blob: bede3172b47a754f18aeb51b7a623530a7c7fe0a [file] [log] [blame]
package com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang;
* Floating point number.
* The class <code>DoubleTerm</code> wraps a value of
* primitive type <code>double</code>.
* <pre>
* Term t = new DoubleTerm(3.3333);
* double d = ((DoubleTerm)t).doubleValue();
* </pre>
* @author Mutsunori Banbara (
* @author Naoyuki Tamura (
* @version 1.0
public class DoubleTerm extends NumberTerm {
/** Holds a <code>double</code> value that this <code>DoubleTerm</code> represents. */
protected double val;
* Constructs a new Prolog floating point number
* that represents the specified <code>double</code> value.
public DoubleTerm(double i) { val = i; }
* Returns the value of <code>val</code>.
* @see #val
public double value() { return val; }
/* Term */
public boolean unify(Term t, Trail trail) {
if (t.isVariable())
return ((VariableTerm)t).unify(this, trail);
if (! t.isDouble())
return false;
return this.val == ((DoubleTerm)t).value();
* @return the <code>boolean</code> whose value is
* <code>convertible(Double.class, type)</code>.
* @see Term#convertible(Class, Class)
public boolean convertible(Class type) { return convertible(Double.class, type); }
// protected Term copy(Prolog engine) { return new DoubleTerm(val); }
* Returns a <code>java.lang.Double</code> corresponds to this <code>DoubleTerm</code>
* according to <em>Prolog Cafe interoperability with Java</em>.
* @return a <code>java.lang.Double</code> object equivalent to
* this <code>DoubleTerm</code>.
public Object toJava() { return new Double(this.val); }
/* Object */
/** Returns a string representation of this <code>DoubleTerm</code>. */
public String toString() { return Double.toString(this.val); }
* Checks <em>term equality</em> of two terms.
* The result is <code>true</code> if and only if the argument is an instance of
* <code>DoubleTerm</code> and has the same <code>double</code> value as this object.
* @param obj the object to compare with. This must be dereferenced.
* @return <code>true</code> if the given object represents a Prolog floating
* point number equivalent to this <code>DoubleTerm</code>, false otherwise.
* @see #compareTo
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (! (obj instanceof DoubleTerm))
return false;
return Double.doubleToLongBits(this.val) == Double.doubleToLongBits(((DoubleTerm)obj).val);
public int hashCode() {
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.val);
return (int)(bits ^ (bits >>> 32));
/* Comparable */
* Compares two terms in <em>Prolog standard order of terms</em>.<br>
* It is noted that <code>t1.compareTo(t2) == 0</code> has the same
* <code>boolean</code> value as <code>t1.equals(t2)</code>.
* @param anotherTerm the term to compared with. It must be dereferenced.
* @return the value <code>0</code> if two terms are identical;
* a value less than <code>0</code> if this term is <em>before</em> the <code>anotherTerm</code>;
* and a value greater than <code>0</code> if this term is <em>after</em> the <code>anotherTerm</code>.
public int compareTo(Term anotherTerm) { // anotherTerm must be dereferenced
if (anotherTerm.isVariable())
return AFTER;
if (! anotherTerm.isDouble())
return BEFORE;
return, ((DoubleTerm)anotherTerm).value());
/* NumberTerm */
public int intValue() { return (int)val; }
public long longValue() { return (long)val; }
public double doubleValue() { return val; }
public int arithCompareTo(NumberTerm t) {
return, t.doubleValue());
public NumberTerm abs() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.abs(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm acos() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.acos(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm add(NumberTerm t) { return new DoubleTerm(this.val + t.doubleValue()); }
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm and(NumberTerm t) { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }
// public NumberTerm and(NumberTerm t) { return new IntegerTerm(this.intValue() & t.intValue()); }
public NumberTerm asin() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.asin(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm atan() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.atan(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm ceil() { return new IntegerTerm((int) Math.ceil(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm cos() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.cos(this.val)); }
* @exception EvaluationException if the given argument
* <code>NumberTerm</code> represents <coe>0</code>.
public NumberTerm divide(NumberTerm t) {
if (t.doubleValue() == 0)
throw new EvaluationException("zero_divisor");
return new DoubleTerm(this.val / t.doubleValue());
public NumberTerm exp() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.exp(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm floatIntPart() {
return new DoubleTerm(Math.signum(this.val) * Math.floor(Math.abs(this.val)));
public NumberTerm floatFractPart() {
return new DoubleTerm(this.val - Math.signum(this.val) * Math.floor(Math.abs(this.val)));
public NumberTerm floor() { return new IntegerTerm((int) Math.floor(this.val)); }
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm intDivide(NumberTerm t) { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }
// public NumberTerm intDivide(NumberTerm t) { return new IntegerTerm((int)(this.intValue() / t.intValue())); }
* @exception EvaluationException if this object represents <coe>0</code>.
public NumberTerm log() {
if (this.val == 0)
throw new EvaluationException("undefined");
return new DoubleTerm(Math.log(this.val));
public NumberTerm max(NumberTerm t) { return new DoubleTerm(Math.max(this.val, t.doubleValue())); }
public NumberTerm min(NumberTerm t) { return new DoubleTerm(Math.min(this.val, t.doubleValue())); }
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm mod(NumberTerm t) { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }
// public NumberTerm mod(NumberTerm t) { return new IntegerTerm(this.intValue() % t.intValue()); }
public NumberTerm multiply(NumberTerm t) { return new DoubleTerm(this.val * t.doubleValue()); }
public NumberTerm negate() { return new DoubleTerm(- this.val); }
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm not() { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }
// public NumberTerm not() { return new IntegerTerm(~ this.intValue()); }
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm or(NumberTerm t) { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }
// public NumberTerm or(NumberTerm t) { return new IntegerTerm(this.intValue() | t.intValue()); }
public NumberTerm pow(NumberTerm t) { return new DoubleTerm(Math.pow(this.val, t.doubleValue())); }
public NumberTerm rint() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.rint(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm round() { return new IntegerTerm((int) Math.round(this.val)); }
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm shiftLeft(NumberTerm t) { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm shiftRight(NumberTerm t) { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }
public NumberTerm signum() {return new DoubleTerm(Math.signum(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm sin() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.sin(this.val)); }
* @exception EvaluationException if this object represents
* a floating point number less than <coe>0</code>.
public NumberTerm sqrt() {
if (this.val < 0)
throw new EvaluationException("undefined");
return new DoubleTerm(Math.sqrt(this.val));
public NumberTerm subtract(NumberTerm t) { return new DoubleTerm(this.val - t.doubleValue()); }
public NumberTerm tan() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.tan(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm toDegrees() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.toDegrees(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm toFloat() { return this; }
public NumberTerm toRadians() { return new DoubleTerm(Math.toRadians(this.val)); }
public NumberTerm truncate() {
if (this.val >= 0)
return new IntegerTerm((int) Math.floor(this.val));
return new IntegerTerm((int) (-1 * Math.floor(Math.abs(this.val))));
* Throws a <code>type_error</code>.
* @exception IllegalTypeException
public NumberTerm xor(NumberTerm t) { throw new IllegalTypeException("integer", this); }