Move interactive read-eval-print out of runtime

This is not required for a server process like Gerrit Code Review.
Yanking it out of the runtime JAR slims the binary down by a few
hundred KiBs as the interactive debugger and associated code can
also be trimmed out.

Consulting a file in the interactive console now requires using


instead of the short-hand ["path/to/"] that many Prolog
implementations honor.

Change-Id: I5c8df131df349d5ca65d5684ed7cc1881247563b
diff --git a/BUCK b/BUCK
index decdbb1..f170833 100644
--- a/BUCK
+++ b/BUCK
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   name = 'all',
   cmd = ':>all',
   deps = [
+    ':cafeteria',
@@ -20,7 +21,10 @@
   name = 'lang',
-  srcs = glob([SRC + 'lang/*.java']),
+  srcs = glob(
+    [SRC + 'lang/*.java'],
+    excludes = [SRC + 'lang/'],
+  ),
@@ -67,3 +71,27 @@
   src = 'src/compiler/',
   out = '',
+  name = 'cafeteria',
+  main_class = 'com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.PrologMain',
+  deps = [':cafeteria_lib'],
+  name = 'cafeteria_lib',
+  srcs = [
+    SRC + 'lang/',
+    ':cafeteria_srcs',
+  ],
+  deps = [
+    ':builtin',
+    ':lang',
+  ],
+  name = 'cafeteria_srcs',
+  src = 'src/builtin/',
+  out = '',
diff --git a/src/builtin/ b/src/builtin/
index 2d8e6cf..3349f93 100644
--- a/src/builtin/
+++ b/src/builtin/
@@ -48,15 +48,6 @@
 '$meta_call'(X, _, _, _, _) :- var(X), !, illarg(var, call(X), 1).
 '$meta_call'(X, _, _, _, _) :- closure(X), !, '$call_closure'(X).
 '$meta_call'(true, _, _, _, _) :- !.
-'$meta_call'(trace, _, _, _, _) :- !, trace.
-'$meta_call'(debug, _, _, _, _) :- !, debug.
-'$meta_call'(notrace, _, _, _, _) :- !, notrace.
-'$meta_call'(nodebug, _, _, _, _) :- !, nodebug.
-'$meta_call'(spy(L), _, _, _, _) :- !, spy(L).
-'$meta_call'(nospy(L), _, _, _, _) :- !, nospy(L).
-'$meta_call'(nospyall, _, _, _, _) :- !, nospyall.
-'$meta_call'(leash(L), _, _, _, _) :- !, leash(L).
-'$meta_call'([X|Xs], _, _, _, _) :- !, consult([X|Xs]).
 '$meta_call'(_^X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !,
 	'$meta_call'(X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode).
 '$meta_call'(P:X, _, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !,
@@ -104,7 +95,7 @@
 '$meta_call'(trace, Depth, P, X) :- !, 
 	functor(X, F, A),
-	'$trace_goal'(X, P, F/A, Depth).
+	'$call'('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin', '$trace_goal'(X, P, F/A, Depth)).
 '$meta_call'(interpret, Depth, P, X) :- 
 	functor(X, F, A),
 	'$call_internal'(X, P, F/A, Depth, interpret).
@@ -1902,109 +1893,13 @@
 :- op(1150,  fx, (multifile)).
 :- op(1150,  fx, (block)).
-:- public cafeteria/0.
-:- public consult/1.
 :- public consult_stream/1.
-:- public trace/0, notrace/0.
-:- public debug/0, nodebug/0.
-:- public leash/1.
-:- public spy/1, nospy/1, nospyall/0.
-:- public listing/0.
-:- public listing/1.
-:- dynamic '$current_leash'/1.
-:- dynamic '$current_spypoint'/3.
-:- dynamic '$leap_flag'/1.
 :- dynamic '$consulted_file'/1.
 :- dynamic '$consulted_import'/2.
 :- dynamic '$consulted_package'/1.
 :- dynamic '$consulted_predicate'/3.
-%%% Main
-cafeteria :-
-	'$cafeteria_init',
-	repeat,
-	    '$toplvel_loop',
-	    on_exception(Msg, '$cafeteria'(Goal), print_message(error, Msg)),
-	    Goal == end_of_file,
-	    !,
-	nl, '$fast_write'(bye), nl.
