Adapt tests to compact JSON
Since change I2f1cb91e9 Gerrit now always returns compact JSON. Adapt
the test to this.
Instead of doing string assertions on the JSON the find-owners tests
should rather parse the JSON with GSON and then do assertions on the
parsed objects so that the tests would not be affected by such a change.
However since the find-owners plugin is deprecated (soon to be replace
by the code-owners plugin) we don't want to invest time in rewriting
these tests.
ApiIT.getOwnersTest was already failing before, as the owner_revision
field was not set in the expected response. While we are here, fix this
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
Change-Id: I616b3fe74ac99fafdd986442751eb74c69c0ac5c
(cherry picked from commit fabbbf05f30fb1bfd5c43f6065db5c6b6ffe7b31)
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 078ac94..c5396af 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@
ChangeInfo info2 = newChangeInfo("test2 GetOwners");
assertThat(info2._number).isEqualTo(info1._number + 1);
String expected =
- ")]}' { addDebugMsg:false, maxCacheAge:0, maxCacheSize:1000,"
- + " minOwnerVoteLevel:1, ownersFileName:OWNERS, rejectErrorInOwners:false,"
- + (" change:" + info1._number)
- + ", patchset:1, file2owners:{}, reviewers:[], owners:[], files:[] }";
+ ")]}' {addDebugMsg:false,maxCacheAge:0,maxCacheSize:1000,"
+ + "minOwnerVoteLevel:1,ownersFileName:OWNERS,rejectErrorInOwners:false,"
+ + ("change:" + info1._number)
+ + ",patchset:1,"
+ + ("owner_revision:" + projectOperations.project(project).getHead(info1.branch).name())
+ + ",file2owners:{},reviewers:[],owners:[],files:[]}";
Cache cache = getCache().init(0, 10); // reset, no Cache
// GetOwners GET API
@@ -67,11 +69,11 @@
public void requestErrorTest() throws Exception {
PushOneCommit.Result c1 = createChange("1", "t.c", "##");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1)).contains("owners:[], files:[ t.c ]");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1)).contains("owners:[],files:[t.c]");
int id = c1.getChange().getId().get();
// Correct change id.
String result = userRestSession.get("/changes/" + id + "/owners").getEntityContent();
- assertThat(filteredJson(result)).contains("owners:[], files:[ t.c ]");
+ assertThat(filteredJson(result)).contains("owners:[],files:[t.c]");
// Wrong change number, 404 not found.
RestResponse response = userRestSession.get("/changes/" + (id + 1) + "/owners");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 425fc9a..643d50b 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -88,20 +88,20 @@
String cXResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cX);
String cBResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cB);
String cYResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cY);
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerX + ", files:[ tA.c ]");
- assertThat(cBResponse).contains(ownerY + ", files:[ tB.c ]");
- assertThat(cXResponse).contains(", files:[ tX.c ]");
- assertThat(cYResponse).contains(", files:[ tY.c ]");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerX + ",files:[tA.c]");
+ assertThat(cBResponse).contains(ownerY + ",files:[tB.c]");
+ assertThat(cXResponse).contains(",files:[tX.c]");
+ assertThat(cYResponse).contains(",files:[tY.c]");
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS, ");
- assertThat(cBResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS, ");
- assertThat(cXResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS, ");
- assertThat(cYResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS, ");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS,");
+ assertThat(cBResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS,");
+ assertThat(cXResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS,");
+ assertThat(cYResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS,");
// pA and pB use default OWNERS file name.
// cA and cB logs should not contain anything about Missing/Found root.
