blob: 8d64a9bd1907fabf46f5fbd4b1d7148a22636589 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This test relies on change operator aliasing since query parser
# cannot parse hyphens(-) in field names. Following alias have to be
# configured:
# [operator-alias "change"]
# independson = in_depends-on
# hasdependson = has_depends-on
# run a gerrit ssh command
gssh() { ssh -x -p "$PORT" "$SERVER" "$@" ; 2>&1 ; } # [args]...
query() { gssh gerrit query --format=json "$@" | head -1 ; }
q() { "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; } # cmd [args...] # quiet a command
die() { echo -e "$@" ; exit 1 ; } # error_message
mygit() { git -C "$REPO_DIR" "$@" ; } # [args...]
# > uuid
gen_uuid() { uuidgen | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}' ; }
gen_commit_msg() { # msg > commit_msg
local msg=$1
echo "$msg
Change-Id: I$(gen_uuid)"
get_change_num() { # < gerrit_push_response > changenum
local url=$(awk '$NF ~ /\[NEW\]/ { print $2 }')
echo "${url##*\/}" | tr -d -c '[:digit:]'
create_change() { # branch file [commit_message] > changenum
local branch=$1 tmpfile=$2 msg=$3 out rtn
local content=$RANDOM dest=refs/for/$branch
out=$(mygit fetch "$GITURL" "$branch" 2>&1) ||\
die "Failed to fetch $branch: $out"
out=$(mygit checkout FETCH_HEAD 2>&1) ||\
die "Failed to checkout $branch: $out"
echo -e "$content" > "$tmpfile"
out=$(mygit add "$tmpfile" 2>&1) || die "Failed to git add: $out"
msg=$(gen_commit_msg "Add $tmpfile")
out=$(mygit commit -m "$msg" 2>&1) ||\
die "Failed to commit change: $out"
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo " commit:$out" >&2
out=$(mygit push "$GITURL" "HEAD:$dest" 2>&1) ||\
die "Failed to push change: $out"
out=$(echo "$out" | get_change_num) ; rtn=$? ; echo "$out"
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo " change:$out" >&2
return $rtn
# ------------------------- Usage ---------------------------
usage() { # [error_message]
cat <<-EOF
Usage: $MYPROG [-s|--server <server>] [-p|--project <project>]
[-r|--srcref <ref branch>] [-h|--help]
-h|--help usage/help
-s|--server <server> server to use for the test (default: localhost)
-p|--project <project> git project to use (default: project0)
-r|--srcref <ref branch> reference branch used to create changes (default: master)
[ -n "$1" ] && echo -e '\n'"ERROR: $1"
exit 1
parseArgs() {
while (( "$#" )) ; do
case "$1" in
--server|-s) shift; SERVER=$1 ;;
--project|-p) shift; PROJECT=$1 ;;
--srcref|-r) shift; SRC_REF_BRANCH=$1 ;;
--help|-h) usage ;;
--verbose|-v) VERBOSE=$1 ;;
*) usage "invalid argument '$1'" ;;
[ -n "$SERVER" ] || usage "server not set"
[ -n "$PROJECT" ] || usage "project not set"
[ -n "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" ] || usage "source ref branch not set"
MYPROG=$(basename "$0")
MYDIR="$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "$MYDIR/"
parseArgs "$@"
rm -rf "$TEST_DIR"
mkdir -p "$TEST_DIR"
echo "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" | grep -q '^refs/' || SRC_REF=refs/heads/"$SRC_REF_BRANCH"
q git init "$REPO_DIR"
# ------------------------- independson:<change-num> Tests ---------------------------
DEPENDENT_CHANGE=$(create_change "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || \
die "Failed to create change on project: $PROJECT branch: $SRC_REF_BRANCH"
CHANGE=$(create_change "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || \
die "Failed to create change on project: $PROJECT branch: $SRC_REF_BRANCH"
gssh gerrit review --message \'"Depends-on: $DEPENDENT_CHANGE"\' "$CHANGE",1
ACTUAL="$(query "independson:$CHANGE" | jq --raw-output '.number')"
result_out "independson operator" "$DEPENDENT_CHANGE" "$ACTUAL"
ACTUAL="$(query "independson:99999" | jq --raw-output '.number')"
result_out "independson operator (non-existent change)" "null" "$ACTUAL"
# ------------------------- has:a_depends-on Tests ---------------------------
CHANGE_1=$(create_change "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || \
die "Failed to create change on project: $PROJECT branch: $SRC_REF_BRANCH"
ACTUAL="$(query "change:$CHANGE_1 has:a_depends-on" | jq --raw-output '.number')"
result_out "has:a_depends-on operator (no Depends-On)" "null" "$ACTUAL"
CHANGE_2=$(create_change "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || \
die "Failed to create change on project: $PROJECT branch: $SRC_REF_BRANCH"
gssh gerrit review --message \'"Depends-on: $CHANGE_1"\' "$CHANGE_2",1
ACTUAL="$(query "change:$CHANGE_2 has:a_depends-on" | jq --raw-output '.number')"
result_out "has:a_depends-on operator (non-empty Depends-on)" "$CHANGE_2" "$ACTUAL"
gssh gerrit review --message \'"Depends-on:"\' "$CHANGE_2",1
ACTUAL="$(query "change:$CHANGE_2 has:a_depends-on" | jq --raw-output '.number')"
result_out "has:a_depends-on operator (empty Depends-On)" "null" "$ACTUAL"
# ------------------------- hasdependson:<query> Tests ---------------------------
CHANGE_1=$(create_change "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || \
die "Failed to create change on project: $PROJECT branch: $SRC_REF_BRANCH"
CHANGE_2=$(create_change "$SRC_REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || \
die "Failed to create change on project: $PROJECT branch: $SRC_REF_BRANCH"
gssh gerrit review --message \'"Depends-on: $CHANGE_1"\' "$CHANGE_2",1
ACTUAL="$(query "change:$CHANGE_2 hasdependson:\"change:$CHANGE_1\"" | jq --raw-output '.number')"
result_out "hasdependson operator" "$CHANGE_2" "$ACTUAL"
exit $RESULT