blob: 5e7cc3bd42275d66e875628caf40c16a6171ec4d [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {sameOrigin} from '../../../utils/url-util';
* This file was originally a copy of
* It was converted to TypeScript and stripped off lots of code that we don't
* need in Gerrit. Thus we reproduce the original LICENSE in js_licenses.txt.
* This is what registered routes have to provide, see `registerRoute()` and
* `registerExitRoute()`.
* `context` provides information about the matched parameters in the URL.
* Then you can decide to handle the route exclusively (not calling `next()`),
* or to pass it on to other registered routes. Normally you would not call
* `next()`, because your regex matching the URL was specific enough.
export type PageCallback = (
context: PageContext,
next: PageNextCallback
) => void;
/** See comment on `PageCallback` above. */
export type PageNextCallback = () => void;
/** Options for starting the router. */
export interface PageOptions {
* Should the router inspect the current URL and dispatch it when the router
* is started? Default is `true`, but can be turned off for testing.
dispatch: boolean;
* The base path of the application. For Gerrit this must be set to
* getBaseUrl().
base: string;
* The browser `History` API allows `pushState()` to contain an arbitrary state
* object. Our router only sets `path` on the state and inspects it when
* handling `popstate` events. This interface is for internal use within the
* router.
interface PageState {
path?: string;
const clickEvent = document.ontouchstart ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
export class Page {
* When a new URL is dispatched all these routes are called one after another.
* If a route decides that it wants to handle a URL, then it does not call
* next().
private entryRoutes: PageCallback[] = [];
* Before a new URL is dispatched exit routes for the previous URL are called.
* They can clean up some state for example. But they could also prevent the
* user from navigating away (from within the app), if they don't call next().
private exitRoutes: PageCallback[] = [];
* The path that is currently being dispatched. This is used, so that we can
* check whether a context is still valid, i.e. ctx.path === currentPath.
private currentPath = '';
* The base path of the application. For Gerrit this must be set to
* getBaseUrl(). For example uses r/ as its
* base path.
private base = '';
* Is set at the beginning of start() and stop(), so that you cannot start
* the routing twice.
private running = false;
* Keeping around the previous context for being able to call exit routes
* after creating a new context.
private prevPageContext?: PageContext;
* We don't want to handle popstate events before the document is loaded.
private documentLoaded = false;
start(options: PageOptions = {dispatch: true, base: ''}) {
if (this.running) return;
this.running = true;
this.base = options.base;
window.document.addEventListener(clickEvent, this.clickHandler);
window.addEventListener('load', this.loadHandler);
window.addEventListener('popstate', this.popStateHandler);
if (document.readyState === 'complete') this.documentLoaded = true;
if (options.dispatch) {
const loc = window.location;
this.replace(loc.pathname + + loc.hash);
stop() {
if (!this.running) return;
this.currentPath = '';
this.running = false;
window.document.removeEventListener(clickEvent, this.clickHandler);
window.removeEventListener('popstate', this.popStateHandler);
window.removeEventListener('load', this.loadHandler);
show(path: string, push = true) {
const ctx = new PageContext(path, {}, this.base);
const prev = this.prevPageContext;
this.prevPageContext = ctx;
this.currentPath = ctx.path;
this.dispatch(ctx, prev);
if (push && !ctx.preventPush) ctx.pushState();
redirect(to: string) {
setTimeout(() => this.replace(to), 0);
replace(path: string, state: PageState = {}, dispatch = true) {
const ctx = new PageContext(path, state, this.base);
const prev = this.prevPageContext;
this.prevPageContext = ctx;
this.currentPath = ctx.path;
ctx.replaceState(); // replace before dispatching, which may redirect
if (dispatch) this.dispatch(ctx, prev);
dispatch(ctx: PageContext, prev?: PageContext) {
let j = 0;
const nextExit = () => {
const fn = this.exitRoutes[j++];
// First call the exit routes of the previous context. Then proceed
// to the entry routes for the new context.
if (!fn) {
fn(prev!, nextExit);
let i = 0;
const nextEnter = () => {
const fn = this.entryRoutes[i++];
// Concurrency protection. The context is not valid anymore.
