blob: 8fc96b2917379cdc6d618c98d87b6f9ead9580c0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
diskimages: []
- host: zookeeper.zookeeper
port: 2281
ca: /tls/client/ca.crt
cert: /tls/client/tls.crt
key: /tls/client/tls.key
- name: gcloud-provider
driver: gce
project: gerritcodereview-ci
region: us-central1
zone: us-central1-a
boot-timeout: 120
- name: debian-bookworm
image-project: debian-cloud
image-family: debian-12
username: zuul
key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDaTT3+Y6dIh221ZsQ0ki6VwGb6lzd1/CvIS8RX6ZNmxJTXS7UKlvhAVTbGQPtmjdIQbwUyEqZEvIm/bUBr7dNbyeMLiRiRtoN+u1Quq8OAes2N7nUKnjLjGjVnM2mvYHGWHRDbpAQCtmXtbiQkHkfLLzewb+MqntQZ57xap31qriTkv4rdnlMN4kElILb5E/8WOAAJXYrt3b1TrTXwZUx7is1OTa38I9jJTpUMCn2otWGH9LlfeUhz/z8ZPB21wgUZN9CF5NwwBanqCNXy0jHiumOGx9e7Hc7apt641KiDuRt0aWyE6No/aMe6hVYnFR3NMG3rBtortXl+R5birK8l zuul
- name: main
max-servers: 4
use-internal-ip: True
# Host key checking is disabled because:
# 1) We're using the internal IP so it's slightly less
# valuable (fewer attack vectors).
# 2) The images we're using appear to have a key baked into
# them which is overwritten at boot. Because we're using the
# internal IP, nodepool can end up connecting to the instance
# very quickly and retrieving the original host key rather
# than the new one (which is likely to be written a couple of
# seconds later). By disabling this in nodepool, we let Zuul
# just use the first key it finds (and it's likely to take
# long enough that it will have been updated by then).
host-key-checking: False
- name: debian-bookworm-8G
instance-type: n1-standard-2
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-30G
instance-type: n1-standard-8
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-60G
instance-type: n1-standard-16
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-n1-standard-2
instance-type: n1-standard-2
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-n1-standard-8
instance-type: n1-standard-8
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-n1-standard-16
instance-type: n1-standard-16
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-e2-standard-2
instance-type: e2-standard-2
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-e2-standard-8
instance-type: e2-standard-8
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-e2-standard-16
instance-type: e2-standard-16
cloud-image: debian-bookworm
volume-size: 40
- name: debian-bookworm-8G
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-30G
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-60G
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-n1-standard-2
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-n1-standard-8
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-n1-standard-16
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-e2-standard-2
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-e2-standard-8
min-ready: 0
- name: debian-bookworm-e2-standard-16
min-ready: 0