-'$cafeteria_init' :- 
-	retractall('$leap_flag'(_)),
-	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
-	retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)),
-	retractall('$consulted_file'(_)),
-	retractall('$consulted_package'(_)),
-	retractall('$consulted_predicate'(_,_,_)),
-	assertz('$leap_flag'(no)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(call)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(exit)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(redo)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(fail)),
-	!.
-'$toplvel_loop' :-
-	current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode),
-	(Mode == off -> true ; print_message(info,[debug])),
-	'$fast_write'('| ?- '), 
-	flush_output.
-'$cafeteria'(Goal) :-
-	read_with_variables(Goal, Vars),
-	'$process_order'(Goal, Vars).
-'$process_order'(G,               _) :- var(G), !, illarg(var, (?- G), 1).
-'$process_order'(end_of_file,     _) :- !.
-'$process_order'([File|Files],    _) :- !, consult([File|Files]).
-'$process_order'(G,            Vars) :- 
-	current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode),
-	(   Mode == off -> call(user:G) ; '$trace_goal'(user:G)   ), nl, 
-	'$rm_redundant_vars'(Vars, Vars1),	
-	'$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vars1),
-	!, 
-	'$fast_write'(yes), nl.
-'$process_order'(_, _) :- nl, '$fast_write'(no), nl.
-'$rm_redundant_vars'([], []) :- !.
-'$rm_redundant_vars'(['_'=_|Xs], Vs)  :- !,
-	'$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs).
-'$rm_redundant_vars'([X|Xs], [X|Vs]) :-
-	'$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs).
-'$give_answers_with_prompt'([]) :- !.
-'$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vs) :-
-	'$give_an_answer'(Vs),
-	'$fast_write'(' ? '), flush_output, 
-	read_line(Str), 
-	Str \== ";", 
-	nl.
-'$give_an_answer'([])  :- !, '$fast_write'(true).
-'$give_an_answer'([X]) :- !, '$print_an answer'(X).
-'$give_an_answer'([X|Xs]) :-
-	'$print_an answer'(X), '$fast_write'(','), nl,
-	'$give_an_answer'(Xs).
-'$print_an answer'(N = V) :- 
-	write(N), '$fast_write'(' = '), writeq(V).
 %%% Read Program
-consult(Files) :- var(Files), !, illarg(var, consult(Files), 1).
-consult([]) :- !.
-consult([File|Files]) :- !, consult(File), consult(Files).
-consult(File) :- atom(File), !, '$consult'(File).
-'$consult'(F) :-
-	'$prolog_file_name'(F, PF),
-	open(PF, read, In),
-	stream_property(In, file_name(File)),
-	print_message(info, [consulting,File,'...']),
-	statistics(runtime, _),
-	consult_stream(File, In),
-	statistics(runtime, [_,T]),
-	print_message(info, [File,consulted,T,msec]),
-	close(In).
 consult_stream(File, In) :-
@@ -2014,9 +1909,6 @@
 	    Cl == end_of_file,
-'$prolog_file_name'(File,  File) :- sub_atom(File, _, _, After, '.'), After > 0, !.
-'$prolog_file_name'(File0, File) :- atom_concat(File0, '.pl', File).
 '$consult_init'(File) :-
@@ -2069,231 +1961,6 @@
-%%% Trace
-trace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, on), !.
-trace :- 
-	set_prolog_flag(debug, on),
-	'$trace_init',
-	'$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch on}'),
-	nl, !.
-'$trace_init' :- 
-	retractall('$leap_flag'(_)),
-	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
-	retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)),
-	assertz('$leap_flag'(no)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(call)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(exit)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(redo)),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(fail)),
-	!.
-notrace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, off), !.
-notrace :-
-	set_prolog_flag(debug, off),
-	'$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch off}'), 
-	nl, !.
-debug :- trace.
-nodebug :- notrace.
-%%% Spy-Points
-spy(T) :- 
-	'$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, spy(T)),
-	trace,
-	'$assert_spypoint'(PI),
-	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes),
-	!.
-'$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- 
-	clause('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A), _), 
-	print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,already,added]),
-	!.
