Merge "Add docs for the checks API"
diff --git a/src/main/resources/Documentation/ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9520c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# /changes/<id>/revisions/<id>/checks/ REST API
+This page describes the check-related REST endpoints that are added by the
+@PLUGIN@ plugin.
+Please also take note of the general information on the
+[REST API](../../../Documentation/rest-api.html).
+## <a id="check-endpoints"> Check Endpoints
+### <a id="list-checks"> List Checks
+_'GET /changes/[\{change-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#change-id)/revisions/[\{revision-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#revision-id)/revisions/checks'_
+Retrieves all checks for a given revision and change.
+#### Request
+  GET /changes/1/revisions/1/checks HTTP/1.0
+As response a list of [CheckInfo](#check-info) entities is returned.
+Returns checks for checkers regardless of their state (also for `DISABLED`
+#### Response
+  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+  Content-Disposition: attachment
+  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+  )]}'
+  [
+    {
+      "project": "test-project",
+      "change_number": 1,
+      "patch_set_id": 1,
+      "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
+      "state": "NOT_STARTED",
+      "url": "",
+      "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+      "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+    },
+    {
+      "project": "test-project",
+      "change_number": 1,
+      "patch_set_id": 1,
+      "checker_uuid": "foo:foo-checker",
+      "state": "FINISHED",
+      "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+      "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+    }
+   ]
+### <a id="get-check"> Get Check
+_'GET /changes/[\{change-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#change-id)/revisions/[\{revision-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#revision-id)/revisions/checks/[\{checker-id\}](./'_
+Retrieves a check.
+Returns a check regardless of the state that the checker is in (also for
+`DISABLED` checkers).
+#### Request
+  GET /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/test:my-checker HTTP/1.0
+As response a [CheckInfo](#check-info) entity is returned that describes the
+#### Response
+  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+  Content-Disposition: attachment
+  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+  )]}'
+  {
+    "project": "test-project",
+    "change_number": 1,
+    "patch_set_id": 1,
+    "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
+    "state": "NOT_STARTED",
+    "url": "",
+    "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+    "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+  }
+### <a id="create-check"> Create Check
+_'POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/'_
+Creates a new check.
+In the request body the data for the checker must be provided as a
+[CheckInput](#check-input) entity.
+Note that only users with the [Administrate
+global capability are permitted to create check.
+#### Request
+  POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/ HTTP/1.0
+  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+  {
+    "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
+    "state": "RUNNING",
+    "url": "",
+    "started": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000",
+  }
+As response the [CheckInfo](#check-info) entity is returned that describes
+the created check.
+#### Response
+  HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED
+  Content-Disposition: attachment
+  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
+  )]}'
+  {
+    "project": "test-project",
+    "change_number": 1,
+    "patch_set_id": 1,
+    "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
+    "state": "RUNNING",
+    "url": "",
+    "started": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000",
+    "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+    "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
+  }
+### <a id="update-check"> Update Check
+_'POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/'_
+_'POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/test:my-checker'_
+Updates a check. The semantics are the same as for [CreateCheck](#create-check).
+This REST endpoint supports partial updates of the checker property set. Only
+properties that are set in the [CheckInput](#check-input) entity are updated.
+Properties that are not set in the input (or that have `null` as value) are not
+If the [checker-id](./ is provided as part of
+the URL, it must either match the value provided in the request body via
+[CheckInput](#check-input) or the value in the request body is omitted.
+### <a id="json-entities"> JSON Entities
+### <a id="check-info"> CheckInfo
+The `CheckInfo` entity describes a check.
+| Field Name        |          | Description |
+| ----------------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `project`         |          | The project name that this check applies to.
+| `change_number`   |          | The change number that this check applies to.
+| `patch_set_id`    |          | The path set that this check applies to.
+| `checker_uuid`    |          | The [UUID](./ of the checker that reported this check.
+| `state`           |          | The state as string-serialized form of [CheckState](#check-state)
+| `url`             | optional | A fully-qualified URL pointing to the result of the check on the checker's infrastructure.
+| `started`         | optional | The [timestamp](../../../Documentation/rest-api.html#timestamp) of when the check started processing.
+| `finished`        | optional | The [timestamp](../../../Documentation/rest-api.html#timestamp) of when the check finished processing.
+| `created`         |          | The [timestamp](../../../Documentation/rest-api.html#timestamp) of when the check was created.
+| `updated`         |          | The [timestamp](../../../Documentation/rest-api.html#timestamp) of when the check was last updated.
+### <a id="check-input"> CheckInput
+The `CheckInput` entity contains information for creating or updating a check.
+| Field Name      |          | Description |
+| --------------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `checker_uuid`  | optional | The name of the checker. Must be specified for checker creation. Optional only if updating a check and referencing the checker using the [UUID](./ in the URL.
+| `state`         | optional | The state as string-serialized form of [CheckState](#check-state)
+| `url`           | optional | A fully-qualified URL pointing to the result of the check on the checker's infrastructure.
+| `started`       | optional | The [timestamp](../../../Documentation/rest-api.html#timestamp) of when the check started processing.
+| `finished`      | optional | The [timestamp](../../../Documentation/rest-api.html#timestamp) of when the check finished processing.
+### <a id="check-state"> CheckState (enum)
+The `CheckState` enum can have the following values: `NOT_STARTED`, `FAILED`,