| ## As weighted quorums are not supported, it is imperative that an odd number of replicas |
| ## be chosen. Moreover, the number of replicas should be either 1, 3, 5, or 7. |
| ## |
| ## ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/tree/master/statefulsets/zookeeper#stateful-set |
| replicaCount: 3 # Desired quantity of ZooKeeper pods. This should always be (1,3,5, or 7) |
| |
| podDisruptionBudget: |
| maxUnavailable: 1 # Limits how many Zokeeper pods may be unavailable due to voluntary disruptions. |
| |
| terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1800 # Duration in seconds a Zokeeper pod needs to terminate gracefully. |
| |
| updateStrategy: |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| ## refs: |
| ## - https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/tree/master/statefulsets/zookeeper |
| ## - https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/blob/master/statefulsets/zookeeper/Makefile#L1 |
| image: |
| repository: zookeeper # Container image repository for zookeeper container. |
| tag: 3.5.5 # Container image tag for zookeeper container. |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Image pull criteria for zookeeper container. |
| |
| service: |
| type: ClusterIP # Exposes zookeeper on a cluster-internal IP. |
| annotations: {} # Arbitrary non-identifying metadata for zookeeper service. |
| ## AWS example for use with LoadBalancer service type. |
| # external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: zookeeper.cluster.local |
| # service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-cross-zone-load-balancing-enabled: "true" |
| # service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-internal: "true" |
| ports: |
| client: |
| port: 2281 # Service port number for client port. |
| targetPort: client # Service target port for client port. |
| protocol: TCP # Service port protocol for client port. |
| |
| ## Headless service. |
| ## |
| headless: |
| annotations: {} |
| # publishNotReadyAddresses, default false for backward compatibility |
| # set to true to register DNS entries for unready pods, which helps in rare |
| # occasions when cluster is unable to be created, DNS caching is enforced |
| # or pods are in persistent crash loop |
| publishNotReadyAddresses: true |
| |
| ports: |
| client: |
| containerPort: 2281 # Port number for zookeeper container client port. |
| protocol: TCP # Protocol for zookeeper container client port. |
| election: |
| containerPort: 3888 # Port number for zookeeper container election port. |
| protocol: TCP # Protocol for zookeeper container election port. |
| server: |
| containerPort: 2888 # Port number for zookeeper container server port. |
| protocol: TCP # Protocol for zookeeper container server port. |
| |
| resources: {} # Optionally specify how much CPU and memory (RAM) each zookeeper container needs. |
| # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious |
| # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little |
| # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following |
| # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 128Mi |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 128Mi |
| |
| priorityClassName: "" |
| |
| nodeSelector: {} # Node label-values required to run zookeeper pods. |
| |
| tolerations: [] # Node taint overrides for zookeeper pods. |
| |
| affinity: {} # Criteria by which pod label-values influence scheduling for zookeeper pods. |
| # podAntiAffinity: |
| # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: |
| # - topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" |
| # labelSelector: |
| # matchLabels: |
| # release: zookeeper |
| |
| podAnnotations: {} # Arbitrary non-identifying metadata for zookeeper pods. |
| # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" |
| # prometheus.io/path: "/metrics" |
| # prometheus.io/port: "9141" |
| |
| podLabels: {} # Key/value pairs that are attached to zookeeper pods. |
| # team: "developers" |
| # service: "zookeeper" |
| |
| securityContext: |
| fsGroup: 1000 |
| runAsUser: 1000 |
| |
| ## Useful, if you want to use an alternate image. |
| command: |
| - /bin/bash |
| - -xec |
| - /config-scripts/run |
| |
| ## If you want the quorum to use SSL internally, create a |
| ## kubernetes.io/tls object (cert-manager produces these), and ensure |
| ## that it has a SAN entry for each of the server hostnames (e.g.: |
| ## zookeeper-0.zookeeper-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local). |
| ## Supply the name of the object here: |
| serverTlsSecret: "zookeeper-server-tls" |
| |
| ## To use client SSL, create a kubernetes.io/tls object (cert-manager |
| ## produces these), and supply the name here. If this is provided, |
| ## then plain-text client connections are disabled. The same secret |
| ## may be used for both client and server connections. |
| clientTlsSecret: "zookeeper-server-tls" |
| |
| ## Useful if using any custom authorizer. |
| ## Pass any secrets to the kafka pods. Each secret will be passed as an |
| ## environment variable by default. The secret can also be mounted to a |
| ## specific path (in addition to environment variable) if required. Environment |
| ## variable names are generated as: `<secretName>_<secretKey>` (All upper case) |
| # secrets: |
| # - name: myKafkaSecret |
| # keys: |
| # - username |
