Implement "file:..." statement and directive

* See semantics and examples in updated
* Add new feature:
  * Accept new file: statement/directive in
    but still not checking the content of included files.
  * Parser.FILE_DIRECTIVE defined as one pattern used in per-file.
  * Add Parser.IncludeStack to keep track of included project:file.
  * Factor out Parser.includeFile to handle all "include" and "file:"
    statements or directives.
* Reduce repeated inclusion and parsing:
  * Keep readFiles in OwnersDb to read one repository file only once.
  * Add Parser.savedResults to avoid parsing a file multiple times.
* Improve log and error messages:
  * Shorten log message: () for empty content, (...) for non-empty.
  * Keep Parser warnings and errors as sets to avoid duplication.
    Sort all unique warnings and errors before dump to logger.
  * Rename parseLine:skip messages to
    parseLine:errorRecursion and parseLine:useSaved
* Add documents and tests:
  * Add more JavaDoc comments to
  * Update to include "file:" statement and directive.
  * Add test cases in FindOwnersIT, ParserTest, OwnersValidatorTest.
  * Reduce dependency on myProjectName

Change-Id: I235bbdd70ecaded4b20767eac0abbe27e6061b01
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index bf5a2c7..2ae18de 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
@@ -100,13 +101,17 @@
       // Some hacked CL could have a target branch that is not created yet.
       ObjectId id = getBranchId(repo, branch, changeData, logs);
       revision = "";
+      // For the same repo and branch id, keep content of all read files to avoid
+      // repeated read. This cache of files should be passed down to the Parser to
+      // avoid reading the same file through "include" or "file:" statements.
+      Map<String, String> readFiles = new HashMap<>();
       if (id != null) {
         if (!ownersFileName.equals(Config.OWNERS) && branch.equals("refs/heads/master")) {
           // If ownersFileName is not the default "OWNERS", and current branch is master,
           // this project should have a non-empty root file of that name.
           // We added this requirement to detect errors in project config files
           // and Gerrit server bugs that return wrong value of "ownersFileName".
-          String content = getFile(repo, id, "/" + ownersFileName, logs);
+          String content = getFile(readFiles, repo, projectName, id, "/" + ownersFileName, logs);
           String found = "Found";
           if (content.isEmpty()) {
             String changeId = Config.getChangeId(changeData);
@@ -122,13 +127,20 @@
           fileName = Util.addDotPrefix(fileName); // e.g.   "./" "./d1/f1" "./d2/d3/"
           String dir = Util.getParentDir(fileName); // e.g. "."  "./d1"    "./d2"
           logs.add("findOwnersFileFor:" + fileName);
+          // Multiple changed files can be in one directory, but each directory
+          // is only searched once for an OWNERS file.
+          // However any file (including another OWNERS file) can be included
+          // by OWNERS files in different directories. In that case, the included
+          // file could be parsed multiple times for different "dir".
+          // Since open/read a Gerrit repository file could be slow, getFile should keep
+          // a copy of all read files to avoid repeated accesses of the same file.
           while (!readDirs.contains(dir)) {
             logs.add("findOwnersFileIn:" + dir);
             String filePath = dir + "/" + ownersFileName;
-            String content = getFile(repo, id, filePath, logs);
+            String content = getFile(readFiles, repo, projectName, id, filePath, logs);
             if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) {
-              addFile(projectName, branch, dir + "/", dir + "/" + ownersFileName,
+              addFile(readFiles, projectName, branch, dir + "/", dir + "/" + ownersFileName,
             if (stopLooking.contains(dir + "/") || !dir.contains("/")) {
@@ -220,8 +232,9 @@
-  void addFile(String project, String branch, String dirPath, String filePath, String[] lines) {
-    Parser parser = new Parser(repoManager, project, branch, filePath, logs);
+  void addFile(Map<String, String> readFiles, String project, String branch,
+      String dirPath, String filePath, String[] lines) {
+    Parser parser = new Parser(readFiles, repoManager, project, branch, filePath, logs);
     Parser.Result result = parser.parseFile(dirPath, lines);
     if (result.stopLooking) {
@@ -238,8 +251,8 @@
       add2dir2Globs(Util.getDirName(glob) + "/", glob);
     if (config.getReportSyntaxError()) {
-      result.warnings.forEach(w -> logger.atWarning().log(w));
-      result.errors.forEach(w -> logger.atSevere().log(w));
+      Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(result.errors).forEach(e -> logger.atSevere().log(e));
+      Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(result.warnings).forEach(w -> logger.atWarning().log(w));
@@ -378,46 +391,71 @@
     return null;
+  private static String findReadFile(Map<String, String> readFiles, String project, String file) {
+    String key = Parser.getFileKey(project, file);
+    if (readFiles != null && readFiles.get(key) != null) {
+      return readFiles.get(key);
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  private static void saveReadFile(
+      Map<String, String> readFiles, String project, String file, String content) {
+    if (readFiles != null) {
+      readFiles.put(Parser.getFileKey(project, file), content);
+    }
+  }
   /** Returns file content or empty string; uses project+branch+file names. */
-  public static String getRepoFile(GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
+  public static String getRepoFile(Map<String, String> readFiles, GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
       String project, String branch, String file, List<String> logs) {
     // 'file' must be an absolute path from the root of 'project'.
-    logs.add("getRepoFile:" + project + ":" + branch + ":" + file);
-    if (repoManager != null) { // ParserTest can call with null repoManager
-      try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(new Project.NameKey(project))) {
-        ObjectId id = repo.resolve(branch);
-        if (id != null) {
-          return getFile(repo, id, file, logs);
+    logs.add("getRepoFile:" + Parser.getFileKey(project, branch, file));
+    file = Util.gitRepoFilePath(file);
+    String content = findReadFile(readFiles, project, file);
+    if (content == null) {
+      content = "";
+      if (repoManager != null) { // ParserTest can call with null repoManager
+        try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(new Project.NameKey(project))) {
+          ObjectId id = repo.resolve(branch);
+          if (id != null) {
+            return getFile(readFiles, repo, project, id, file, logs);
+          }
+          logs.add("getRepoFile not found branch " + branch);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+          logger.atSevere().log("getRepoFile failed to find repository of project %s", project);
+          logException(logs, "getRepoFile", e);
-        logs.add("getRepoFile not found branch " + branch);
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        logger.atSevere().log("getRepoFile failed to find repository of project %s", project);
-        logException(logs, "getRepoFile", e);
-    return "";
+    return content;
   /** Returns file content or empty string; uses Repository. */
-  private static String getFile(
-      Repository repo, ObjectId id, String file, List<String> logs) {
+  private static String getFile(Map<String, String> readFiles,
+      Repository repo, String project, ObjectId id, String file, List<String> logs) {
     file = Util.gitRepoFilePath(file);
-    String header = "getFile:" + file;
-    try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
-      RevTree tree = revWalk.parseCommit(id).getTree();
-      ObjectReader reader = revWalk.getObjectReader();
-      TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(reader, file, tree);
-      if (treeWalk != null) {
-        String content = new String(, UTF_8);
-        logs.add(header + ":" + content);
-        return content;
+    String content = findReadFile(readFiles, project, file);
+    if (content == null) {
+      content = "";
+      try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
+        String header = "getFile:" + file;
+        RevTree tree = revWalk.parseCommit(id).getTree();
+        ObjectReader reader = revWalk.getObjectReader();
+        TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(reader, file, tree);
+        if (treeWalk != null) {
+          content = new String(, UTF_8);
+          logs.add(header + ":(...)");
+        } else {
+          logs.add(header + " (NOT FOUND)");
+        }
+      } catch (Exception e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("get file %s", file);
+        logException(logs, "getFile", e);
-      logs.add(header + " (NOT FOUND)");
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("get file %s", file);
-      logException(logs, "getFile", e);
+      saveReadFile(readFiles, project, file, content);
-    return "";
+    return content;
   /** Adds a header + exception message to the logs. */
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index c58a9ef..c36afcb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -244,6 +244,13 @@
     messages.add(new CommitValidationMessage(msg, error));
+  private static void checkIncludeOrFile(
+      List<CommitValidationMessage> messages, String path, int num, String line) {
+    // TODO: Check if an included file exists and that it has valid syntax.
