Merge changes I4f278748,I0f26b6df,If6b772c5,Ia8658605,Id3acdad1, ...

* changes:
  NoSuchCheckerException: Remove unused constructors
  Checker: Remove unused builder(CheckerUuid) method
  Test that checker with invalid query is treated as not required for combined check state
  PostCheck: Move into api package
  CheckerRef: Add private constructor
  Test that checker refs are only protected in the All-Projects project
  Support 'is:inprogress' operator in pending checks query
  Support 'is:<state>' operator in pending checks query
  Rename ListPendingChecks to QueryPendingChecks
  Change List Pending Checks REST endpoint to accept a query as input
tree: d6dd83fb90c2d6359099c713f3070ee89085fbe4
  1. gr-checks/
  2. java/
  3. javatests/
  4. src/
  5. BUILD

Gerrit Code Review Checks Plugin

This plugin provides a unified experience for checkers (CI systems, static analyzers, etc.) to integrate with Gerrit Code Review.