa79rL/UC2KlX17jo3vRGz0azaWEx5tGqZg5pO3NUyEJVB17dMruQlzCCOfUvElghKcm5194+BCRvi2Rv/Gw==
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-kFjcSNhnlGV1kyoGk7OXKSawH5JOb/LzUc5w9B02hOTO0dfFRjbHQKvg1d6cf3HbeUmtU9VbbV3qzZ2Teh97WQ==
+  dependencies:
+    has-symbols "^1.0.2"
+  version "1.0.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-f2dvO0VU6Oej7RkWJGrehjbzMAjFp5/VKPp5tTpWIV4JHHZK1/BxbFRtf/siA2SWTe09caDmVtYYzWEIbBS4zw==
+  dependencies:
+    function-bind "^1.1.1"
+  version "2.8.9"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-mxIDAb9Lsm6DoOJ7xH+5+X4y1LU/4Hi50L9C5sIswK3JzULS4bwk1FvjdBgvYR4bzT4tuUQiC15FE2f5HbLvYw==
   version "6.1.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -555,6 +782,54 @@
     strip-ansi "^6.0.0"
     through "^2.3.6"
+  version "1.0.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-O0DB1JC/sPyZl7cIo78n5dR7eUSwwpYPiXRhTzNxZVAMUuB8vlnRFyLxdrVToks6XPLVnFfbzaVd5WLjhgg+vA==
+  dependencies:
+    get-intrinsic "^1.1.0"
+    has "^1.0.3"
+    side-channel "^1.0.4"
+  version "0.2.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-d8mYQFJ6qOyxqLppe4BkWnqSap0=
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-zB9CruMamjym81i2JZ3UMn54PKGsQzsJeo6xvN3HJJ4CAsQNB6iRutp2To77OfCNuoxspsIhzaPoO1zyCEhFOg==
+  dependencies:
+    has-bigints "^1.0.1"
+  version "1.1.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-gDYaKHJmnj4aWxyj6YHyXVpdQawtVLHU5cb+eztPGczf6cjuTdwve5ZIEfgXqH4e57An1D1AKf8CZ3kYrQRqYA==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    has-tostringtag "^1.0.0"
+is-callable@^1.1.4, is-callable@^1.2.4:
+  version "1.2.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-nsuwtxZfMX67Oryl9LCQ+upnC0Z0BgpwntpS89m1H/TLF0zNfzfLMV/9Wa/6MZsj0acpEjAO0KF1xT6ZdLl95w==
+is-core-module@^2.2.0, is-core-module@^2.6.0:
+  version "2.6.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-wShG8vs60jKfPWpF2KZRaAtvt3a20OAn7+IJ6hLPECpSABLcKtFKTTI4ZtH5QcBruBHlq+WsdHWyz0BCZW7svQ==
+  dependencies:
+    has "^1.0.3"
+  version "1.0.5"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-9YQaSxsAiSwcvS33MBk3wTCVnWK+HhF8VZR2jRxehM16QcVOdHqPn4VPHmRK4lSr38n9JriurInLcP90xsYNfQ==
+  dependencies:
+    has-tostringtag "^1.0.0"
   version "2.1.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -577,6 +852,40 @@
     is-extglob "^2.1.1"
+  version "2.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-2z6JzQvZRa9A2Y7xC6dQQm4FSTSTNWjKIYYTt4246eMTJmIo0Q+ZyOsU66X8lxK1AbB92dFeglPLrhwpeRKO6w==
+  version "1.0.6"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-bEVOqiRcvo3zO1+G2lVMy+gkkEm9Yh7cDMRusKKu5ZJKPUYSJwICTKZrNKHA2EbSP0Tu0+6B/emsYNHZyn6K8g==
+  dependencies:
+    has-tostringtag "^1.0.0"
+  version "1.1.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-kvRdxDsxZjhzUX07ZnLydzS1TU/TJlTUHHY4YLL87e37oUA49DfkLqgy+VjFocowy29cKvcSiu+kIv728jTTVg==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    has-tostringtag "^1.0.0"
+is-string@^1.0.5, is-string@^1.0.7:
+  version "1.0.7"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-tE2UXzivje6ofPW7l23cjDOMa09gb7xlAqG6jG5ej6uPV32TlWP3NKPigtaGeHNu9fohccRYvIiZMfOOnOYUtg==
+  dependencies:
+    has-tostringtag "^1.0.0"
+is-symbol@^1.0.2, is-symbol@^1.0.3:
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-C/CPBqKWnvdcxqIARxyOh4v1UUEOCHpgDa0WYgpKDFMszcrPcffg5uhwSgPCLD2WWxmq6isisz87tzT01tuGhg==
+  dependencies:
+    has-symbols "^1.0.2"
   version "2.0.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -595,6 +904,16 @@
     argparse "^1.0.7"
     esprima "^4.0.0"
