blob: ae7ec63d2a548ff3056c34b75c23885b5046c2b2 [file] [log] [blame]
Gerrit Code Review - JSON Data
Some commands produce JSON data streams intended for other
applications to consume. The structures are documented below.
Note that any field may be missing in the JSON messages, so consumers
of this JSON stream should deal with that appropriately.
The Gerrit change being reviewed, or that was already reviewed.
project:: Project path in Gerrit.
branch:: Branch name within project.
topic:: Topic name specified by the uploader for this change series.
id:: Change identifier, as scraped out of the Change-Id field in
the commit message, or as assigned by the server if it was missing.
number:: Change number (deprecated).
subject:: Description of change.
owner:: Owner in <<account,account attribute>>.
url:: Canonical URL to reach this change.
commitMessage:: The full commit message for the change.
lastUpdated:: Time in seconds since the UNIX epoch when this change
was last updated.
sortKey:: Internal key used to sort changes, based on lastUpdated.
open:: Boolean indicating if the change is still open for review.
status:: Current state of this change.
NEW;; Change is still being reviewed.
SUBMITTED;; Change has been submitted and is in the merge queue.
It may be waiting for one or more dependencies.
MERGED;; Change has been merged to its branch.
ABANDONED;; Change was abandoned by its owner or administrator.
trackingIds:: Issue tracking system links in
<<trackingid,trackingid attribute>>, scraped out of the commit
message based on the server's
link:config-gerrit.html#trackingid[trackingid] sections.
currentPatchSet:: Current <<patchset,patchset attribute>>.
patchSets:: All <<patchset,patchset attribute>> for this change.
A link to an issue tracking system.
system:: Name of the system. This comes straight from the
gerrit.config file.
id:: Id number as scraped out of the commit message.
A user account.
name:: User's full name, if configured.
email:: User's preferred email address.
Refers to a specific patchset within a <<change,change>>.
number:: The patchset number.
revision:: Git commit for this patchset.
ref:: Git reference pointing at the revision. This reference is
available through the Gerrit Code Review server's Git interface
for the containing change.
uploader:: Uploader of the patch set in <<account,account attribute>>.
approvals:: The <<approval,approval attribute>> granted.
Records the code review approval granted to a patch set.
type:: Internal name of the approval given.
description:: Human readable category of the approval.
value:: Value assigned by the approval, usually a numerical score.
grantedOn:: Time in seconds since the UNIX epoch when this approval
was added or last updated.
by:: Reviewer of the patch set in <<account,account attribute>>.
Information about a ref that was updated.
oldRev:: The old value of the ref, prior to the update.
newRev:: The new value the ref was updated to.
project:: Project path in Gerrit.
refName:: Ref name within project.
* link:cmd-stream-events.html[gerrit stream-events]
* link:cmd-query.html[gerrit query]
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]