+    // An included file could be a new file added by a CL and not in the repository yet
+    add(messages, "unchecked: " + path + ":" + num + ": " + Parser.getIncludeOrFile(line), false);
+  }
   private static void checkLine(
       List<CommitValidationMessage> messages,
       Map<String, Set<String>> email2lines,
@@ -258,17 +265,14 @@
       collectEmail(email2lines, email, path, lineNumber);
     } else if ((emails = Parser.parsePerFileOwners(line)) != null) {
       for (String e : emails) {
-        if (!e.equals(Parser.TOK_SET_NOPARENT)) {
+        if (e.startsWith("file:")) {
+          checkIncludeOrFile(messages, path, lineNumber, line);
+        } else if (!e.equals(Parser.TOK_SET_NOPARENT)) {
           collectEmail(email2lines, e, path, lineNumber);
     } else if (Parser.isInclude(line)) {
-      // Included "OWNERS" files will be checked by themselves.
-      // TODO: Check if the include file path is valid and existence of the included file.
-      // TODO: Check an included file syntax if it is not named as the project ownersFileName.
-      add(messages, "unchecked: " + path + ":" + lineNumber + ": " + line, false);
-    } else if (Parser.isFile(line)) {
-      add(messages, "ignored: " + path + ":" + lineNumber + ": " + line, true);
+      checkIncludeOrFile(messages, path, lineNumber, line);
     } else {
       add(messages, "syntax: " + path + ":" + lineNumber + ": " + line, true);
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 0bf1cca..b26d1a9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import java.util.ArrayDeque;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Deque;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
@@ -30,8 +31,17 @@
  * Parse lines in an OWNERS file and put them into an OwnersDb.
+ * One Parser object should be created to parse only one OWNERS file.
+ * It keeps repoManager, project, branch, and filePath of the OWNERS
+ * file so it can find files that are included by OWNERS.
- * The syntax, semantics, and some examples are included in
+ * The usage pattern is:
+ *   Parser parser = new Parser(repoManager, project, branch, repoFilePath);
+ *   String content = OwnersDb.getRepoFile(readFiles, repoManager, project,
+ *                                         branch, repoFilePath, logs);
+ *   Parser.Result result = parser.parseFile(dirPath, content);
+ *
+ * OWNERS file syntax, semantics, and examples are included in
 class Parser {
   private static final FluentLogger logger = FluentLogger.forEnclosingClass();
@@ -58,23 +68,25 @@
   private static final String  PROJECT_NAME = "([^\\s:]+" + COLUMN + ")?";
   // A relative or absolute file path name without any column or space character.
-  private static final String  FILE_PATH = "([^\\s:]+)";
+  private static final String  FILE_PATH = "([^\\s:#]+)";
   private static final String  PROJECT_AND_FILE = PROJECT_NAME + FILE_PATH;
   private static final String  SET_NOPARENT = "set[\\s]+noparent";
+  private static final String  FILE_DIRECTIVE = "file:[\\s]*" + PROJECT_AND_FILE;
+  private static final String  INCLUDE_OR_FILE = "(file:[\\s]*|include[\\s]+)";
   // Simple input lines with 0 or 1 sub-pattern.
   private static final Pattern PAT_COMMENT = Pattern.compile(BOL + EOL);
   private static final Pattern PAT_EMAIL = Pattern.compile(BOL + EMAIL_OR_STAR + EOL);
-  private static final Pattern PAT_FILE = Pattern.compile(BOL + "file:.*" + EOL);
   private static final Pattern PAT_INCLUDE =
-      Pattern.compile(BOL + "include[\\s]+" + PROJECT_AND_FILE + EOL);
+      Pattern.compile(BOL + INCLUDE_OR_FILE + PROJECT_AND_FILE + EOL);
   private static final Pattern PAT_NO_PARENT = Pattern.compile(BOL + SET_NOPARENT + EOL);
   // Patterns to match trimmed globs, emails, and set noparent in per-file lines.
   private static final Pattern PAT_PER_FILE_OWNERS =
-      Pattern.compile("^(" + EMAIL_LIST + "|(" + SET_NOPARENT + "))$");
+      Pattern.compile("^(" + EMAIL_LIST + "|" + SET_NOPARENT + "|" + FILE_DIRECTIVE + ")$");
   private static final Pattern PAT_GLOBS =
       Pattern.compile("^(" + GLOB + "(" + COMMA + GLOB + ")*)$");
   // PAT_PER_FILE matches a line to two groups: (1) globs, (2) emails
@@ -82,41 +94,80 @@
   // trimmed 2nd group should match PAT_PER_FILE_OWNERS.
   private static final Pattern PAT_PER_FILE =
       Pattern.compile(BOL + "per-file[\\s]+([^=#]+)=[\\s]*([^#]+)" + EOL);
+  // Fetch the include/file part of a line with correct syntax.
+  private static final Pattern PAT_INCLUDE_OR_FILE =
+      Pattern.compile("^.*(" + INCLUDE_OR_FILE + PROJECT_AND_FILE + ")" + EOL);
-  // A parser keeps current repoManager, project, branch, included file path, and debug/trace logs.
+  // A parser keeps current readFiles, repoManager, project, branch,
+  // included file path, and debug/trace logs.
+  private Map<String, String> readFiles;
   private GitRepositoryManager repoManager;
   private String branch; // All owners files are read from the same branch.
-  private Deque<String[]> includeStack; // Keeps include stack of [projectName,filePath].
-  private Set<String> included; // Keeps included files of projectName:filePath
+  private IncludeStack stack; // a stack of including files.
   private List<String> logs; // Keeps debug/trace messages.
