| /***************************************************************** |
| Time-stamp: <2008-10-29 10:41:19 banbara> |
| |
| NAME |
| pl2am: Translating Prolog into WAM-based Intermediate Code |
| |
| # sicstus |
| ?- [pl2am]. |
| ?- pl2am([File1, File2, [Op1,..,OpN]]). |
| |
| File1 is an input prolog file name. |
| File2 is an output file name. |
| Op ::= ed | ac | ie | rc | idx | clo |
| ed : eliminate disjunctions |
| ac : arithmetic compilation |
| ie : inline expansion |
| rc : optimise recursive call |
| idx: switch_on_hash (2nd. level indexing) |
| clo: generate closure for meta predicates |
| |
| This program translates Prolog program into WAM-based intermediate codes. |
| Generated codes can be translated into Java program by using am2j.pl, |
| and then compiled and executed by usual java utilities |
| with the Prolog Cafe runtime system. |
| |
| pl2am (Translating Prolog into WAM-based Intermediate Code) |
| Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by |
| Mutsunori Banbara (banbara@kobe-u.ac.jp) and |
| Naoyuki Tamura (tamura@kobe-u.ac.jp) |
| |
| http://kaminari.istc.kobe-u.ac.jp/PrologCafe/ |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| |
| /***************************************************************** |
| |
| Put Instructions |
| ================ |
| put_var(X) |
| put_int(i, X) |
| put_float(f, X) |
| put_con(f/n, X) |
| put_con(c, X), |
| put_list(Xi, Xj, Xk) |
| put_str(Xi, Y, Xj) |
| put_str_args([Xi,..,Xn], Y) |
| put_clo(p:G, X) |
| put_cont(p:BinG, C) |
| put_cont(BinG, C) |
| |
| Get Instructions |
| ================ |
| get_val(Xi, Xj) |
| get_int(i, Xi, Xj) |
| get_float(f, Xi, Xj) |
| get_con(c, Xi, Xj) |
| get_ground(g, Xi, Xj) |
| get_list(X) |
| get_str(f/n, Xi, Xj) |
| |
| Unify Instructions |
| ================== |
| unify_var(X) |
| unify_val(X) |
| unify_int(i, X) |
| unify_float(f, X) |
| unify_con(c, X) |
| unify_ground(g, X) |
| unify_void(i) |
| |
| Choice Instructions |
| =================== |
| try(Li, Lj) |
| retry(Li, Lj) |
| trust(L) |
| |
| Indexing Instructions |
| ===================== |
| switch_on_term(Lv, Li, Lf, Lc, Ls, Ll) |
| switch_on_hash(TAG, i, L, hashtable) |
| |
| Control Instructions |
| ==================== |
| execute(p:BinG) |
| execute(BinG) |
| inline(G) |
| |
| Other Instructions |
| ================== |
| (:- G) |
| |
| comment(Message) |
| debug(Message) |
| info(Message) |
| |
| begin_predicate(p, f/n) |
| end_predicate(p, f/n) |
| |
| import_package(p) |
| import_static(p, f/n) |
| import_package(p, f/n) |
| |
| main(f/n, public): [Instructions] |
| main(f/n, non-public): [Instructions] |
| L: [Instructions] |
| |
| label(L) |
| deref(Ri, Rj) |
| set(Ri, Rj) |
| setB0 |
| goto(L) |
| |
| decl_term_vars([R1,...,Rn]) |
| decl_pred_vars([R1,...,Rn]) |
| |
| new_hash(TAG, i) |
| put_hash(X, L, TAG) |
| |
| static([Instructions]) |
| |
| Notation |
| ******** |
| X ::= a(i) | S |
| Y ::= y(i) | S |
| S ::= s(i) | si(i) | sf(i) |
| L ::= f/n | f/n+i | f/n+TAG | f/n+TAG+i | f/n+TAG+i+i |
| TAG ::= var | int | flo | con | str | lis | top | sub | nil |
| BinG ::= C | f(A1,..,An, C) |
| G ::= f(A1,..,An) |
| A ::= void | X |
| C ::= cont | p(N) |
| R ::= cont | econt | a(i) | arg(i) | ea(i) |
| |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| |
| /***************************************************************** |
| Declarations |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| :- op(1170, xfx, (:-)). |
| :- op(1170, xfx, (-->)). |
| :- op(1170, fx, (:-)). |
| :- op(1170, fx, (?-)). |
| :- op( 500, yfx, (#)). |
| |
| :- op(1150, fx, (dynamic)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (meta_predicate)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (package)). % Prolog Cafe specific |
| :- op(1150, fx, (public)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (import)). % Prolog Cafe specific |
| :- op(1150, fx, (mode)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (multifile)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (block)). |
| |
| :- dynamic internal_clause/2. |
| :- dynamic internal_predicates/2. |
| :- dynamic dynamic_predicates/2. |
| :- dynamic meta_predicates/3. |
| :- dynamic package_name/1. |
| :- dynamic public_predicates/2. |
| :- dynamic import_package/2. |
| :- dynamic import_static/2. |
| :- dynamic internal_declarations/1. |
| :- dynamic file_name/1. |
| :- dynamic dummy_clause_counter/1. |
| :- dynamic pl2am_flag/1. |
| |
| % :- module('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.compiler.pl2am', [main/0,pl2am/1]). |
| :- package 'com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.compiler.pl2am'. |
| |
| :- public pl2am/1. |
| /***************************************************************** |
| Main |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| pl2am([PrologFile, AsmFile, Opts]) :- |
| read_in_program(PrologFile, Opts), |
| open(AsmFile, write, Out), |
| compile_all_predicates(Out), |
| close(Out). |
| |
| /***************************************************************** |
| Read in Program |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| read_in_program(File, Opts) :- |
| pl2am_preread(File, Opts), |
| open(File, read, In), |
| repeat, |
| read(In, X), |
| assert_clause(X), |
| X == end_of_file, |
| !, |
| close(In), |
| pl2am_postread. |
| |
| %%% Pre-init |
| pl2am_preread(File, Opts) :- |
| retractall(internal_clause(_,_)), |
| retractall(internal_predicates(_,_)), |
