| #!/usr/bin/env bash |
| |
| readlink --canonicalize / &> /dev/null || readlink() { greadlink "$@" ; } # for MacOS |
| MYDIR=$(dirname -- "$(readlink -f -- "$0")") |
| ARTIFACTS=$MYDIR/gerrit/artifacts |
| PLUGIN=depends-on |
| BAZEL_BUILT_JAR=$MYDIR/../../bazel-bin/$PLUGIN.jar |
| |
| die() { echo -e "\nERROR: $@" ; kill $$ ; exit 1 ; } # error_message |
| |
| progress() { # message cmd [args]... |
| local message=$1 ; shift |
| echo -n "$message" |
| "$@" & |
| local pid=$! |
| while kill -0 $pid 2> /dev/null ; do |
| echo -n "." |
| sleep 2 |
| done |
| echo |
| wait "$pid" |
| } |
| |
| usage() { # [error_message] |
| local prog=$(basename "$0") |
| cat <<EOF |
| Usage: |
| $prog [--plugin <plugin name> <JAR path>] [--gerrit-war|-g <FILE_PATH>] |
| |
| This tool runs the plugin functional tests in a Docker environment built |
| from the gerritcodereview/gerrit base Docker image. |
| |
| Options: |
| --help|-h |
| --gerrit-war|-g optional path to Gerrit WAR file. Will |
| likely not function correctly if it's a |
| different MAJOR.MINOR version than the |
| default version in |
| test/docker/gerrit/Dockerfile. |
| --plugin optional plugin name and path to JAR file |
| Defaults to 'depends-on' '$BAZEL_BUILT_JAR' |
| Can be repeated to install additional |
| plugins. |
| |
| EOF |
| |
| [ -n "$1" ] && echo -e "\nERROR: $1" && exit 1 |
| exit 0 |
| } |
| |
| check_prerequisite() { |
| docker --version > /dev/null || die "docker is not installed" |
| docker-compose --version > /dev/null || die "docker-compose is not installed" |
| } |
| |
| build_images() { |
| docker-compose "${COMPOSE_ARGS[@]}" build --quiet |
| } |
| |
| run_depends_on_plugin_tests() { |
| docker-compose "${COMPOSE_ARGS[@]}" up --detach |
| docker-compose "${COMPOSE_ARGS[@]}" exec -T --user=gerrit_admin run_tests \ |
| '/depends_on/test/docker/run_tests/start.sh' |
| } |
| |
| fetch_artifact() { # source_location output_path |
| if [[ "$1" =~ ^file://|^http://|^https:// ]] ; then |
| curl --silent --fail --netrc "$1" --output "$2" --create-dirs || die "unable to fetch $1" |
| else |
| cp -f "$1" "$2" || die "unable to copy $1" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| fetch_artifacts() { |
| local plugin_name |
| [ -n "$GERRIT_WAR" ] && fetch_artifact "$GERRIT_WAR" "$ARTIFACTS/bin/gerrit.war" |
| for plugin_name in "${!PLUGIN_JAR_BY_NAME[@]}" ; do |
| if [ -n "${PLUGIN_JAR_BY_NAME["$plugin_name"]}" ] ; then |
| fetch_artifact "${PLUGIN_JAR_BY_NAME[$plugin_name]}" \ |
| "$ARTIFACTS/plugins/$plugin_name.jar" |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| cleanup() { |
| docker-compose "${COMPOSE_ARGS[@]}" down -v --rmi local 2>/dev/null |
| rm -rf "$ARTIFACTS" |
| } |
| |
| declare -A PLUGIN_JAR_BY_NAME |
| while (( "$#" )); do |
| case "$1" in |
| --help|-h) usage ;; |
| --gerrit-war|-g) shift ; GERRIT_WAR=$1 ;; |
| --plugin) shift ; PLUGIN_JAR_BY_NAME["$1"]=$2 ; shift ;; |
| *) usage "invalid argument $1" ;; |
| esac |
| shift |
| done |
| |
| PROJECT_NAME="depends_on_$$" |
| COMPOSE_YAML="$MYDIR/docker-compose.yaml" |
| COMPOSE_ARGS=(--project-name "$PROJECT_NAME" -f "$COMPOSE_YAML") |
| check_prerequisite |
| mkdir -p -- "$ARTIFACTS/bin" "$ARTIFACTS/plugins" |
| if [ -z "${PLUGIN_JAR_BY_NAME["$PLUGIN"]}" ] ; then |
| fi |
| if [ ! -e "${PLUGIN_JAR_BY_NAME["$PLUGIN"]}" ] ; then |
| usage "Cannot find plugin jar, did you forget --plugin?" |
| fi |
| progress "Fetching artifacts" fetch_artifacts |
| ( trap cleanup EXIT SIGTERM |
| progress "Building docker images" build_images |
| run_depends_on_plugin_tests |
| ) |