blob: f3bf26f9930f649abe2c283b424dfd77783013ea [file] [log] [blame]
- name: Prepare project
msg: "{{ }} {{ project_dest }}"
- name: Check if zuul.branch exists in repo
# If zuul checked out the branch we're testing (ie, gerrit's
# branch), then it exists.
project_branch_exists: "{{ zuul.projects[gerrit_project_name].checkout == project.checkout }}"
- name: Check if repo has a dependent change
repo_has_dependent_change: "{{ zuul['items'] | selectattr('project.canonical_name', 'eq', project.canonical_name) | list | length | bool }}"
- name: Check if repo is in submodules
ignore_errors: true
project_in_gitmodules: "{{ lookup ('ini', 'path section=submodule \"' + project_dest + '\" file=' + zuul.executor.work_root + '/' + zuul.projects[gerrit_project_name].src_dir + '/.gitmodules', errors='ignore') }}"
- name: Coerce submodule check to boolean
project_in_gitmodules: "{{ project_in_gitmodules | default('') | length > 0 | bool }}"
- name: Check if repo is a tracking branch
ignore_errors: true
tracking_branch: "{{ lookup ('ini', 'branch section=submodule \"' + project_dest + '\" file=' + zuul.executor.work_root + '/' + zuul.projects[gerrit_project_name].src_dir + '/.gitmodules', errors='ignore') }}"
- name: Coerce tracking branch to boolean
tracking_branch: "{{ ((tracking_branch | default('')) == '.') | bool }}"
- name: Check for unsatisfiable source repo condition
- "project_in_gitmodules"
- "project.canonical_name != zuul.project.canonical_name"
- "not project_branch_exists or not tracking_branch"
- "repo_has_dependent_change"
msg: >-
The repository {{ }} does not contain the branch
under test ({{ zuul.projects[gerrit_project_name].checkout }}),
but this change depends on a change to that project and branch.
While Zuul is able to check out the repos in the requested
state, the branch mismatch means that Gerrit's submodule
subscription would not automatically update the submodule
pointer, and the merged state would not reflect the tested
This configuration would be testable by creating a {{
zuul.projects[gerrit_project_name].checkout }} branch in the {{ }} repo. Alternatively, you can merge the
dependent change, manually update the submodule pointer, then
test this change again.
# If there is no matching branch we need to check out the actual sha
# defined in the parent repo.
- name: Update submodule
when: "project_in_gitmodules and (not project_branch_exists or not tracking_branch)"
# Set protocol.file.allow=always while submodule init, which lets
# the submodule command to clone from a local directory. It's
# necessary as of Git 2.38.1, where the default was changed to
# "user" in response to CVE-2022-39253.
command: "git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update --init {{ project_dest }}"
chdir: "{{ gerrit_root }}"
# Else:
- name: Move repo into place
when: "not (project_in_gitmodules and (not project_branch_exists or not tracking_branch))"
command: "mv -T -f {{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ project.src_dir }} {{ gerrit_root }}/{{ project_dest }}"