-'$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- 
-	clause('$consulted_predicate'(P,F/A,_), _),
-	assertz('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)),
-	print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,added]),
-	!.
-'$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- 
-	print_message(warning, [no,matching,predicate,for,spy,P:F/A]).
-nospy(T) :- 
-	'$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, nospy(T)),
-	'$retract_spypoint'(PI),
-	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, no),
-	!.
-'$retract_spypoint'(P:F/A) :-
-	retract('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)),
-	print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,removed]),
-	!.
-nospyall :-  
-	retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)),
-	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, no).
-%%% Leash
-leash(L) :- nonvar(L), '$leash'(L), !.
-leash(L) :- illarg(type('leash_specifier'), leash(L), 1).
-'$leash'([]) :- !, 
-	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
-	print_message(info, [no,leashing]).
-'$leash'(Ms) :-
-	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
-	'$assert_leash'(Ms),
-	print_message(info,[leashing,stopping,on,Ms]).
-'$assert_leash'([]) :- !.
-'$assert_leash'([X|Xs]) :- 
-	'$leash_specifier'(X),
-	assertz('$current_leash'(X)), 
-	'$assert_leash'(Xs).
-%%% Trace a Goal
-'$trace_goal'(Term) :- 
-	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, no),
-	'$get_current_B'(Cut),
-	'$meta_call'(Term, user, Cut, 0, trace).
-'$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :- 
-	print_procedure_box(call, X, P, FA, Depth),
-	'$call_internal'(X, P, FA, Depth, trace),
-	print_procedure_box(exit, X, P, FA, Depth),
-	redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth).
-'$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :- 
-	print_procedure_box(fail, X, P, FA, Depth),
-	fail.
-print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, F/A, Depth) :- 
-	clause('$current_spypoint'(P, F, A), _),
-	!,
-	'$builtin_message'(['+',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]), 
-	'$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,F/A,Depth)).
-print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, FA, Depth) :- 
-	clause('$leap_flag'(no), _),
-	!,
-	'$builtin_message'([' ',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]), 
-	(    clause('$current_leash'(Mode), _) 
-             -> 
-	     '$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth))
-	     ; 
-	     nl
-	 ).
-print_procedure_box(_, _, _, _, _).
-redo_procedure_box(_, _, _, _).
-redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth) :- 
-	print_procedure_box(redo, X, P, FA, Depth),
-	fail.
-'$read_blocked'(G) :-
-	'$fast_write'(' ? '),
-	flush_output, 
-	read_line(C),
-	(C == [] -> DOP = 99 ; C = [DOP|_]),
-	'$debug_option'(DOP, G).
-'$debug_option'(97,  _) :- !, notrace, abort.               % a for abort
-'$debug_option'(99,  _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no).  % c for creep
-'$debug_option'(108, _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes). % l for leap
-'$debug_option'(43,  print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % + for spy this
-	spy(P:FA),
-	call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)).
-'$debug_option'(45,  print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % - for nospy this
-	nospy(P:FA),
-	call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)).
-'$debug_option'(63,  G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G).
-'$debug_option'(104, G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G).
-'$debug_option'(_, _).
-'$show_debug_option' :-
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('Debuggin options:'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('a      abort'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('RET    creep'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('c      creep'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('l      leap'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('+      spy this'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('-      nospy this'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('?      help'), nl,
-	tab(4), '$fast_write'('h      help'), nl.
-'$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :-
-	clause('$leap_flag'(Flag), _),
-	!.
-'$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :-
-	retractall('$leap_flag'(_)),
-	assertz('$leap_flag'(Flag)).
-%%% Listing
-listing :- '$listing'(_, user).
-listing(T) :- var(T), !, illarg(var, listing(T), 1).
-listing(P) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(_, P).
-listing(F/A) :- !, '$listing'(F/A, user).
-listing(P:PI) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(PI, P).
-listing(T) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(T), 1).
-'$listing'(PI, P) :- var(PI), !,
-	'$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, _).
-'$listing'(F/A, P) :- atom(F), integer(A), !,
-	'$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, F/A).
-'$listing'(PI, P) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(P:PI), 1).
