Setup and plugin user guide

* what it is
* what it does
* how to set it up
* how to use it
* info about development

Feature: Issue 9922
Change-Id: I796c95e61f6d74f181f3c2187c09f9e9d3e59745
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-# analytics-wizard
-Wizard to provision a new GerritAnalytics stack
+# Analytics Wizard plugin
+Wizard to locally setup an Analytics Dashboard like the [Gerrit's one](
+This will allow you to explore the potentials of **DevOps Analytics** on your own repositories.
+## What it DOES
+* Setup a ready to use Analytics Dashboard with some defaults charts
+* Populate the Dashboard with data coming from the repos you would like to analyse
+## What it DOES NOT
+* Schedule recurring import of the data, but just the first one
+* Create a production ready environment. It is meant to build a *playground* to explore the potential of **DevOps
+* Create multiple dashboards
 # Setup
-this plugin is being developed against gerrit master (2.16), thus it relies on `gerrit-plugin-api-2.16-SNAPSHOT`
+## Prerequisites
+* Gerrit v2.16
+* [Analytics plugin](
-In order to make `gerrit-plugin-api-2.16-SNAPSHOT` available locally you can run the following from a gerrit checkout dir:
+Copy the [latest available jar]( into the Gerrit plugins directory and restart it.
+Assuming `/usr/local/gerrit ` is the location of your Gerrit installation simply execute the following:
+curl -o /tmp/analytics-wizard.jar &&\
+cp /tmp/analytics-wizard.jar /usr/local/gerrit/plugins
-./tools/maven/ install
\ No newline at end of file
+# How to use it
+Once the plugin is installed and you are logged in Gerrit browse to this url: [https://<you_gerrit_url>/plugins/analytics-wizard/static/analytics-dashboard.html]()
+You will land on this screen:
+![alt text](./resources/wizard.png "Wizard screen")
+Different parameters can be configured:
+* **Dashboard name** (required): name of the dashboard you are about to create
+* **Projects prefix** (optional): prefix of the projects you want to import, i.e.: to import all the projects under the Gerrit namespace, you can specify `gerrit/`. *Note: It is not a regular expression.*
+* **Aggregation type** (required): the data can be aggregated by `email only`, by `email per hour`, by `email per day`, by `email per month` or by `email per year`.
+* **Date time-frame** (optional): time window you want to collect data about
+* **Username/Password** (optional): credentials for Gerrit API, if basic auth is needed
+Once you set the parameters pressing the "Create Dashboard" button will trigger the Dashboard creation and the data import.
+*Beware this operation will take a while since it requires to download several Docker images and run an ETL job to collect and aggregate the data.*
+At the end of this operation you will be presented with a dashbaord similar to this one:
+![alt text](./resources/dashboard.png "Wizard screen")
+You can now navigate among the different charts and uncover the potentials of DevOps analytics!
+# Components interaction
+![alt text](./resources/sequence.png "Components interactions")
+# Development
+* [Project Git repo](
+* The project relies on:
+  * an [ETL data extractor](
+  * an [Analytics plugin]( to expose Gerrit metrics
+* [CI/CD](
+To build the plugin, [JDK 1.8]( and [sbt]( are required.
+Once installed use *sbt* to build:
+cd ./analytics-wizard
+sbt assembly
+This will compile, test and package the plugin artifact, which can be found in `./target/scala-2.11/analytics-wizard.jar`.
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/sequence.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+actor User
+box "Gerrit installation" #LightYellow
+  participant WizardPlugin
+  participant AnalyticsPlugin
+end box
+box "Data extraction and visualization"
+  participant ETLJob
+  participant ElasticSearch
+  participant Kibana
+end box
+User -> WizardPlugin: CreateDashboard
+WizardPlugin --> User: Ok
+WizardPlugin -> ETLJob: ExtractData
+ETLJob --> WizardPlugin: Ok
+activate ETLJob
+ETLJob -> AnalyticsPlugin: GetCommitsInfo
+activate AnalyticsPlugin
+AnalyticsPlugin -> AnalyticsPlugin: AggreagateData
+AnalyticsPlugin -> ETLJob: CommitsInfo
+deactivate AnalyticsPlugin
+ETLJob -> ETLJob: ProcessCommitsInfo
+ETLJob -> ElasticSearch: StoreCommitsInfo
+deactivate ETLJob
+User -> Kibana: GetDashbaord
+Kibana -> ElasticSearch: GetDataForDashboard
+ElasticSearch -> Kibana: DataForDashboard
+Kibana -> User: Dashboard
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f37b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/wizard.png
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