| # - password |
| # # mountPath: /opt/kafka/secret |
| # - name: myZkSecret |
| # keys: |
| # - user |
| # - pass |
| # mountPath: /opt/zookeeper/secret |
| |
| persistence: |
| enabled: true |
| ## zookeeper data Persistent Volume Storage Class |
| ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> |
| ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning |
| ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is |
| ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on |
| ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) |
| ## |
| # storageClass: "-" |
| accessMode: ReadWriteOnce |
| size: 5Gi |
| |
| ## Exporters query apps for metrics and make those metrics available for |
| ## Prometheus to scrape. |
| exporters: |
| |
| jmx: |
| enabled: false |
| image: |
| repository: sscaling/jmx-prometheus-exporter |
| tag: 0.3.0 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| config: |
| lowercaseOutputName: false |
| ## ref: https://github.com/prometheus/jmx_exporter/blob/master/example_configs/zookeeper.yaml |
| rules: |
| - pattern: "org.apache.ZooKeeperService<name0=ReplicatedServer_id(\\d+)><>(\\w+)" |
| name: "zookeeper_$2" |
| - pattern: "org.apache.ZooKeeperService<name0=ReplicatedServer_id(\\d+), name1=replica.(\\d+)><>(\\w+)" |
| name: "zookeeper_$3" |
| labels: |
| replicaId: "$2" |
| - pattern: "org.apache.ZooKeeperService<name0=ReplicatedServer_id(\\d+), name1=replica.(\\d+), name2=(\\w+)><>(\\w+)" |
| name: "zookeeper_$4" |
| labels: |
| replicaId: "$2" |
| memberType: "$3" |
| - pattern: "org.apache.ZooKeeperService<name0=ReplicatedServer_id(\\d+), name1=replica.(\\d+), name2=(\\w+), name3=(\\w+)><>(\\w+)" |
| name: "zookeeper_$4_$5" |
| labels: |
| replicaId: "$2" |
| memberType: "$3" |
| startDelaySeconds: 30 |
| env: {} |
| resources: {} |
| path: /metrics |
| ports: |
| jmxxp: |
| containerPort: 9404 |
| protocol: TCP |
| livenessProbe: |
| httpGet: |
| path: /metrics |
| port: jmxxp |
| initialDelaySeconds: 30 |
| periodSeconds: 15 |
| timeoutSeconds: 60 |
| failureThreshold: 8 |
| successThreshold: 1 |
| readinessProbe: |
| httpGet: |
| path: /metrics |
| port: jmxxp |
| initialDelaySeconds: 30 |
| periodSeconds: 15 |
| timeoutSeconds: 60 |
| failureThreshold: 8 |
| successThreshold: 1 |
| serviceMonitor: |
| interval: 30s |
| scrapeTimeout: 30s |
| scheme: http |
| |
| zookeeper: |
| ## refs: |
| ## - https://github.com/carlpett/zookeeper_exporter |
| ## - https://hub.docker.com/r/josdotso/zookeeper-exporter/ |
| ## - https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/monitoring-kafka-performance-metrics/#zookeeper-metrics |
| enabled: false |
| image: |
| repository: josdotso/zookeeper-exporter |
| tag: v1.1.2 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| config: |
| logLevel: info |
| resetOnScrape: "true" |
| env: {} |
| resources: {} |
| path: /metrics |
| ports: |
| zookeeperxp: |
| containerPort: 9141 |
| protocol: TCP |
| livenessProbe: |
| httpGet: |
| path: /metrics |
| port: zookeeperxp |
| initialDelaySeconds: 30 |
| periodSeconds: 15 |
| timeoutSeconds: 60 |
| failureThreshold: 8 |
| successThreshold: 1 |
| readinessProbe: |
| httpGet: |
| path: /metrics |
| port: zookeeperxp |
| initialDelaySeconds: 30 |
| periodSeconds: 15 |
| timeoutSeconds: 60 |
| failureThreshold: 8 |
| successThreshold: 1 |
| serviceMonitor: |
| interval: 30s |
| scrapeTimeout: 30s |
| scheme: http |
| |
| ## ServiceMonitor configuration in case you are using Prometheus Operator |
| prometheus: |
| serviceMonitor: |
| ## If true a ServiceMonitor for each enabled exporter will be installed |
| enabled: false |
| ## The namespace where the ServiceMonitor(s) will be installed |
| # namespace: monitoring |
| ## The selector the Prometheus instance is searching for |
| ## [Default Prometheus Operator selector] (https://github.com/helm/charts/blob/f5a751f174263971fafd21eee4e35416d6612a3d/stable/prometheus-operator/templates/prometheus/prometheus.yaml#L74) |
| selector: {} |
| |
| ## Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork". |
| ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/ |
| ## |
| # schedulerName: |
| |
| ## ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/tree/master/statefulsets/zookeeper |
| env: |
| |
| ## Options related to JMX exporter. |
| ## ref: https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/blob/master/bin/zkServer.sh#L36 |
| JMXAUTH: "false" |
| JMXDISABLE: "false" |
| JMXPORT: 1099 |
| JMXSSL: "false" |
| |
| ## The port on which the server will accept client requests. |
| ZOO_PORT: 2181 |
| |
| ## The number of Ticks that an ensemble member is allowed to perform leader |
| ## election. |
| |
| ZOO_TICK_TIME: 2000 |
| |
| ## The maximum number of concurrent client connections that |
| ## a server in the ensemble will accept. |
| |
| ## The number of Tick by which a follower may lag behind the ensembles leader. |
| |
| ## The number of wall clock ms that corresponds to a Tick for the ensembles |
| ## internal time. |
| ZK_TICK_TIME: 2000 |
| |
| |
| jobs: |
| ## ref: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.4.10/zookeeperProgrammers.html#ch_zkSessions |
| chroots: |
| enabled: false |
| activeDeadlineSeconds: 300 |
| backoffLimit: 5 |
| completions: 1 |
| config: |
| create: [] |
| # - /kafka |
| # - /ureplicator |
| env: [] |
| parallelism: 1 |
| resources: {} |
| restartPolicy: Never |