blob: 562bfe5421f96dfe25fd80138589a1303440a159 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package zoekt
import (
var _ = log.Println
const ngramSize = 3
type searchableString struct {
data []byte
// Store character (unicode codepoint) offset (in bytes) this often.
const runeOffsetFrequency = 100
type postingsBuilder struct {
postings map[ngram][]byte
lastOffsets map[ngram]uint32
// To support UTF-8 searching, we must map back runes to byte
// offsets. As a first attempt, we sample regularly. The
// precise offset can be found by walking from the recorded
// offset to the desired rune.
runeOffsets []uint32
runeCount uint32
isPlainASCII bool
endRunes []uint32
endByte uint32
func newPostingsBuilder() *postingsBuilder {
return &postingsBuilder{
postings: map[ngram][]byte{},
lastOffsets: map[ngram]uint32{},
isPlainASCII: true,
func (s *postingsBuilder) newSearchableString(data []byte, byteSections []DocumentSection) (*searchableString, []DocumentSection) {
dest := searchableString{
data: data,
var buf [8]byte
var runeGram [3]rune
var runeIndex uint32
byteCount := 0
dataSz := uint32(len(data))
byteSectionBoundaries := make([]uint32, 0, 2*len(byteSections))
for _, s := range byteSections {
byteSectionBoundaries = append(byteSectionBoundaries, s.Start, s.End)
var runeSectionBoundaries []uint32
endRune := s.runeCount
for ; len(data) > 0; runeIndex++ {
c, sz := utf8.DecodeRune(data)
if sz > 1 {
s.isPlainASCII = false
data = data[sz:]
runeGram[0], runeGram[1], runeGram[2] = runeGram[1], runeGram[2], c
if idx := s.runeCount + runeIndex; idx%runeOffsetFrequency == 0 {
s.runeOffsets = append(s.runeOffsets, s.endByte+uint32(byteCount))
for len(byteSectionBoundaries) > 0 && byteSectionBoundaries[0] == uint32(byteCount) {
runeSectionBoundaries = append(runeSectionBoundaries,
byteSectionBoundaries = byteSectionBoundaries[1:]
byteCount += sz
if runeIndex < 2 {
ng := runesToNGram(runeGram)
lastOff := s.lastOffsets[ng]
newOff := endRune + uint32(runeIndex) - 2
m := binary.PutUvarint(buf[:], uint64(newOff-lastOff))
s.postings[ng] = append(s.postings[ng], buf[:m]...)
s.lastOffsets[ng] = newOff
s.runeCount += runeIndex
// Handle symbol definition that ends at file end. This can
// happen for labels at the end of .bat files.
for len(byteSectionBoundaries) > 0 && byteSectionBoundaries[0] == uint32(byteCount) {
runeSectionBoundaries = append(runeSectionBoundaries,
byteSectionBoundaries = byteSectionBoundaries[1:]
runeSecs := make([]DocumentSection, 0, len(byteSections))
for i := 0; i < len(runeSectionBoundaries); i += 2 {
runeSecs = append(runeSecs, DocumentSection{
Start: runeSectionBoundaries[i],
End: runeSectionBoundaries[i+1],
s.endRunes = append(s.endRunes, s.runeCount)
s.endByte += dataSz
return &dest, runeSecs
// IndexBuilder builds a single index shard.
type IndexBuilder struct {
contentStrings []*searchableString
nameStrings []*searchableString
docSections [][]DocumentSection
runeDocSections []DocumentSection
checksums []byte
branchMasks []uint64
subRepos []uint32
contentPostings *postingsBuilder
namePostings *postingsBuilder
// root repository
repo Repository
// name to index.
subRepoIndices map[string]uint32
// language => language code
languageMap map[string]byte
// languages codes
languages []byte
func (d *Repository) verify() error {
for _, t := range []string{d.FileURLTemplate, d.LineFragmentTemplate, d.CommitURLTemplate} {
if _, err := template.New("").Parse(t); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ContentSize returns the number of content bytes so far ingested.
func (b *IndexBuilder) ContentSize() uint32 {
// Add the name too so we don't skip building index if we have
// lots of empty files.
return b.contentPostings.endByte + b.namePostings.endByte
// NewIndexBuilder creates a fresh IndexBuilder. The passed in
// Repository contains repo metadata, and may be set to nil.
func NewIndexBuilder(r *Repository) (*IndexBuilder, error) {
b := &IndexBuilder{
contentPostings: newPostingsBuilder(),
namePostings: newPostingsBuilder(),
languageMap: map[string]byte{},
if r == nil {
r = &Repository{}
if err := b.setRepository(r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
func (b *IndexBuilder) setRepository(desc *Repository) error {
if len(b.contentStrings) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("AddSubRepository called after adding files.")