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@
cBResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cB);
cXResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cX);
cYResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cY);
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.alpha, ");
- assertThat(cBResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.beta, ");
- assertThat(cXResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.alpha, ");
- assertThat(cYResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.beta, ");
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerA + ", files:[ tA.c ]");
- assertThat(cBResponse).contains(ownerB + ", files:[ tB.c ]");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.alpha,");
+ assertThat(cBResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.beta,");
+ assertThat(cXResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.alpha,");
+ assertThat(cYResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.beta,");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerA + ",files:[tA.c]");
+ assertThat(cBResponse).contains(ownerB + ",files:[tB.c]");
// pA and pB now use non-default OWNERS file name.
// cA and cB logs should contain "Found root ..."
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@
setProjectConfig("ownersFileName", "MAINTAINERS");
cAResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cA);
cXResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cX);
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:MAINTAINERS, ");
- assertThat(cXResponse).contains("ownersFileName:MAINTAINERS, ");
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains("owners:[], ");
- assertThat(cXResponse).contains("owners:[], ");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:MAINTAINERS,");
+ assertThat(cXResponse).contains("ownersFileName:MAINTAINERS,");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains("owners:[],");
+ assertThat(cXResponse).contains("owners:[],");
// Gerrit server log file should contain: "Missing root MAINTAINERS for change "
// cX is not on the master branch, so we do not check for the root owners file.
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
cAResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cA);
cBResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cB);
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerX + ", files:[ tA.c ]");
- assertThat(cBResponse).contains(ownerB + ", files:[ tB.c ]");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerX + ",files:[tA.c]");
+ assertThat(cBResponse).contains(ownerB + ",files:[tB.c]");
// Change back to OWNERS.alpha in Project_B, but there is no OWNERS.alpha
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@
cAResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cA);
cBResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cB);
cYResponse = getOwnersDebugResponse(cY);
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS, ");
- assertThat(cBResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.alpha, ");
- assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerX + ", files:[ tA.c ]");
- assertThat(cBResponse).contains("owners:[], files:[ tB.c ]");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS,");
+ assertThat(cBResponse).contains("ownersFileName:OWNERS.alpha,");
+ assertThat(cAResponse).contains(ownerX + ",files:[tA.c]");
+ assertThat(cBResponse).contains("owners:[],files:[tB.c]");
// Gerrit server log file should contain: "Missing root OWNERS.alpha for change "
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@
RestResponse response = adminRestSession.get("/projects/?d");
String content = response.getEntityContent();
// Predefined projects: "All-Projects", "All-Users", project
- assertThat(content).contains("\"id\": \"All-Projects\",");
- assertThat(content).contains("\"id\": \"All-Users\",");
+ assertThat(content).contains("\"id\":\"All-Projects\",");
+ assertThat(content).contains("\"id\":\"All-Users\",");
assertThat(content).contains(idProject("projectTest", "project"));
assertThat(content).doesNotContain(idProject("projectTest", "ProjectA"));
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 47620fe..cab6f70 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@
protected String oneOwnerList(String email) {
- return "owners:[ " + ownerJson(email) + " ]";
+ return "owners:[" + ownerJson(email) + "]";
protected String ownerJson(String email) {
- return "{ email:" + email + ", weights:[ 1, 0, 0 ] }";
+ return "{email:" + email + ",weights:[1,0,0]}";
protected String ownerJson(String email, int w1, int w2, int w3) {
- return "{ email:" + email + ", weights:[ " + w1 + ", " + w2 + ", " + w3 + " ] }";
+ return "{email:" + email + ",weights:[" + w1 + "," + w2 + "," + w3 + "]}";
protected ChangeInfo newChangeInfo(String subject) throws Exception {
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
protected String idProject(String name) {
// Expected string of "id": "name",,
- return "\"id\": \"" + name + "\",";
+ return "\"id\":\"" + name + "\",";
protected static void verifyRestResult(
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 9401fb2..53bc4f3 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
@Rule public Watcher watcher = new Watcher(logger);
private static String getRepoFileLog(String msg1, String msg2) {
- return "getRepoFile:" + msg1 + ", getFile:" + msg2 + ", ";
+ return "getRepoFile:" + msg1 + ",getFile:" + msg2 + ",";
private static String concat(String s1, String s2) {
@@ -46,45 +46,45 @@
// c2 and c1 are both submitted before existence of OWNERS.
