blob: 4c04779160a2359f415552a8350e32f0fa79b602 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package zoekt
import (
// A docIterator iterates over documents in order.
type docIterator interface {
// provide the next document where we can may find something
// interesting.
nextDoc() uint32
// clears any per-document state of the docIterator, and
// prepares for evaluating the given doc. The argument is
// strictly increasing over time.
prepare(nextDoc uint32)
const (
costConst = 0
costMemory = 1
costContent = 2
costRegexp = 3
const (
costMin = costConst
costMax = costRegexp
// An expression tree coupled with matches. The matchtree has two
// functions:
// * it implements boolean combinations (and, or, not)
// * it implements shortcuts, where we skip documents (for example: if
// there are no trigram matches, we can be sure there are no substring
// matches). The matchtree iterates over the documents as they are
// ordered in the shard.
// The general process for a given (shard, query) is
// - construct matchTree for the query
// - find all different leaf matchTrees (substring, regexp, etc.)
// in a loop:
// - find next doc to process using nextDoc
// - evaluate atoms (leaf expressions that match text)
// - evaluate the tree using matches(), storing the result in map.
// - if the complete tree returns (matches() == true) for the document,
// collect all text matches by looking at leaf matchTrees
type matchTree interface {
// returns whether this matches, and if we are sure.
matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (match bool, sure bool)
type docMatchTree struct {
// mutable
docs []uint32
current []uint32
type bruteForceMatchTree struct {
// mutable
firstDone bool
docID uint32
type andLineMatchTree struct {
type andMatchTree struct {
children []matchTree
type orMatchTree struct {
children []matchTree
type notMatchTree struct {
child matchTree
// Don't visit this subtree for collecting matches.
type noVisitMatchTree struct {
type regexpMatchTree struct {
regexp *regexp.Regexp
fileName bool
// mutable
reEvaluated bool
found []*candidateMatch
// nextDoc, prepare.
type substrMatchTree struct {
query *query.Substring
caseSensitive bool
fileName bool
// mutable
current []*candidateMatch
contEvaluated bool
type branchQueryMatchTree struct {
fileMasks []uint64
mask uint64
// mutable
firstDone bool
docID uint32
// all prepare methods
func (t *bruteForceMatchTree) prepare(doc uint32) {
t.docID = doc
t.firstDone = true
func (t *docMatchTree) prepare(doc uint32) {
for len( > 0 &&[0] < doc { =[1:]
i := 0
for ; i < len( &&[i] == doc; i++ {
t.current =[:i] =[i:]
func (t *andMatchTree) prepare(doc uint32) {
for _, c := range t.children {
func (t *regexpMatchTree) prepare(doc uint32) {
t.found = t.found[:0]
t.reEvaluated = false
func (t *orMatchTree) prepare(doc uint32) {
for _, c := range t.children {
func (t *notMatchTree) prepare(doc uint32) {
func (t *substrMatchTree) prepare(nextDoc uint32) {
t.current = t.matchIterator.candidates()
t.contEvaluated = false
func (t *branchQueryMatchTree) prepare(doc uint32) {
t.firstDone = true
t.docID = doc
// nextDoc
func (t *docMatchTree) nextDoc() uint32 {
if len( == 0 {
return maxUInt32
func (t *bruteForceMatchTree) nextDoc() uint32 {
if !t.firstDone {
return 0
return t.docID + 1
func (t *andMatchTree) nextDoc() uint32 {
var max uint32
for _, c := range t.children {
m := c.nextDoc()
if m > max {
max = m
return max
func (t *orMatchTree) nextDoc() uint32 {
min := uint32(maxUInt32)
for _, c := range t.children {
m := c.nextDoc()
if m < min {
min = m
return min
func (t *notMatchTree) nextDoc() uint32 {
return 0
func (t *branchQueryMatchTree) nextDoc() uint32 {
var start uint32
if t.firstDone {
start = t.docID + 1
for i := start; i < uint32(len(t.fileMasks)); i++ {
if (t.mask & t.fileMasks[i]) != 0 {
return i
return maxUInt32
// all String methods
func (t *bruteForceMatchTree) String() string {
return "all"
func (t *docMatchTree) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("docs%v",
func (t *andMatchTree) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("and%v", t.children)
func (t *regexpMatchTree) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("re(%s)", t.regexp)
func (t *orMatchTree) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("or%v", t.children)
func (t *notMatchTree) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("not(%v)", t.child)
func (t *substrMatchTree) String() string {
f := ""
if t.fileName {
f = "f"
return fmt.Sprintf("%ssubstr(%q, %v, %v)", f, t.query.Pattern, t.current, t.matchIterator)
func (t *branchQueryMatchTree) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("branch(%x)", t.mask)
// visitMatches visits all atoms in matchTree. Note: This visits
// noVisitMatchTree. For collecting matches use visitMatches.