+  version "6.1.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-UCQBZ3xCUBv/PLfwKAJhp6jmGOSLFNKzrotXGNgbKhWvz27wPsCsVeP7gIcHPElQw2agBmynAitXqhxR58XAmA==
+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-mrqyZKfX5EhL7hvqcV6WG1yYjnjeuYDzDhhcAAUrq8Po85NBQBJP+ZDUT75qZQ98IkUoBqdkExkukOU7Ts2wrw==
   version "0.4.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -605,6 +924,13 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha1-nbe1lJatPzz+8wp1FC0tkwrXJlE=
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-aKS4WQjPenRxiQsC93MNfjx+nbF4PAdYzmd/1JIj8HYzqfbu86beTuNgXDzPknWk0n0uARlyewZo4s++ES36Ow==
+  dependencies:
+    minimist "^1.2.0"
 levn@^0.3.0, levn@~0.3.0:
   version "0.3.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -613,7 +939,25 @@
     prelude-ls "~1.1.2"
     type-check "~0.3.2"
-lodash@^4.17.14, lodash@^4.17.19:
+  version "4.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-L19Fq5HjMhYjT9U62rZo607AmTs=
+  dependencies:
+    graceful-fs "^4.1.2"
+    parse-json "^4.0.0"
+    pify "^3.0.0"
+    strip-bom "^3.0.0"
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-K1aLJl7slExtnA3pw9u7ygNUzY4=
+  dependencies:
+    p-locate "^2.0.0"
+    path-exists "^3.0.0"
+lodash@^4.17.14, lodash@^4.17.15, lodash@^4.17.19:
   version "4.17.21"
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-v2kDEe57lecTulaDIuNTPy3Ry4gLGJ6Z1O3vE1krgXZNrsQ+LFTGHVxVjcXPs17LhbZVGedAJv8XZ1tvj5FvSg==
@@ -630,7 +974,7 @@
     brace-expansion "^1.1.7"
+minimist@^1.2.0, minimist@^1.2.5:
   version "1.2.5"
   resolved ""
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@@ -642,11 +986,21 @@
     minimist "^1.2.5"
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-VgiurfwAvmwpAd9fmGF4jeDVl8g=
   version "2.1.2"
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w==
+  version "2.1.3"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA==
   version "0.0.8"
   resolved ""
@@ -662,6 +1016,50 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-1nh45deeb5olNY7eX82BkPO7SSxR5SSYJiPTrTdFUVYwAl8CKMA5N9PjTYkHiRjisVcxcQ1HXdLhx2qxxJzLNQ==
+  version "2.5.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-/5CMN3T0R4XTj4DcGaexo+roZSdSFW/0AOOTROrjxzCG1wrWXEsGbRKevjlIL+ZDE4sZlJr5ED4YW0yqmkK+eA==
+  dependencies:
+    hosted-git-info "^2.1.4"
+    resolve "^1.10.0"
+    semver "2 || 3 || 4 || 5"
+    validate-npm-package-license "^3.0.1"
+object-inspect@^1.11.0, object-inspect@^1.9.0:
+  version "1.11.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-jp7ikS6Sd3GxQfZJPyH3cjcbJF6GZPClgdV+EFygjFLQ5FmW/dRUnTd9PQ9k0JhoNDabWFbpF1yCdSWCC6gexg==
+object-keys@^1.0.12, object-keys@^1.1.1:
+  version "1.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-NuAESUOUMrlIXOfHKzD6bpPu3tYt3xvjNdRIQ+FeT0lNb4K8WR70CaDxhuNguS2XG+GjkyMwOzsN5ZktImfhLA==
+  version "4.1.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-ixT2L5THXsApyiUPYKmW+2EHpXXe5Ii3M+f4e+aJFAHao5amFRW6J0OO6c/LU8Be47utCx2GL89hxGB6XSmKuQ==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.0"
+    define-properties "^1.1.3"
+    has-symbols "^1.0.1"
+    object-keys "^1.1.1"
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-Kavfd8v70mVm3RqiTp2I9lQz0lY=
+  version "1.1.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-TnGo7j4XSnKQoK3MfvkzqKCi0nVe/D9I9IjwTNYdb/fxYHpjrluHVOgw0AF6jrRFGMPHdfuidR09tIDiIvnaSg==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    define-properties "^1.1.3"
+    es-abstract "^1.18.2"
   version "1.4.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -693,6 +1091,25 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha1-u+Z0BseaqFxc/sdm/lc0VV36EnQ=