PushOneCommit.Result c2 = addFile("1", "t.c", "##");
// Submitted c2 still finds no owners before c1 is submitted.
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("owners:[], files:[ t.c ]");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("owners:[],files:[t.c]");
PushOneCommit.Result c1 =
addFile("2", "OWNERS", "x@x\na@a\ninclude P1/P2 : f1\ninclude ./d1/d2/../../f2\n");
// Now c2 should find owners, but include directives find no repository or file.
- String ownersAX = "owners:[ " + ownerJson("a@a") + ", " + ownerJson("x@x") + " ]";
- String path2owners = "path2owners:{ ./:[ a@a, x@x ] }";
- String owner2paths = "owner2paths:{ a@a:[ ./ ], x@x:[ ./ ] }";
+ String ownersAX = "owners:[" + ownerJson("a@a") + "," + ownerJson("x@x") + "]";
+ String path2owners = "path2owners:{./:[a@a,x@x]}";
+ String owner2paths = "owner2paths:{a@a:[./],x@x:[./]}";
String projectName = project.get();
String expectedInLog =
- concat("project:", projectName, ", ")
- + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
- + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
- + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c, "
- + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
+ concat("project:", projectName, ",")
+ + "ownersFileName:OWNERS,"
+ + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND),"
+ + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c,"
+ + "findOwnersFileIn:.,"
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:./OWNERS", "OWNERS:(...)")
- + "parseLine:include:P1/P2:f1, "
- + "getRepoFile:P1/P2:refs/heads/master:f1, "
- + "hasReadAccessException:project'P1/P2'isunavailable, " // cannot read
- + "parseLine:include:(), " // missing file is treated as empty
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./d1/d2/../../f2, ")
+ + "parseLine:include:P1/P2:f1,"
+ + "getRepoFile:P1/P2:refs/heads/master:f1,"
+ + "hasReadAccessException:project'P1/P2'isunavailable," // cannot read
+ + "parseLine:include:()," // missing file is treated as empty
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./d1/d2/../../f2,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f2", "f2(NOTFOUND)")
- + "parseLine:include:(), " // missing file is treated as empty
- + "countNumOwners, "
- + "findOwners, "
- + "checkFile:./t.c, "
- + "checkDir:., "
- + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./ "
- + "] ";
+ + "parseLine:include:()," // missing file is treated as empty
+ + "countNumOwners,"
+ + "findOwners,"
+ + "checkFile:./t.c,"
+ + "checkDir:.,"
+ + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./"
+ + "]";
String c2Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c2);
- assertThat(c2Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./t.c:[ a@a, x@x ] }");
+ assertThat(c2Response).contains("file2owners:{./t.c:[a@a,x@x]}");
// A submitted change gets owners info from current repository.
String c1Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c1);
- assertThat(c1Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./OWNERS:[ a@a, x@x ] }");
+ assertThat(c1Response).contains("file2owners:{./OWNERS:[a@a,x@x]}");
@@ -100,41 +100,40 @@
String ownerX = ownerJson("x@x");
String ownerG1 = ownerJson("g1@g");
String ownerG2 = ownerJson("g2@g");
- String ownersAG1G2X =
- "owners:[ " + ownerA + ", " + ownerG1 + ", " + ownerG2 + ", " + ownerX + " ]";
- String path2owners = "path2owners:{ ./:[ a@a, g1@g, g2@g, x@x ] }";
- String owner2paths = "owner2paths:{ a@a:[ ./ ], g1@g:[ ./ ], g2@g:[ ./ ], x@x:[ ./ ] }";
+ String ownersAG1G2X = "owners:[" + ownerA + "," + ownerG1 + "," + ownerG2 + "," + ownerX + "]";
+ String path2owners = "path2owners:{./:[a@a,g1@g,g2@g,x@x]}";
+ String owner2paths = "owner2paths:{a@a:[./],g1@g:[./],g2@g:[./],x@x:[./]}";
String projectName = project.get();
String expectedInLog =
- concat("project:", projectName, ", ")
- + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
- + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
- + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c, "
- + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
+ concat("project:", projectName, ",")
+ + "ownersFileName:OWNERS,"
+ + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND),"
+ + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c,"
+ + "findOwnersFileIn:.,"
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:./OWNERS", "OWNERS:(...)")
