blob: e47e1ccd87b80b9491d3680c5f93da972b3e391c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Optional;
* Test API to create a code owner config.
* <p>To execute the operations, no Gerrit permissions are necessary.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> This interface is not implemented using the REST or extension API.
* Hence, it cannot be used for testing those APIs.
public abstract class TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation {
* Gets the project in which the code owner config should be created.
* @return the project in which the code owner config should be created, {@link Optional#empty()}
* if the caller didn't specify a project for the code owner config creation
public abstract Optional<Project.NameKey> project();
* Gets the branch in which the code owner config should be created.
* @return the branch in which the code owner config should be created, {@link Optional#empty()}
* if the caller didn't specify a branch for the code owner config creation
public abstract Optional<String> branch();
* Gets the folder path in which the code owner config should be created.
* @return the folder path in which the code owner config should be created, {@link
* Optional#empty()} if the caller didn't specify a folder path for the code owner config
* creation
public abstract Optional<Path> folderPath();
* Gets the file name for the code owner config.
* @return the file name for the code owner config, {@link Optional#empty()} if the caller didn't
* specify a file name for the code owner config creation
public abstract Optional<String> fileName();
* Gets whether code owners from parent code owner configs (code owner configs in parent folders)
* should be ignored.
public abstract boolean ignoreParentCodeOwners();
* Gets the global code owners (without path expression) that should be set in the newly created
* code owner config.
* @return the global code owners that should be set in the newly created code owner config
public abstract ImmutableSet<CodeOwnerReference> globalCodeOwners();
* Gets the code owner sets that have been set for the new code owner config.
* <p>Doesn't include the code owner set for the global code owners that are defined by {@link
* #globalCodeOwners()}. Use {@link #computeCodeOwnerSets()} to get the code owner set for the
* global code owners included.
* @return the code owner sets that have been set for the new code owner config
abstract ImmutableList<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSets();
* Gets the imports that have been set for the new code owner config.
* @return the imports that have been set for the new code owner config
abstract ImmutableList<CodeOwnerConfigReference> imports();
* Gets the code owner sets that should be set in the newly created code owner config.
* <p>Includes the global code owners that are defined by {@link #globalCodeOwners()}.
* @return the code owner sets that should be set in the newly created code owner config
public ImmutableList<CodeOwnerSet> computeCodeOwnerSets() {
if (globalCodeOwners().isEmpty()) {
return codeOwnerSets();
return ImmutableList.<CodeOwnerSet>builder()
* Returns the key for the code owner config that should be created.
* <p>If no project was specified, {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.
* <p>If no branch was specified, {@code master} is used.
* <p>If no folder path was sepcified, {@code /} is used.
* @return the key for the code owner config that should be created
public CodeOwnerConfig.Key key() {
Project.NameKey projectName =
() ->
new IllegalStateException(
"project not specified, specifying a project is required for code owner config creation"));
String branchName = branch().orElse("master");
Path folderPath = folderPath().orElse(Path.of("/"));
return CodeOwnerConfig.Key.create(
BranchNameKey.create(projectName, branchName), folderPath, fileName().orElse(null));
/** Returns whether the code owner config would be empty. */
public boolean isEmpty() {
return !ignoreParentCodeOwners() && computeCodeOwnerSets().isEmpty() && imports().isEmpty();
* Gets the function that creates the code owner config.
* @return the function that creates the code owner config
abstract ThrowingFunction<TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation, CodeOwnerConfig.Key>
* Creates a builder for a {@link TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation}.
* @param codeOwnerConfigCreator function that creates the code owner config
* @return builder for a {@link TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation}
public static Builder builder(
ThrowingFunction<TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation, CodeOwnerConfig.Key> codeOwnerConfigCreator) {
return new AutoValue_TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation.Builder()
/** Builder for a {@link TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation}. */
public abstract static class Builder {
* Sets the project in which the code owner config should be created.
* <p>Setting a project is mandatory. If a project is not set the creation of the code owner
* config will fail.
* @param project the project in which the code owner config should be created
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder project(Project.NameKey project);
* Sets the branch in which the code owner config should be created.
* <p>Setting a branch is optional. If a branch is not set {@code master} is used as default.
* @param branch the branch in which the code owner config should be created
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder branch(String branch);
* Sets the folder path in which the code owner config should be created.
* <p>Setting a folder path is optional. If a folder path is not set {@code /} is used as
* default.
* @param folderPath the folder path in which the code owner config should be created
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder folderPath(Path folderPath);
* Sets the folder path in which the code owner config should be created.
* @param folderPath the folder path in which the code owner config should be created
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder folderPath(String folderPath) {
return folderPath(Path.of(folderPath));
* Sets the file name for the code owner config.
* @param fileName the file name for the code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder fileName(String fileName);
* Sets whether code owners from parent code owner configs (code owner configs in parent
* folders) should be ignored.
* @param ignoreParentCodeOwners whether code owners from parent code owner configs should be
* ignored
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder ignoreParentCodeOwners(boolean ignoreParentCodeOwners);
* Sets that code owners from parent code owner configs (code owner configs in parent folders)
* should be ignored.
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder ignoreParentCodeOwners() {
return ignoreParentCodeOwners(true);
* Gets a builder to add global code owners
* @return builder to add global code owners
abstract ImmutableSet.Builder<CodeOwnerReference> globalCodeOwnersBuilder();
* Adds a global code owner for the given email.
* @param codeOwnerEmail email of the code owner
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder addCodeOwnerEmail(String codeOwnerEmail) {
return addCodeOwner(
CodeOwnerReference.create(requireNonNull(codeOwnerEmail, "codeOwnerEmail")));
* Adds a global code owner.
* @param codeOwnerReference reference to the code owner
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
Builder addCodeOwner(CodeOwnerReference codeOwnerReference) {
globalCodeOwnersBuilder().add(requireNonNull(codeOwnerReference, "codeOwnerReference"));
return this;
* Gets a builder to add code owner sets.
* @return builder to add code owner sets
abstract ImmutableList.Builder<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSetsBuilder();
* Adds a code owner set.
* @param codeOwnerSet code owner set that should be added
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder addCodeOwnerSet(CodeOwnerSet codeOwnerSet) {
codeOwnerSetsBuilder().add(requireNonNull(codeOwnerSet, "codeOwnerSet"));
return this;
* Gets a builder to add imports.
* @return builder to add imports
abstract ImmutableList.Builder<CodeOwnerConfigReference> importsBuilder();
* Adds an import.
* @param codeOwnerConfigReference reference to the code owner config that should be imported
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder addImport(CodeOwnerConfigReference codeOwnerConfigReference) {
importsBuilder().add(requireNonNull(codeOwnerConfigReference, "codeOwnerConfigReference"));
return this;
* Sets the function that creates the code owner config.
* @param codeOwnerConfigCreator the function that creates the code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
abstract Builder codeOwnerConfigCreator(
ThrowingFunction<TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation, CodeOwnerConfig.Key> codeOwnerConfigCreator);
* Builds the {@link TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation} instance.
* @return the {@link TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation} instance
abstract TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation autoBuild();
* Executes the code owner config creation as specified.
* @return the key of the code owner config
public CodeOwnerConfig.Key create() {
TestCodeOwnerConfigCreation creation = autoBuild();
return creation.codeOwnerConfigCreator().applyAndThrowSilently(creation);