| retractall(dynamic_predicates(_,_)), |
| retractall(meta_predicates(_,_,_)), |
| retractall(package_name(_)), |
| retractall(public_predicates(_,_)), |
| retractall(import_package(_,_)), |
| retractall(import_static(_,_)), |
| retractall(internal_declarations(_)), |
| retractall(file_name(_)), |
| retractall(dummy_clause_counter(_)), |
| retractall(pl2am_flag(_)), |
| assert(file_name(File)), |
| assert(dummy_clause_counter(0)), |
| assert_compile_opts(Opts), |
| assert_default_decls. |
| |
| assert_default_decls :- |
| builtin_meta_predicates(Pred, Arity, Mode), |
| assert(meta_predicates(Pred, Arity, Mode)), |
| fail. |
| assert_default_decls. |
| |
| assert_compile_opts([]) :- !. |
| assert_compile_opts([O|Os]) :- |
| assert_copts(O), |
| assert_compile_opts(Os). |
| |
| assert_copts(O) :- |
| clause(pl2am_flag(O), _), |
| !. |
| assert_copts(O) :- |
| copt_expr(O), |
| !, |
| assert(pl2am_flag(O)). |
| assert_copts(O) :- |
| pl2am_error([O,is,an,invalid,option,for,pl2am]), |
| fail. |
| |
| copt_expr(ed). |
| copt_expr(ac). |
| copt_expr(ie). |
| copt_expr(rc). |
| copt_expr(rc(_,_)). |
| copt_expr(idx). |
| copt_expr(clo). |
| |
| %%% Post-init |
| pl2am_postread :- |
| assert_import('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin'), |
| assert_import('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.exceptions'), |
| assert_import('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang'), |
| assert(import_static('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.Failure', fail_0)), |
| assert_dummy_package, |
| assert_dummy_public. |
| |
| assert_dummy_package :- |
| clause(package_name(_), _), |
| !. |
| assert_dummy_package :- |
| assert(package_name(user)). |
| |
| assert_dummy_public :- |
| clause(public_predicates(_,_), _), |
| !. |
| assert_dummy_public :- |
| assert(public_predicates(_,_)). |
| |
| %%% Assert Clauses |
| assert_clause(end_of_file) :- !. |
| assert_clause((:- dynamic G)) :- !, |
| conj_to_list(G, G1), |
| assert_dynamic_predicates(G1). |
| assert_clause((:- module(M, PList))) :- !, |
| assert_package(M), |
| assert_public_predicates(PList). |
| assert_clause((:- meta_predicate G)) :- !, |
| conj_to_list(G, G1), |
| assert_meta_predicates(G1). |
| assert_clause((:- package G)) :- !, |
| assert_package(G). |
| assert_clause((:- public G)) :- !, |
| conj_to_list(G, G1), |
| assert_public_predicates(G1). |
| assert_clause((:- import G)) :- !, |
| assert_import(G). |
| assert_clause((:- mode _G)) :- !, |
| pl2am_error([mode,declaration,is,not,supported,yet]). |
| assert_clause((:- multifile _G)) :- !, |
| pl2am_error([multifile,declaration,is,not,supported,yet]). |
| assert_clause((:- block _G)) :- !, |
| pl2am_error([block,declaration,is,not,supported,yet]). |
| assert_clause((:- G)) :- !, |
| call(G), |
| assert_declarations(G). |
| assert_clause(Clause) :- |
| preprocess(Clause, Cl), |
| assert_cls(Cl). |
| |
| %%% Dynamic Declaration |
| assert_dynamic_predicates([]) :- !. |
| assert_dynamic_predicates([G|Gs]) :- |
| assert_dynamic(G), |
| assert_dynamic_predicates(Gs). |
| |
| assert_dynamic(G) :- |
| \+ clause(package_name('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin'), _), |
| G = F/A, |
| functor(Head, F, A), |
| system_predicate(Head), |
| !, |
| pl2am_error([can,not,redefine,builtin,predicate,F/A]), |
| fail. |
| assert_dynamic(G) :- |
| G = F/A, |
| clause(dynamic_predicates(F,A), _), !. |
| assert_dynamic(G) :- |
| G = F/A, |
| assert(dynamic_predicates(F,A)), !. |
| assert_dynamic(G) :- |
| pl2am_error([G,is,an,invalid,dynamic,declaration]), |
| fail. |
| |
| %%% Meta Predicates Declaration |
| assert_meta_predicates([]) :- !. |
| assert_meta_predicates([G|Gs]) :- |
| assert_meta(G), |
| assert_meta_predicates(Gs). |
| |
| assert_meta(G) :- |
| functor(G, F, A), |
| clause(meta_predicates(F, A, _), _), |
| !. |
| assert_meta(G) :- |
| functor(G, F, A), |
| G =.. [_|M], |
| mode_expr(M), |
| !, |
| assert(meta_predicates(F, A, M)). |
| assert_meta(G) :- |
| pl2am_error([G,is,an,invalid,meta_predicate,declaration]), |
| fail. |
| |
| %%% Package Declaration |
| assert_package(G) :- |
| clause(package_name(G1), _), |
| G \== G1, |
| !, |
| pl2am_error([duplicate,package,declarations,:,G1,and,G]), |
| fail. |
| assert_package(G) :- |
| atom(G), |
| !, |
| assert(package_name(G)), |
| retractall(import_package(G, _)). |
| assert_package(G) :- |
| pl2am_error([G,is,invalid,package,declaration]), |
| fail. |
| |
| %%% Public Declaration |
| assert_public_predicates([]) :- !. |
| assert_public_predicates([G|Gs]) :- |
| assert_public(G), |
| assert_public_predicates(Gs). |
| |
| assert_public(F/A) :- |
| predspec_expr(F/A), |
| clause(public_predicates(F, A), _), |
| !. |
| assert_public(F/A) :- |
| predspec_expr(F/A), |
| assert(public_predicates(F, A)). |
| |
| %%% Import Declaration |
| assert_import(G) :- |
| atom(G), |
| !, |
| assert_impt(G, (*)). |
| assert_import(M:P) :- |
| atom(M), |
| (predspec_expr(P) ; atom(P)), |
| !, |
| assert_impt(M, P). |
| assert_import(G) :- |
| pl2am_error([G,is,invalid,import,declaration]), |
| fail. |
| |
| assert_impt(M, _P) :- |
| clause(package_name(M), _), |
| !. |
| assert_impt(M, P) :- |
| clause(import_package(M, P0), _), |
| (P0 == (*) ; P0 == P), |
| !. |
| assert_impt(M, P) :- |
| assert(import_package(M, P)). |
| |
| %%% Assert Declaration (:- G) |
| assert_declarations(G) :- |
| clause(internal_declarations(G), _), |
| !. |
