| now = $(shell date +%s) |
| destination-prefix-name = gerrit-export-logs-ts-$(now) |
| EXPORT_FROM_MILLIS ?= 0000000000000 |
| |
| create-s3-export-logs-bucket: |
| ifneq ("$(AWS_REGION)", "us-east-1") |
| $(eval CREATE_S3_EXPORT_PARAMS_LOGS_PARAMS := $(CREATE_S3_EXPORT_PARAMS_LOGS_PARAMS) --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$(AWS_REGION)) |
| endif |
| @echo "*** Create bucket $(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME)" |
| $(AWS) s3api create-bucket $(CREATE_S3_EXPORT_PARAMS_LOGS_PARAMS) |
| |
| set-bucket-permissions: |
| @echo "*** Set permissions to bucket $(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME)" |
| cat ../operations/export-logs/s3.bucket.permissions.yaml | \ |
| envsubst > /tmp/$(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME).policy.yaml |
| |
| $(AWS) s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket $(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME) \ |
| --policy file:///tmp/$(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME).policy.yaml |
| |
| $(AWS) s3api put-bucket-ownership-controls --bucket $(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME) \ |
| --ownership-controls '{ "Rules": [ { "ObjectOwnership": "BucketOwnerPreferred" } ] }' |
| |
| setup-s3-bucket: create-s3-export-logs-bucket set-bucket-permissions |
| |
| launch-export-task: |
| $(eval DESTINATION_PREFIX := $(destination-prefix-name)) |
| $(eval TASK_ID := $(shell $(AWS) logs create-export-task --task-name $(DESTINATION_PREFIX) \ |
| --log-group-name $(CLUSTER_STACK_NAME) \ |
| --destination $(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME) \ |
| --from $(EXPORT_FROM_MILLIS) --to $(now)000 \ |
| --destination-prefix $(DESTINATION_PREFIX) | jq -r '.taskId')) |
| |
| @echo "Launched export task id $(TASK_ID) from $(EXPORT_FROM_MILLIS) to $(now)000" |
| |
| wait_for_export: |
| while [[ $$(aws logs describe-export-tasks --task-id "$(TASK_ID)" | jq -r '.exportTasks[0].status.code') =~ RUNNING|PENDING|PENDING_CANCEL ]]; do \ |
| echo "Wait for task $(DESTINATION_PREFIX) (id: $(TASK_ID)) to complete"; \ |
| sleep 5; \ |
| done; |
| |
| @echo "Export logs to $(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME)/$(DESTINATION_PREFIX) terminated." |
| $(AWS) logs describe-export-tasks --task-id "$(TASK_ID)" | jq -r '.exportTasks[0].status.code' |
| |
| output_log_urls: |
| @echo |
| @echo "*************** MAIN LOGS URLS **********************" |
| @for i in \ |
| $(shell aws s3api list-objects --bucket $(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME) \ |
| --prefix "$(DESTINATION_PREFIX)/$(TASK_ID)" | \ |
| jq -r '.Contents[] | select(.Key|test("httpd_log|sshd_log|error_log")) | .Key'); do \ |
| echo https://$(S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME).s3.amazonaws.com/$$i; \ |
| done; |
| @echo "**********************************************" |
| @echo |
| |
| export-logs: launch-export-task wait_for_export output_log_urls |
| setup-bucket-and-export-logs: setup-s3-bucket export-logs |