-'$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, PI) :- 
-	'$new_internal_database'(P),
-	hash_keys(P, Keys),
-	'$builtin_member'(PI, Keys),
-	PI = F/A,
-	functor(H, F, A),
-	'$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl, _),
-	'$write_dynamic_clause'(P, Cl),
-	fail.
-'$listing_dynamic_clause'(_, _).
-'$write_dynamic_clause'(_, Cl) :- var(Cl), !, fail.
-'$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- true)) :- !,
-	numbervars(H, 0, _),
-	'$write_dynamic_head'(P, H),
-	write('.'), nl.
-'$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- B)) :- !,
-	numbervars((H :- B), 0, _),
-	'$write_dynamic_head'(P, H),
-	write(' :-'), nl,
-	'$write_dynamic_body'(B, 8),
-	write('.'), nl.
-'$write_dynamic_head'(user, H) :- !, writeq(H).
-'$write_dynamic_head'(P, H) :- 
-	write(P), write(':'), writeq(H).
-'$write_dynamic_body'((G1,G2), N) :- !,
-	'$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N), write(','), nl,
-	'$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N).
-'$write_dynamic_body'((G1;G2), N) :- !,
-	N1 is N+4,
-	tab(N), write('('), nl,
-	'$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl,
-	tab(N), write(';'), nl,
-	'$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl,
-	tab(N), write(')').
-'$write_dynamic_body'((G1->G2), N) :- !,
-	N1 is N+4,
-	tab(N), write('('), nl,
-	'$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl,
-	tab(N), write('->'), nl,
-	'$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl,
-	tab(N), write(')').
-'$write_dynamic_body'(B, N) :-
-	tab(N), writeq(B).
 % Misc
diff --git a/src/builtin/ b/src/builtin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb63123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+% Interactive interpreter of Prolog Cafe
+% Mutsunori Banbara (
+% Naoyuki Tamura (
+% Kobe University
+:- package 'com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin'.
+:- public cafeteria/0.
+%%% Main
+cafeteria :-
+	'$cafeteria_init',
+	repeat,
+	    '$toplvel_loop',
+	    on_exception(Msg, '$cafeteria'(Goal), print_message(error, Msg)),
+	    Goal == end_of_file,
+	    !,
+	nl, '$fast_write'(bye), nl.
+'$cafeteria_init' :-
+	'$new_indexing_hash'('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin','$leap_flag'/1, _),
+	'$new_indexing_hash'('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin','$current_spypoint'/3, _),
+	'$new_indexing_hash'('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin','$current_leash'/1, _),
+	retractall('$leap_flag'(_)),
+	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
+	retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)),
+	retractall('$consulted_file'(_)),
+	retractall('$consulted_package'(_)),
+	retractall('$consulted_predicate'(_,_,_)),
+	assertz('$leap_flag'(no)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(call)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(exit)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(redo)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(fail)),
+	!.
+'$toplvel_loop' :-
+	current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode),
+	(Mode == off -> true ; print_message(info,[debug])),
+	'$fast_write'('| ?- '),
+	flush_output.
+'$cafeteria'(Goal) :-
+	read_with_variables(Goal, Vars),
+	'$process_order'(Goal, Vars).
+'$process_order'(G,               _) :- var(G), !, illarg(var, (?- G), 1).
+'$process_order'(end_of_file,     _) :- !.
+'$process_order'([File|Files],    _) :- !, consult([File|Files]).
+'$process_order'(G,            Vars) :-
+	current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode),
+	(   Mode == off -> call(user:G) ; '$trace_goal'(user:G)   ), nl,
+	'$rm_redundant_vars'(Vars, Vars1),
+	'$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vars1),
+	!,
+	'$fast_write'(yes), nl.
+'$process_order'(_, _) :- nl, '$fast_write'(no), nl.
+'$rm_redundant_vars'([], []) :- !.
+'$rm_redundant_vars'(['_'=_|Xs], Vs)  :- !,
+	'$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs).
+'$rm_redundant_vars'([X|Xs], [X|Vs]) :-
+	'$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs).
+'$give_answers_with_prompt'([]) :- !.
+'$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vs) :-
+	'$give_an_answer'(Vs),
+	'$fast_write'(' ? '), flush_output,
+	read_line(Str),
+	Str \== ";",
+	nl.