// Stop calling any further route handlers.
if (ctx.path !== this.currentPath) {
ctx.preventPush = true;
// You must register a route that handles everything (.*) and does not
// call next().
if (!fn) throw new Error('No route has handled the URL.');
fn(ctx, nextEnter);
if (prev) {
} else {
registerRoute(re: RegExp, fn: PageCallback) {
this.entryRoutes.push(createRoute(re, fn));
registerExitRoute(re: RegExp, fn: PageCallback) {
this.exitRoutes.push(createRoute(re, fn));
loadHandler = () => {
setTimeout(() => (this.documentLoaded = true), 0);
clickHandler = (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => {
if ((e as MouseEvent).button !== 0) return;
if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) return;
if (e.defaultPrevented) return;
let el = as HTMLAnchorElement;
const eventPath = e.composedPath();
if (eventPath) {
for (let i = 0; i < eventPath.length; i++) {
const pathEl = eventPath[i] as HTMLAnchorElement;
if (!pathEl.nodeName) continue;
if (pathEl.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== 'A') continue;
if (!pathEl.href) continue;
el = pathEl;
while (el && 'A' !== el.nodeName.toUpperCase())
el = el.parentNode as HTMLAnchorElement;
if (!el || 'A' !== el.nodeName.toUpperCase()) return;
if (el.hasAttribute('download') || el.getAttribute('rel') === 'external')
const link = el.getAttribute('href');
if (samePath(el) && (el.hash || '#' === link)) return;
if (link && link.indexOf('mailto:') > -1) return;
if ( return;
if (!sameOrigin(el.href)) return;
let path = el.pathname + + (el.hash ?? '');
path = path[0] !== '/' ? '/' + path : path;
const orig = path;
if (path.indexOf(this.base) === 0) {
path = path.substr(this.base.length);
if (this.base && orig === path && window.location.protocol !== 'file:') {
popStateHandler = (e: PopStateEvent) => {
if (!this.documentLoaded) return;
if (e.state) {
const path = e.state.path;
this.replace(path, e.state);
} else {
const loc = window.location; + + loc.hash, /* push */ false);
function samePath(url: HTMLAnchorElement) {
const loc = window.location;
return url.pathname === loc.pathname && ===;
function escapeRegExp(s: string) {
return s.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|/\\])/g, '\\$1');
function decodeURIComponentString(val: string | undefined | null) {
if (!val) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(val.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
export class PageContext {
* Includes everything: base, path, query and hash.
* NOT decoded.
canonicalPath = '';
* Does not include base path.
* Does not include hash.
* Includes query string.
* NOT decoded.
path = '';
/** Decoded. Does not include hash. */
querystring = '';
/** Decoded. */
hash = '';
* Regular expression matches of capturing groups. The first entry params[0]
* corresponds to the first capturing group. The entire matched string is not
* returned in this array.
* Each param is double decoded.
params: string[] = [];
* Prevents `show()` from eventually calling `pushState()`. For example if
* the current context is not "valid" anymore, i.e. the URL has changed in the
* meantime.
* This is router internal state. Do not use it from routes.
preventPush = false;
private title = '';
path: string,
private readonly state: PageState = {},
pageBase = ''
) {
this.title = window.document.title;
if ('/' === path[0] && 0 !== path.indexOf(pageBase)) path = pageBase + path;
this.canonicalPath = path;
const re = new RegExp('^' + escapeRegExp(pageBase));
this.path = path.replace(re, '') || '/';
this.state.path = path;
const i = path.indexOf('?');
this.querystring =
i !== -1 ? decodeURIComponentString(path.slice(i + 1)) : '';
// Does the path include a hash? If yes, then remove it from path and
// querystring.
if (this.path.indexOf('#') === -1) return;
const parts = this.path.split('#');
this.path = parts[0];
this.hash = decodeURIComponentString(parts[1]) || '';
this.querystring = this.querystring.split('#')[0];
pushState() {
window.history.pushState(this.state, this.title, this.canonicalPath);
replaceState() {
window.history.replaceState(this.state, this.title, this.canonicalPath);
match(re: RegExp) {
const qsIndex = this.path.indexOf('?');
const pathname = qsIndex !== -1 ? this.path.slice(0, qsIndex) : this.path;
const matches = re.exec(decodeURIComponent(pathname));
if (matches) {
this.params = matches
.map(match => decodeURIComponentString(match));
return !!matches;
function createRoute(re: RegExp, fn: Function) {
return (ctx: PageContext, next: Function) => {
const matches = ctx.match(re);
if (matches) {
fn(ctx, next);
} else {