blob: 37108c03fa859c4faa927ecc05a91a8353bf5b70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package zoekt
import (
const maxUInt16 = 0xffff
// DebugScore controls whether we collect data on match scores are
// constructed. Intended for use in tests.
var DebugScore = false
func (m *FileMatch) addScore(what string, s float64) {
if DebugScore {
m.Debug += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%f, ", what, s)
m.Score += s
func (d *indexData) simplify(in query.Q) query.Q {
eval := query.Map(in, func(q query.Q) query.Q {
if r, ok := q.(*query.Repo); ok {
return &query.Const{Value: strings.Contains(d.repoMetaData.Name, r.Pattern)}
if l, ok := q.(*query.Language); ok {
_, has := d.metaData.LanguageMap[l.Language]
if !has {
return &query.Const{Value: false}
return q
return query.Simplify(eval)
func (o *SearchOptions) SetDefaults() {
if o.ShardMaxMatchCount == 0 {
// We cap the total number of matches, so overly broad
// searches don't crash the machine.
o.ShardMaxMatchCount = 100000
if o.TotalMaxMatchCount == 0 {
o.TotalMaxMatchCount = 10 * o.ShardMaxMatchCount
if o.ShardMaxImportantMatch == 0 {
o.ShardMaxImportantMatch = 10
if o.TotalMaxImportantMatch == 0 {
o.TotalMaxImportantMatch = 10 * o.ShardMaxImportantMatch
func (d *indexData) Search(ctx context.Context, q query.Q, opts *SearchOptions) (sr *SearchResult, err error) {
copyOpts := *opts
opts = &copyOpts
importantMatchCount := 0
var res SearchResult
if len(d.fileNameIndex) == 0 {
return &res, nil
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return &res, nil
tr := trace.New("indexData.Search", d.file.Name())
tr.LazyPrintf("opts: %+v", opts)
defer func() {
if sr != nil {
tr.LazyPrintf("num files: %d", len(sr.Files))
tr.LazyPrintf("stats: %+v", sr.Stats)
if err != nil {
tr.LazyPrintf("error: %v", err)
q = d.simplify(q)
tr.LazyLog(q, true)
if c, ok := q.(*query.Const); ok && !c.Value {
return &res, nil
if opts.EstimateDocCount {
res.Stats.ShardFilesConsidered = len(d.fileBranchMasks)
return &res, nil
q = query.Map(q, query.ExpandFileContent)
mt, err := d.newMatchTree(q)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
totalAtomCount := 0
visitMatchTree(mt, func(t matchTree) {
cp := &contentProvider{
id: d,
stats: &res.Stats,
docCount := uint32(len(d.fileBranchMasks))
lastDoc := int(-1)
for {
canceled := false
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
canceled = true
nextDoc := mt.nextDoc()
if int(nextDoc) <= lastDoc {
nextDoc = uint32(lastDoc + 1)
if nextDoc >= docCount {
lastDoc = int(nextDoc)
if canceled || (res.Stats.MatchCount >= opts.ShardMaxMatchCount && opts.ShardMaxMatchCount > 0) ||
(opts.ShardMaxImportantMatch > 0 && importantMatchCount >= opts.ShardMaxImportantMatch) {
res.Stats.FilesSkipped += d.repoListEntry.Stats.Documents - lastDoc
known := make(map[matchTree]bool)
for cost := costMin; cost <= costMax; cost++ {
v, ok := mt.matches(cp, cost, known)
if ok && !v {
continue nextFileMatch
if cost == costMax && !ok {
log.Panicf("did not decide. Repo %s, doc %d, known %v",
d.repoMetaData.Name, nextDoc, known)
fileMatch := FileMatch{
Repository: d.repoMetaData.Name,
FileName: string(d.fileName(nextDoc)),
Checksum: d.getChecksum(nextDoc),
Language: d.languageMap[d.languages[nextDoc]],
if s := d.subRepos[nextDoc]; s > 0 {
if s >= uint32(len(d.subRepoPaths)) {
log.Panicf("corrupt index: subrepo %d beyond %v", s, d.subRepoPaths)
path := d.subRepoPaths[s]
fileMatch.SubRepositoryPath = path
sr := d.repoMetaData.SubRepoMap[path]
fileMatch.SubRepositoryName = sr.Name
if idx := d.branchIndex(nextDoc); idx >= 0 {
fileMatch.Version = sr.Branches[idx].Version
} else {
idx := d.branchIndex(nextDoc)
if idx >= 0 {
fileMatch.Version = d.repoMetaData.Branches[idx].Version
atomMatchCount := 0
visitMatches(mt, known, func(mt matchTree) {
finalCands := gatherMatches(mt, known)
if len(finalCands) == 0 {
nm := d.fileName(nextDoc)
finalCands = append(finalCands,
caseSensitive: false,
fileName: true,
substrBytes: nm,
substrLowered: nm,
file: nextDoc,
runeOffset: 0,
byteOffset: 0,
byteMatchSz: uint32(len(nm)),
fileMatch.LineMatches = cp.fillMatches(finalCands)
maxFileScore := 0.0
for i := range fileMatch.LineMatches {
if maxFileScore < fileMatch.LineMatches[i].Score {
maxFileScore = fileMatch.LineMatches[i].Score
// Order by ordering in file.
