blob: aa71b56097d004f5d3e003a5e1af4ef496223cc6 [file] [log] [blame]
Push new Patch Set
* if you pushed C and need to replace it by a new commit as a new patch
set use
git commit --amend
* with the `--amend` option the new commit replaces the current commit
instead of becoming a successor
digraph {
// commit graph left
node [style=bold, shape=circle, color="#385d8a", fontname=arial, fontsize=18]
edge [style=bold, color="#385d8a", arrowhead=none]
C -> B [weight=0]
B -> A
// branch pointers
edge [arrowhead=normal]
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgrey, color=black]
HEAD [fillcolor="#555555", fontcolor=white]
master [label="origin/master", fillcolor=lightskyblue]
{ rank=same; feature; HEAD}
feature -> C [weight=0]
HEAD -> feature [weight=0]
{ rank=same; master; B}
master -> B [weight=0]
// change pointers
change [label="Change 134, Patch Set 1", fillcolor=gold]
{ rank=same; change; C}
change -> C [weight=0]
// graph name
local [label="local repo", style=none, color=none]
A -> local [style=invis]
// formatting: Add invisible nodes and edges to
// a) have commits on feature branch in own column
// a) have feature branch vertically aligned with change pointer
node [style=invis]
edge [style=invis]
I -> B
{ rank=same; I2; feature}
I2 -> C
feature -> change
HEAD -> change
feature -> I2 [weight=0]
// add space between the graphs
I3 [style=invis, label="space"]
I4 [style=invis, label="space"]
{ rank=same; change; I3}
{ rank=same; master; I4}
// commit graph right
node [style=bold, shape=circle, color="#385d8a", fontname=arial, fontsize=18]
edge [style=bold, color="#385d8a", arrowhead=none]
A1 [label="A"]
B1 [label="B"]
C1 [label="C"]
D1 [label="D"]
D1 -> B1 [weight=0]
C1 -> B1 [weight=0]
B1 -> A1
{ rank=same; C; C1}
// branch pointers
edge [arrowhead=normal]
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgrey, color=black]
feature1 [label="feature"]
HEAD1 [label="HEAD", fillcolor="#555555", fontcolor=white]
master1 [label="origin/master", fillcolor=lightskyblue]
{ rank=same; D1; feature1; HEAD1}
feature1 -> D1 [weight=0]
HEAD1 -> feature1 [weight=0]
{ rank=same; master1; B1}
master1 -> B1 [weight=0]
// change pointers
change1 [label="Change 134, Patch Set 1", fillcolor=gold]
{ rank=same; change1; C1}
change1 -> C1 [weight=0]
// graph name
local1 [label="local repo", style=none, color=none]
A1 -> local1 [style=invis]
// formatting: Add invisible edge to vertically align D1 and C1
edge [style=invis]
D1 -> C1
// align left and right graph
{ rank=same; A; A1}