+  private Map<String, Result> savedResults; // projectName:filePath => Parser.Result
-  Parser(GitRepositoryManager repoManager, String project, String branch, String file) {
-    init(repoManager, project, branch, file, new ArrayList<>());
+  static class IncludeStack {
+    Deque<String> projectName; // project/repository name of included file
+    Deque<String> filePath; // absolute or relative path of included file
+    Set<String> allFiles; // to detect recursive inclusion quickly
+    IncludeStack(String project, String file) {
+      projectName = new ArrayDeque<>();
+      filePath = new ArrayDeque<>();
+      allFiles = new HashSet<>();
+      push(project, file);
+    }
+    void push(String project, String file) {
+      projectName.push(project);
+      filePath.push(file);
+      allFiles.add(getFileKey(project, file));
+    }
+    void pop() {
+      allFiles.remove(getFileKey(currentProject(), currentFile()));
+      projectName.pop();
+      filePath.pop();
+    }
+    String currentProject() {
+      return projectName.peek();
+    }
+    String currentFile() {
+      return filePath.peek();
+    }
+    boolean contains(String project, String file) {
+      return allFiles.contains(getFileKey(project, file));
+    }
-  Parser(GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
-      String project, String branch, String file, List<String> logs) {
-    init(repoManager, project, branch, file, logs);
+  Parser(Map<String, String> readFiles, GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
+      String project, String branch, String file) {
+    init(readFiles, repoManager, project, branch, file, new ArrayList<>());
-  private void init(GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
+  Parser(Map<String, String> readFiles, GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
       String project, String branch, String file, List<String> logs) {
+    init(readFiles, repoManager, project, branch, file, logs);
+  }
+  private void init(Map<String, String> readFiles, GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
+      String project, String branch, String file, List<String> logs) {
+    this.readFiles = readFiles;
     this.repoManager = repoManager;
     this.branch = branch;
     this.logs = logs;
-    includeStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
-    included = new HashSet<>();
-    pushProjectFilePaths(project, normalizedRepoDirFilePath(".", file));
+    stack = new IncludeStack(project, normalizedRepoDirFilePath(".", file));
+    savedResults = new HashMap<>();
   static boolean isComment(String line) {
     return PAT_COMMENT.matcher(line).matches();
-  static boolean isFile(String line) {
-    return PAT_FILE.matcher(line).matches();
-  }
   static boolean isInclude(String line) {
     return PAT_INCLUDE.matcher(line).matches();
@@ -139,18 +190,22 @@
     if (!m.matches()) {
       return null;
-    String[] parts = new String[]{,};
-    if (parts[0] != null && parts[0].length() > 0) {
-      // parts[0] has project name followed by ':'
-      parts[0] = parts[0].split(COLUMN, -1)[0].trim();
-    } else {
-      parts[0] = project; // default project name
+    String keyword =;
+    if (keyword.equals("file:")) {
+      keyword = "file";
-    return parts;
+    String projectName =;
+    if (projectName != null && projectName.length() > 1) {
+      // PROJECT_NAME ends with ':'
+      projectName = projectName.split(COLUMN, -1)[0].trim();
+    } else {
+      projectName = project; // default project name
+    }
+    return new String[]{keyword, projectName,};
   static String removeExtraSpaces(String s) {
-    return s.trim().replaceAll("[\\s]+", " ");
+    return s.trim().replaceAll("[\\s]+", " ").replaceAll("[\\s]*:[\\s]*", ":");
   static String[] parsePerFile(String line) {
@@ -167,37 +222,60 @@
     return (globsAndOwners != null) ? globsAndOwners[1].split(COMMA, -1) : null;
+  static String getIncludeOrFile(String line) {
+    Matcher m = PAT_INCLUDE_OR_FILE.matcher(line);
+    return m.matches() ? removeExtraSpaces( : "";
+  }
   static class Result {
     boolean stopLooking; // if this file contains set noparent
-    List<String> warnings; // warning messages
-    List<String> errors; // error messages
+    Set<String> warnings; // unique warning messages
+    Set<String> errors; // unique error messages
     Map<String, Set<String>> owner2paths; // maps from owner email to pathGlobs
     Set<String> noParentGlobs; // per-file dirpath+glob with "set noparent"
     Result() {
       stopLooking = false;
-      warnings = new ArrayList<>();
-      errors = new ArrayList<>();
+      warnings = new HashSet<>();
+      errors = new HashSet<>();
       owner2paths = new HashMap<>();
       noParentGlobs = new HashSet<>();
-    void append(Result r) {
+    void append(Result r, String dir, boolean addAll) {
+      // addAll is true when the Result is from an include statements.
+      // It is false for the included result of "file:" directive, which
+      // only collects owner emails, not per-file or set noparent statement.
-      stopLooking |= r.stopLooking; // included file's "set noparent" applies to the including file
-      for (String key : r.owner2paths.keySet()) {
-        Util.addAllToMap(owner2paths, key, r.owner2paths.get(key));
+      if (addAll) {
+        stopLooking = stopLooking || r.stopLooking;
+        for (String glob : r.noParentGlobs) {
+          noParentGlobs.add(dir + glob);
+        }
-      noParentGlobs.addAll(r.noParentGlobs);
+      for (String key : r.owner2paths.keySet()) {
+        for (String path : r.owner2paths.get(key)) {
+          // In an included file, top-level owener emails have empty dir path.
+          if (path.isEmpty() || addAll) {
+            Util.addToMap(owner2paths, key, dir + path);
+          }
+        }
+      }
-  // Parse an OWNERS file or included file content in lines.
-  // "dir" is the directory that contains "changed files" of a CL,
-  // not necessarily the OWNERS or included file directory.
-  // "owners" listed in lines control changed files in 'dir' not
-  // necessrily the files in the directory containing "lines".
+  /**
+   * Parse given lines of an OWNERS files; return parsed Result.
+   * It can recursively call itself to parse included files.
+   *
+   * @param dir is the directory that contains "changed files" of a CL,
+   *        not necessarily the OWNERS or included file directory.
+   *        "owners" found in lines control changed files in 'dir'.
+   *        'dir' ends with '/' or is empty when parsing an included file.
+   * @param  lines are the source lines of the file to be parsed.
+   * @return the parsed data
+   */
   Result parseFile(String dir, String[] lines) {
     Result result = new Result();
     int n = 0;
@@ -207,25 +285,8 @@
     return result;
-  private String currentProject() {
-    return includeStack.peek()[0];
-  }
-  private String currentFilePath() {
-    return includeStack.peek()[1];
-  }
-  private String combineProjectAndFile(String project, String file) {
-    return project + ":" + file;
-  }
-  private void pushProjectFilePaths(String project, String file) {
-    includeStack.push(new String[]{project, file});
-    included.add(combineProjectAndFile(project, file));
-  }
-  private void popProjectFilePaths() {
-    includeStack.pop();
+  Result parseFile(String dir, String content) {
+    return parseFile(dir, content.split("\\R"));
   private String normalizedRepoDirFilePath(String dir, String path) {
@@ -240,7 +301,8 @@
-   * Parse a line in OWNERS file and add info to OwnersDb.
+   * Parse a line in OWNERS file and add parsed info into result.
+   * This function should be called only by parseFile and Parser unit tests.
    * @param result a Result object to keep parsed info.
    * @param dir the path to OWNERS file directory.
@@ -250,56 +312,111 @@
   void parseLine(Result result, String dir, String line, int num) {
     String email;
     String[] globsAndOwners;
-    String[] projectAndFile;
+    String[] parsedKPF; // parsed keyword, projectName, filePath
     if (isNoParent(line)) {
       result.stopLooking = true;
     } else if (isComment(line)) {
       // ignore comment and empty lines.
     } else if ((email = parseEmail(line)) != null) {
-      Util.addToMap(result.owner2paths, email, dir);
+      Util.addToMap(result.owner2paths, email, dir); // here dir is not a glob
     } else if ((globsAndOwners = parsePerFile(line)) != null) {
-      String[] owners = globsAndOwners[1].split(COMMA, -1);
-      for (String glob : globsAndOwners[0].split(COMMA, -1)) {
-        for (String e : owners) {
-          if (e.equals(Parser.TOK_SET_NOPARENT)) {
-            result.noParentGlobs.add(dir + glob);
-          } else {
-            Util.addToMap(result.owner2paths, e, dir + glob);
+      String[] dirGlobs = globsAndOwners[0].split(COMMA, -1);
+      String directive = globsAndOwners[1];
+      if (directive.equals(Parser.TOK_SET_NOPARENT)) {
+        // per-file globs = set noparent
+        for (String glob : dirGlobs) {
+          result.noParentGlobs.add(dir + glob);
+        }
+      } else {
+        List<String> ownerEmails;
+        if ((parsedKPF = parseInclude(stack.currentProject(), directive)) == null) {
+          // per-file globs = ownerEmails
+          ownerEmails = Arrays.asList(directive.split(COMMA, -1));
+        } else {
+          // per-file globs = file: projectFile
+          ownerEmails = new ArrayList<>();
+          Result r = new Result();
+          includeFile(r, "", num, parsedKPF, false);
+          for (String key : r.owner2paths.keySet()) {
+            for (String path : r.owner2paths.get(key)) {
+              if (path.isEmpty()) {
+                ownerEmails.add(key);
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (String glob : dirGlobs) {
+          for (String owner: ownerEmails) {
+            Util.addToMap(result.owner2paths, owner, dir + glob);
-    } else if (isFile(line)) {
-      // file: directive is parsed but ignored.
