blob: f1ab1fee02410f15b5a6c0d0308cc5328f9a1eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
* Code owner configuration for a folder in a branch.
* <p>This representation of a code owner configuration is independent of any code owner backend and
* hence independent of any specific syntax of the code owner configuration files.
public abstract class CodeOwnerConfig {
/** Gets the key of this code owner config. */
public abstract Key key();
/** The revision from which this code owner config was loaded. */
public abstract ObjectId revision();
* Gets whether code owners from parent code owner configs (code owner configs in parent folders)
* should be ignored.
public abstract boolean ignoreParentCodeOwners();
/** Gets references to the code owner configs that should be imported. */
public abstract ImmutableSet<CodeOwnerConfigReference> imports();
* Gets the code owner sets of this code owner config.
* <p>A code owner set defines a set of code owners for a set of path expressions.
* <p>The code owner sets are stored in an {@link ImmutableSet} so that duplicate code owner sets
* are filtered out.
* <p>The order of the code owner sets is the same in which they have been added ({@link
* ImmutableSet} preserves the iteration order).
public abstract ImmutableSet<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSets();
* Gets the code owner sets of this code owner config as list.
* <p>For some callers it's better to retrieve the code owner sets as list since lists have a
* defined order, e.g. for:
* <ul>
* <li>updating code owner sets where the updater must be aware that the order matters
* <li>doing test assertions where the order should be verified
* </ul>
* @return the code owner sets of this code owner config as list
public ImmutableList<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSetsAsList() {
return codeOwnerSets().asList();
* Gets the imports of this code owner config as list.
* <p>For some callers it's better to retrieve the imports as list since lists have a defined
* order, e.g. for:
* <ul>
* <li>updating imports where the updater must be aware that the order matters
* <li>doing test assertions where the order should be verified
* </ul>
* @return the imports of this code owner config as list
public ImmutableList<CodeOwnerConfigReference> importsAsList() {
return imports().asList();
* Relativizes the given path in relation to the folder path of this code owner config.
* @param path the path that should be relativized
* @return the relativized path of the given path in relation to the folder path of this code
* owner config
Path relativize(Path path) {
return key().folderPath().relativize(requireNonNull(path, "path"));
* Creates a builder form this code owner config.
* @return builder that was created from this code owner config
public abstract Builder toBuilder();
* Creates a builder for a code owner config.
* @param key the key of the code owner config
* @param revision the revision from which the code owner config was loaded
* @return builder for a code owner config
public static Builder builder(Key key, ObjectId revision) {
return new AutoValue_CodeOwnerConfig.Builder()
public abstract static class Builder {
* Sets the key of this code owner config.
* @param key the key of this code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setKey(Key key);
* Sets the revision from which this code owner config was loaded.
* @param revision the revision from which this code owner config was loaded
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setRevision(ObjectId revision);
* Sets whether code owners from parent code owner configs (code owner configs in parent
* folders) should be ignored.
* @param ignoreParentCodeOwners whether code owners from parent code owner configs should be
* ignored
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setIgnoreParentCodeOwners(boolean ignoreParentCodeOwners);
* Sets the imports of this code owner config.
* @param imports the imports of this code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder setImports(ImmutableList<CodeOwnerConfigReference> imports) {
return setImports(ImmutableSet.copyOf(imports));
* Sets the imports of this code owner config.
* @param imports the imports of this code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
abstract Builder setImports(ImmutableSet<CodeOwnerConfigReference> imports);
/** Gets a builder to add references to code owner configs that should be imported. */
abstract ImmutableSet.Builder<CodeOwnerConfigReference> importsBuilder();
* Adds a reference to code owner configs that should be imported.
* @param codeOwnerConfigReference reference to the code owner config that should be imported
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder addImport(CodeOwnerConfigReference codeOwnerConfigReference) {
return this;
* Sets that code owners from parent code owner configs (code owner configs in parent folders)
* should be ignored.
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder setIgnoreParentCodeOwners() {
return setIgnoreParentCodeOwners(true);
/** Gets the code owner sets from this builder. */
public abstract ImmutableSet<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSets();
* Sets the code owner sets of this code owner config.
* @param codeOwnerSets the code owner sets of this code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder setCodeOwnerSets(ImmutableList<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSets) {
return setCodeOwnerSets(ImmutableSet.copyOf(codeOwnerSets));
* Sets the code owner sets of this code owner config.