| assert_declarations(G) :- |
| assert(internal_declarations(G)). |
| |
| %%% Assert Cluase |
| assert_cls((Head :- Body)) :- !, |
| assert_predicate(Head), |
| assert(internal_clause(Head, Body)). |
| assert_cls(Head) :- !, |
| assert_predicate(Head), |
| assert(internal_clause(Head, true)). |
| |
| assert_predicate(Head) :- |
| \+ clause(package_name('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin'), _), |
| system_predicate(Head), |
| !, |
| functor(Head, Functor, Arity), |
| pl2am_error([can,not,redefine,builtin,predicate,Functor/Arity]), |
| fail. |
| assert_predicate(Head) :- |
| functor(Head, Functor, Arity), |
| clause(internal_predicates(Functor, Arity), _), |
| !. |
| assert_predicate(Head) :- |
| functor(Head, Functor, Arity), |
| assert(internal_predicates(Functor, Arity)). |
| |
| %%% Preprocess |
| preprocess(Cl0, Cl) :- |
| clause(pl2am_flag(ed), _), |
| !, |
| expand_term(Cl0, Cl1), |
| eliminate_disjunction(Cl1, Cl). |
| preprocess(Cl0, Cl) :- |
| expand_term(Cl0, Cl). |
| |
| eliminate_disjunction(Cl0, Cl) :- |
| eliminate_disj(Cl0, Cl, DummyCls), |
| assert_dummy_clauses(DummyCls). |
| |
| assert_dummy_clauses([]) :- !. |
| assert_dummy_clauses([C|Cs]) :- |
| assert_clause(C), |
| assert_dummy_clauses(Cs). |
| |
| /***************************************************************** |
| Compile Prolog Program |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| compile_all_predicates(Out) :- % output declarations (ex. op/3) |
| clause(internal_declarations(G), _), |
| writeq(Out, (:- G)), write(Out, '.'), nl(Out), |
| fail. |
| compile_all_predicates(_) :- % treat dynamic declaration |
| findall(Functor/Arity, dynamic_predicates(Functor, Arity), PredSpecs), |
| assert_init_clauses(PredSpecs), |
| fail. |
| compile_all_predicates(Out) :- % compile predicate |
| clause(internal_predicates(Functor, Arity), _), |
| compile_predicate(Functor, Arity, Instructions, []), |
| write_asm(Out, Instructions), |
| nl(Out), |
| fail. |
| compile_all_predicates(Out):- nl(Out). |
| |
| write_asm(_, []) :- !. |
| write_asm(Out, [Instruction|Instructions]) :- !, |
| write_asm(Out, Instruction), |
| write_asm(Out, Instructions). |
| write_asm(Out, begin_predicate(P, FA)) :- !, |
| writeq(Out, begin_predicate(P, FA)), write(Out, '.'), nl(Out). |
| write_asm(Out, end_predicate(P, FA)) :- !, |
| writeq(Out, end_predicate(P, FA)), write(Out, '.'), nl(Out). |
| write_asm(Out, comment(Comment0)) :- !, |
| copy_term(Comment0, Comment), |
| numbervars(Comment, 0, _), |
| tab(Out, 8), writeq(Out, comment(Comment)), write(Out, '.'), nl(Out). |
| write_asm(Out, (Label: Instruction)) :- !, |
| writeq(Out, Label), write(Out, ' :'), nl(Out), |
| write_asm(Out, Instruction). |
| write_asm(Out, Instruction) :- |
| tab(Out, 8), writeq(Out, Instruction), write(Out, '.'), nl(Out). |
| |
| /**************************************************************** |
| Treat Dynamic Declaration |
| ****************************************************************/ |
| assert_init_clauses([]) :- !. |
| assert_init_clauses(PredSpecs) :- |
| collect_init_cls(PredSpecs, Cls), |
| assert_init_cls(Cls), |
| !. |
| |
| collect_init_cls([], []) :- !. |
| collect_init_cls([F/A|FAs], [Cls|Cls1]) :- |
| clause(internal_predicates(F,A), _), |
| !, |
| functor(Head, F, A), |
| findall(assertz((Head :- Body)), internal_clause(Head, Body), Cls), |
| retractall(internal_predicates(F,A)), |
| retractall(internal_clause(Head, _)), |
| collect_init_cls(FAs, Cls1). |
| %collect_init_cls([FA|FAs], [hash_put(P,FA,[])|Cls]) :- |
| collect_init_cls([FA|FAs], ['$new_indexing_hash'(P,FA,_)|Cls]) :- |
| clause(package_name(P), _), |
| !, |
| collect_init_cls(FAs, Cls). |
| |
| assert_init_cls([]) :- !. |
| assert_init_cls(Cls) :- |
| list_to_conj(Cls, Body), |
| assert_clause(('$init' :- Body)). |
| |
| /**************************************************************** |
| Compile Predicate |
| ****************************************************************/ |
| compile_predicate(Functor, Arity) --> |
| {functor(Head, Functor, Arity)}, |
| {findall((Head :- Body), internal_clause(Head, Body), Clauses)}, |
| {clause(package_name(P), _)}, |
| [begin_predicate(P, Functor/Arity)], |
| generate_info(Functor, Arity), |
| generate_import, |
| compile_pred(Clauses, Functor/Arity), |
| [end_predicate(P, Functor/Arity)]. |
| |
| %%% Program Code |
| compile_pred([], _) --> [], !. |
| compile_pred([Clause], FA) --> !, |
| {check_modifier(FA, MF)}, % checks public or non-public |
| [main(FA, MF): []], |
| [PutGroundTerm], % generates put instructions of ground terms |
| [FA: []], |
| [comment(Clause)], |
| [setB0], % set B0 register for cut |
| [DeclLocalVars], % generates the declarations of local variables |
| {FA = _/A}, |
| set_arguments(1, A, arg, a, set), % set arg(N) to a(N). |
| {GTI0 = [1,[],[]]}, % GTI0 = [SN,SAlloc,PutGroundTerm] |
| compile_clause(Clause, GTI0, GTI, LTI), |
| {GTI = [_,_,PutGroundTerm0], pl2am_rev(PutGroundTerm0, PutGroundTerm)}, |
| {LTI = [XN,_,PN|_], generate_var_decl([1,1], [XN,PN], DeclLocalVars, [])}. |
| compile_pred(Clauses, FA) --> |
| {check_modifier(FA, MF)}, % checks public or non-public |
| [main(FA,MF): []], |
| [PutGroundTerm], % generates ground terms |
| [OPT1], |
| [PutLabel], % generates label declarations |
| [NewHash], % generates new_hash |
| [PutHash], % generates pub_hash |
| % |
| [FA: []], |
| {FA = Functor/Arity}, |
| set_arguments(1, Arity, arg, ea, set), % set arg(N) to engine.r(N) |
