blob: 2bc571c7b326872149c0c84a52b850aa364c5555 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Optional;
* A reference to a {@link CodeOwnerConfig}.
* <p>Allows a {@link CodeOwnerConfig} to include other {@link CodeOwnerConfig}s.
public abstract class CodeOwnerConfigReference {
* Gets the import mode that controls which parts of the referenced code owner config should be
* imported.
public abstract CodeOwnerConfigImportMode importMode();
* The project in which the code owner config is stored.
* <p>If not set, the project is the same as the project of the code owner config that contains
* this code owner config reference.
public abstract Optional<Project.NameKey> project();
* The full branch in which the code owner config is stored.
* <p>If not set, the branch is the same as the branch of the code owner config that contains this
* code owner config reference.
public abstract Optional<String> branch();
* The path of the code owner config file.
* <p>May be absolute or relative to the path of the importing code owner config.
public abstract Path filePath();
* The path of the folder that contains the code owner config.
* <p>May be absolute or relative to the path of the importing code owner config.
public Path path() {
return firstNonNull(filePath().getParent(), Paths.get(""));
/** The name of the code owner config file. */
public String fileName() {
return filePath().getFileName().toString();
* Creates a builder from this code owner config reference.
* @return builder that was created from this code owner config reference
public abstract Builder toBuilder();
* Creates a code owner config reference.
* @param importMode the import mode
* @param filePath the path of the code owner config, may be absolute or relative to the path of
* the importing code owner config
* @return the created code owner reference
public static CodeOwnerConfigReference create(
CodeOwnerConfigImportMode importMode, String filePath) {
return builder(importMode, filePath).build();
* Creates a builder for a code owner config reference.
* @param importMode the import mode
* @param filePath the path of the code owner config, may be absolute or relative to the path of
* the importing code owner config
* @return builder for a code owner config reference
public static Builder builder(CodeOwnerConfigImportMode importMode, String filePath) {
requireNonNull(filePath, "filePath");
return builder(importMode, Paths.get(filePath));
* Creates a builder for a code owner config reference.
* @param importMode the import mode
* @param filePath the path of the code owner config, may be absolute or relative to the path of
* the importing code owner config
* @return builder for a code owner config reference
public static Builder builder(CodeOwnerConfigImportMode importMode, Path filePath) {
return new AutoValue_CodeOwnerConfigReference.Builder()
/** Returns a copy of the given code owner config reference with the given import mode. */
public static CodeOwnerConfigReference copyWithNewImportMode(
CodeOwnerConfigReference codeOwnerConfigReference, CodeOwnerConfigImportMode importMode) {
return codeOwnerConfigReference.toBuilder().setImportMode(importMode).build();
public abstract static class Builder {
* Sets the import mode that controls which parts of the referenced code owner config should be
* imported.
* @param codeOwnerConfigImportMode the import mode that controls which parts of the referenced
* code owner config should be imported
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setImportMode(CodeOwnerConfigImportMode codeOwnerConfigImportMode);
* Sets the project in which the code owner config is stored.
* @param project the project in which the code owner config is stored
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setProject(Project.NameKey project);
* Sets the branch in which the code owner config is stored.
* @param fullBranchName the full branch in which the code owner config is stored
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
abstract Builder setBranch(Optional<String> fullBranchName);
* Sets the branch in which the code owner config is stored.
* @param branch the branch in which the code owner config is stored, the {@code refs/heads/}
* prefix may be omitted
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder setBranch(String branch) {
requireNonNull(branch, "branch");
return setBranch(Optional.of(RefNames.fullName(branch)));
* Sets the path of the code owner config file.
* @param filePath path of the code owner config file, may be absolute or relative to the path
* of the importing code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
abstract Builder setFilePath(Path filePath);
* Builds the {@link CodeOwnerConfigReference} instance without validation.
* @return the {@link CodeOwnerConfigReference} instance
abstract CodeOwnerConfigReference autoBuild();
* Builds the {@link CodeOwnerConfigReference} instance with validation.
* @return the {@link CodeOwnerConfigReference} instance
public CodeOwnerConfigReference build() {
CodeOwnerConfigReference codeOwnerConfigReference = autoBuild();
if (codeOwnerConfigReference.branch().isPresent()) {
// Check whether the branch name is a full branch name, since we want to guarantee callers
// of branch() that they always get the full branch name and don't need to worry about short
// branch names. In code owner config files short and full branch names are supported, short
// branch names get converted to full branch names when the branch is set via
// setBranch(String). We only need this check to prevent that callers in the same package
// use the generated setBranch(Optional<String>) method to set a short branch name. This
// method is supposed to be private but AutoValue doesn't allow it to be private, so it's
// only package private and still accessible from other classes in the same package.
String branch = codeOwnerConfigReference.branch().get();
branch.equals(RefNames.fullName(branch)), "branch must be full name: %s", branch);
return codeOwnerConfigReference;