+  version "1.3.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-vvcXsLAJ9Dr5rQOPk7toZQZJApBl2K4J6dANSsEuh6QI41JYcsS/qhTGa9ErIUUgK3WNQoJYvylxvjqmiqEA9Q==
+  dependencies:
+    p-try "^1.0.0"
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-IKAQOyIqcMj9OcwuWAaA893l7EM=
+  dependencies:
+    p-limit "^1.1.0"
+  version "1.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-y8ec26+P1CKOE/Yh8rGiN8GyB7M=
   version "1.0.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -700,6 +1117,19 @@
     callsites "^3.0.0"
+  version "4.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-vjX1Qlvh9/bHRxhPmKeIy5lHfuA=
+  dependencies:
+    error-ex "^1.3.1"
+    json-parse-better-errors "^1.0.1"
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-zg6+ql94yxiSXqfYENe1mwEP1RU=
   version "1.0.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -710,6 +1140,37 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha1-QRyttXTFoUDTpLGRDUDYDMn0C0A=
+  version "1.0.7"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-LDJzPVEEEPR+y48z93A0Ed0yXb8pAByGWo/k5YYdYgpY2/2EsOsksJrq7lOHxryrVOn1ejG6oAp8ahvOIQD8sw==
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-T2ZUsdZFHgA3u4e5PfPbjd7HDDpxPnQb5jN0SrDsjNSuVXHJqtwTnWqG0B1jZrgmJ/7lj1EmVIByWt1gxGkWvg==
+  dependencies:
+    pify "^3.0.0"
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-5aSs0sEB/fPZpNB/DbxNtJ3SgXY=
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-9tXREJ4Z1j7fQo4L1X4Sd3YVM0s=
+  dependencies:
+    find-up "^2.1.0"
+  version "2.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-yBmscoBZpGHKscOImivjxJoATX8=
+  dependencies:
+    find-up "^2.1.0"
   version "1.1.2"
   resolved ""
@@ -725,16 +1186,46 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-XRsRjdf+j5ml+y/6GKHPZbrF/8p2Yga0JPtdqTIY2Xe5ohJPD9saDJJLPvp9+NSBprVvevdXZybnj2cv8OEd0A==
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-PtSWaF26D4/hGNBpHcUfSh/5bwc=
+  dependencies:
+    find-up "^2.0.0"
+    read-pkg "^3.0.0"
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-nLxoaXj+5l0WwA4rGcI3/Pbjg4k=
+  dependencies:
+    load-json-file "^4.0.0"
+    normalize-package-data "^2.3.2"
+    path-type "^3.0.0"
   version "2.0.1"
   resolved ""
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+  version "0.7.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-9YXf6xtW+qzQ+hcMQXx95MOvfqXFgsKDZodX3qZB0x2n5Z94ioetIITsBtvJbiOyxa/6s9AtyweBLCdPmPko/w==
   version "4.0.0"
   resolved ""
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+resolve@^1.10.0, resolve@^1.20.0:
+  version "1.20.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-wENBPt4ySzg4ybFQW2TT1zMQucPK95HSh/nq2CFTZVOGut2+pQvSsgtda4d26YrYcr067wjbmzOG8byDPBX63A==
+  dependencies:
+    is-core-module "^2.2.0"
+    path-parse "^1.0.6"
   version "3.1.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -774,12 +1265,12 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-YZo3K82SD7Riyi0E1EQPojLz7kpepnSQI9IyPbHHg1XXXevb5dJI7tpyN2ADxGcQbHG7vcyRHk0cbwqcQriUtg==
+"semver@2 || 3 || 4 || 5", semver@^5.5.0:
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   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-sauaDf/PZdVgrLTNYHRtpXa1iRiKcaebiKQ1BJdpQlWH2lCvexQdX55snPFyK7QzpudqbCI0qXFfOasHdyNDGQ==
+semver@^6.1.2, semver@^6.3.0:
   version "6.3.0"
   resolved ""
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@@ -796,6 +1287,15 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha1-2kL0l0DAtC2yypcoVxyxkMmO/qM=
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-q5XPytqFEIKHkGdiMIrY10mvLRvnQh42/+GoBlFW3b2LXLE2xxJpZFdm94we0BaoV3RwJyGqg5wS7epxTv0Zvw==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.0"