- + "parseLine:include:P1/P2:f1, "
- + "getRepoFile:P1/P2:refs/heads/master:f1, "
- + "hasReadAccessException:project'P1/P2'isunavailable, "
- + "parseLine:include:(), " // P1/P2 is still not found
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./d1/d2/../../f2, ")
+ + "parseLine:include:P1/P2:f1,"
+ + "getRepoFile:P1/P2:refs/heads/master:f1,"
+ + "hasReadAccessException:project'P1/P2'isunavailable,"
+ + "parseLine:include:()," // P1/P2 is still not found
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./d1/d2/../../f2,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f2", "f2:(...)")
- + "countNumOwners, "
- + "findOwners, "
- + "checkFile:./t.c, "
- + "checkDir:., "
- + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./ "
- + "] ";
+ + "countNumOwners,"
+ + "findOwners,"
+ + "checkFile:./t.c,"
+ + "checkDir:.,"
+ + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./"
+ + "]";
String c2Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c2);
- assertThat(c2Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./t.c:[ a@a, g1@g, g2@g, x@x ] }");
+ assertThat(c2Response).contains("file2owners:{./t.c:[a@a,g1@g,g2@g,x@x]}");
// A submitted change gets owners info from current repository.
String c1Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c1);
- assertThat(c1Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./OWNERS:[ a@a, g1@g, g2@g, x@x ] }");
+ assertThat(c1Response).contains("file2owners:{./OWNERS:[a@a,g1@g,g2@g,x@x]}");
@@ -159,11 +158,11 @@
String ownerX = ownerJson("x@g", 0, 1, 0);
- "owners:[ "
- + concat(ownerD2, ", ")
- + concat(ownerF2, ", ")
- + concat(ownerD3, ", ")
- + concat(ownerX, " ], files:[ d3/t.c ]"));
+ "owners:["
+ + concat(ownerD2, ",")
+ + concat(ownerF2, ",")
+ + concat(ownerD3, ",")
+ + concat(ownerX, "],files:[d3/t.c]"));
@@ -193,15 +192,14 @@
PushOneCommit.Result c22 = createChange("c22", "d3/d2/d2/t.c", "test");
// file and file
- String owners11 = "file2owners:{ ./d3/d1/d1/t.c:" + "[ d1d1@g, d1d1d1@g, d3@g, d3d1d1@g ] }";
+ String owners11 = "file2owners:{./d3/d1/d1/t.c:" + "[d1d1@g,d1d1d1@g,d3@g,d3d1d1@g]}";
// file and include
- String owners12 = "file2owners:{ ./d3/d1/d2/t.c:" + "[ d1d2@g, d1d2d1@g, d3@g, d3d1d2@g ] }";
+ String owners12 = "file2owners:{./d3/d1/d2/t.c:" + "[d1d2@g,d1d2d1@g,d3@g,d3d1d2@g]}";
// include and file
- String owners21 =
- "file2owners:{ ./d3/d2/d1/t.c:" + "[ d2d1@g, d2d1d1@g, d2d1p@g, d3@g, d3d2d1@g ] }";
+ String owners21 = "file2owners:{./d3/d2/d1/t.c:" + "[d2d1@g,d2d1d1@g,d2d1p@g,d3@g,d3d2d1@g]}";
// include and include
String owners22 =
- "file2owners:{ ./d3/d2/d2/t.c:" + "[ d2d2@g, d2d2d1@g, d2d2d1p@g, d2d2p@g, d3d2d2@g ] }";
+ "file2owners:{./d3/d2/d2/t.c:" + "[d2d2@g,d2d2d1@g,d2d2d1p@g,d2d2p@g,d3d2d2@g]}";
@@ -218,8 +216,8 @@
PushOneCommit.Result c1 = createChange("c1", "d2/d1/t.c", "test");
PushOneCommit.Result c2 = createChange("c2", "d2/d2/t.c", "test");
String projectName = project.get();
- String log1 = "parseLine:useSaved:file:" + projectName + "://d1/OWNERS, ";
- String log2 = "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":/d1/OWNERS, ";
+ String log1 = "parseLine:useSaved:file:" + projectName + "://d1/OWNERS,";
+ String log2 = "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":/d1/OWNERS,";
String response1 = getOwnersDebugResponse(c1);
String response2 = getOwnersDebugResponse(c2);
@@ -241,30 +239,29 @@
String response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c);
String projectName = project.get();
String expectedInLog =
- concat("project:", projectName, ", ")
- + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
- + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
- + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c, "
- + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
+ concat("project:", projectName, ",")
+ + "ownersFileName:OWNERS,"
+ + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND),"
+ + "findOwnersFileFor:./t.c,"
+ + "findOwnersFileIn:.,"
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:./OWNERS", "OWNERS:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./d1/../f1, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./d1/../f1,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f1", "f1:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./f2, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":./f2,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f2", "f2:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":d1/../f3, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":d1/../f3,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f3", "f3:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/f4, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/f4,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:f4", "f4:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:errorRecursion:include:", projectName, ":d2/../f2, ")
- + "countNumOwners, "
- + "findOwners, "
- + "checkFile:./t.c, "
- + "checkDir:., "
- + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./ "
- + "] ";
- assertThat(response).contains("path2owners:{ ./:[ f1@g, f2@g, f3@g, f4@g, x@g ] }");
- assertThat(response)
- .contains("owner2paths:{ f1@g:[ ./ ], f2@g:[ ./ ], f3@g:[ ./ ], f4@g:[ ./ ], x@g:[ ./ ] }");
+ + concat("parseLine:errorRecursion:include:", projectName, ":d2/../f2,")
+ + "countNumOwners,"
+ + "findOwners,"
+ + "checkFile:./t.c,"
+ + "checkDir:.,"
+ + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./"
+ + "]";
+ assertThat(response).contains("path2owners:{./:[f1@g,f2@g,f3@g,f4@g,x@g]}");
+ assertThat(response).contains("owner2paths:{f1@g:[./],f2@g:[./],f3@g:[./],f4@g:[./],x@g:[./]}");
@@ -286,46 +283,46 @@
"f6@g\ninclude /d0/f0\ninclude ../d1/d2/f1\n"
+ "include ../d2/f2\ninclude /d2/d3/f3\ninclude /d2/../d4/d5/f5\ninclude /d4/f4\n");
String result = getOwnersDebugResponse(c);
- assertThat(result).contains("{ ./d6/OWNERS:[ f0@g, f1@g, f2@g, f3@g, f4@g, f5@g, f6@g ] }");
+ assertThat(result).contains("{./d6/OWNERS:[f0@g,f1@g,f2@g,f3@g,f4@g,f5@g,f6@g]}");
String projectName = project.get();
String skipLog = "parseLine:useSaved:include:" + projectName + ":";
for (String path : new String[] {"../../d0/f0", "../d0/f0", "../d2/f2", "/d2/f2", "/d4/f4"}) {
assertThat(result).contains(skipLog + path);
String expectedInLog =
- concat("project:", projectName, ", ")
- + "ownersFileName:OWNERS, "
- + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND), "
- + "findOwnersFileFor:./d6/OWNERS, "
- + "findOwnersFileIn:./d6, "
+ concat("project:", projectName, ",")
+ + "ownersFileName:OWNERS,"
+ + "getBranchId:refs/heads/master(FOUND),"
+ + "findOwnersFileFor:./d6/OWNERS,"
+ + "findOwnersFileIn:./d6,"
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:./d6/OWNERS", "d6/OWNERS:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/d0/f0, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/d0/f0,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d0/f0", "d0/f0:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":../d1/d2/f1, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":../d1/d2/f1,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d1/d2/f1", "d1/d2/f1:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":../../d0/f0, ")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":../d2/f2, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":../../d0/f0,")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":../d2/f2,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