blob: 802a9c822b463be7d15dc6d1d9c75850d2362dce [file] [log] [blame]
# Shared zuul config common to all tenants.
# Contains definitions of trusted jobs.
# Changes to the base require a special procedure, because they can
# not be tested before landing, and if they are faulty, they will
# break all jobs, meaning subsequent corrections will not be able to
# land. To make a change:
# 1) Ensure that base-test and its playbooks are identical to base.
# 2) Make the change to base-test and/or its playbooks.
# 3) Merge the change from step 2. No jobs normally use base-test, so
# this is safe.
# 4) Propose a change to a job to reparent it to base-test. Choose a
# job which will exercise whatever you are changing. The
# "unittests" job in zuul-jobs is a good choice. Use [DNM] in the
# commit subject so that people know not to merge the change. Set
# it to "Work in progress" so people don't review it.
# 5) Once test results arrive for the change in step 2, make a change
# which copies the job and/or playbooks of base-test to base. In
# the commit message, link to (without using Depends-On:) the
# change from step 4 so reviewers can see the test results.
# 6) Once the change in step 5 merges, abandon the change from step 4.
- job:
name: base
parent: null
abstract: true
description: |
The base job for Gerrit's installation of Zuul.
All jobs ultimately inherit from this. It runs a pre-playbook
which copies all of the job's prepared git repos on to all of
the nodes in the nodeset. It runs a post-playbook which copies
all of the files in the logs/ subdirectory of the executor
work directory to the logserver.
It also sets default timeout and nodeset values (which may be
Responds to these variables:
.. zuul:jobvar:: base_serial
:default: Omitted
This sets the serial keyword in the pre and post playbooks
which can be an integer or percentage.
See ansible documentation for more information:
pre-run: playbooks/base/pre.yaml
- playbooks/base/post.yaml
- playbooks/base/post-logs.yaml
- zuul:
timeout: 1800
post-timeout: 1800
nodeset: debian-bullseye
# See the procedure described above "base" before making changes to
# this job.
- job:
name: base-test
parent: null
description: |
A job to test changes to the base job without disturbing the
main job in production. Not for general use.
pre-run: playbooks/base-test/pre.yaml
- playbooks/base-test/post.yaml
- playbooks/base-test/post-logs.yaml
- zuul:
timeout: 1800
post-timeout: 1800
nodeset: debian-bullseye
# A mutex (default semaphore max is 1) so that only one job at a time
# is updating the plugins.json file.
- semaphore:
name: gerrit-plugins-json
- job:
name: gerrit-plugin-publish
description: |
Publish a previously built Gerrit plugin
This downloads a previously built gerrit plugin archive from the
log storage system and uploads it to an artifact publishing site.
It is meant to run immediately after gerrit-plugin-build. It is
a separate job so that it can use a mutex to obtain exclusive
write access to the plugins.json file.
run: playbooks/gerrit-plugin/publish.yaml
post-review: true
semaphores: gerrit-plugins-json
nodes: []