Deserialize Event and EventMessage

From Gerrit v3.2 event contains instance id field. In version 3.4
EventMessage envelope will be replaced with Event. To allow rolling
upgrade compatibility between v3.3 and v3.4 need to be assured. To do
that KafkaEventDeserializer must be able to handle both message types.

Bug: Issue 14390
Change-Id: I270f8fdf1c1bcbd537d03c19087113b483f3b6f4
3 files changed
tree: ed02d148a76b1725f9696f3d2cdfd0858bb9e01a
  1. src/
  2. BUILD
  3. external_plugin_deps.bzl
  4. Jenkinsfile

Kafka: Gerrit event producer for Apache Kafka

Build Status


This plugins allows to define a distributed stream of events published by Gerrit.

Events can be anything, from the traditional stream events to the Gerrit metrics.

This plugin requires Gerrit 2.13 or laster.


  • linux
  • java-1.8
  • Bazel


Kafka plugin can be build as a regular ‘in-tree’ plugin. That means that is required to clone a Gerrit source tree first and then to have the Kafka plugin source directory into the /plugins path. Additionally, the plugins/external_plugin_deps.bzl file needs to be updated to match the Kafka plugin one.

git clone --recursive
git clone gerrit/plugins/events-kafka
cd gerrit
rm plugins/external_plugin_deps.bzl
ln -s ./events-kafka/external_plugin_deps.bzl plugins/.

To build the events-kafka plugins, issue the command from the Gerrit source path:

bazel build plugins/events-kafka

The output is created in


Minimum Configuration

Assuming a running Kafka broker on the same Gerrit host, add the following settings to gerrit.config:

  [plugin "events-kafka"]
    bootstrapServers = localhost:9092