d2/f2", "d2/f2:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":../d0/f0, ")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/d2/d3/f3, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":../d0/f0,")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/d2/d3/f3,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d2/d3/f3", "d2/d3/f3:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":/d0/f0, ")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/d2/../d4/d5/f5, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":/d0/f0,")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":/d2/../d4/d5/f5,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d4/d5/f5", "d4/d5/f5:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":/d2/f2, ")
- + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":../f4, ")
+ + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":/d2/f2,")
+ + concat("parseLine:include:", projectName, ":../f4,")
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:d4/f4", "d4/f4:(...)")
- + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":../d2/f2, ")
- + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":/d4/f4, ")
- + "findOwnersFileIn:., "
+ + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":../d2/f2,")
+ + concat("parseLine:useSaved:include:", projectName, ":/d4/f4,")
+ + "findOwnersFileIn:.,"
+ getRepoFileLog(projectName + ":refs/heads/master:./OWNERS", "OWNERS(NOTFOUND)")
- + "countNumOwners, "
- + "findOwners, "
- + "checkFile:./d6/OWNERS, "
- + "checkDir:./d6, "
- + "checkDir:., "
- + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./d6/ "
- + "] ";
+ + "countNumOwners,"
+ + "findOwners,"
+ + "checkFile:./d6/OWNERS,"
+ + "checkDir:./d6,"
+ + "checkDir:.,"
+ + "addOwnerWeightsIn:./d6/"
+ + "]";
@@ -351,14 +348,14 @@
// included: pA:d2/OWNERS, pA:d2/../f1, pA:d1/f1, pB:d2/f2, pB:d2/../f1, pB:./d1/f1
// inherited: pA:OWNERS
String owners =
- "owners:[ "
- + concat(ownerJson("pAd1f1@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pAd2@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pAf1@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pBd1f1@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pBd2f2@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pBf1@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pA@g", 0, 1, 0), " ]");
+ "owners:["
+ + concat(ownerJson("pAd1f1@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pAd2@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pAf1@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pBd1f1@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pBd2f2@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pBf1@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pA@g", 0, 1, 0), "]");
@@ -386,11 +383,11 @@
// inherited: pA:OWNERS
// pB's OWNERS files are not readable
String owners =
- "owners:[ "
- + concat(ownerJson("pAd1f1@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pAd2@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pAf1@g"), ", ")
- + concat(ownerJson("pA@g", 0, 1, 0), " ]");
+ "owners:["
+ + concat(ownerJson("pAd1f1@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pAd2@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pAf1@g"), ",")
+ + concat(ownerJson("pA@g", 0, 1, 0), "]");
// The "owners:[...]" substring contains only owners from pA.
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 9adb4f9..ab87398 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
addFile("4", "d2/OWNERS", "d2@g\nper-file OWNERS=d2o@g\nper-file *S=set noparent \n");
// Files that match per-file globs with set noparent do not inherit global default owners.
// But include directive can include more per-file owners as in c3.