-      result.warnings.add(warningMsg(currentFilePath(), num, "ignored", line));
-      logs.add("parseLine:file");
-    } else if ((projectAndFile = parseInclude(currentProject(), line)) != null) {
-      String project = projectAndFile[0];
-      String file = projectAndFile[1];
-      String includePath = combineProjectAndFile(project, file);
-      // Like C/C++ #include, when f1 includes f2 with a relative path projectAndFile[1],
-      // use f1's directory, not 'dir', as the base for relative path.
-      // 'dir' is the directory of OWNERS file, which might include f1 indirectly.
-      String repoFile = normalizedRepoDirFilePath(Util.getParentDir(currentFilePath()), file);
-      String repoProjectFile = combineProjectAndFile(project, repoFile);
-      if (included.contains(repoProjectFile)) {
-        logs.add("parseLine:skip:include:" + includePath);
-      } else {
-        pushProjectFilePaths(project, repoFile);
-        logs.add("parseLine:include:" + includePath);
-        String content =
-            OwnersDb.getRepoFile(repoManager, project, branch, repoFile, logs);
-        if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) {
-          result.append(parseFile(dir, content.split("\\R")));
-        } else {
-          logs.add("parseLine:include:(empty)");
-        }
-        popProjectFilePaths();
-      }
+    } else if ((parsedKPF = parseInclude(stack.currentProject(), line)) != null) {
+      includeFile(result, dir, num, parsedKPF, parsedKPF[0].equals("include"));
     } else {
-      result.errors.add(errorMsg(currentFilePath(), num, "ignored unknown line", line));
+      result.errors.add(errorMsg(stack.currentFile(), num, "ignored unknown line", line));
+  /**
+   * Find and parse an included file and append data to the 'result'.
+   * For an 'include' statement, parsed data is all appended to the given result parameter.
+   * For a 'file:' statement or directive, only owner emails are appended.
+   * If the project+file name is found in the stored result set, the stored result is reused.
+   * The inclusion is skipped if the to be included file is already on the including file stack.
+   *
+   * @param result to where the included file data should be added.
+   * @param dir the including file's directory or glob.
+   * @param num source code line number
+   * @param parsedKPF the parsed line of include or file directive.
+   * @param addAll to add all parsed data into result or not.
+   */
+  private void includeFile(Result result, String dir, int num, String[] parsedKPF, boolean addAll) {
+    String keyword = parsedKPF[0];
+    String project = parsedKPF[1];
+    String file = parsedKPF[2];
+    String includeKPF = keyword + ":" + getFileKey(project, file);
+    // Like C/C++ #include, when f1 includes f2 with a relative file path,
+    // use f1's directory, not 'dir', as the base for relative path.
+    // 'dir' is the directory of OWNERS file, which might include f1 indirectly.
+    String repoFile = normalizedRepoDirFilePath(Util.getParentDir(stack.currentFile()), file);
+    if (stack.contains(project, repoFile)) {
+      logs.add("parseLine:errorRecursion:" + includeKPF);
+      result.errors.add(errorMsg(stack.currentFile(), num, "recursive include", includeKPF));
+      return;
+    }
+    String savedResultKey = getFileKey(project, repoFile);
+    Result includedFileResult = savedResults.get(savedResultKey);
+    if (null != includedFileResult) {
+      logs.add("parseLine:useSaved:" + includeKPF);
+    } else {
+      stack.push(project, repoFile);
+      logs.add("parseLine:" + includeKPF);
+      String content =
+          OwnersDb.getRepoFile(readFiles, repoManager, project, branch, repoFile, logs);
+      if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) {
+        includedFileResult = parseFile("", content);
+      } else {
+        logs.add("parseLine:" + keyword + ":()");
+        includedFileResult = new Result();
+      }
+      stack.pop();
+      savedResults.put(savedResultKey, includedFileResult);
+    }
+    result.append(includedFileResult, dir, addAll);
+  }
+  // Build a readable key or output string for a (project, file) pair.
+  static String getFileKey(String project, String file) {
+    return project + ":" + file;
+  }
+  // Build a readable key or output string for a (project, branch, file) tuple.
+  static String getFileKey(String project, String branch, String file) {
+    return project + ":" + branch + ":" + file;
+  }
   private static String createMsgLine(String prefix, String file, int n, String msg, String line) {
     return prefix + file + ":" + n + ": " + msg + ": [" + line + "]";
diff --git a/src/main/resources/Documentation/ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/
index 1470ed2..ac1637e 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/Documentation/
+++ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/
@@ -7,26 +7,30 @@
 ### Syntax
-lines      := (SPACE* line? SPACE* EOL)*
-line       := comment
-           |  noparent
-           |  ownerEmail
-           |  "per-file" SPACE+ globs SPACE* "=" SPACE* owners
-           |  "include" SPACE+ (project SPACE* ":" SPACE*)? filePath
-comment    := "#" ANYCHAR*
-noparent   := "set" SPACE+ "noparent"
-ownerEmail := email
-           |  "*"
-owners     := noparent
-           |  ownerEmail (SPACE* "," SPACE* ownerEmail)*
-globs      := glob (SPACE* "," SPACE* glob)*
-glob       := [a-zA-Z0-9_-*?.]+
-email      := [^ @]+@[^ #]+
-project    := a Gerrit project name without space or column character
-filePath   := a file path name without space or column character
-ANYCHAR    := any character but EOL
-EOL        := end of line characters
-SPACE      := any white space character
+lines       := (SPACE* line? SPACE* EOL)*
+line        := comment
+            |  noparent
+            |  ownerEmail
+            |  "per-file" SPACE+ globs SPACE* "=" SPACE* owners
+            |  include projectFile
+include     := "include" SPACE+
+            |  "file:" SPACE*
+projectFile := (project SPACE* ":" SPACE*)? filePath
+comment     := "#" ANYCHAR*
+noparent    := "set" SPACE+ "noparent"
+ownerEmail  := email
+            |  "*"
+owners      := noparent
+            |  "file:" SPACE* projectFile
+            |  ownerEmail (SPACE* "," SPACE* ownerEmail)*
+globs       := glob (SPACE* "," SPACE* glob)*
+glob        := [a-zA-Z0-9_-*?.]+
+email       := [^ @]+@[^ #]+
+project     := a Gerrit project name without space or column character
+filePath    := a file path name without space or column character
+ANYCHAR     := any character but EOL
+EOL         := end of line characters
+SPACE       := any white space character
 * An OWNERS file can include another file with the `include filePath`
@@ -39,8 +43,31 @@
   of the current including file directory and then searched from the
   (given) project root directory.
