Add support for Bazel in Gerrit tree build

Change-Id: Ib135d31e9bef8c35ae04bda631c2a50b37852940
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8602a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+load("//tools/bzl:plugin.bzl", "gerrit_plugin")
+    name = "gitblit",
+    srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]),
+    resources = glob(["src/main/resources/**/*"]),
+    manifest_entries = [
+        "Gerrit-PluginName: gitblit",
+        "Gerrit-Module: com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.gitblit.GitBlitModule",
+        "Gerrit-HttpModule: com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.gitblit.GitBlitServletModule",
+        "Gerrit-InitStep: com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.gitblit.GitBlitInitStep",
+        "Gerrit-ReloadMode: restart",
+    ],
+    deps = [
+        "@commons_codec//jar:neverlink",
+        "@commons_io//jar",
+        "@commons_net//jar:neverlink",
+        "@confluence_core//jar",
+        "@force_partner_api//jar",
+        "@freemarker//jar",
+        "@gitblit_jar//jar",
+        "@groovy//jar",
+        "@httpcore//jar:neverlink",
+        "@ivy//jar",
+        "@jdom//jar",
+        "@libpam4j//jar",
+        "@lucene_core//jar:neverlink",
+        "@lucene_highlighter//jar:neverlink",
+        "@lucene_memory//jar:neverlink",
+        "@mail//jar",
+        "@markdownpapers//jar",
+        "@mediawiki_core//jar",
+        "@pf4j//jar",
+        "@rome//jar",
+        "@textile_core//jar",
+        "@tika//jar",
+        "@tracwiki_core//jar",
+        "@twiki_core//jar",
+        "@unboundid//jar",
+        "@waffle_jna//jar",
+        "@wicket//jar",
+        "@wicket_extensions//jar",
+        "@wikitext_core//jar",
+    ],
diff --git a/ b/
index b5111b6..42156ef 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -25,25 +25,59 @@
 ### Gitblit plugin
-You are ready now to clone and build the Gitblit plugin: the
-Wicket and Giblit dependencies will be taken from your local
-Maven repository.
+This gitblit plugin is built with Bazel.
+Only the Gerrit in-tree build is supported.
-    $ mvn package
+Clone or link this plugin to the plugins directory of Gerrit's source
+  git clone
+  git clone
+  cd gerrit/plugins
+  ln -s ../../gitblit .
+  rm external_plugin_deps.bzl
+  ln -s gitblit/external_plugin_deps.bzl .
+  cd ../
+From Gerrit source tree issue the command:
+  bazel build plugins/gitblit
+The output is created in
+  bazel-genfiles/plugins/gitblit/gitblit.jar
+This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE.
+Add the plugin name to the `CUSTOM_PLUGINS` set in
+Gerrit core in `tools/bzl/plugins.bzl`, and execute:
+  ./tools/eclipse/
-In order to use GitBlit as GitWeb replacement, please apply
-the following configuration to your Gerrit config.
+In order to use GitBlit as GitWeb replacement, run the Gerrit init
+again and answer 'Y' when asked during the Gitblit-specific initialisation.
