blob: 573ed1069a967c60ca66bd4d60b303b0278dfa8d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ---- TEST RESULTS ----
result() { # test [error_message]
local result=$?
if [ $result -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "PASSED - $1 test"
echo "*** FAILED *** - $1 test"
[ $# -gt 1 ] && echo "$2"
# output must match expected to pass
result_out() { # test expected actual
local name=$1 expected=$2 actual=$3
[ "$expected" = "$actual" ]
result "$name" "$(diff <(echo "$expected") <(echo "$actual"))"
result_root() { # group root expected_file actual
local root=$(echo "$2" | sed -es'/Root //')
local name="$1 - $root"
local expected_file=$3 actual=$4
local expected_root=$(json_val_by_key "$(cat "$expected_file")" "$root")
local actual_root=$(json_val_by_key "$actual" "$root")
result_out "$name" "$expected_root" "$actual_root"
# -------- Git Config
config() { git config -f "$CONFIG" "$@" ; } # [args]...
config_section_keys() { # section > keys ...
# handlers.handler-filter -> handler-filter
config -l --name-only |\
grep "^$1\." | \
sed -es"/^$1\.//;s/\..*$//" |\
awk '$0 != prev ; {prev = $0}'
# -------- Pre JSON --------
# pre_json is a "templated json" used in the test docs to express test results. It looks
# like json but has some extra comments to express when a certain output should be used.
# These comments look like: "# Only Test Suite: <suite>"
remove_suites() { # suites... < pre_json > json
grep -vE "# Only Test Suite: ($(echo "$@" | sed "s/ /|/g"))" | \
sed -e's/# Only Test Suite:.*$//; s/# Test Suite:.*$//; s/ *$//'
# pre_json is a "templated json" used in the test docs to express test results. It looks
# like json but has some extra comments to express when a certain output should be used.
# These comments look like: "# Test Suite: <suite>[, <suite>][, <suite>]..."
keep_suites() { # suites... < pre_json > json
grep -E "# Test Suite: (.*, )?($(echo "$@" | sed "s/ /|/g"))(, .*)?$" | \
sed -e's/# Only Test Suite:.*$//; s/# Test Suite:.*$//; s/ *$//'
remove_not_suite() { remove_suites !"$1" ; } # suite < pre_json > json
# -------- Test Doc Format --------
# Test Doc Format has intermixed git config task definitions with json roots. This
# makes it easy to define tests close to their outputs. Be aware that all of the
# config will get consolidated into a single file, so non root config will be shared
# amongst all the roots.
# Sample Test Doc for 2 roots:
# [root "Root PASS"]
# pass = True
# {
# "applicable" : true,
# "hasPass" : true,
# "name" : "Root PASS",
# "status" : "PASS"
# }
# [root "Root FAIL"]
# fail = True
# {
# <other root>
# }
# Strip the json from Test Doc formatted text. For the sample above, the output would be:
# [root "Root PASS"]
# pass = True
# [root "Root FAIL"]
# fail = True
# ...
testdoc_2_cfg() { awk '/^\{/,/^$/ { next } ; 1' ; } # testdoc_format > task_config
# Strip the git config from Test Doc formatted text and wrap in a Gerrit-like
# 'plugins' JSON section. For the sample above, the output would be:
# { "plugins" : [
# { "name" : "task",
# "roots" : [
# {
# "applicable" : true,
# "hasPass" : true,
# "name" : "Root PASS",
# "status" : "PASS"
# },
# {
# <other root>
# },
# ...
# }
testdoc_2_pjson() { # < testdoc_format > pjson_task_roots
awk 'BEGIN { print "{ \"plugins\" : [ { \"name\" : \"task\", \"roots\" : [" }; \
/^\{/ { open=1 }; \
open && end { print "}," ; end=0 }; \
/^\}/ { open=0 ; end=1 }; \
open; \
END { print "}]}]}" }'
# ---- JSON PARSING ----
json_pp() { # < json > json
python -c "import sys, json; \
print json.dumps(json.loads(, indent=3, \
separators=(',', ' : '), sort_keys=True)"
json_val_by_key() { # json key > value
echo "$1" | jq -r --arg key "$2" '.[$key] // empty'
# --------
gssh() { # [-l user] cmd [args]...
local user_args=()
[ "-l" = "$1" ] && { user_args=("-l" "$2") ; shift 2 ; }
ssh -x -p "$PORT" "${user_args[@]}" "$SERVER" gerrit "$@"
q() { "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; } # cmd [args...] # quiet a command
gen_change_id() { echo "I$(uuidgen | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}')"; } # > change_id
commit_message() { printf "$1 \n\nChange-Id: $2" ; } # message change-id > commit_msg
err() { echo "ERROR: $1" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
# Run a test setup command quietly, exit on failure
q_setup() { local out ; out=$("$@" 2>&1) || err "$out" ; } # cmd [args...]