| [set(cont, econt)], % set cont to engine.cont |
| [OPT2], |
| [OPT3], |
| [setB0], % set B0 register for cut |
| generate_switch(Clauses, FA, GLI), % generates control and indexing instructions. |
| {GTI0 = [1,[],[]]}, % GTI0 = [SN,SAlloc,PutGroundTerm] |
| compile_pred2(Clauses, FA, 1, GTI0, GTI), |
| % |
| {GTI = [_,SAlloc,PutGroundTerm0], pl2am_rev(PutGroundTerm0, PutGroundTerm)}, |
| {GLI = [PutLabel, Hash0]}, |
| % replace the hash key with s(i), si(i), or sf(i) |
| {replace_hash_keys(Hash0, SAlloc, NewHash, PutHash0)}, |
| {PutHash0 == [] -> PutHash = [] ; PutHash = static(PutHash0)}, |
| % generate code for the recursize call optimization |
| {clause(pl2am_flag(rc(Functor,Arity)), _) -> |
| OPT1 = label(FA+top), OPT2 = goto(FA+top), OPT3 = FA+top: [] |
| ; |
| OPT1 = [], OPT2 = [], OPT3 = [] |
| }. |
| |
| compile_pred2([], _, _, GTI, GTI) --> !. |
| compile_pred2([Clause|Clauses], FA, N, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| [FA+N: []], |
| [comment(Clause)], |
| [DeclLocalVars], % generates the declarations of local variables |
| [decl_pred_vars([cont])], |
| {FA = _/Arity}, |
| set_arguments(1, Arity, ea, a, set), % set engine.r(N) to a(N). |
| [set(econt, cont)], % set engine.cont to cont |
| compile_clause(Clause, GTI0, GTI1, LTI), |
| {N1 is N + 1}, |
| compile_pred2(Clauses, FA, N1, GTI1, GTI), |
| {LTI = [XN,_,PN|_], generate_var_decl([1,1], [XN,PN], DeclLocalVars, [])}. |
| |
| %%% Control and Indexing instructions |
| generate_switch(Clauses, FA, [Label, Hash]) --> |
| % generates try, retry, trust, switch_on_term, and switch_on_hash |
| {generate_switch0(Clauses, FA, Instrs, [])}, |
| % generates sub-labels for BP |
| generate_bp_label(Instrs, FA+sub, 1, Ls1, SWTs), |
| % generates labels for clauses |
| {length(Clauses, N)}, |
| {generate_cl_label(FA, 1, N, Ls2)}, |
| {pl2am_append(Ls1, Ls2, Label)}, |
| % generates new_hash and put_hash instructions for switch_on_hash |
| {gen_hash(SWTs, Hash, [])}. |
| |
| generate_switch0(Clauses, FA) --> |
| {get_indices(Clauses, FA, 1, Is)}, |
| generate_switch1(Is, FA). |
| |
| %%% 1st. Indexing |
| generate_switch1(Is, FA) --> |
| {FA = _/0}, |
| !, |
| generate_tries(Is). |
| generate_switch1(Is, _) --> |
| {all_variable_indices(Is)}, |
| !, |
| generate_tries(Is). |
| generate_switch1(Is, FA) --> |
| [switch_on_term(LV,LI,LF,LC,LS,LL)], |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, var, LV, [], PIs0), |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, int, LI, PIs0, PIs1), |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, flo, LF, PIs1, PIs2), |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, con, LC, PIs2, PIs3), |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, str, LS, PIs3, PIs4), |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, lis, LL, PIs4, _). |
| |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, Tag, L, PIs0, PIs) --> |
| {select_indices(Is, Tag, Is1)}, |
| generate_sw1(Is1, FA, Tag, L, PIs0, PIs). |
| |
| %%% 2nd. Indexing |
| generate_sw1([], _, _, fail/0, PIs, PIs) --> !. |
| generate_sw1([I], _, _, L, PIs, PIs) --> !, {I = [L|_]}. |
| generate_sw1(Is, FA, Tag, L, PIs0, PIs) --> |
| {no_switch_on_hash(Is, Tag)}, |
| !, |
| generate_sw2(Is, FA, Tag, L, PIs0, PIs). |
| generate_sw1(Is, FA, Tag, FA+Tag, PIs0, PIs) --> |
| generate_sw(Is, FA, nil, L, PIs0, PIs), |
| {count_unique_hash(Is, Size, Keys)}, |
| [FA+Tag: switch_on_hash(Tag, Size, L, HT)], |
| {generate_hash_table(Keys, Is, LIs)}, |
| generate_hash_tries(LIs, FA+Tag, 0, HT). |
| |
| no_switch_on_hash(Is, Tag) :- |
| clause(pl2am_flag(idx), _), |
| !, |
| (Tag = var ; Tag = lis ; Tag = nil ; count_unique_hash(Is, C, _), C < 2). |
| no_switch_on_hash(_, _). |
| |
| generate_sw2(Is, _, _, L, PIs, PIs) --> |
| {pl2am_member((L,Is), PIs)}, |
| !. |
| generate_sw2(Is, FA, Tag, FA+Tag, PIs0, [(FA+Tag,Is)|PIs0]) --> |
| [FA+Tag: []], |
| generate_tries(Is). |
| |
| generate_hash_tries([], _, _, []) --> !. |
| generate_hash_tries([K:[]|LIs], L0, N, [K:fail/0|Ls]) --> !, |
| generate_hash_tries(LIs, L0, N, Ls). |
| generate_hash_tries([K:[I]|LIs], L0, N, [K:L|Ls]) --> !, |
| {I = [L|_]}, |
| generate_hash_tries(LIs, L0, N, Ls). |
| generate_hash_tries([K:Is|LIs], L0, N, [K:L0+N|Ls]) --> |
| [L0+N: []], |
| generate_tries(Is), |
| {N1 is N + 1}, |
| generate_hash_tries(LIs, L0, N1, Ls). |
| |
| generate_hash_table([], _, []) :- !. |
| generate_hash_table([K|Ks], Is0, [K:Is|LIs]) :- |
| select_hash(Is0, K, Is), |
| generate_hash_table(Ks, Is0, LIs). |
| |
| select_hash([], _, []). |
| select_hash([I|Is0], K, [I|Is]) :- |
| I = [_,_,Tag,Hash], |
| (Tag = var ; K = Hash), |
| !, |
| select_hash(Is0, K, Is). |
| select_hash([_|Is0], K, Is) :- |
| select_hash(Is0, K, Is). |
| |
| %%% Choice Point (try, retry, trust) |
| generate_tries([I|Is]) --> |
| {I = [L|_]}, |
| [try(L)], |
| generate_tries1(Is). |
| |
| generate_tries1([I]) --> !, |
| {I = [L|_]}, |
| [trust(L)]. |
| generate_tries1([I|Is]) --> |
| {I = [L|_]}, |
| [retry(L)], |
| generate_tries1(Is). |
| |
| get_indices([], _, _, []). |
| get_indices([_|Clauses], FA, N, [[FA+N]|Is]) :- |
| FA = _/0, |
| !, |
| N1 is N + 1, |
| get_indices(Clauses, FA, N1, Is). |
| get_indices([Clause|Clauses], FA, N, [[FA+N,A1,Tag,Hash]|Is]) :- |
| Clause = (Head :- _), |
| arg(1, Head, A1), |
| get_hash(A1, Tag, Hash), |
| N1 is N + 1, |
| get_indices(Clauses, FA, N1, Is). |
| |