fileMatch.LineMatches[i].Score += scoreLineOrderFactor * (1.0 - (float64(i) / float64(len(fileMatch.LineMatches))))
// Maintain ordering of input files. This
// strictly dominates the in-file ordering of
// the matches.
fileMatch.addScore("fragment", maxFileScore)
fileMatch.addScore("atom", float64(atomMatchCount)/float64(totalAtomCount)*scoreFactorAtomMatch)
// Prefer earlier docs.
fileMatch.addScore("doc-order", scoreFileOrderFactor*(1.0-float64(nextDoc)/float64(len(d.boundaries))))
fileMatch.addScore("shard-order", scoreShardRankFactor*float64(d.repoMetaData.Rank)/maxUInt16)
if fileMatch.Score > scoreImportantThreshold {
fileMatch.Branches = d.gatherBranches(nextDoc, mt, known)
if opts.Whole {
fileMatch.Content =
res.Files = append(res.Files, fileMatch)
res.Stats.MatchCount += len(fileMatch.LineMatches)
addRepo(&res, &d.repoMetaData)
for _, v := range d.repoMetaData.SubRepoMap {
addRepo(&res, v)
visitMatchTree(mt, func(mt matchTree) {
if atom, ok := mt.(interface{ updateStats(*Stats) }); ok {
return &res, nil
func addRepo(res *SearchResult, repo *Repository) {
if res.RepoURLs == nil {
res.RepoURLs = map[string]string{}
res.RepoURLs[repo.Name] = repo.FileURLTemplate
if res.LineFragments == nil {
res.LineFragments = map[string]string{}
res.LineFragments[repo.Name] = repo.LineFragmentTemplate
type sortByOffsetSlice []*candidateMatch
func (m sortByOffsetSlice) Len() int { return len(m) }
func (m sortByOffsetSlice) Swap(i, j int) { m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i] }
func (m sortByOffsetSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return m[i].byteOffset < m[j].byteOffset
// Gather matches from this document. This never returns a mixture of
// filename/content matches: if there are content matches, all
// filename matches are trimmed from the result. The matches are
// returned in document order and are non-overlapping.
func gatherMatches(mt matchTree, known map[matchTree]bool) []*candidateMatch {
var cands []*candidateMatch
visitMatches(mt, known, func(mt matchTree) {
if smt, ok := mt.(*substrMatchTree); ok {
cands = append(cands, smt.current...)
if rmt, ok := mt.(*regexpMatchTree); ok {
cands = append(cands, rmt.found...)
foundContentMatch := false
for _, c := range cands {
if !c.fileName {
foundContentMatch = true
res := cands[:0]
for _, c := range cands {
if !foundContentMatch || !c.fileName {
res = append(res, c)
cands = res
// Merge adjacent candidates. This guarantees that the matches
// are non-overlapping.
res = cands[:0]
for i, c := range cands {
if i == 0 {
res = append(res, c)
last := res[len(res)-1]
lastEnd := last.byteOffset + last.byteMatchSz
end := c.byteOffset + c.byteMatchSz
if lastEnd >= c.byteOffset {
if end > lastEnd {
last.byteMatchSz = end - last.byteOffset
res = append(res, c)
return res
func (d *indexData) branchIndex(docID uint32) int {
mask := d.fileBranchMasks[docID]
idx := 0
for mask != 0 {
if mask&0x1 != 0 {
return idx
mask >>= 1
return -1
// gatherBranches returns a list of branch names.