-* An OWNERS file inherit rules in OWNERS files of parent directories
+* The `file: ...` statement is similar to `include ...`
+    * To be compatible to Google's old OWNERS `file:` directive,
+      the `file: ...` statement ignores the `per-file ...` and
+      `set noparent` lines in the directly or indirectly included files.
+      The `include ...` statement takes all statements in the
+      directly included file.
+    * The `include ...` statement is more general and should be
+      used in new OWNERS files.
+        * Google's `file: <file>` directive only includes files
+          in the same repository. The syntax does not accept a
+          "project path" like the `include ...` statement.
+        * Google's `file: <file>` directive requires the include file
+          to have a name with the 'OWNERS' substring,
+          but `include ...` statement can include any file.
+* Recursive inclusion (loop) is an error, which is detected
+  and logged as a run-time error. The inclusion is then ignored.
+* Repeated inclusion (non-loop) is allowed but redundant.
+  The effect is similar to duplicated statements in an OWNERS file.
+* An OWNERS file inherits rules in OWNERS files of parent directories
   by default, unless `set noparent` is specified.
+  Note that when a file is included into other files,
+  it does not inherit rules in its parent directory's OWNERS files.
 * A "glob" is UNIX globbing pathname without the directory path.
@@ -50,11 +77,15 @@
 * `per-file globs = set noparent` is like `set noparent` but applies only to
   files matching any of the `globs`. OWNERS files in parent directories
-  are not considrered for files matching those globs. Even default ownerEmails
+  are not considered for files matching those globs. Even default ownerEmails
   specified in the current OWNERS file are not included.
-* Without the `per-file globs = set noparent`, all global ownerEmails also
-  apply to files matching those globs.
+* Without the `per-file globs = set noparent`, all non-per-file
+  ownerEmails also apply to files matching those globs.
+* `per-file globs = file: <projectFile>` is equivalent to
+  `per-file globs = emails`, where the emails are collected
+  from top-level emails collected from `file: <projectFile>`.
 * The email addresses should belong to registered Gerrit users.
   A group mailing address can be used as long as it is associated to
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 3233024..e7fef5b 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -113,28 +113,26 @@
     // Submitted c2 still finds no owners before c1 is submitted.
     assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("owners:[], files:[ t.c ]");
     PushOneCommit.Result c1 = addFile("2", "OWNERS",
-        "x@x\na@a\nfile:f1.txt\ninclude  P1/P2 : f1\ninclude ./d1/d2/../../f2\n");
+        "x@x\na@a\ninclude  P1/P2 : f1\ninclude ./d1/d2/../../f2\n");
     // Now c2 should find owners, but include directives find no repository or file.
     String ownersAX = "owners:[ " + ownerJson("a@a") + ", " + ownerJson("x@x") + " ]";
     String path2owners = "path2owners:{ ./:[ a@a, x@x ] }";
     String owner2paths = "owner2paths:{ a@a:[ ./ ], x@x:[ ./ ] }";
-    String projectName = myProjectName("includeNotFoundTest");
+    String projectName = project.get();
     String expectedInLog = "project:" + projectName + ", "
             + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
             + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
             + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c, "
             + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
-            + "getFile:OWNERS:x@x\\na@a\\nfile:f1.txt\\n"
-            + "includeP1/P2:f1\\ninclude./d1/d2/../../f2\\n, "
-            + "parseLine:file, "
+            + "getFile:OWNERS:(...), "
             + "parseLine:include:P1/P2:f1, "
             + "getRepoFile:P1/P2:refs/heads/master:f1, "
             + "getRepoFileException:repositorynotfound:P1/P2, " // repository not found
-            + "parseLine:include:(empty), " // missing file is treated as empty
+            + "parseLine:include:(), " // missing file is treated as empty
             + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":./d1/d2/../../f2, "
             + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f2, "
             + "getFile:f2(NOTFOUND), " // same repository but f2 is missing
-            + "parseLine:include:(empty), " // missing file is treated as empty
+            + "parseLine:include:(), " // missing file is treated as empty
             + "countNumOwners, "
             + "findOwners, "
             + "checkFile:./t.c, "
@@ -162,7 +160,7 @@
     // c2 and c1 are both submitted before existence of OWNERS.
     PushOneCommit.Result c2 = addFile("c2", "t.c", "##");
     PushOneCommit.Result c1 = addFile("c1", "OWNERS",
-        "x@x\na@a\nfile:f1.txt\ninclude  P1/P2 : f1\ninclude ./d1/d2/../../f2\n");
+        "x@x\na@a\ninclude  P1/P2 : f1\ninclude ./d1/d2/../../f2\n");
     String ownerA = ownerJson("a@a");
     String ownerX = ownerJson("x@x");
     String ownerG1 = ownerJson("g1@g");
@@ -171,22 +169,20 @@
         "owners:[ " + ownerA + ", " + ownerG1 + ", " + ownerG2 + ", " + ownerX + " ]";
     String path2owners = "path2owners:{ ./:[ a@a, g1@g, g2@g, x@x ] }";
     String owner2paths = "owner2paths:{ a@a:[ ./ ], g1@g:[ ./ ], g2@g:[ ./ ], x@x:[ ./ ] }";
-    String projectName = myProjectName("includeFoundTest");
+    String projectName = project.get();
     String expectedInLog = "project:" + projectName + ", "
             + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
             + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
             + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c, "
             + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
-            + "getFile:OWNERS:x@x\\na@a\\nfile:f1.txt\\n"
-            + "includeP1/P2:f1\\ninclude./d1/d2/../../f2\\n, "
-            + "parseLine:file, "
+            + "getFile:OWNERS:(...), "
             + "parseLine:include:P1/P2:f1, "
             + "getRepoFile:P1/P2:refs/heads/master:f1, "
             + "getRepoFileException:repositorynotfound:P1/P2, "
-            + "parseLine:include:(empty), " // P1/P2 is still not found
+            + "parseLine:include:(), " // P1/P2 is still not found
             + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":./d1/d2/../../f2, "
             + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f2, "
-            + "getFile:f2:g1@g\\ng2@g\\n, " // f2 is included
+            + "getFile:f2:(...), " // f2 is included
             + "countNumOwners, "
             + "findOwners, "
             + "checkFile:./t.c, "
@@ -231,6 +227,78 @@
+  public void includeVsFileTest() throws Exception {
+    // Test difference between include and file statements.
+    // The file statement skips "set noparent" and "per-file" statements.
