| AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' |
| Description: DynamoDB tables for refs-db validation |
| Parameters: |
| DynamoDBLocksTableName: |
| Description: The name of the DynamoDB locks table |
| Type: String |
| DynamoDBRefsTableName: |
| Description: The name of the DynamoDB refs table |
| Type: String |
| |
| Mappings: |
| DynamoDB: |
| CapacityUnits: |
| Read: 10 |
| Write: 10 |
| |
| Resources: |
| RefsDbTable: |
| Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table |
| Properties: |
| TableName: !Ref DynamoDBRefsTableName |
| AttributeDefinitions: |
| - AttributeName: refPath |
| AttributeType: S |
| KeySchema: |
| - AttributeName: refPath |
| KeyType: HASH |
| ProvisionedThroughput: |
| ReadCapacityUnits: !FindInMap ['DynamoDB', 'CapacityUnits', 'Read'] |
| WriteCapacityUnits: !FindInMap ['DynamoDB', 'CapacityUnits', 'Write'] |
| |
| LocksTable: |
| Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table |
| Properties: |
| TableName: !Ref DynamoDBLocksTableName |
| AttributeDefinitions: |
| - AttributeName: lockKey |
| AttributeType: S |
| - AttributeName: lockValue |
| AttributeType: S |
| KeySchema: |
| - AttributeName: lockKey |
| KeyType: HASH |
| - AttributeName: lockValue |
| KeyType: RANGE |
| ProvisionedThroughput: |
| ReadCapacityUnits: !FindInMap ['DynamoDB', 'CapacityUnits', 'Read'] |
| WriteCapacityUnits: !FindInMap ['DynamoDB', 'CapacityUnits', 'Write'] |
| |
| Outputs: |
| RefsDbTable: |
| Description: The refs-db table |
| Value: !Ref RefsDbTable |
| Export: |
| Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'RefsDbTable' ] ] |
| LocksTable: |
| Description: The locks-db table |
| Value: !Ref LocksTable |
| Export: |
| Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'LocksTable' ] ] |