func (d *indexData) gatherBranches(docID uint32, mt matchTree, known map[matchTree]bool) []string {
foundBranchQuery := false
var branches []string
visitMatches(mt, known, func(mt matchTree) {
bq, ok := mt.(*branchQueryMatchTree)
if ok {
foundBranchQuery = true
branches = append(branches,
if !foundBranchQuery {
mask := d.fileBranchMasks[docID]
id := uint32(1)
for mask != 0 {
if mask&0x1 != 0 {
branches = append(branches, d.branchNames[uint(id)])
id <<= 1
mask >>= 1
return branches
func (d *indexData) List(ctx context.Context, q query.Q) (rl *RepoList, err error) {
tr := trace.New("indexData.List", d.file.Name())
defer func() {
if rl != nil {
tr.LazyPrintf("repos size: %d", len(rl.Repos))
tr.LazyPrintf("crashes: %d", rl.Crashes)
if err != nil {
tr.LazyPrintf("error: %v", err)
q = d.simplify(q)
tr.LazyLog(q, true)
c, ok := q.(*query.Const)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("List should receive Repo-only query")
l := &RepoList{}
if c.Value {
l.Repos = append(l.Repos, &d.repoListEntry)
return l, nil
// regexpToMatchTreeRecursive converts a regular expression to a matchTree mt. If
// mt is equivalent to the input r, isEqual = true and the matchTree can be used
// in place of the regex r. If singleLine = true, then the matchTree and all
// its children only match terms on the same line. singleLine is used during
// recursion to decide whether to return an andLineMatchTree (singleLine = true)
// or a andMatchTree (singleLine = false).
func (d *indexData) regexpToMatchTreeRecursive(r *syntax.Regexp, minTextSize int, fileName bool, caseSensitive bool) (mt matchTree, isEqual bool, singleLine bool, err error) {
// TODO - we could perhaps transform Begin/EndText in '\n'?
// TODO - we could perhaps transform CharClass in (OrQuery )
// if there are just a few runes, and part of a OpConcat?
switch r.Op {
case syntax.OpLiteral:
s := string(r.Rune)
if len(s) >= minTextSize {
mt, err := d.newSubstringMatchTree(&query.Substring{Pattern: s, FileName: fileName, CaseSensitive: caseSensitive})
return mt, true, !strings.Contains(s, "\n"), err
case syntax.OpCapture:
return d.regexpToMatchTreeRecursive(r.Sub[0], minTextSize, fileName, caseSensitive)
case syntax.OpPlus:
return d.regexpToMatchTreeRecursive(r.Sub[0], minTextSize, fileName, caseSensitive)
case syntax.OpRepeat:
if r.Min >= 1 {
return d.regexpToMatchTreeRecursive(r.Sub[0], minTextSize, fileName, caseSensitive)
case syntax.OpConcat, syntax.OpAlternate:
var qs []matchTree
isEq := true
singleLine = true
for _, sr := range r.Sub {
if sq, subIsEq, subSingleLine, err := d.regexpToMatchTreeRecursive(sr, minTextSize, fileName, caseSensitive); sq != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, false, false, err
isEq = isEq && subIsEq
singleLine = singleLine && subSingleLine
qs = append(qs, sq)
if r.Op == syntax.OpConcat {
if len(qs) > 1 {
isEq = false
newQs := make([]matchTree, 0, len(qs))
for _, q := range qs {
if _, ok := q.(*bruteForceMatchTree); ok {
newQs = append(newQs, q)
if len(newQs) == 1 {
return newQs[0], isEq, singleLine, nil
if len(newQs) == 0 {
return &bruteForceMatchTree{}, isEq, singleLine, nil
if singleLine {
return &andLineMatchTree{andMatchTree{children: newQs}}, isEq, singleLine, nil
return &andMatchTree{newQs}, isEq, singleLine, nil
for _, q := range qs {
if _, ok := q.(*bruteForceMatchTree); ok {
return q, isEq, false, nil
if len(qs) == 0 {
return &noMatchTree{"const"}, isEq, false, nil
return &orMatchTree{qs}, isEq, false, nil
case syntax.OpStar:
if r.Sub[0].Op == syntax.OpAnyCharNotNL {
return &bruteForceMatchTree{}, false, true, nil
return &bruteForceMatchTree{}, false, false, nil