+'$give_an_answer'([])  :- !, '$fast_write'(true).
+'$give_an_answer'([X]) :- !, '$print_an answer'(X).
+'$give_an_answer'([X|Xs]) :-
+	'$print_an answer'(X), '$fast_write'(','), nl,
+	'$give_an_answer'(Xs).
+'$print_an answer'(N = V) :-
+	write(N), '$fast_write'(' = '), writeq(V).
+%%% Read Program
+:- public consult/1.
+consult(Files) :- var(Files), !, illarg(var, consult(Files), 1).
+consult([]) :- !.
+consult([File|Files]) :- !, consult(File), consult(Files).
+consult(File) :- atom(File), !, '$consult'(File).
+'$consult'(F) :-
+	'$prolog_file_name'(F, PF),
+	open(PF, read, In),
+	stream_property(In, file_name(File)),
+	print_message(info, [consulting,File,'...']),
+	statistics(runtime, _),
+	consult_stream(File, In),
+	statistics(runtime, [_,T]),
+	print_message(info, [File,consulted,T,msec]),
+	close(In).
+'$prolog_file_name'(File,  File) :- sub_atom(File, _, _, After, '.'), After > 0, !.
+'$prolog_file_name'(File0, File) :- atom_concat(File0, '.pl', File).
+%%% Trace
+:- public trace/0, notrace/0.
+:- public debug/0, nodebug/0.
+trace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, on), !.
+trace :-
+	set_prolog_flag(debug, on),
+	'$trace_init',
+	'$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch on}'),
+	nl, !.
+'$trace_init' :-
+	retractall('$leap_flag'(_)),
+	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
+	retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)),
+	assertz('$leap_flag'(no)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(call)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(exit)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(redo)),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(fail)),
+	!.
+notrace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, off), !.
+notrace :-
+	set_prolog_flag(debug, off),
+	'$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch off}'),
+	nl, !.
+debug :- trace.
+nodebug :- notrace.
+%%% Trace a Goal
+'$trace_goal'(Term) :-
+	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, no),
+	'$get_current_B'(Cut),
+	'$meta_call'(Term, user, Cut, 0, trace).
+'$trace_goal'(nodebug, _, _, _) :- nodebug.
+'$trace_goal'(notrace, _, _, _) :- notrace.
+'$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :-
+	print_procedure_box(call, X, P, FA, Depth),
+	'$call_internal'(X, P, FA, Depth, trace),
+	print_procedure_box(exit, X, P, FA, Depth),
+	redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth).
+'$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :-
+	print_procedure_box(fail, X, P, FA, Depth),
+	fail.
+print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, F/A, Depth) :-
+	clause('$current_spypoint'(P, F, A), _),
+	!,
+	'$builtin_message'(['+',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]),
+	'$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,F/A,Depth)).
+print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, FA, Depth) :-
+	clause('$leap_flag'(no), _),
+	!,
+	'$builtin_message'([' ',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]),
+	(    clause('$current_leash'(Mode), _)
+             ->
+	     '$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth))
+	     ;
+	     nl
+	 ).
+print_procedure_box(_, _, _, _, _).
+redo_procedure_box(_, _, _, _).
+redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth) :-
+	print_procedure_box(redo, X, P, FA, Depth),
+	fail.
+'$read_blocked'(G) :-
+	'$fast_write'(' ? '),
+	flush_output,
+	read_line(C),
+	(C == [] -> DOP = 99 ; C = [DOP|_]),
+	'$debug_option'(DOP, G).
+'$debug_option'(97,  _) :- !, notrace, abort.               % a for abort
+'$debug_option'(99,  _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no).  % c for creep
+'$debug_option'(108, _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes). % l for leap
+'$debug_option'(43,  print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % + for spy this
+	spy(P:FA),
+	call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)).
+'$debug_option'(45,  print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % - for nospy this
+	nospy(P:FA),
+	call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)).
+'$debug_option'(63,  G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G).
+'$debug_option'(104, G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G).
+'$debug_option'(_, _).