func visitMatchTree(t matchTree, f func(matchTree)) {
switch s := t.(type) {
case *andMatchTree:
for _, ch := range s.children {
visitMatchTree(ch, f)
case *orMatchTree:
for _, ch := range s.children {
visitMatchTree(ch, f)
case *andLineMatchTree:
visitMatchTree(&s.andMatchTree, f)
case *noVisitMatchTree:
visitMatchTree(s.matchTree, f)
case *notMatchTree:
visitMatchTree(s.child, f)
// visitMatches visits all atoms which can contribute matches. Note: This
// skips noVisitMatchTree.
func visitMatches(t matchTree, known map[matchTree]bool, f func(matchTree)) {
switch s := t.(type) {
case *andMatchTree:
for _, ch := range s.children {
if known[ch] {
visitMatches(ch, known, f)
case *andLineMatchTree:
visitMatches(&s.andMatchTree, known, f)
case *orMatchTree:
for _, ch := range s.children {
if known[ch] {
visitMatches(ch, known, f)
case *notMatchTree:
case *noVisitMatchTree:
// don't collect into negative trees.
// all matches() methods.
func (t *docMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
return len(t.current) > 0, true
func (t *bruteForceMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
return true, true
// andLineMatchTree is a performance optimization of andMatchTree. For content
// searches we don't want to run the regex engine if there is no line that
// contains matches from all terms.
func (t *andLineMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
matches, sure := t.andMatchTree.matches(cp, cost, known)
if !(sure && matches) {
return matches, sure
// find child with fewest candidates
min := maxUInt32
fewestChildren := 0
for ix, child := range t.children {
v, ok := child.(*substrMatchTree)
// make sure we are running a content search and that all candidates are a
// substrMatchTree
if !ok || v.fileName {
return matches, sure
if len(v.current) < min {
min = len(v.current)
fewestChildren = ix
type lineRange struct {
start int
end int
lines := make([]lineRange, 0, len(t.children[fewestChildren].(*substrMatchTree).current))
prev := -1
for _, candidate := range t.children[fewestChildren].(*substrMatchTree).current {
line, byteStart, byteEnd := candidate.line(cp.newlines(), cp.fileSize)
if line == prev {
prev = line
lines = append(lines, lineRange{byteStart, byteEnd})
// children keeps track of the children's candidates we have already seen.
children := make([][]*candidateMatch, 0, len(t.children)-1)
for j, child := range t.children {
if j == fewestChildren {
children = append(children, child.(*substrMatchTree).current)
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
hits := 1
for j := range children {
for len(children[j]) > 0 {
candidate := children[j][0]
bo := int(cp.findOffset(false, candidate.runeOffset))
if bo < lines[i].start {
children[j] = children[j][1:]
continue nextCandidate
if bo <= lines[i].end {
continue nextChild
// move the `lines` iterator forward until bo <= line.end
for i < len(lines) && bo > lines[i].end {
continue nextLine
// return early once we found any line that contains matches from all children
if hits == len(t.children) {
return matches, true
return false, true
func (t *andMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
sure := true
for _, ch := range t.children {
v, ok := evalMatchTree(cp, cost, known, ch)
if ok && !v {
return false, true
if !ok {
sure = false
return true, sure
func (t *orMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
matches := false
sure := true
for _, ch := range t.children {
v, ok := evalMatchTree(cp, cost, known, ch)
if ok {
// we could short-circuit, but we want to use
// the other possibilities as a ranking
// signal.
matches = matches || v
} else {
sure = false
return matches, sure
func (t *branchQueryMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
return t.fileMasks[t.docID]&t.mask != 0, true
func (t *regexpMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
if t.reEvaluated {
return len(t.found) > 0, true
if cost < costRegexp {
return false, false
idxs := t.regexp.FindAllIndex(, -1)
found := t.found[:0]
for _, idx := range idxs {
cm := &candidateMatch{
byteOffset: uint32(idx[0]),
byteMatchSz: uint32(idx[1] - idx[0]),
fileName: t.fileName,
found = append(found, cm)
t.found = found
t.reEvaluated = true
return len(t.found) > 0, true
// breakMatchesOnNewlines returns matches resulting from breaking each element
// of cms on newlines within text.
func breakMatchesOnNewlines(cms []*candidateMatch, text []byte) []*candidateMatch {
var lineCMs []*candidateMatch
for _, cm := range cms {
lineCMs = append(lineCMs, breakOnNewlines(cm, text)...)
return lineCMs
// breakOnNewlines returns matches resulting from breaking cm on newlines
// within text.
