blob: 992cf5bf8ea2e57bca054bdbdb4bcbd530a207ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.replication;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.URIish;
* A persistent store for replication tasks.
* <p>The data of this store lives under <replication_data>/ref-updates where replication_data is
* determined by the replication.eventsDirectory config option and defaults to
* <site_dir>/data/replication. Atomic renames must be supported from anywhere within the store to
* anywhere within the store. This generally means that all the contents of the store needs to live
* on the same filesystem.
* <p>Individual tasks are stored in files under the following directories using the sha1 of the
* task:
* <p><code>
* .../building/<tmp_name> new replication tasks under construction
* .../running/<uri_sha1>/ lock for URI
* .../running/<uri_sha1>/<task_sha1> running replication tasks
* .../waiting/<task_sha1> outstanding replication tasks
* </code>
* <p>The URI lock is acquired by creating the directory and released by removing it.
* <p>Tasks are moved atomically via a rename between those directories to indicate the current
* state of each task.
public class ReplicationTasksStorage {
private static final FluentLogger logger = FluentLogger.forEnclosingClass();
private boolean disableDeleteForTesting;
public static class ReplicateRefUpdate extends UriUpdate {
public final String ref;
public ReplicateRefUpdate(UriUpdate update, String ref) {
this(update.project, ref, update.uri, update.remote);
public ReplicateRefUpdate(String project, String ref, URIish uri, String remote) {
this(project, ref, uri.toASCIIString(), remote);
protected ReplicateRefUpdate(String project, String ref, String uri, String remote) {
super(project, uri, remote);
this.ref = ref;
public String toString() {
return "ref-update " + ref + " (" + super.toString() + ")";
public static class UriUpdate {
public final String project;
public final String uri;
public final String remote;
public UriUpdate(PushOne push) {
this(push.getProjectNameKey().get(), push.getURI(), push.getRemoteName());
public UriUpdate(String project, URIish uri, String remote) {
this(project, uri.toASCIIString(), remote);
public UriUpdate(String project, String uri, String remote) {
this.project = project;
this.uri = uri;
this.remote = remote;
public String toString() {
return "uri-update " + project + " uri:" + uri + " remote:" + remote;
private static Gson GSON = new Gson();
private final Path buildingUpdates;
private final Path runningUpdates;
private final Path waitingUpdates;
ReplicationTasksStorage(ReplicationConfig config) {
Path refUpdates = config.getEventsDirectory().resolve("ref-updates");
buildingUpdates = refUpdates.resolve("building");
runningUpdates = refUpdates.resolve("running");
waitingUpdates = refUpdates.resolve("waiting");
public String create(ReplicateRefUpdate r) {
return new Task(r).create();
public void disableDeleteForTesting(boolean deleteDisabled) {
this.disableDeleteForTesting = deleteDisabled;
public boolean start(PushOne push) {
UriLock lock = new UriLock(push);
if (!lock.acquire()) {
return false;
boolean started = false;
for (String ref : push.getRefs()) {
started = new Task(lock, ref).start() || started;
if (!started) { // No tasks left, likely replicated externally
return started;
public void reset(PushOne push) {
UriLock lock = new UriLock(push);
for (String ref : push.getRefs()) {
new Task(lock, ref).reset();
public void resetAll() {
try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirs = Files.newDirectoryStream(createDir(runningUpdates))) {
for (Path dir : dirs) {
UriLock lock = null;
for (ReplicateRefUpdate u : list(dir)) {
if (lock == null) {
lock = new UriLock(u);
new Task(u).reset();
if (lock != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error while aborting running tasks");
public boolean isWaiting(PushOne push) {
return push.getRefs().stream().map(ref -> new Task(push, ref)).anyMatch(Task::isWaiting);
public void finish(PushOne push) {
UriLock lock = new UriLock(push);
for (ReplicateRefUpdate r : list(lock.runningDir)) {
new Task(lock, r.ref).finish();
public List<ReplicateRefUpdate> listWaiting() {
return list(createDir(waitingUpdates));
private List<ReplicateRefUpdate> list(Path tasks) {
List<ReplicateRefUpdate> results = new ArrayList<>();
try (DirectoryStream<Path> events = Files.newDirectoryStream(tasks)) {
for (Path e : events) {
if (Files.isRegularFile(e)) {
String json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(e), UTF_8);
results.add(GSON.fromJson(json, ReplicateRefUpdate.class));
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error while listing tasks");
return results;
private ObjectId sha1(String s) {
return ObjectId.fromRaw(Hashing.sha1().hashString(s, UTF_8).asBytes());
private static Path createDir(Path dir) {
try {
return Files.createDirectories(dir);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ProvisionException(String.format("Couldn't create %s", dir), e);
private class UriLock {
public final UriUpdate update;
public final String uriKey;
public final Path runningDir;
public UriLock(PushOne push) {
this(new UriUpdate(push));
public UriLock(UriUpdate update) {
this.update = update;
uriKey = sha1(update.uri).name();
runningDir = createDir(runningUpdates).resolve(uriKey);
public boolean acquire() {
try {
logger.atFine().log("MKDIR %s %s", runningDir, updateLog());
return true;
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
return false; // already running, likely externally
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error while starting uri %s", uriKey);
return true; // safer to risk a duplicate than to skip it
public void release() {
if (disableDeleteForTesting) {
logger.atFine().log("DELETE %s %s DISABLED", runningDir, updateLog());
try {
logger.atFine().log("DELETE %s %s", runningDir, updateLog());
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error while releasing uri %s", uriKey);
private String updateLog() {
return String.format("(%s => %s)", update.project, update.uri);
private class Task {
public final ReplicateRefUpdate update;
public final String json;
public final String taskKey;
public final Path running;
public final Path waiting;
public Task(ReplicateRefUpdate r) {
this(new UriLock(r), r.ref);
public Task(PushOne push, String ref) {
this(new UriLock(push), ref);
public Task(UriLock lock, String ref) {
update = new ReplicateRefUpdate(lock.update, ref);
json = GSON.toJson(update) + "\n";
String key = update.project + "\n" + update.ref + "\n" + update.uri + "\n" + update.remote;
taskKey = sha1(key).name();
running = lock.runningDir.resolve(taskKey);
waiting = createDir(waitingUpdates).resolve(taskKey);
public String create() {
if (Files.exists(waiting)) {
return taskKey;
try {
Path tmp = Files.createTempFile(createDir(buildingUpdates), taskKey, null);
logger.atFine().log("CREATE %s %s", tmp, updateLog());
Files.write(tmp, json.getBytes(UTF_8));
logger.atFine().log("RENAME %s %s %s", tmp, waiting, updateLog());
rename(tmp, waiting);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.atWarning().withCause(e).log("Couldn't create task %s", json);
return taskKey;
public boolean start() {
rename(waiting, running);
return Files.exists(running);
public void reset() {
rename(running, waiting);
public boolean isWaiting() {
return Files.exists(waiting);
public void finish() {
if (disableDeleteForTesting) {
logger.atFine().log("DELETE %s %s DISABLED", running, updateLog());
try {
logger.atFine().log("DELETE %s %s", running, updateLog());
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error while finishing task %s", taskKey);
private void rename(Path from, Path to) {
try {
logger.atFine().log("RENAME %s to %s %s", from, to, updateLog());
Files.move(from, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error while renaming task %s", taskKey);
private String updateLog() {
return String.format("(%s:%s => %s)", update.project, update.ref, update.uri);