| get_hash(X, var, 0) :- var(X), !. |
| get_hash(X, int, X) :- integer(X), !. |
| get_hash(X, flo, X) :- float(X), !. |
| get_hash(X, con, X) :- atom(X), !. |
| get_hash(X, lis, '.'/2) :- X = [_|_], !. |
| get_hash(X, str, F/A) :- functor(X, F, A), !. |
| |
| all_variable_indices([]). |
| all_variable_indices([[_,_,var,_]|Is]) :- |
| all_variable_indices(Is). |
| |
| count_unique_hash([], 0, []). |
| count_unique_hash([I|Is], C, K) :- |
| count_unique_hash(Is, C0, K0), |
| I = [_,_,Tag,Hash], |
| ((Tag = var ; pl2am_member([_,_,_,Hash], Is)) -> |
| C = C0, K = K0 |
| ; |
| C is C0 + 1, K = [Hash|K0] |
| ). |
| |
| select_indices([], _, []). |
| select_indices([I|Is0], Tag, [I|Is]) :- |
| I = [_,_,T|_], |
| (Tag = var ; Tag = T ; T = var), |
| !, |
| select_indices(Is0, Tag, Is). |
| select_indices([_|Is0], Tag, Is) :- |
| select_indices(Is0, Tag, Is). |
| |
| %%% Generate Labels for Backtrack Point |
| generate_bp_label([], _, _, [], []) --> !. |
| generate_bp_label([X|Xs], CL, N, Ls, [X|Hs]) --> |
| {X = switch_on_hash(_,_,_,_)}, |
| !, |
| [X], |
| generate_bp_label(Xs, CL, N, Ls, Hs). |
| generate_bp_label([try(L)|Xs], CL, N, [label(CL+N)|Ls], Hs) --> !, |
| [try(L, CL+N)], |
| [CL+N: []], |
| {N1 is N+1}, |
| generate_bp_label(Xs, CL, N1, Ls, Hs). |
| generate_bp_label([retry(L)|Xs], CL, N, [label(CL+N)|Ls], Hs) --> !, |
| [retry(L, CL+N)], |
| [CL+N: []], |
| {N1 is N+1}, |
| generate_bp_label(Xs, CL, N1, Ls, Hs). |
| generate_bp_label([(L:X)|Xs], _, _, [label(L)|Ls], Hs) --> !, |
| [L: []], |
| generate_bp_label([X|Xs], L, 1, Ls, Hs). |
| generate_bp_label([X|Xs], CL, N, Ls, Hs) --> |
| [X], |
| generate_bp_label(Xs, CL, N, Ls, Hs). |
| |
| generate_cl_label(_, I, N, []) :- |
| I > N, |
| !. |
| generate_cl_label(FA, I, N, [label(FA+I)|Ls]) :- |
| I1 is I+1, |
| generate_cl_label(FA, I1, N, Ls). |
| |
| %%% Generate Hash instructions for switch_on_hash |
| gen_hash([]) --> !. |
| gen_hash([switch_on_hash(T,S,_,H)|Xs]) --> !, |
| [new_hash(T,S)], |
| gen_put_hash(H, T), |
| gen_hash(Xs). |
| |
| gen_put_hash([], _) --> !. |
| gen_put_hash([K:V|Xs], T) --> |
| [put_hash(K, V, T)], |
| gen_put_hash(Xs, T). |
| |
| replace_hash_keys([], _, [], []) :- !. |
| replace_hash_keys([put_hash(K,L,H)|Xs], SA, NHs, [put_hash(X,L,H)|PHs]) :- !, |
| replace_key(K, SA, X), |
| replace_hash_keys(Xs, SA, NHs, PHs). |
| replace_hash_keys([X|Xs], SA, [X|NHs], PHs) :- |
| replace_hash_keys(Xs, SA, NHs, PHs). |
| |
| replace_key(K, Alloc, X) :- |
| integer(K), |
| allocated(Alloc, K:int, [X,yes]), |
| !. |
| replace_key(K, Alloc, X) :- |
| float(K), |
| allocated(Alloc, K:flo, [X,yes]), |
| !. |
| replace_key(K, Alloc, X) :- |
| atom(K), |
| allocated(Alloc, K:con, [X,yes]), |
| !. |
| replace_key(K, Alloc, X) :- |
| nonvar(K), |
| K = F/A, |
| atom(F), |
| integer(A), |
| allocated(Alloc, K:con, [X,yes]), |
| !. |
| replace_key(K, _, _) :- |
| pl2am_error([replacement,of,hash,key,K,failed]), |
| fail. |
| |
| %%% Import Declarations |
| generate_import --> |
| {findall((P,C), import_static(P, C), S)}, |
| gen_importstatic(S), |
| {findall((P,C), import_package(P, C), X)}, |
| gen_importpkg(X). |
| |
| gen_importstatic([]) --> !. |
| gen_importstatic([(P,C)|Xs]) --> |
| [import_static(P, C)], |
| gen_importstatic(Xs). |
| |
| gen_importpkg([]) --> !. |
| gen_importpkg([(P,'*')|Xs]) --> !, |
| [import_package(P)], |
| gen_importpkg(Xs). |
| gen_importpkg([(P,C)|Xs]) --> |
| [import_package(P, C)], |
| gen_importpkg(Xs). |
| |
| %%% Information |
| generate_info(Functor, Arity) --> |
| {clause(file_name(File), _)}, |
| [info([Functor/Arity, File])]. |
| |
| %%% Check the Modifier of Predicate F/A. |
| check_modifier('$init'/0, public) :- !. |
| check_modifier(F/A, public) :- |
| clause(public_predicates(F, A), _), |
| !. |
| check_modifier(_, non-public). |
| |
| %%% generate a list of registers with given range. |
| range_reg(I, N, _, []) :- I > N, !. |
| range_reg(I, N, A, [R|Rs]) :- |
| I =< N, |
| I1 is I+1, |
| R =.. [A, I], |
| range_reg(I1, N, A, Rs). |
| |
| %%% generate set instructions |
| gen_set([], []) --> !. |
| gen_set([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) --> [set(X, Y)], gen_set(Xs, Ys). |
| |
| %%% generate deref instructions |
| gen_deref([], []) --> !. |
| gen_deref([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) --> [deref(X, Y)], gen_deref(Xs, Ys). |
| |
| %%% generate set and deref instructions |
| set_arguments(SN, EN, R1, R2, Flag) --> |
| {range_reg(SN, EN, R1, L1)}, |
| {range_reg(SN, EN, R2, L2)}, |
| gen_set_arg(Flag, L1, L2). |
| |
| gen_set_arg(set, L1, L2) --> gen_set(L1, L2). |
| gen_set_arg(deref, L1, L2) --> gen_deref(L1, L2). |
| |
| %%% generate decl_var instructions |
| generate_var_decl([X0,P0], [XN,PN]) --> |
| {X1 is XN-1, P1 is PN-1}, |
| {range_reg(X0, X1, a, XL)}, |
| {range_reg(P0, P1, p, PL)}, |
| gen_decl_term_vars(XL), |
| gen_decl_pred_vars(PL). |
| |
| gen_decl_term_vars([]) --> !. |
| gen_decl_term_vars(XL) --> [decl_term_vars(XL)]. |
| |
| gen_decl_pred_vars([]) --> !. |
| gen_decl_pred_vars(PL) --> [decl_pred_vars(PL)]. |
| |
| /**************************************************************** |
| Compile Clause |
| ****************************************************************/ |
| compile_clause((Head :- Body), GTI0, GTI, LTI) --> |
| {pretreat_body(Body, Goals0)}, % cut, rename, compile aith exp. |
| {localize_meta(Goals0, Goals)}, % add package name for meta predicates |