+    addFile("d1", "d1/OWNERS", "d1@g\n");
+    addFile("d1/d1", "d1/d1/OWNERS",
+        "per-file *.c=d1d1p@g\nd1d1@g\nfile: d1/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d1/d1/d1", "d1/d1/d1/OWNERS",
+        "set noparent\nper-file *.c=d1d1d1p@g\nd1d1d1@g\n");
+    addFile("d1/d2", "d1/d2/OWNERS",
+        "per-file *.c=d1d2p@g\nd1d2@g\ninclude d1/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d1/d2/d1", "d1/d2/d1/OWNERS",
+        "set noparent\nper-file *.c=d1d2d1p@g\nd1d2d1@g\n");
+    addFile("d2", "d2/OWNERS", "d2@g\n");
+    addFile("d2/d1", "d2/d1/OWNERS",
+        "per-file *.c=d2d1p@g\nd2d1@g\nfile: ./d1/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d2/d1/d1", "d2/d1/d1/OWNERS",
+        "set noparent\nper-file *.c=d2d1d1p@g\nd2d1d1@g\n");
+    addFile("d2/d2", "d2/d2/OWNERS",
+        "per-file *.c=d2d2p@g\nd2d2@g\ninclude ./d1/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d2/d2/d1", "d2/d2/d1/OWNERS",
+        "set noparent\nper-file *.c=d2d2d1p@g\nd2d2d1@g\n");
+    addFile("d3", "d3/OWNERS", "d3@g\n");
+    addFile("d3/d1/d1", "d3/d1/d1/OWNERS", "d3d1d1@g\nfile: ../../../d1/d1/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d3/d1/d2", "d3/d1/d2/OWNERS", "d3d1d2@g\nfile: //d1/d2/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d3/d2/d1", "d3/d2/d1/OWNERS", "d3d2d1@g\ninclude /d2/d1/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d3/d2/d2", "d3/d2/d2/OWNERS", "d3d2d2@g\ninclude //d2/d2/OWNERS\n");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c11 = createChange("c11", "d3/d1/d1/t.c", "test");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c12 = createChange("c12", "d3/d1/d2/t.c", "test");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c21 = createChange("c21", "d3/d2/d1/t.c", "test");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c22 = createChange("c22", "d3/d2/d2/t.c", "test");
+    // file and file
+    String owners11 = "file2owners:{ ./d3/d1/d1/t.c:"
+        + "[ d1d1@g, d1d1d1@g, d3@g, d3d1d1@g ] }";
+    // file and include
+    String owners12 = "file2owners:{ ./d3/d1/d2/t.c:"
+        + "[ d1d2@g, d1d2d1@g, d3@g, d3d1d2@g ] }";
+    // include and file
+    String owners21 = "file2owners:{ ./d3/d2/d1/t.c:"
+        + "[ d2d1@g, d2d1d1@g, d2d1p@g, d3@g, d3d2d1@g ] }";
+    // include and include
+    String owners22 = "file2owners:{ ./d3/d2/d2/t.c:"
+        + "[ d2d2@g, d2d2d1@g, d2d2d1p@g, d2d2p@g, d3d2d2@g ] }";
+    assertThat(getOwnersDebugResponse(c11)).contains(owners11);
+    assertThat(getOwnersDebugResponse(c12)).contains(owners12);
+    assertThat(getOwnersDebugResponse(c21)).contains(owners21);
+    assertThat(getOwnersDebugResponse(c22)).contains(owners22);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void multipleIncludeTest() throws Exception {
+    // Now "include" and "file:" statements can share parsed results.
+    addFile("d1", "d1/OWNERS", "d1@g\n");
+    addFile("d2/d1", "d2/d1/OWNERS", "include /d1/OWNERS\nfile://d1/OWNERS\n");
+    addFile("d2/d2", "d2/d2/OWNERS", "file: //d1/OWNERS\ninclude /d1/OWNERS\n");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c1 = createChange("c1", "d2/d1/t.c", "test");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c2 = createChange("c2", "d2/d2/t.c", "test");
+    String projectName = project.get();
+    String log1 = "parseLine:useSaved:file:" + projectName + "://d1/OWNERS, ";
+    String log2 = "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":/d1/OWNERS, ";
+    String response1 = getOwnersDebugResponse(c1);
+    String response2 = getOwnersDebugResponse(c2);
+    assertThat(response1).contains(log1);
+    assertThat(response1).doesNotContain(log2);
+    assertThat(response2).doesNotContain(log1);
+    assertThat(response2).contains(log2);
+  }
+  @Test
   public void includeCycleTest() throws Exception {
     // f1 includes f2, f2 includes f3, f3 includes f4, f4 includes f2, OWNERS includes f1.
     // All files are in the root directory, but could be referred with relative paths.
@@ -241,26 +309,26 @@
     addFile("5", "OWNERS", "x@g\ninclude ./d1/../f1\n");
     PushOneCommit.Result c = createChange("6", "t.c", "#\n");
     String response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c);
-    String projectName = myProjectName("includeCycleTest");
+    String projectName = project.get();
     String expectedInLog = "project:" + projectName + ", "
             + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
             + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
             + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c, "
             + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
-            + "getFile:OWNERS:x@g\\ninclude./d1/../f1\\n, "
+            + "getFile:OWNERS:(...), "
             + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":./d1/../f1, "
             + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f1, "
-            + "getFile:f1:f1@g\\ninclude./f2\\n, "
+            + "getFile:f1:(...), "
             + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":./f2, "
             + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f2, "
-            + "getFile:f2:f2@g\\nincluded1/../f3\\n, "
+            + "getFile:f2:(...), "
             + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":d1/../f3, "
             + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f3, "
-            + "getFile:f3:f3@g\\ninclude/f4\\n, "
+            + "getFile:f3:(...), "
             + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":/f4, "
             + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f4, "
-            + "getFile:f4:f4@g\\nincluded2/../f2\\n, "
-            + "parseLine:skip:include:" + projectName + ":d2/../f2, "
+            + "getFile:f4:(...), "
+            + "parseLine:errorRecursion:include:" + projectName + ":d2/../f2, "
             + "countNumOwners, "
             + "findOwners, "
             + "checkFile:./t.c, "
@@ -289,42 +357,41 @@
         + "include ../d2/f2\ninclude /d2/d3/f3\ninclude /d2/../d4/d5/f5\ninclude /d4/f4\n");
     String result = getOwnersDebugResponse(c);
     assertThat(result).contains("{ ./d6/OWNERS:[ f0@g, f1@g, f2@g, f3@g, f4@g, f5@g, f6@g ] }");
-    String skipLog = "parseLine:skip:include:" + myProjectName("includeDuplicationTest") + ":";
+    String projectName = project.get();
+    String skipLog = "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":";
     for (String path : new String[]{"../../d0/f0", "../d0/f0", "../d2/f2", "/d2/f2", "/d4/f4"}) {
       assertThat(result).contains(skipLog + path);
-    String projectName = myProjectName("includeDuplicationTest");
     String expectedInLog = "project:" + projectName + ", "
            + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
            + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
            + "findOwnersFileFor:./d6/OWNERS, "
            + "findOwnersFileIn:./d6, "
-           + "getFile:d6/OWNERS:f6@g\\ninclude/d0/f0\\ninclude../d1/d2/f1\\ninclude../d2/f2\\n"
-           + "include/d2/d3/f3\\ninclude/d2/../d4/d5/f5\\ninclude/d4/f4\\n, "
+           + "getFile:d6/OWNERS:(...), "
            + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":/d0/f0, "
            + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d0/f0, "
-           + "getFile:d0/f0:f0@g\\n, "
+           + "getFile:d0/f0:(...), "
            + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":../d1/d2/f1, "
            + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d1/d2/f1, "
-           + "getFile:d1/d2/f1:f1@g\\ninclude../../d0/f0\\n, "
-           + "parseLine:skip:include:" + projectName + ":../../d0/f0, "
+           + "getFile:d1/d2/f1:(...), "
+           + "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":../../d0/f0, "
            + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":../d2/f2, "
            + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d2/f2, "
-           + "getFile:d2/f2:f2@g\\ninclude../d0/f0\\n, "
-           + "parseLine:skip:include:" + projectName + ":../d0/f0, "
+           + "getFile:d2/f2:(...), "
+           + "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":../d0/f0, "
            + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":/d2/d3/f3, "
            + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d2/d3/f3, "
-           + "getFile:d2/d3/f3:f3@g\\ninclude/d0/f0\\n, "
-           + "parseLine:skip:include:" + projectName + ":/d0/f0, "
+           + "getFile:d2/d3/f3:(...), "
+           + "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":/d0/f0, "
            + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":/d2/../d4/d5/f5, "
            + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d4/d5/f5, "
-           + "getFile:d4/d5/f5:f5@g\\ninclude/d2/f2\\ninclude../f4\\n, "
-           + "parseLine:skip:include:" + projectName + ":/d2/f2, "
+           + "getFile:d4/d5/f5:(...), "
+           + "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":/d2/f2, "
            + "parseLine:include:" + projectName + ":../f4, "
            + "getRepoFile:" + projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d4/f4, "
-           + "getFile:d4/f4:f4@g\\ninclude../d2/f2\\n, "
-           + "parseLine:skip:include:" + projectName + ":../d2/f2, "
-           + "parseLine:skip:include:" + projectName + ":/d4/f4, "
+           + "getFile:d4/f4:(...), "
+           + "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":../d2/f2, "
+           + "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":/d4/f4, "
            + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
            + "getFile:OWNERS(NOTFOUND), "
            + "countNumOwners, "
@@ -340,7 +407,7 @@
   public void ownersPerFileTest() throws Exception {
     addFile("1", "OWNERS", "per-file *.c=x@x\na@a\nc@c\nb@b\n");
-    // Add "t.c" file, which has per-file owner x@x, not a@a, b@b, c@c.
