blob: db1a6a621b44d21dc849b7c8550fb79f8a82ee50 [file] [log] [blame]
== Fetch the latest state from upstream
In this exercise you will learn how to fetch the latest state from
upstream. Fetching the latest state will update the remote tracking
branch(es) in your local repository. It will not try to change any of
your local branches or your working tree.
Before starting to develop a feature or doing a bug-fix you should
fetch the latest state from the central repository. This will update
the remote tracking branch 'origin/master' which will be the base
for your local changes.
* Go to the Git Repositories View
* Select your repository and click 'Fetch from Upstream'
image:fetch-from-upstream.png[Fetch from Upstream]
* Alternatively select the project and click on the 'Fetch changes
from upstream' button in the Git toolbar.
image:fetch-from-upstream-in-git-toolbar.png[Fetch from Upstream in
git Toolbar]
* The "Fetch Results" dialog displays the result of the fetch action
** If new changes have been fetched it looks like this:
image:fetch-results.png[Fetch Results]
** If you already have the latest state available on the server it
shows the message "everything up to date" and the list is empty
image:fetch-results-up-to-date.png[Fetch Results up to Date]
* Now, after the remote tracking branch 'origin/master' is up to date
it is a good basis for creating a new local feature branch
* In the History View the (updated) 'origin/master' branch shows the
status of the master branch in the remote repository.
link:index.html[Git Exercises]