| {precompile(Head, Goals, Instrs)}, % generate get, put, put_clo, put_cont, inline |
| [comment((Head :- Goals))], % output precompiled clause |
| compile_chunks(Instrs, GTI0, GTI, LTI), |
| !. |
| compile_clause(Clause, _, _, _) --> |
| {pl2am_error([compilation,of,Clause,failed])}, |
| {fail}. |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% Pretreat Body and Compile Arithmetic Expressions |
| pretreat_body(Body, Goals) :- |
| pretreat_body0(Body, Cut, Goals0, []), |
| pretreat_cut(Cut, Goals0, Goals). |
| |
| pretreat_cut(Cut, Gs, Gs) :- var(Cut), !. |
| pretreat_cut('$cut'(Level), ['$cut'(Level)|Gs], ['$neck_cut'|Gs]) :- !. |
| pretreat_cut('$cut'(Level), Gs, ['$get_level'(Level)|Gs]). |
| |
| pretreat_body0(G, _) --> {var(G)}, !, [call(G)]. |
| pretreat_body0(!, Cut) --> !, {Cut = '$cut'(Level)}, ['$cut'(Level)]. |
| pretreat_body0(otherwise, _) --> !. |
| pretreat_body0(true, _) --> !. |
| pretreat_body0(fail, _) --> !, [fail]. |
| pretreat_body0(false, _) --> !, [fail]. |
| pretreat_body0(halt, _) --> !, [halt]. |
| pretreat_body0(abort, _) --> !, [abort]. |
| pretreat_body0((G1,G2), Cut) --> !, pretreat_body0(G1, Cut), pretreat_body0(G2, Cut). |
| pretreat_body0(G, _) --> pretreat_builtin(G), !. |
| pretreat_body0(G, _) --> {functor(G, F, A), clause(dynamic_predicates(F, A), _)}, !, [call(G)]. |
| pretreat_body0(G, _) --> [G]. |
| |
| %%% rename builtins |
| pretreat_builtin(X = Y) --> !, ['$unify'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X \= Y) --> !, ['$not_unifiable'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X == Y) --> !, ['$equality_of_term'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X \== Y) --> !, ['$inequality_of_term'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(?=(X, Y)) --> !, ['$identical_or_cannot_unify'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X @< Y) --> !, ['$before'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X @> Y) --> !, ['$after'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X @=< Y) --> !, ['$not_after'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X @>= Y) --> !, ['$not_before'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(compare(Op,X,Y)) --> {Op == (=)}, !, ['$equality_of_term'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(compare(Op,X,Y)) --> {Op == (<)}, !, ['$before'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(compare(Op,X,Y)) --> {Op == (>)}, !, ['$after'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X =.. Y) --> !, ['$univ'(X, Y)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X =:= Y) --> !, pretreat_is(U, X), pretreat_is(V, Y), ['$arith_equal'(U, V)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X =\= Y) --> !, pretreat_is(U, X), pretreat_is(V, Y), ['$arith_not_equal'(U, V)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X > Y) --> !, pretreat_is(U, X), pretreat_is(V, Y), ['$greater_than'(U, V)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X >= Y) --> !, pretreat_is(U, X), pretreat_is(V, Y), ['$greater_or_equal'(U, V)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X < Y) --> !, pretreat_is(U, X), pretreat_is(V, Y), ['$less_than'(U, V)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(X =< Y) --> !, pretreat_is(U, X), pretreat_is(V, Y), ['$less_or_equal'(U, V)]. |
| pretreat_builtin(Z is X) --> !, pretreat_is0(Z, X). |
| |
| pretreat_is(Z, X) --> {var(X)}, !, {X = Z}. |
| pretreat_is(Z, X) --> pretreat_is0(Z, X). |
| |
| pretreat_is0(Z, X) --> {clause(pl2am_flag(ac), _)}, !, precompile_is(X, Z). |
| pretreat_is0(Z, X) --> [is(Z, X)]. |
| |
| %%% compile aithmetic expressions |
| precompile_is(X, A) --> {var(X)}, !, [is(A, X)]. |
| precompile_is(X, A) --> {number(X)}, !, {X = A}. |
| precompile_is(X, A) --> {builtin_arith_constant(X)}, !, {X = A}. |
| precompile_is(+(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, A). |
| precompile_is(-(X), A) --> !, precompile_is(-1*X, A). |
| precompile_is(X+Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$plus'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X-Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$minus'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X*Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$multi'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X/Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$float_quotient'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X//Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$int_quotient'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X mod Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$mod'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X rem Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$mod'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X/\Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$bitwise_conj'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X\/Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$bitwise_disj'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X#Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$bitwise_exclusive_or'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(\(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$bitwise_neg'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X<<Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$shift_left'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X>>Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$shift_right'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is([X], A) --> !, precomp_is(X, A). |
