Document that disabledBranch config supports negative lookahead

A regular expression with a negative lookahead [1] can be used to match
all but one branches. E.g. this can be used to enable the code owners
functionality only for the master branch.

Cover this by a test and document this, so that this feature is easier
to discover.


Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
Change-Id: I3fd464987eb626dae72cadcf9d536975e90e0532
diff --git a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/
index e8eff5f..6ad8f3b 100644
--- a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/
+++ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/
@@ -192,6 +192,34 @@
+  public void isDisabledForBranch_regularExpressionWithNegativeLookahead() throws Exception {
+    Config cfg = new Config();
+    cfg.setStringList(
+        null,
+        // match all branches except refs/heads/master
+        ImmutableList.of("^refs/(?!heads/master$).*"));
+    assertThat(statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "master")))
+        .isFalse();
+    assertThat(
+            statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "master-foo-bar")))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "foo")))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "other")))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(
+            statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(
+                cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, RefNames.REFS_CONFIG)))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(
+            statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(
+                cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "refs/meta/master")))
+        .isTrue();
+  }
+  @Test
   @GerritConfig(name = "plugin.code-owners.disabledBranch", value = "refs/heads/master")
   public void isDisabledForBranchIsRetrievedFromGerritConfigIfNotSpecifiedOnProjectLevel()
       throws Exception {
diff --git a/resources/Documentation/ b/resources/Documentation/
index f1f1c24..5f3724c 100644
--- a/resources/Documentation/
+++ b/resources/Documentation/
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
 <a id="pluginCodeOwnersDisabledBranch">plugin.@PLUGIN@.disabledBranch</a>
 :       An exact ref, a ref pattern or a regular expression to disable the code
         owners functionality for the matched branches.\
+        By using a negative lookahead, it's possible to match all but one
+        branches. E.g. to disable the code owners functionality for all branches
+        except the `refs/heads/master` branch the following regular expression
+        can be used: `^refs/(?!heads/master$).*`
         For matched branches submitting changes doesn't require code owner
         This allows branches to opt-out of the code owners functionality.\
@@ -219,6 +223,10 @@
 <a id="codeOwnersDisabledBranch">codeOwners.disabledBranch</a>
 :       An exact ref, a ref pattern or a regular expression to disable the code
         owners functionality for the matched branches.\
+        By using a negative lookahead, it's possible to match all but one
+        branches. E.g. to disable the code owners functionality for all branches
+        except the `refs/heads/master` branch the following regular expression
+        can be used: `^refs/(?!heads/master$).*`
         For matched branches submitting changes doesn't require code owner
         This allows branches to opt-out of the code owners functionality.\