update documentation for reindexer command

Change-Id: I6b29d2281d3c57bf7473b5f45237dd283b4fd3a4
diff --git a/admin/README.md b/admin/README.md
index b94614f..b6d9aa4 100644
--- a/admin/README.md
+++ b/admin/README.md
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
-[reindexer-1.0.groovy](/admin/reindexer-1.0.groovy) - Allows to recreate the Lucene index using the on-line reindex
-[warm-cache-1.0.groovy](/admin/warm-cache-1.0.groovy) - Controls the Gerrit cache warm-up via command-line
-[readonly-1.0.groovy](/admin/readonly-1.0.groovy) - Set all Gerrit projects in read-only mode during maintenance
+* [reindexer](cmd-reindexer.md) - Allows to recreate the Lucene index using the on-line reindex
+* [warm-cache-1.0.groovy](/admin/warm-cache-1.0.groovy) - Controls the Gerrit cache warm-up via command-line
+* [readonly-1.0.groovy](/admin/readonly-1.0.groovy) - Set all Gerrit projects in read-only mode during maintenance
diff --git a/admin/cmd-reindexer.md b/admin/cmd-reindexer.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f0a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/cmd-reindexer.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+@PLUGIN@ reindex
+@PLUGIN@ reindex - Start an online reindex
+>     ssh -p <port> <host> reindexer start
+>      {VERSION}
+Start an online reindex with the specified lucene index version.
+The index version for a Gerrit site can be found in
+Any user who has been granted the 'Administrate Server' capability.
+This command is intended to be used in scripts.
+Start online reindex with index version 14 (for Gerrit 2.11.x)
+>     $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com reindex start 14
+* [source] (/admin/reindexer-1.0.groovy)
+Part of [Gerrit Code Review](../../Documentation/index.html)