| precompile_is(abs(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$abs'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(min(X,Y), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$min'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(max(X,Y), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$max'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(round(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$round'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(floor(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$floor'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(ceiling(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$ceil'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(sin(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$sin'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(cos(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$cos'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(tan(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$tan'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(asin(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$asin'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(acos(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$acos'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(atan(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$atan'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(sqrt(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$sqrt'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(log(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$log'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(exp(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$exp'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X**Y, A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), precomp_is(Y, V), ['$pow'(U, V, A)]. |
| precompile_is(degrees(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$degrees'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(radians(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$radians'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(rint(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$rint'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(float(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$float'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(float_integer_part(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$float_integer_part'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(float_fractional_part(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$float_fractional_part'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(truncate(X),A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$truncate'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(sign(X), A) --> !, precomp_is(X, U), ['$sign'(U, A)]. |
| precompile_is(X, _) --> |
| {pl2am_error([unknown,arithemetic,expression,X])}, |
| {fail}. |
| |
| precomp_is(X, A) --> {var(X)}, {var(A)}, !, {X = A}. |
| precomp_is(X, A) --> precompile_is(X, A). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% Add Pacakge (module) name to meta predicates |
| localize_meta(G0, G) :- |
| clause(package_name(P), _), |
| localize_meta(G0, P, G), |
| !. |
| |
| localize_meta([], _, []) :- !. |
| localize_meta([G|Gs], P, [G1|Gs1]) :- |
| localize_meta_goal(G, P, X), |
| (X = P:Y -> G1 = Y ; G1 = X), |
| localize_meta(Gs, P, Gs1). |
| |
| localize_meta_goal(G, P, G1) :- var(G), !, |
| localize_meta_goal(call(G), P, G1). |
| localize_meta_goal(P:G, _, G1) :- !, |
| localize_meta_goal(G, P, G1). |
| localize_meta_goal((X,Y), P, (X1,Y1)) :- !, |
| localize_meta_goal(X, P, X1), |
| localize_meta_goal(Y, P, Y1). |
| localize_meta_goal((X->Y), P, (X1->Y1)) :- !, |
| localize_meta_goal(X, P, X1), |
| localize_meta_goal(Y, P, Y1). |
| localize_meta_goal((X;Y), P, (X1;Y1)) :- !, |
| localize_meta_goal(X, P, X1), |
| localize_meta_goal(Y, P, Y1). |
| localize_meta_goal(G, P, G1) :- |
| functor(G, F, A), |
| (clause(meta_predicates(F, A, M), _) ; builtin_local_predicates(F, A, M)), |
| !, |
| G =.. [F|As], |
| localize_meta_args(M, As, P, As1), |
| G1 =.. [F|As1]. |
| localize_meta_goal(G, P, call(P:G)) :- var(P), !. |
| localize_meta_goal(G, _, G) :- system_predicate(G), !. |
| localize_meta_goal(G, P, P:G). |
| |
| localize_meta_args([], [], _, []) :- !. |
| localize_meta_args([:|Ms], [A|As], P, [P:A|As1]) :- |
| (var(A) ; A \= _:_), |
| !, |
| localize_meta_args(Ms, As, P, As1). |
| localize_meta_args([_|Ms], [A|As], P, [A|As1]) :- |
| localize_meta_args(Ms, As, P, As1). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% Precompile Clause and Optimize Recursive Call |
| precompile(Head, Goals, Instrs) :- |
| precompile_head(Head, Instrs0, Bs), |
| precompile_body(Goals, Bs, []), |
| optimize_recursive_call(Head, Instrs0, Instrs). |
| |
| %%% Precompile head (generates get instructions) |
| precompile_head(Head) --> |
| {Head =.. [_|Args]}, |
| precomp_head(Args, 1). |
| |
| precomp_head([], _) --> !. |
| precomp_head([A|As], I) --> |
| [get(A, a(I))], |
| {I1 is I + 1}, |
| precomp_head(As, I1). |
| |
| %%% Precompile body |
| %%% (generates put, put_clo, put_cont, and inline instructions) |
| precompile_body(Goals) --> |
| {clause(pl2am_flag(ie), _)}, |
| !, |
| {pickup_inline_goals(Goals, IGs, Gs)}, |
| precomp_inline(IGs, Gs). |