+    get-intrinsic "^1.0.2"
+    object-inspect "^1.9.0"
   version "3.0.3"
   resolved ""
@@ -828,6 +1328,32 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-CkCj6giN3S+n9qrYiBTX5gystlENnRW5jZeNLHpe6aue+SrHcG5VYwujhW9s4dY31mEGsxBDrHR6oI69fTXsaQ==
+  version "3.1.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-cOYcUWwhCuHCXi49RhFRCyJEK3iPj1Ziz9DpViV3tbZOwXD49QzIN3MpOLJNxh2qwq2lJJZaKMVw9qNi4jTC0w==
+  dependencies:
+    spdx-expression-parse "^3.0.0"
+    spdx-license-ids "^3.0.0"
+  version "2.3.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-/tTrYOC7PPI1nUAgx34hUpqXuyJG+DTHJTnIULG4rDygi4xu/tfgmq1e1cIRwRzwZgo4NLySi+ricLkZkw4i5A==
+  version "3.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-cbqHunsQWnJNE6KhVSMsMeH5H/L9EpymbzqTQ3uLwNCLZ1Q481oWaofqH7nO6V07xlXwY6PhQdQ2IedWx/ZK4Q==
+  dependencies:
+    spdx-exceptions "^2.1.0"
+    spdx-license-ids "^3.0.0"
+  version "3.0.10"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-oie3/+gKf7QtpitB0LYLETe+k8SifzsX4KixvpOsbI6S0kRiRQ5MKOio8eMSAKQ17N06+wdEOXRiId+zOxo0hA==
   version "1.0.3"
   resolved ""
@@ -851,6 +1377,22 @@
     is-fullwidth-code-point "^3.0.0"
     strip-ansi "^6.0.0"
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-y9xCjw1P23Awk8EvTpcyL2NIr1j7wJ39f+k6lvRnSMz+mz9CGz9NYPelDk42kOz6+ql8xjfK8oYzy3jAP5QU5A==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    define-properties "^1.1.3"
+  version "1.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-jh6e984OBfvxS50tdY2nRZnoC5/mLFKOREQfw8t5yytkoUsJRNxvI/E39qu1sD0OtWI3OC0XgKSmcWwziwYuZw==
+  dependencies:
+    call-bind "^1.0.2"
+    define-properties "^1.1.3"
 strip-ansi@^5.1.0, strip-ansi@^5.2.0:
   version "5.2.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -865,6 +1407,11 @@
     ansi-regex "^5.0.0"
+  version "3.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha1-IzTBjpx1n3vdVv3vfprj1YjmjtM=
   version "3.1.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -920,6 +1467,16 @@
     os-tmpdir "~1.0.2"
+  version "3.11.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-7ecdYDnIdmv639mmDwslG6KQg1Z9STTz1j7Gcz0xa+nshh/gKDAHcPxRbWOsA3SPp0tXP2leTcY9Kw+NAkfZzA==
+  dependencies:
+    "@types/json5" "^0.0.29"
+    json5 "^1.0.1"
+    minimist "^1.2.0"
+    strip-bom "^3.0.0"
   version "1.14.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -942,6 +1499,16 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-4dbzIzqvjtgiM5rw1k5rEHtBANKmdudhGyBEajN01fEyhaAIhsoKNy6y7+IN93IfpFtwY9iqi7kD+xwKhQsNJA==
+  version "1.0.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-tZU/3NqK3dA5gpE1KtyiJUrEB0lxnGkMFHptJ7q6ewdZ8s12QrODwNbhIJStmJkd1QDXa1NRA8aF2A1zk/Ypyw==
+  dependencies:
+    function-bind "^1.1.1"
+    has-bigints "^1.0.1"
+    has-symbols "^1.0.2"
+    which-boxed-primitive "^1.0.2"
   version "4.4.1"
   resolved ""
@@ -954,6 +1521,25 @@
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-l8lCEmLcLYZh4nbunNZvQCJc5pv7+RCwa8q/LdUx8u7lsWvPDKmpodJAJNwkAhJC//dFY48KuIEmjtd4RViDrA==
+  version "3.0.4"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-DpKm2Ui/xN7/HQKCtpZxoRWBhZ9Z0kqtygG8XCgNQ8ZlDnxuQmWhj566j8fN4Cu3/JmbhsDo7fcAJq4s9h27Ew==
+  dependencies:
+    spdx-correct "^3.0.0"
+    spdx-expression-parse "^3.0.0"
+  version "1.0.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-bwZdv0AKLpplFY2KZRX6TvyuN7ojjr7lwkg6ml0roIy9YeuSr7JS372qlNW18UQYzgYK9ziGcerWqZOmEn9VNg==
+  dependencies:
+    is-bigint "^1.0.1"
+    is-boolean-object "^1.1.0"
+    is-number-object "^1.0.4"
+    is-string "^1.0.5"
+    is-symbol "^1.0.3"
   version "1.3.1"
   resolved ""