Merge branch 'stable-3.0'

* stable-3.0:
  Bazel: Remove unused gitiles__classpath_deps rule
  Bump bazel version to 1.0.0
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with 2.16.12 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with 2.15.17 API
  Switch required bazel version to 0.29.1
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15
  Bump required bazel version to 1.0.0rc2
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14
  Bazel: Add fixes for --incompatible_load_java_rules_from_bzl
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with 2.15.16 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with 2.15.15 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with 2.16.10 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with 2.16.9 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with 2.15.14 API

Change-Id: I4037c1cef3cbd3994ead37d787aaa0c88ab3626f
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index 96f208c..8830a9f 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+load("@rules_java//java:defs.bzl", "java_library")
 load("//tools/bzl:genrule2.bzl", "genrule2")
 load("//tools/bzl:plugin.bzl", "gerrit_plugin")
@@ -30,13 +31,3 @@
         "zip -qr $$ROOT/$@ .",
-    name = "gitiles__classpath_deps",
-    testonly = 1,
-    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    exports = [
-        ":gitiles__plugin",
-        "//lib/gitiles",
-    ],