blob: 0e19cd04bfc29d5faa84faa4a7149b43d4f72671 [file] [log] [blame]
* The <code>Compiler</code> class provides methods for
* translating Prolog programs into Java programs.
* The <code>Compiler</code> class supports the following compiler options.
* All of them are set to <code>true</code> in default setting.
* <ul>
* <li>Eliminate disjunctions
* <li>Arithmetic compilation
* <li>Inline expansion
* <li>Optimisation of recursive call
* <li>2nd. level indexing (<code>switch_on_hash</code>)
* </ul>
* Let us show a sample session for translating a Prolog program
* <code>$PLCAFEDIR/examples/prolog/</code> into Java.
* The <code></code> contains predicates
* <code>append/3</code>, <code>nrev/2</code>, and <code>range/3</code>.
* <ul>
* <li>From Command line<br>
* <pre>
* % java -cp $PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar$CLASSPATH $PLCAFEDIR/examples/prolog/
* Prolog Cafe X.X.X (YYY)
* Copyright(C) 1997-200X M.Banbara and N.Tamura
* % ls
* </pre>
* <li>From Java program<br>
* <pre>
* import;
* public class T {
* public static void main(String argv[]) {
* Compiler comp = new Compiler();
* comp.prologToJava(argv[0], ".");
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <pre>
* % javac -classpath $PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar:$CLASSPATH
* % java -classpath $PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar:$CLASSPATH T $PLCAFEDIR/examples/prolog/
* % ls
* </pre>
* </ul>
* It is noted that
* our Prolog-to-Java translator is originally witten in Prolog, and then bootstrapped.
* Please see the following two Prolog programs in details.
* <ul>
* <li><code>$PLCAFEDIR/src/compiler/</code><br>
* Translates a Prolog program into a WAM-based intermediate code.
* <li><code>$PLCAFEDIR/src/compiler/</code><br>
* Translates a WAM-based intermediate code generated by <code></code>
* into Java programs.
* </ul>
* @author Mutsunori Banbara (
* @author Naoyuki Tamura (
* @version 1.2
public class Compiler {
/** Version information */
public static String VERSION = "Prolog Cafe 1.2.5 (mantis)";
/** Copyright information */
public static String COPYRIGHT = "Copyright(C) 1997-2009 M.Banbara and N.Tamura";
/** Compiler option for eliminating disjunctions. Its initial value is <code>true</code> */
protected boolean eliminateDisjunctions = true;
/** Compiler option for arithmetic compilation. Its initial value is <code>true</code> */
protected boolean arithmeticCompilation = true;
/** Compiler option for inline expansion. Its initial value is <code>true</code> */
protected boolean inlineExpansion = true;
/** Compiler option for optimising recursive call. Its initial value is <code>true</code> */
protected boolean optimiseRecursiveCall = true;
/** Compiler option for second-level indexing. Its initial value is <code>true</code> */
protected boolean switchOnHash = true;
/** Non-standard option. Compiler option for closure generation. Its initial value is <code>false</code> */
protected boolean generateClosure = false;
* Translates a Prolog program into a WAM-based intermediate code.
* @param _prolog an input Prolog file
* @param _wam an output file for WAM-based intermediate code.
* @return <code>true</code> if succeeds, otherwise <code>false</code>.
public boolean prologToWAM(String _prolog, String _wam) {
try {
if (! fileExists(_prolog)) {
System.out.println("**ERROR: file " + _prolog + " does not exist");
return false;
if (fileExists(_wam)) {
System.out.println("**ERROR: file " + _wam + " already exists");
return false;
// Create arguments
Term prolog = SymbolTerm.makeSymbol(_prolog);
Term wam = SymbolTerm.makeSymbol(_wam);
Term op = Prolog.Nil;
if (eliminateDisjunctions)
op = new ListTerm(SymbolTerm.makeSymbol("ed"), op);
if (arithmeticCompilation)
op = new ListTerm(SymbolTerm.makeSymbol("ac"), op);
if (inlineExpansion)
op = new ListTerm(SymbolTerm.makeSymbol("ie"), op);
if (optimiseRecursiveCall)
op = new ListTerm(SymbolTerm.makeSymbol("rc"), op);
if (switchOnHash)
op = new ListTerm(SymbolTerm.makeSymbol("idx"), op);
if (generateClosure)
op = new ListTerm(SymbolTerm.makeSymbol("clo"), op);
Term[] args = {new ListTerm(prolog, new ListTerm(wam, new ListTerm(op, Prolog.Nil)))};
// Create predicate
Class clazz = (new PrologClassLoader()).loadPredicateClass("", "pl2am", 1, true);
Predicate code = (Predicate)(clazz.newInstance());
// Translate Prolog into WAM
BlockingPrologControl p = new BlockingPrologControl();
p.setPredicate(code, args);
// System.out.println(code);
return p.execute(code, args);
} catch (Exception e){
return false;
* Translates WAM-based intermediate code into Java programs.