ensure() { "$@" || err "$1 results are not valid" ; } # cmd [args]... < data > data
set_change() { # change_json
{ CHANGE=("$(json_val_by_key "$1" number)" \
"$(json_val_by_key "$1" id)" \
"$(json_val_by_key "$1" project)" \
"refs/heads/$(json_val_by_key "$1" branch)" \
"$(json_val_by_key "$1" status)" \
"$(json_val_by_key "$1" topic)") ; } 2> /dev/null
# change_token change_number change_id project branch status topic < templated_txt > change_txt
replace_change_properties() {
sed -e "s|_change$1_number|$2|g" \
-e "s|_change$1_id|$3|g" \
-e "s|_change$1_project|$4|g" \
-e "s|_change$1_branch|$5|g" \
-e "s|_change$1_status|$6|g" \
-e "s|_change$1_topic|$7|g"
replace_default_changes() {
replace_change_properties "1" "${CHANGE1[@]}" | replace_change_properties "2" "${CHANGE2[@]}"
replace_groups() { # < text_with_groups > test_with_expanded_groups
local text="$(< /dev/stdin)"
for placeholder in "${!GROUP_EXPANDED_BY_PLACEHOLDER[@]}" ; do
echo "$text"
get_group_uuid() { # group_name > group_uuid
gssh ls-groups -v | awk '-F\t' '$1 == "'"$1"'" {print $2}'
get_sharded_group_uuid() { # group_name > sharded_group_uuid
local group_id=$(get_group_uuid "$1")
echo "${group_id:0:2}/$group_id"
replace_users() { # < text_with_users > test_with_expanded_users
local text="$(< /dev/stdin)"
for user in "${!USERS[@]}" ; do
echo "$text"
replace_user() { # < text_with_testuser > text_with_$USER
sed -e"s/testuser/$USER/"
get_user_ref() { # username > refs/users/<accountidshard>/<accountid>
local user_account_id="$(curl --netrc --silent "http://$SERVER:$HTTP_PORT/a/accounts/$1" | \
sed -e '1!b' -e "/^)]}'$/d" | jq ._account_id)"
echo "refs/users/${user_account_id:(-2)}/$user_account_id"
replace_user_refs() { # < text_with_user_refs > test_with_expanded_user_refs
local text="$(< /dev/stdin)"
for user in "${!USER_REFS[@]}" ; do
echo "$text"
replace_tokens() { # < text > text with replacing all tokens(changes, user)
replace_default_changes | replace_user_refs | replace_user | replace_groups
strip_non_applicable() { ensure "$MYDIR"/ ; } # < json > json
strip_non_invalid() { ensure "$MYDIR"/ ; } # < json > json
get_plugins() { # < change_json > plugins_json
jq --indent 3 --sort-keys '{plugins: .plugins}'
example() { # doc example_num > text_for_example_num
echo "$1" | awk '/```/{Q++;E=(Q+1)/2};E=='"$2" | grep -v '```'
get_change_num() { # < gerrit_push_response > changenum
local url=$(awk '$NF ~ /\[NEW\]/ { print $2 }')
echo "${url##*\/}" | tr -d -c '[:digit:]'
install_changeid_hook() { # repo
local hook=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks/commit-msg
scp -p -P "$PORT" "$SERVER":hooks/commit-msg "$hook"
chmod +x "$hook"
setup_repo() { # repo remote ref [--initial-commit]
local repo=$1 remote=$2 ref=$3 init=$4
git init "$repo"
cd "$repo"
install_changeid_hook "$repo"
git fetch "$remote" "$ref"
if ! git checkout FETCH_HEAD ; then
if [ "$init" = "--initial-commit" ] ; then
git commit --allow-empty -a -m "Initial Commit"
update_repo() { # repo remote ref
local repo=$1 remote=$2 ref=$3
cd "$repo"
git add .
git commit -m 'Testing task plugin'
git push "$remote" HEAD:"$ref"
create_repo_change() { # repo remote ref [change_id] > change_num
local repo=$1 remote=$2 ref=$3 change_id=$4 msg="Test change"
q cd "$repo"
uuidgen > file
q git add .
[ -n "$change_id" ] && msg=$(commit_message "$msg" "$change_id")
q git commit -m "$msg"
git push "$remote" HEAD:"refs/for/$ref" 2>&1 | get_change_num
query() { # [-l user] query > json lines
local user_args=()
[ "-l" = "$1" ] && { user_args=("-l" "$2") ; shift 2 ; }
gssh "${user_args[@]}" query "$@" --format json
# N < json lines > changeN_json
change_plugins() { awk "NR==$1" | get_plugins | json_pp ; }
results_suite() { # name expected_file plugins_json
local name=$1 expected_file=$2 actual=$3
local out root
echo "$ROOTS" | while read root ; do
result_root "$name" "$root" "$expected_file" "$actual"
out=$(diff "$expected_file" <(echo "$actual") | head -15)
[ -z "$out" ]
result "$name - Full Test Suite" "$out"