+    // Add "t.c" file, which has per-file owner x@x, and a@a, b@b, c@c.
     PushOneCommit.Result c2 = createChange("2", "t.c", "Hello!");
     String ownerA = ownerJson("a@a");
     String ownerB = ownerJson("b@b");
@@ -354,6 +421,20 @@
+  public void perFileIncludeTest() throws Exception {
+    // A per-file with file: directive to include more owners.
+    addFile("1", "OWNERS", "per-file *.c=x@x\na@a\nper-file t.c=file: t_owner\n");
+    addFile("2", "t_owner", "t1@g\n*\nper-file *.c=y@y\ninclude more_owner\n");
+    addFile("3", "more_owner", "m@g\nm2@g\nper-file *.c=z@z\n");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c1 = createChange("c1", "x.c", "test");
+    PushOneCommit.Result c2 = createChange("c2", "t.c", "test");
+    String c1Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c1);
+    String c2Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c2);
+    assertThat(c1Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./x.c:[ a@a, x@x ] }");
+    assertThat(c2Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./t.c:[ *, a@a, m2@g, m@g, t1@g, x@x ] }");
+  }
+  @Test
   public void includePerFileTest() throws Exception {
     // Test included file with per-file, which affects the including file.
     PushOneCommit.Result c1 = addFile("1", "d1/d1/OWNERS", "d1d1@g\nper-file OWNERS=d1d1o@g\n");
@@ -551,7 +632,7 @@
   public void projectTest() throws Exception {
     RestResponse response = adminRestSession.get("/projects/?d");
     String content = response.getEntityContent();
-    // Predefined projects: "All-Projects", "All-Users", myProjectName("projectTest")
+    // Predefined projects: "All-Projects", "All-Users", project
     assertThat(content).contains("\"id\": \"All-Projects\",");
     assertThat(content).contains("\"id\": \"All-Users\",");
     assertThat(content).contains(idProject("projectTest", "project"));
@@ -887,10 +968,6 @@
     return filteredJson(response.getEntityContent());
-  private String myProjectName(String test) {
-    return myProjectName(test, "project");
-  }
   private String myProjectName(String test, String project) {
     return this.getClass().getName() + "_" + test + "_" + project;
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index b0444bc..a9292b5 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -146,16 +147,40 @@
-  private static final String INCLUDE_STMT1 = "  include  p1/p2 : /d1/owners";
+  private static final String[] INCLUDE_STMTS = new String[]{
+      "  include  p1/p2 : /d1/owners",
+      "include  p1/p2://d1/owners #comment",
+      "include ../d2/owners",
+      " per-file *.java = file:  //d2/ #",
+      "per-file *.cpp,*cc=file:p1/p2:/c++owners",
+      "  file:   p1/p2 : /d1/owners ",
+      "file:  p1/p2://d1/owners #comment",
+      "file: ../d2/owners",
+      "file: //OWNERS",
+      "file:///"};
-  private static final String INCLUDE_STMT2 = "include  ../d2/owners ";
+  private static String allIncludeStatements() {
+    String statement = "";
+    for (String s: INCLUDE_STMTS) {
+      statement += s + "\n";
+    }
+    return statement;
+  };
+  private static Set<String> allIncludeMsgs() {
+    Set<String> msgs = new HashSet<>();
+    for (int i = 0; i < INCLUDE_STMTS.length; i++) {
+      msgs.add("MSG: unchecked: OWNERS:" + (i + 1)
+          + ": " + Parser.getIncludeOrFile(INCLUDE_STMTS[i]));
+    }
+    return msgs;
+  };
   private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> FILES_WITH_NO_ERROR =
-          "\n\n#comments ...\n  ###  more comments\n"
-              + INCLUDE_STMT1 + "\n"
-              + INCLUDE_STMT2 + "\n"
+          allIncludeStatements()
+              + "\n\n#comments ...\n  ###  more comments\n"
               + " # comment\n"
               + "\n"
               + " * # everyone can approve\n"
@@ -165,20 +190,20 @@
               + "per-file *.java = set noparent #  \n"
               + "  set   noparent  # comment#\n");
-  private static final ImmutableSet<String> EXPECTED_VERBOSE_OUTPUT =
-      ImmutableSet.of(
-          "MSG: validate: " + OWNERS,
-          "MSG: unchecked: OWNERS:5: " + INCLUDE_STMT1,
-          "MSG: unchecked: OWNERS:6: " + INCLUDE_STMT2,
-          "MSG: owner:",
-          "MSG: owner:",
-          "MSG: owner:",
-          "MSG: owner:");
+  private static Set<String> allVerboseMsgs() {
+    Set<String> msgs = allIncludeMsgs();
+    msgs.add("MSG: validate: " + OWNERS);
+    msgs.add("MSG: owner:");
+    msgs.add("MSG: owner:");
+    msgs.add("MSG: owner:");
+    msgs.add("MSG: owner:");
+    return msgs;
+  };
+  private static final ImmutableSet<String> EXPECTED_VERBOSE_OUTPUT =
+      ImmutableSet.copyOf(allVerboseMsgs());
   private static final ImmutableSet<String> EXPECTED_NON_VERBOSE_OUTPUT =
-      ImmutableSet.of(
-          "MSG: unchecked: OWNERS:5: " + INCLUDE_STMT1,
-          "MSG: unchecked: OWNERS:6: " + INCLUDE_STMT2);
+      ImmutableSet.copyOf(allIncludeMsgs());
   public void testGoodInput() throws Exception {
@@ -198,27 +223,23 @@
           "\n\n\nwrong syntax\n#comment\\n",
           "d2/" + OWNERS,
-          "\\n*\n",
-          "d3/" + OWNERS,
-          "\n\nfile: common/Owners\n");
+          "\n\\n*\n");
   private static final ImmutableSet<String> EXPECTED_WRONG_SYNTAX =
           "ERROR: syntax: " + OWNERS + ":4: wrong syntax",
-          "ERROR: unknown: at d2/" + OWNERS + ":2",
-          "ERROR: ignored: d3/" + OWNERS + ":3: file: common/Owners");
+          "ERROR: unknown: at d2/" + OWNERS + ":3");
   private static final ImmutableSet<String> EXPECTED_VERBOSE_WRONG_SYNTAX =
-          "MSG: validate: d3/" + OWNERS,
           "MSG: validate: d2/" + OWNERS,
           "MSG: validate: " + OWNERS,
           "MSG: owner:",
           "MSG: owner:",
           "MSG: owner:",
           "ERROR: syntax: " + OWNERS + ":4: wrong syntax",
-          "ERROR: unknown: at d2/" + OWNERS + ":2",
-          "ERROR: ignored: d3/" + OWNERS + ":3: file: common/Owners");
+          "ERROR: unknown: at d2/" + OWNERS + ":3");
   public void testWrongSyntax() throws Exception {
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 15431fe..c2de856 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   private static Parser.Result testLine(String line) {
     Parser.Result result = new Parser.Result();
     // Single line parser tests do not need repoManager.
