Merge "Gerrit multi-site update talk, presented by Luca"
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 | 10:30     |           | Registration Opens, Networking
 | 11:00     |           | Welcome to Volvo Cars - *TBC*
-| 11:45     |           | *TALK AVAILABLE - Sweden*
+| 11:45     |           | [What's new in Gerrit multi-site](sessions/
 | 12:45     |           | Lunch & Networking
 | 15:00     |           | [Zuul: Project Gating for Gerrit](sessions/
 | 15:45     |           | [Make your owners rules faster](sessions/
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+# What's new in Gerrit Multi-Site
+Gerrit Multi-Site plugin is reaching its 4th anniversary,
+after its inception back in February 2019.
+Over the years, it has gone through
+[different maturity stages](
+and has gone recently through major improvements, thanks also
+the advances in provided by the
+[pull-replication plugin](
+Luca gives an overview of the recent advances in the
+Gerrit multi-site architecutre, including:
+- Reduction of the replication lag latency with synchronous
+  pull-replication
+- Simplification of the multi-site setup, based on pure
+  Git/HTTPS connections
+- Managing sites downtimes and catch-up using an event
+  message broker
+- Putting replicas in the Gerrit multi-site picture
+- Managing multi-site migrations
+ has also gone through all the evolution of the
+Gerrit multi-site maturity stages and experienced unprecedented
+reliability, heading towards a 99.999% uptime.
+*[Luca Milanesio, GerritForge](../*
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