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1)).contains("{ ./d1/d1/OWNERS:[ d1d1o@g ] }");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("{ ./d1/OWNERS:[ d1o@g ] }");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c3)).contains("{ ./d2/d1/OWNERS:[ d1d1o@g, d2d1o@g ] }");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c4)).contains("{ ./d2/OWNERS:[ d2o@g ] }");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1)).contains("{./d1/d1/OWNERS:[d1d1o@g]}");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("{./d1/OWNERS:[d1o@g]}");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c3)).contains("{./d2/d1/OWNERS:[d1d1o@g,d2d1o@g]}");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c4)).contains("{./d2/OWNERS:[d2o@g]}");
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
PushOneCommit.Result c5 = addFile("5", "d2/d2/OWNERS", "d2d2@g\ninclude ../../d1/d2/OWNERS");
PushOneCommit.Result c6 = addFile("6", "d2/OWNERS", "d2@g\n");
// d1/d1/OWNERS sets noparent, does not inherit d1/OWNERS
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1)).contains("{ ./d1/d1/OWNERS:[ d1d1@g ] }");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1)).contains("{./d1/d1/OWNERS:[d1d1@g]}");
// d1/d2/OWNERS inherits d1/OWNERS
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("{ ./d1/d2/OWNERS:[ d1@g, d1d2@g ] }");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c3)).contains("{ ./d1/OWNERS:[ d1@g ] }");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("{./d1/d2/OWNERS:[d1@g,d1d2@g]}");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c3)).contains("{./d1/OWNERS:[d1@g]}");
// d2/d1/OWNERS includes d1/d1/OWNERS, does not inherit d1/OWNERS or d2/OWNERS
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c4)).contains("{ ./d2/d1/OWNERS:[ d1d1@g, d2d1@g ] }");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c4)).contains("{./d2/d1/OWNERS:[d1d1@g,d2d1@g]}");
// d2/d2/OWNERS includes d1/d1/OWNERS, inherit d2/OWNERS but not d1/OWNERS
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c5)).contains("{ ./d2/d2/OWNERS:[ d1d2@g, d2@g, d2d2@g ] }");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c6)).contains("{ ./d2/OWNERS:[ d2@g ] }");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c5)).contains("{./d2/d2/OWNERS:[d1d2@g,d2@g,d2d2@g]}");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c6)).contains("{./d2/OWNERS:[d2@g]}");
@@ -81,32 +81,32 @@
PushOneCommit.Result c2 = createChange("c2", "t.c", "Hello!");
String ownerA = ownerJson("a@a");
String ownerX = ownerJson("x@x");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("owners:[ " + ownerX + " ], files:[ t.c ]");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("owners:[" + ownerX + "],files:[t.c]");
// Add "d1/t.c" file, which is owned by ./d1 and root owners.
PushOneCommit.Result c3 = createChange("c3", "d1/t.c", "Hello!");
String ownerX010 = ownerJson("x@x", 0, 1, 0);
- .contains("owners:[ " + ownerA + ", " + ownerX010 + " ], files:[ d1/t.c ]");
+ .contains("owners:[" + ownerA + "," + ownerX010 + "],files:[d1/t.c]");
// Add "d2/t.c" file, which is owned by ./d2 and root owners.
PushOneCommit.Result c4 = createChange("c4", "d2/t.c", "Hello!");
String ownerY = ownerJson("y@y");
- .contains("owners:[ " + ownerY + ", " + ownerX010 + " ], files:[ d2/t.c ]");
+ .contains("owners:[" + ownerY + "," + ownerX010 + "],files:[d2/t.c]");
// Add "d2/d1/t.c" file, which is owned by ./d2 and root owners.
PushOneCommit.Result c5 = createChange("c5", "d2/d1/t.c", "Hello!");
- .contains("owners:[ " + ownerY + ", " + ownerX010 + " ], files:[ d2/d1/t.c ]");
+ .contains("owners:[" + ownerY + "," + ownerX010 + "],files:[d2/d1/t.c]");
// Add "d3/t.c" file, which is owned only by ./d3 owners due to "set noparent".