-    [gitweb]
-        type = custom
-        linkname = Gitblit
-        url = plugins/gitblit/
-        revision = commit/?r=${project}&h=${commit}
-        project = summary/?r=${project}
-        branch = log/?r=${project}&h=${branch}
-        filehistory = history/?f=${file}&r=${project}&h=${branch}
-        file = blob/?r=${project}&h=${commit}&f=${file}
-        roottree = tree/?r=${project}&h=${commit}
+*** GitBlit Integration
+Do you want to use GitBlit as your GitWeb viewer? [Y/n]? y
+Link name                      [GitBlit]:
+"Repositories" submenu title   [Repositories]:
+"Activity" submenu title       [Activity]:
+"Documentation" submenu title  [Documentation]:
+"Search" submenu title (makes only sense to set if some projects are indexed in GitBlit; single dash unsets) [Search]:
+"Browse" submenu title for the "Projects" top-level menu [Browse]:
diff --git a/external_plugin_deps.bzl b/external_plugin_deps.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4ad0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external_plugin_deps.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+load("//tools/bzl:maven_jar.bzl", "maven_jar", "MAVEN_LOCAL")
+def external_plugin_deps():
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'pf4j',
+    artifact = 'ro.fortsoft.pf4j:pf4j:0.9.0',
+    sha1 = 'ff412cadfee820c50bf02723187eda6165d70379',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'gitblit_jar',
+    artifact = 'com.gitblit:gitblit:1.8.1-SNAPSHOT',
+    repository = MAVEN_LOCAL,
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'wicket',
+    artifact = 'org.apache.wicket:wicket:1.4.23',
+    sha1 = '304d9e23e52e9488308644093663b568952abd0b',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'wicket_auth_roles',
+    artifact = 'org.apache.wicket:wicket-auth-roles:1.4.23',
+    sha1 = '1b130dbf5578ace37507430a4a523f6594bf34fa',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'wicket_extensions',
+    artifact = 'org.apache.wicket:wicket-extensions:1.4.23',
+    sha1 = '9ca61ca2273289d648dbb430e9033693c9b5eed3',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'groovy',
+    artifact = 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.1',
+    sha1 = 'a9ca9c9de09361ec2a18d2c058d2524fbd8eae0c',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'jdom',
+    artifact = 'jdom:jdom:1.0',
+    sha1 = 'a2ac1cd690ab4c80defe7f9bce14d35934c35cec',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'markdownpapers',
+    artifact = 'org.tautua.markdownpapers:markdownpapers-core:1.3.2',
+    sha1 = 'da22db6660e90b9a677bbdfc2c511c619ea5c249',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'rome',
+    artifact = 'rome:rome:1.0',
+    sha1 = '022b33347f315833e9348cec2751af1a5d5656e4',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'unboundid',
+    artifact = 'com.unboundid:unboundid-ldapsdk:2.3.8',
+    sha1 = '1788564d03f0b786a695f4de67b4cb55eda45e14',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'tika',
+    artifact = 'org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.5',
+    sha1 = '194ca0fb3d73b07737524806fbc3bec89063c03a',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'wikitext_core',
+    artifact = 'org.fusesource.wikitext:wikitext-core:1.4',
+    sha1 = 'b877ee61d064c01cbf9834ab1b7146cd44acad65',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'twiki_core',
+    artifact = 'org.fusesource.wikitext:twiki-core:1.4',
+    sha1 = '00c392027ae056d555040af2d1e0ed217fa94712',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'textile_core',
+    artifact = 'org.fusesource.wikitext:textile-core:1.4',
+    sha1 = '9169c4a2865232c7b22137d759fb7ee2cbf019de',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'tracwiki_core',
+    artifact = 'org.fusesource.wikitext:tracwiki-core:1.4',
+    sha1 = 'e2c8a5597695dc82256f2a97a505783e5ab5b0cb',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'mediawiki_core',
+    artifact = 'org.fusesource.wikitext:mediawiki-core:1.4',
+    sha1 = '30d1b5551bbf97a17abc22d51fe8dd3b4d27f1ab',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'confluence_core',
+    artifact = 'org.fusesource.wikitext:confluence-core:1.4',
+    sha1 = '08210b4af6f055ada934753facd27d7abf9d01a8',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'ivy',
+    artifact = 'org.apache.ivy:ivy:2.2.0',
+    sha1 = 'f9d1e83e82fc085093510f7d2e77d81d52bc2081',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'force_partner_api',
+    artifact = 'com.force.api:force-partner-api:24.0.0',
+    sha1 = 'ce3cd3e2ccd51735f27a83e90018123e8bd10314',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'freemarker',
+    artifact = 'org.freemarker:freemarker:2.3.22',
+    sha1 = '473d784b3cd2dcb6d49a287ded0542b7862c7d68',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'waffle_jna',
+    artifact = 'com.github.dblock.waffle:waffle-jna:1.7.3',
+    sha1 = '94ba74d3fa15bb61d4901b062b8fd5046c9e99b9',
+  )
+  maven_jar(
+    name = 'libpam4j',
+    artifact = 'org.kohsuke:libpam4j:1.8',
+    sha1 = '548d4a1177adad8242fe03a6930c335669d669ad',
+  )