Maven: Clean up pom.xml

Axis and wsdl2java stub generation stuff was apparently copied from
its-jira's pom.xml and was forgotten. Clean it up, as it is unused.

Also Gerrit-Module was defined twice.  Let's define it only once and
with the right name.

Change-Id: I1862dc47cb5e5d4cec3275656b2f2f85011ab10c
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 88bb023..540f32d 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -254,33 +254,6 @@
-        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-        <artifactId>axistools-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <version>1.3</version>
-        <dependencies>
-          <dependency>
-            <groupId>axis</groupId>
-            <artifactId>axis</artifactId>
-            <version>1.3</version>
-          </dependency>
-        </dependencies>
-        <configuration>
-          <wsdlFiles>
-            <wsdlFile>jirasoapservice-v2.wsdl</wsdlFile>
-          </wsdlFiles>
-          <packageSpace>com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client</packageSpace>
-        </configuration>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <id>wsdl2java-generation</id>
-            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>wsdl2java</goal>
-            </goals>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
@@ -304,7 +277,6 @@
-                <Gerrit-Module>com.gerritforge.jira.client.ItsModule</Gerrit-Module>
                 <Implementation-Vendor>GerritForge LLP</Implementation-Vendor>
                 <Implementation-Title>Plugin ${project.artifactId}</Implementation-Title>