Merge branch 'stable-2.16'

* stable-2.16:
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with 2.16.4 API
  Automatically format BUILD file with buildifier lint mode
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with 2.15.9 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with 2.15.8 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14 to build with 2.14.18 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with 2.16.2 API
  Format Java files with google-java-format
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with 2.16.1 API
  Bazel: Include eclipse-out directory in .bazelignore
  Add explanatory comment to empty BUILD file(s)
  Bazel: Consider setting timeout="short" or size="small"

Change-Id: I91af83ee601ad27779af7f7a653a8f21491e97c1