* @param codeOwnerSets the code owner sets of this code owner config
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
abstract Builder setCodeOwnerSets(ImmutableSet<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSets);
/** Gets a builder to add code owner sets. */
abstract ImmutableSet.Builder<CodeOwnerSet> codeOwnerSetsBuilder();
* Adds a code owner set.
* @param codeOwnerSet the code owner set
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public Builder addCodeOwnerSet(CodeOwnerSet codeOwnerSet) {
codeOwnerSetsBuilder().add(requireNonNull(codeOwnerSet, "codeOwnerSet"));
return this;
* Builds the {@link CodeOwnerConfig} instance.
* @return the {@link CodeOwnerConfig} instance
public abstract CodeOwnerConfig build();
* Key of a {@link CodeOwnerConfig}.
* <p>The folder in a branch for which the code owner config defines code owners.
public abstract static class Key {
/** Gets the project and branch to which the code owner config belongs. */
public abstract BranchNameKey branchNameKey();
* Gets the path of the folder to which the code owner config belongs.
* <p>The returned path is absolute.
public abstract Path folderPath();
* Gets the name of the code owner config file.
* <p>If not set the default file of the code owner backend should be used.
public abstract Optional<String> fileName();
* Gets the project to which the code owner config belongs.
* @return the project to which the code owner config belongs
public Project.NameKey project() {
return branchNameKey().project();
* Gets the short name of the branch of this owner config key.
* @return the short name of the branch of this owner config key
public String shortBranchName() {
return branchNameKey().shortName();
* Gets the ref name of the branch to which the code owner config belongs.
* @return the ref name of the branch to which the code owner config belongs
public String ref() {
return branchNameKey().branch();
* Gets the path of the code owner config file.
* @param defaultCodeOwnerConfigFileName the name of the code owner config file that should be
* used if no {@link #fileName()} is set.
* @return the path of the code owner config file
public Path filePath(String defaultCodeOwnerConfigFileName) {
requireNonNull(defaultCodeOwnerConfigFileName, "codeOwnerConfigFileName");
return folderPath().resolve(fileName().orElse(defaultCodeOwnerConfigFileName));
* Creates a code owner config key.
* @param project the project to which the code owner config belongs
* @param branch the branch to which the code owner config belongs
* @param folderPath the path of the folder to which the code owner config belongs, must be
* absolute
* @return the code owner config key
public static Key create(Project.NameKey project, String branch, String folderPath) {
return create(BranchNameKey.create(project, branch), Paths.get(folderPath));
* Creates a code owner config key.
* @param project the project to which the code owner config belongs
* @param branch the branch to which the code owner config belongs
* @param folderPath the path of the folder to which the code owner config belongs, must be
* absolute
* @param fileName the name of the code owner config file
* @return the code owner config key
public static Key create(
Project.NameKey project, String branch, String folderPath, @Nullable String fileName) {
return create(BranchNameKey.create(project, branch), Paths.get(folderPath), fileName);
* Creates a code owner config key.
* @param branchNameKey the project and branch to which the code owner config belongs
* @param folderPath the path of the folder to which the code owner config belongs, must be
* absolute
* @return the code owner config key
public static Key create(BranchNameKey branchNameKey, Path folderPath) {
return create(branchNameKey, folderPath, null);
* Creates a code owner config key.
* @param branchNameKey the project and branch to which the code owner config belongs
* @param folderPath the path of the folder to which the code owner config belongs, must be
* absolute
* @param fileName the name of the code owner config file
* @return the code owner config key
public static Key create(
BranchNameKey branchNameKey, Path folderPath, @Nullable String fileName) {
Builder builder =
new AutoValue_CodeOwnerConfig_Key.Builder()
if (fileName != null) {
public abstract static class Builder {
* Sets the project and branch for this owner config key.
* @param branchNameKey the project and branch for this owner config key
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setBranchNameKey(BranchNameKey branchNameKey);
* Sets the folder path for this owner config key.
* @param folderPath the folder path for this owner config key, must be absolute
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setFolderPath(Path folderPath);
* Sets the name of the code owner config file for this owner config key.
* @param fileName the name of the code owner config file
* @return the Builder instance for chaining calls
public abstract Builder setFileName(String fileName);
* Builds the {@link Key} instance.
* @return the {@link Key} instance
abstract Key autoBuild();
* Builds the {@link Key} instance with validation.
* @return the {@link Key} instance
public Key build() {
Key key = autoBuild();
key.folderPath().isAbsolute(), "folder path %s must be absolute", key.folderPath());
return key;