+'$show_debug_option' :-
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('Debugging options:'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('a      abort'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('RET    creep'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('c      creep'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('l      leap'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('+      spy this'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('-      nospy this'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('?      help'), nl,
+	tab(4), '$fast_write'('h      help'), nl.
+'$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :-
+	clause('$leap_flag'(Flag), _),
+	!.
+'$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :-
+	retractall('$leap_flag'(_)),
+	assertz('$leap_flag'(Flag)).
+%%% Spy-Points
+:- public spy/1, nospy/1, nospyall/0.
+spy(T) :-
+	'$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, spy(T)),
+	trace,
+	'$assert_spypoint'(PI),
+	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes),
+	!.
+'$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :-
+	clause('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A), _),
+	print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,already,added]),
+	!.
+'$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :-
+	clause('$consulted_predicate'(P,F/A,_), _),
+	assertz('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)),
+	print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,added]),
+	!.
+'$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :-
+	print_message(warning, [no,matching,predicate,for,spy,P:F/A]).
+nospy(T) :-
+	'$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, nospy(T)),
+	'$retract_spypoint'(PI),
+	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, no),
+	!.
+'$retract_spypoint'(P:F/A) :-
+	retract('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)),
+	print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,removed]),
+	!.
+nospyall :-
+	retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)),
+	'$set_debug_flag'(leap, no).
+%%% Leash
+:- public leash/1.
+leash(L) :- nonvar(L), '$leash'(L), !.
+leash(L) :- illarg(type('leash_specifier'), leash(L), 1).
+'$leash'([]) :- !,
+	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
+	print_message(info, [no,leashing]).
+'$leash'(Ms) :-
+	retractall('$current_leash'(_)),
+	'$assert_leash'(Ms),
+	print_message(info,[leashing,stopping,on,Ms]).
+'$assert_leash'([]) :- !.
+'$assert_leash'([X|Xs]) :-
+	'$leash_specifier'(X),
+	assertz('$current_leash'(X)),
+	'$assert_leash'(Xs).
+%%% Listing
+:- public listing/0.
+:- public listing/1.
+listing :- '$listing'(_, user).
+listing(T) :- var(T), !, illarg(var, listing(T), 1).
+listing(P) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(_, P).
+listing(F/A) :- !, '$listing'(F/A, user).
+listing(P:PI) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(PI, P).
+listing(T) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(T), 1).
+'$listing'(PI, P) :- var(PI), !,
+	'$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, _).
+'$listing'(F/A, P) :- atom(F), integer(A), !,
+	'$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, F/A).
+'$listing'(PI, P) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(P:PI), 1).
+'$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, PI) :-
+	'$new_internal_database'(P),
+	hash_keys(P, Keys),
+	'$builtin_member'(PI, Keys),
+	PI = F/A,
+	functor(H, F, A),
+	'$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl, _),
+	'$write_dynamic_clause'(P, Cl),
+	fail.
+'$listing_dynamic_clause'(_, _).
+'$write_dynamic_clause'(_, Cl) :- var(Cl), !, fail.
+'$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- true)) :- !,
+	numbervars(H, 0, _),
+	'$write_dynamic_head'(P, H),
+	write('.'), nl.
+'$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- B)) :- !,
+	numbervars((H :- B), 0, _),
+	'$write_dynamic_head'(P, H),
+	write(' :-'), nl,
+	'$write_dynamic_body'(B, 8),
+	write('.'), nl.
+'$write_dynamic_head'(user, H) :- !, writeq(H).
+'$write_dynamic_head'(P, H) :-
+	write(P), write(':'), writeq(H).
+'$write_dynamic_body'((G1,G2), N) :- !,
+	'$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N), write(','), nl,
+	'$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N).
+'$write_dynamic_body'((G1;G2), N) :- !,
+	N1 is N+4,
+	tab(N), write('('), nl,
+	'$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl,
+	tab(N), write(';'), nl,
+	'$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl,
+	tab(N), write(')').
+'$write_dynamic_body'((G1->G2), N) :- !,
+	N1 is N+4,
+	tab(N), write('('), nl,
+	'$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl,
+	tab(N), write('->'), nl,
+	'$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl,
+	tab(N), write(')').
+'$write_dynamic_body'(B, N) :-
+	tab(N), writeq(B).