func breakOnNewlines(cm *candidateMatch, text []byte) []*candidateMatch {
var cms []*candidateMatch
addMe := &candidateMatch{}
*addMe = *cm
for i := uint32(cm.byteOffset); i < cm.byteOffset+cm.byteMatchSz; i++ {
if text[i] == '\n' {
addMe.byteMatchSz = i - addMe.byteOffset
if addMe.byteMatchSz != 0 {
cms = append(cms, addMe)
addMe = &candidateMatch{}
*addMe = *cm
addMe.byteOffset = i + 1
addMe.byteMatchSz = cm.byteOffset + cm.byteMatchSz - addMe.byteOffset
if addMe.byteMatchSz != 0 {
cms = append(cms, addMe)
return cms
func evalMatchTree(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool, mt matchTree) (bool, bool) {
if v, ok := known[mt]; ok {
return v, true
v, ok := mt.matches(cp, cost, known)
if ok {
known[mt] = v
return v, ok
func (t *notMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
v, ok := evalMatchTree(cp, cost, known, t.child)
return !v, ok
func (t *substrMatchTree) matches(cp *contentProvider, cost int, known map[matchTree]bool) (bool, bool) {
if t.contEvaluated {
return len(t.current) > 0, true
if len(t.current) == 0 {
return false, true
if t.fileName && cost < costMemory {
return false, false
if !t.fileName && cost < costContent {
return false, false
pruned := t.current[:0]
for _, m := range t.current {
if m.byteOffset == 0 && m.runeOffset > 0 {
m.byteOffset = cp.findOffset(m.fileName, m.runeOffset)
if m.matchContent( {
pruned = append(pruned, m)
t.current = pruned
t.contEvaluated = true
return len(t.current) > 0, true
func (d *indexData) newMatchTree(q query.Q) (matchTree, error) {
if q == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got nil (sub)query")
switch s := q.(type) {
case *query.Regexp:
// RegexpToMatchTreeRecursive tries to distill a matchTree that matches a
// superset of the regexp. If the returned matchTree is equivalent to the
// original regexp, it returns true. An equivalent matchTree has the same
// behaviour as the original regexp and can be used instead.
subMT, isEq, _, err := d.regexpToMatchTreeRecursive(s.Regexp, ngramSize, s.FileName, s.CaseSensitive)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if the query can be used in place of the regexp
// return the subtree
if isEq {
return subMT, nil
prefix := ""
if !s.CaseSensitive {
prefix = "(?i)"
tr := &regexpMatchTree{
regexp: regexp.MustCompile(prefix + s.Regexp.String()),
fileName: s.FileName,
return &andMatchTree{
children: []matchTree{
tr, &noVisitMatchTree{subMT},
}, nil
case *query.And:
var r []matchTree
for _, ch := range s.Children {
ct, err := d.newMatchTree(ch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r = append(r, ct)
return &andMatchTree{r}, nil
case *query.Or:
var r []matchTree
for _, ch := range s.Children {
ct, err := d.newMatchTree(ch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r = append(r, ct)
return &orMatchTree{r}, nil
case *query.Not:
ct, err := d.newMatchTree(s.Child)
return &notMatchTree{
child: ct,
}, err
case *query.Substring:
return d.newSubstringMatchTree(s)
case *query.Branch:
mask := uint64(0)
if s.Pattern == "HEAD" {
mask = 1
} else {
for nm, m := range d.branchIDs {
if strings.Contains(nm, s.Pattern) {
mask |= uint64(m)
return &branchQueryMatchTree{
mask: mask,
fileMasks: d.fileBranchMasks,
}, nil
case *query.Const:
if s.Value {
return &bruteForceMatchTree{}, nil
} else {
return &noMatchTree{"const"}, nil
case *query.Language:
code, ok := d.metaData.LanguageMap[s.Language]
if !ok {
return &noMatchTree{"lang"}, nil
docs := make([]uint32, 0, len(d.languages))
for d, l := range d.languages {
if l == code {
docs = append(docs, uint32(d))
return &docMatchTree{
docs: docs,
}, nil
case *query.Symbol:
mt, err := d.newSubstringMatchTree(s.Atom)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := mt.(*regexpMatchTree); ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("regexps and short queries not implemented for symbol search")
subMT, ok := mt.(*substrMatchTree)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found %T inside query.Symbol", mt)
subMT.matchIterator = d.newTrimByDocSectionIter(s.Atom, subMT.matchIterator)
return subMT, nil
log.Panicf("type %T", q)
return nil, nil
func (d *indexData) newSubstringMatchTree(s *query.Substring) (matchTree, error) {
st := &substrMatchTree{
query: s,
caseSensitive: s.CaseSensitive,
fileName: s.FileName,
if utf8.RuneCountInString(s.Pattern) < ngramSize {
prefix := ""
if !s.CaseSensitive {
prefix = "(?i)"
t := &regexpMatchTree{
regexp: regexp.MustCompile(prefix + regexp.QuoteMeta(s.Pattern)),
fileName: s.FileName,
return t, nil
result, err := d.iterateNgrams(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st.matchIterator = result
return st, nil