blob: c2240a7c2cb55c5b58ebcd43da82375946c15edb [file] [log] [blame]
class Animal
constructor: (@name) ->
move: (meters, loc) ->
alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m."
travel: (path...) ->
for place in path
@move place.distance, place.location
class Horse extends Animal
@param name Horse name
@param jumper Jumping ability
constructor: (name, jumper) ->
super name
@capable = jumper
step: ->
alert '''
jump: ->
move: (meters, where) ->
switch where
when "ground"
super meters
when "hurdle"
super meters if @jump()
# Create horse
tom = new Horse "Tommy", yes
street =
location: "ground"
distance: 12
car =
location: "hurdle"
distance: 2
Tell him to travel:
1. through the street
2. over the car
### street, car