* @param _wam an input file for WAM-based intermediate code.
* @param _dir a destination directory for java files. The directory must already exist.
* @return <code>true</code> if succeeds, otherwise <code>false</code>.
* @see #prologToWAM(String, String)
public boolean wamToJava(String _wam, String _dir) {
try {
if (! fileExists(_wam)) {
System.out.println("**ERROR: file " + _wam + " does not exist");
return false;
if (! fileExists(_dir)) {
System.out.println("**ERROR: directory " + _dir + " does not exist");
return false;
// Create arguments
Term wam = SymbolTerm.makeSymbol(_wam);
Term dir = SymbolTerm.makeSymbol(_dir);
Term[] args = {new ListTerm(wam, new ListTerm(dir, Prolog.Nil))};
// Create predicate
// Class clazz = PredicateEncoder.getClass("", "am2j", 1);
Class clazz = (new PrologClassLoader()).loadPredicateClass("", "am2j", 1, true);
Predicate code = (Predicate)(clazz.newInstance());
// Translate WAM into Java
BlockingPrologControl p = new BlockingPrologControl();
p.setPredicate(code, args);
// System.out.println(code);
return p.execute(code, args);
} catch (Exception e){
return false;
* Translates a Prolog program into Java programs.
* @param prolog an input Prolog file
* @param dir a destination directory for java files. The directory must already exist.
* @return <code>true</code> if succeeds, otherwise <code>false</code>.
* @see #prologToWAM(String, String)
* @see #wamToJava(String, String)
public boolean prologToJava(String prolog, String dir) {
String wam = prolog + ".am";
if (! prologToWAM(prolog, wam))
return false;
if (! wamToJava(wam, dir))
return false;
try {
File f = new File(wam);
if (f.exists())
} catch (SecurityException e) {}
return true;
public static void main(String argv[]) {
try {
System.err.println("\n" + VERSION);
if (argv.length != 1) {
Compiler comp = new Compiler();
if (! comp.prologToJava(argv[0], "."))
} catch (Exception e){
protected static boolean fileExists(String _file) {
try {
File file = new File(_file);
return file.exists();
} catch (SecurityException e) {}
return false;
/** Shows usage */
protected static void usage() {
String s = "Usage:\n";
s += "java -cp $PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar";
s += " prolog_file\n";
* Returns the boolean value of <code>eliminateDisjunctions</code>.
* @see #eliminateDisjunctions
public boolean getEliminateDisjunctions() { return eliminateDisjunctions; }
* The <code>eliminateDisjunctions</code> field is set to <code>b</code>.
* @see #eliminateDisjunctions
public void setEliminateDisjunctions(boolean b) { eliminateDisjunctions = b; }
* Returns the boolean value of <code>arithmeticCompilation</code>.
* @see #arithmeticCompilation
public boolean getArithmeticCompilation() { return arithmeticCompilation; }
* The <code>arithmeticCompilation</code> field is set to <code>b</code>.
* @see #arithmeticCompilation
public void setArithmeticCompilation(boolean b) { arithmeticCompilation = b; }
* Returns the boolean value of <code>inlineExpansion</code>.
* @see #inlineExpansion
public boolean getInlineExpansion() { return inlineExpansion; }
* The <code>inlineExpansion</code> field is set to <code>b</code>.
* @see #inlineExpansion
public void setInlineExpansion(boolean b) { inlineExpansion = b; }
* Returns the boolean value of <code>optimiseRecursiveCall</code>.
* @see #optimiseRecursiveCall
public boolean getOptimiseRecursiveCall() { return optimiseRecursiveCall; }
* The <code>optimiseRecursiveCall</code> field is set to <code>b</code>.
* @see #optimiseRecursiveCall
public void setOptimiseRecursiveCall(boolean b) { optimiseRecursiveCall = b; }
* Returns the boolean value of <code>switchOnHash</code>.
* @see #switchOnHash
public boolean getSwitchOnHash() { return switchOnHash; }
* The <code>switchOnHash</code> field is set to <code>b</code>.
* @see #switchOnHash
public void setSwitchOnHash(boolean b) { switchOnHash = b; }
* Returns the boolean value of <code>generateClosure</code>.
* @see #generateClosure
public boolean getGenerateClosure() { return generateClosure; }
* The <code>generateClosure</code> field is set to <code>b</code>.
* @see #generateClosure
public void setGenerateClosure(boolean b) { generateClosure = b; }