PushOneCommit.Result c6 = createChange("c6", "d3/t.c", "Hello!");
String ownerB = ownerJson("b@b");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c6)).contains("owners:[ " + ownerB + " ], files:[ d3/t.c ]");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c6)).contains("owners:[" + ownerB + "],files:[d3/t.c]");
// Add "d3/d1/t.c" file, which is owned only by ./d3 owners due to "set noparent".
PushOneCommit.Result c7 = createChange("c7", "d3/d1/t.c", "Hello!");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c7)).contains("owners:[ " + ownerB + " ], files:[ d3/d1/t.c ]");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c7)).contains("owners:[" + ownerB + "],files:[d3/d1/t.c]");
// Add "d4/t.c" file, which is owned by ./d4 and ./d2 owners, but not root owners.
PushOneCommit.Result c8 = createChange("c8", "d4/t.c", "Hello!");
String ownerZ = ownerJson("z@z");
- .contains("owners:[ " + ownerY + ", " + ownerZ + ", " + ownerX010 + " ], files:[ d4/t.c ]");
+ .contains("owners:[" + ownerY + "," + ownerZ + "," + ownerX010 + "],files:[d4/t.c]");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
index 26fc914..d0fc00b 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/findowners/
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
String ownerA = ownerJson("a@a");
String ownerB = ownerJson("b@b");
String ownerC = ownerJson("c@c");
- String ownerABC = "owners:[ " + ownerA + ", " + ownerB + ", " + ownerC;
+ String ownerABC = "owners:[" + ownerA + "," + ownerB + "," + ownerC;
String ownerX = ownerJson("x@x");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains(ownerABC + ", " + ownerX + " ], files:[ t.c ]");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains(ownerABC + "," + ownerX + "],files:[t.c]");
// Add "t.txt" file, which has only global default owners.
PushOneCommit.Result c3 = createChange("3", "t.txt", "Test!");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c3)).contains(ownerABC + " ], files:[ t.txt ]");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c3)).contains(ownerABC + "],files:[t.txt]");
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
PushOneCommit.Result c2 = createChange("c2", "t.c", "test");
String c1Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c1);
String c2Response = getOwnersDebugResponse(c2);
- assertThat(c1Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./x.c:[ a@a, x@x ] }");
- assertThat(c2Response).contains("file2owners:{ ./t.c:[ *, a@a, m2@g, m@g, t1@g, x@x ] }");
+ assertThat(c1Response).contains("file2owners:{./x.c:[a@a,x@x]}");
+ assertThat(c2Response).contains("file2owners:{./t.c:[*,a@a,m2@g,m@g,t1@g,x@x]}");
@@ -66,11 +66,10 @@
PushOneCommit.Result c3 = addFile("3", "d2/d1/OWNERS", "d2d1@g\ninclude ../../d1/d1/OWNERS\n");
PushOneCommit.Result c4 = addFile("4", "d2/OWNERS", "d2@g\nper-file OWNERS=d2o@g");
// Files that match per-file globs now inherit global default owners.
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1))
- .contains("{ ./d1/d1/OWNERS:[ d1@g, d1d1@g, d1d1o@g, d1o@g ] }");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("{ ./d1/OWNERS:[ d1@g, d1o@g ] }");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c1)).contains("{./d1/d1/OWNERS:[d1@g,d1d1@g,d1d1o@g,d1o@g]}");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c2)).contains("{./d1/OWNERS:[d1@g,d1o@g]}");
- .contains("{ ./d2/d1/OWNERS:[ d1d1@g, d1d1o@g, d2@g, d2d1@g, d2o@g ] }");
- assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c4)).contains("{ ./d2/OWNERS:[ d2@g, d2o@g ] }");
+ .contains("{./d2/d1/OWNERS:[d1d1@g,d1d1o@g,d2@g,d2d1@g,d2o@g]}");
+ assertThat(getOwnersResponse(c4)).contains("{./d2/OWNERS:[d2@g,d2o@g]}");