-    Parser parser = new Parser(null, mockedProject(), "master", "OWNERS");
+    Parser parser = new Parser(null, null, mockedProject(), "master", "OWNERS");
     parser.parseLine(result, mockedTestDir(), line, 3);
     return result;
@@ -111,15 +111,25 @@
-    r2.append(r1);
+    assertThat(r1.owner2paths).isEmpty();
+    assertThat(r2.owner2paths).isEmpty();
+    r2.append(r1, "", true);
+    assertThat(r1.owner2paths).isEmpty();
+    assertThat(r2.owner2paths).isEmpty();
     assertThat(r2.warnings).containsExactly(w2, w1);
     assertThat(r2.noParentGlobs).containsExactly(b2, b1);
     assertThat(r2.errors).containsExactly(e2, e1);
-    r1.append(r2);
-    assertThat(r1.warnings).containsExactly(w1, w2, w1);
-    assertThat(r1.noParentGlobs).containsExactly(b2, b1); // set union
-    assertThat(r1.errors).containsExactly(e1, e2, e1);
+    r1.append(r2, "", true);
+    assertThat(r1.owner2paths).isEmpty();
+    assertThat(r2.owner2paths).isEmpty();
+    // warnings, errors, and noParentGlobs are sets of strings.
+    // containsExactly does not check order of elements.
+    assertThat(r1.warnings).containsExactly(w1, w2);
+    assertThat(r1.warnings).containsExactly(w2, w1);
+    assertThat(r1.noParentGlobs).containsExactly(b2, b1);
+    assertThat(r1.errors).containsExactly(e1, e2);
+    assertThat(r1.errors).containsExactly(e2, e1);
@@ -149,13 +159,20 @@
   public void fileLineTest() {
-    // file: directive is not implemented yet.
+    // file: statement should work like include.
     String[] lines = {"file://owners", " file: //d1/owner", "file:owner #"};
     for (String s : lines) {
       Parser.Result result = testLine(s);
-      String expected = testLineWarningMsg(s);
-      assertThat(result.warnings).containsExactly(expected);
+      assertThat(result.warnings).isEmpty();
+      assertThat(result.errors).isEmpty();
+    testOneFileLine("P0", "  file: //common/OWNERS #comment", "P0", "//common/OWNERS");
+    testOneFileLine("P1", "file: Other :  /Group ", "Other", "/Group");
+    testOneFileLine("P2", "file:  /Common/Project: OWNER", "/Common/Project", "OWNER");
+    testOneFileLine("P3", "  file: \tP2/D2:/D3/F.txt", "P2/D2", "/D3/F.txt");
+    testOneFileLine("P4", "  file: \tP2/D2://D3/F.txt", "P2/D2", "//D3/F.txt");
+    testOneFileLine("P5", "\t file: \t P2/D2:\t/D3/F2.txt\n", "P2/D2", "/D3/F2.txt");
+    testOneFileLine("P6", "file:  ../d1/d2/F   \n", "P6", "../d1/d2/F");
@@ -173,7 +190,8 @@
     String[] directives = {
       "", "  *# comment", " # comment",
       "  , , *  # comment", "*,*#comment", "  a@b,c@d  ",
-      "  set   noparent  ", "\tset\t\tnoparent\t"
+      "  set   noparent  ", "\tset\t\tnoparent\t",
+      "file://java.owners", "  file:  p1/p2  :  /OWNERS  "
     String[] globsList = {"*", "*,*.c", "  *test*.java , *.cc, *.cpp  ", "*.bp,*.mk ,A*  "};
     for (String directive : directives) {
@@ -194,6 +212,10 @@
             for (String glob : globList) {
               assertThat(result.noParentGlobs).contains(mockedTestDir() + glob);
+          } else if (e.startsWith("file:")) {
+            // If per-file has file: directive, it cannot have any other directive.
+            assertThat(e).isEqualTo(Parser.removeExtraSpaces(directive));
+            assertThat(owners).hasLength(1);
           } else {
             String[] paths = result.owner2paths.get(e).toArray(new String[1]);
             assertThat(paths).hasLength(globList.length);  // should not work for "set noparent"
@@ -210,8 +232,9 @@
   public void perFileBadDirectiveTest() {
     String[] directives = {
-      "file://OWNERS", " ** ", "a b@c .co", "a@b@c  #com", "a.<b>@zc#",
-      " , a@b  ", "a@b, , c@d  #", "a@b, set noparent"
+      " ** ", "a b@c .co", "a@b@c  #com", "a.<b>@zc#",
+      " , a@b  ", "a@b, , c@d  #", "a@b, set noparent",
+      "a@b, file://java.owners", "*,file:OWNERS"
     for (String directive : directives) {
       String line = "per-file *test*.c=" + directive;
@@ -222,12 +245,21 @@
-  private void testOneIncludeLine(
-      String project, String line, String parsedProject, String parsedFile) {
+  private void testOneIncludeOrFileLine(
+      String project, String line, String keyword, String projectName, String filePath) {
     String[] results = Parser.parseInclude(project, line);
-    assertThat(results).hasLength(2);
-    assertThat(results[0]).isEqualTo(parsedProject);
-    assertThat(results[1]).isEqualTo(parsedFile);
+    assertThat(results).hasLength(3);
+    assertThat(results[0]).isEqualTo(keyword);
+    assertThat(results[1]).isEqualTo(projectName);
+    assertThat(results[2]).isEqualTo(filePath);
+  }
+  private void testOneFileLine(String project, String line, String projectName, String filePath) {
+    testOneIncludeOrFileLine(project, line, "file", projectName, filePath);
+  }
+  private void testOneIncludeLine(String project, String line, String projectName, String filePath) {
+    testOneIncludeOrFileLine(project, line, "include", projectName, filePath);
@@ -241,6 +273,31 @@
+  public void getIncludeOrFileTest() {
+    String[] line = new String[] {
+      "", "wrong input", "INCLUDE X",
+      "include //f2.txt # ",
+      "  include  P1/P2:  ../f1 # ",
+      "  file://f3 # ",
+      "file:  P1:f3",
+      "  per-file *.c,file.c = file:  /OWNERS  # ",
+      "per-file  *=file:P1/P2:  /O# ",
+    };
+    String[] expected = new String[] {
+      "", "", "",
+      "include //f2.txt",
+      "include P1/P2:../f1",
+      "file://f3",
+      "file:P1:f3",
+      "file:/OWNERS",
+      "file:P1/P2:/O",
+    };
+    for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
+      assertThat(Parser.getIncludeOrFile(line[i])).isEqualTo(expected[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
   public void errorMsgTest() {
     String file = "./OWNERS";
     int n = 5;