if err := desc.verify(); err != nil {
return err
for _, subrepo := range desc.SubRepoMap {
branchEqual := len(subrepo.Branches) == len(desc.Branches)
if branchEqual {
for i, b := range subrepo.Branches {
branchEqual = branchEqual && (b.Name == desc.Branches[i].Name)
if len(desc.Branches) > 64 {
return fmt.Errorf("too many branches.")
b.repo = *desc
repoCopy := *desc
repoCopy.SubRepoMap = nil
if b.repo.SubRepoMap == nil {
b.repo.SubRepoMap = map[string]*Repository{}
b.repo.SubRepoMap[""] = &repoCopy
return nil
type DocumentSection struct {
Start, End uint32
// Document holds a document (file) to index.
type Document struct {
Name string
Content []byte
Branches []string
SubRepositoryPath string
Language string
// Document sections for symbols. Offsets should use bytes.
Symbols []DocumentSection
type docSectionSlice []DocumentSection
func (m docSectionSlice) Len() int { return len(m) }
func (m docSectionSlice) Swap(i, j int) { m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i] }
func (m docSectionSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return m[i].Start < m[j].Start }
// AddFile is a convenience wrapper for Add
func (b *IndexBuilder) AddFile(name string, content []byte) error {
return b.Add(Document{Name: name, Content: content})
const maxTrigramCount = 20000
const maxLineSize = 1000
// IsText returns false if the given contents are probably not source texts.
func IsText(content []byte) bool {
if len(content) < ngramSize {
return true
trigrams := map[ngram]struct{}{}
lineSize := 0
var cur [3]rune
for len(content) > 0 {
if content[0] == 0 {
return false
if content[0] == '\n' {
lineSize = 0
} else {
if lineSize > maxLineSize {
return false
r, sz := utf8.DecodeRune(content)
if r == utf8.RuneError {
return false
content = content[sz:]
cur[0], cur[1], cur[2] = cur[1], cur[2], r
if cur[0] == 0 {
// start of file.
trigrams[runesToNGram(cur)] = struct{}{}
if len(trigrams) > maxTrigramCount {
// probably not text.
return false
return true
func (b *IndexBuilder) populateSubRepoIndices() {
if b.subRepoIndices != nil {
var paths []string
for k := range b.repo.SubRepoMap {
paths = append(paths, k)
b.subRepoIndices = make(map[string]uint32, len(paths))
for i, p := range paths {
b.subRepoIndices[p] = uint32(i)
// Add a file which only occurs in certain branches. The document
// should be checked for sanity with IsText first.
func (b *IndexBuilder) Add(doc Document) error {
hasher := crc64.New(crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ISO))
var last DocumentSection
for i, s := range doc.Symbols {
if i > 0 {
if last.End > s.Start {
return fmt.Errorf("sections overlap")
last = s
if last.End > uint32(len(doc.Content)) {
return fmt.Errorf("section goes past end of content")
if doc.SubRepositoryPath != "" {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(doc.SubRepositoryPath, doc.Name)
if err != nil || rel == doc.Name {
return fmt.Errorf("path %q must start subrepo path %q", doc.Name, doc.SubRepositoryPath)
subRepoIdx, ok := b.subRepoIndices[doc.SubRepositoryPath]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown subrepo path %q", doc.SubRepositoryPath)
var mask uint64
for _, br := range doc.Branches {
m := b.branchMask(br)
if m == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no branch found for %s", br)
mask |= m
b.subRepos = append(b.subRepos, subRepoIdx)
docStr, runeSecs := b.contentPostings.newSearchableString(doc.Content, doc.Symbols)
b.contentStrings = append(b.contentStrings, docStr)
b.runeDocSections = append(b.runeDocSections, runeSecs...)
nameStr, _ := b.namePostings.newSearchableString([]byte(doc.Name), nil)
b.nameStrings = append(b.nameStrings, nameStr)
b.docSections = append(b.docSections, doc.Symbols)
b.branchMasks = append(b.branchMasks, mask)
b.checksums = append(b.checksums, hasher.Sum(nil)...)
langCode, ok := b.languageMap[doc.Language]
if !ok {
if len(b.languageMap) >= 255 {
return fmt.Errorf("too many languages")
langCode = byte(len(b.languageMap))
b.languageMap[doc.Language] = langCode
b.languages = append(b.languages, langCode)
return nil
func (b *IndexBuilder) branchMask(br string) uint64 {
for i, b := range b.repo.Branches {
if b.Name == br {
return uint64(1) << uint(i)
return 0