Upgrade to Gerrit v2.15.2

CapabilityControl is now AccountLimits on the latest stable-2.15.
It is not possibly anymore to keep support for legacy CapabilityControl
and thus compatibility with Gerrit <= 2.14 is now broken.

Change-Id: I3220658a1cd8cd40c6365d7af10e1bbf02724744
5 files changed
tree: 8d968062b0d4a697200ee6cd3a33f99b455adeb6
  1. project/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. build.sbt
  6. README.md

Gerrit-Support Plugin

Collect information on Gerrit Code Review in order to have enough elements to request support.

How to build

Gerrit-Support plugins is written in Scala language and built with Sbt. To build the plugin you need to have SBT 0.13.13 installed and then run the assembly target.


   $ sbt assembly
   [info] Packaging /Users/lucamilanesio/gerrithub/gerrit-support/target/scala-2.11/gerrit-support.jar ...