| precompile_body(Goals) --> |
| precomp_body(Goals). |
| |
| precomp_body([]) --> !, [execute(cont)]. |
| precomp_body([M:G|Cont]) --> !, |
| binarize_body(G, Cont, G1), |
| [execute(M:G1)]. |
| precomp_body([G|Cont]) --> |
| binarize_body(G, Cont, G1), |
| [execute(G1)]. |
| |
| /*--------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Binarization technique was developed by P.Tarau and M.Boyer, |
| please see: |
| * "Elementary Logic Programs" |
| P.Tarau and M.Boyer |
| Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, |
| pp.159--173, LNCS 456, Springer Verlag, 1990 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| binarize_body(G, Cont, G1) --> |
| {G =.. [F|Args]}, |
| {functor(G, F, A)}, |
| precomp_call(Args, Us, F, A), |
| %precomp_call(Args, Us), % for no closure |
| precomp_cont(Cont, V), |
| {pl2am_append(Us, [V], Ws)}, |
| {G1 =.. [F|Ws]}. |
| |
| precomp_call([], []) --> !. |
| precomp_call([A|As], [U|Us]) --> |
| [put(A, U)], |
| precomp_call(As, Us). |
| |
| precomp_cont([], cont) --> !. |
| precomp_cont([M:G|Cont], V) --> !, |
| binarize_body(G, Cont, G1), |
| [put_cont(M:G1, V)]. |
| precomp_cont([G|Cont], V) --> |
| binarize_body(G, Cont, G1), |
| [put_cont(G1, V)]. |
| |
| precomp_inline([], Gs1) --> !, precomp_body(Gs1). |
| precomp_inline([fail|_], _) --> !, [inline(fail)]. |
| precomp_inline([G|Gs], Gs1) --> |
| {G =.. [F|Args]}, |
| {functor(G, F, A)}, |
| precomp_call(Args, Us, F, A), |
| %precomp_call(Args, Us), |
| {G1 =.. [F|Us]}, |
| [inline(G1)], |
| precomp_inline(Gs, Gs1). |
| |
| pickup_inline_goals([], [], []) :- !. |
| pickup_inline_goals([G|Gs], [G|IGs], BGs) :- |
| builtin_inline_predicates(G), |
| !, |
| pickup_inline_goals(Gs, IGs, BGs). |
| pickup_inline_goals(Gs, [], Gs). |
| |
| %%% Generate Closure |
| precomp_call(As, Us, Functor, Arity) --> |
| {clause(pl2am_flag(clo), _)}, |
| {clause(meta_predicates(Functor, Arity, Mode), _)}, |
| !, |
| {clause(package_name(P), _)}, |
| precomp_closure(Mode, As, P, Us). |
| precomp_call(As, Us, _, _) --> precomp_call(As, Us). |
| |
| precomp_closure([], [], _, []) --> !. |
| precomp_closure([:|Ms], [A|As], P, [U|Us]) --> |
| {get_closure(A, P, C)}, |
| !, |
| [put_clo(C, U)], |
| precomp_closure(Ms, As, P, Us). |
| precomp_closure([_|Ms], [A|As], P, [U|Us]) --> |
| [put(A, U)], |
| precomp_closure(Ms, As, P, Us). |
| |
| get_closure(G, _, _) :- var(G), !, fail. |
| get_closure(_, P, _) :- var(P), !, fail. |
| get_closure(P:G, _, Clo) :- !, get_closure(G, P, Clo). |
| get_closure(G, P, P:G) :- % ??? |
| atom(P), |
| callable(G), |
| functor(G, F, A), |
| \+ clause(dynamic_predicates(F,A), _), |
| !. |
| |
| %%% Optimize Recursive Call |
| optimize_recursive_call(Head, Instrs0, Instrs) :- |
| clause(pl2am_flag(rc), _), |
| !, |
| optimize_rc(Instrs0, Head, Instrs, []). |
| optimize_recursive_call(_, Instrs, Instrs). |
| |
| optimize_rc([], _) --> !. |
| optimize_rc([execute(Goal)|Xs], Head) --> |
| {functor(Head, F, A)}, |
| {functor(Goal, F, A1)}, |
| {A+1 =:= A1}, |
| !, |
| {assert_copts(rc(F, A))}, |
| {Goal =.. [F|Args]}, |
| {range_reg(1, A, ea, Rs0)}, |
| {pl2am_append(Rs0, [econt], Rs)}, |
| gen_set(Args, Rs), |
| [goto(F/A+top)], |
| optimize_rc(Xs, Head). |
| optimize_rc([X|Xs], Head) --> |
| [X], |
| optimize_rc(Xs, Head). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% Compile Clause |
| compile_chunks(Chunk, GTI0, GTI, LTI) --> |
| {alloc_voids(Chunk, [], Alloc)}, % check void variables |
| compile_chunk(Chunk, Alloc, GTI0, GTI, LTI). |
| |
| compile_chunk([], _, GTI, GTI, []) --> !. |
| compile_chunk(Chunk, Alloc, GTI0, GTI, LTI) --> |
| {free_x_reg(Chunk, 1, XN), YN = 1, PN = 1}, |
| {LTI0 = [XN, YN, PN, Alloc]}, |
| comp_chunk(Chunk, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| |
| comp_chunk([], LTI, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> !. |
| comp_chunk([(L:[])|Cs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> !, |
| [L:[]], |
| comp_chunk(Cs, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| comp_chunk([(L:C)|Cs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> !, |
| [L:[]], |
| comp_chunk([C|Cs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| comp_chunk([C|Cs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> !, |
| comp_instr(C, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| comp_chunk(Cs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| |
| %%% finds an available number A-register |
| free_x_reg([], XN, XN). |
| free_x_reg([get(_,V)|Cs], XN0, XN) :- nonvar(V), V = a(N), !, |
| XN1 is max(N+1, XN0), |
| free_x_reg(Cs, XN1, XN). |
| free_x_reg([put(_,V)|Cs], XN0, XN) :- nonvar(V), V = a(N), !, |
| XN1 is max(N+1, XN0), |
| free_x_reg(Cs, XN1, XN). |
| free_x_reg([_|Cs], XN0, XN) :- |
| free_x_reg(Cs, XN0, XN). |
| |
| %%% finds void variables and allocates them in Alloc. |
| alloc_voids(Chunks, Alloc0, Alloc) :- |
| variables(Chunks, Vars), |
| alloc_voids1(Vars, Chunks, Alloc0, Alloc). |
| |
| alloc_voids1([], _, Alloc, Alloc). |
| alloc_voids1([V|Vars], Chunks, Alloc0, Alloc) :- |
| count_variable(V, Chunks, 1), |
| !, |
| Alloc1 = [[V,void,_Seen]|Alloc0], |
| alloc_voids1(Vars, Chunks, Alloc1, Alloc). |
| alloc_voids1([_|Vars], Chunks, Alloc0, Alloc) :- |
| alloc_voids1(Vars, Chunks, Alloc0, Alloc). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% Compile Precompiled Instructions: get, put, put_clo, and put_cont |
| /* |
| comp_instr(+Instr, +LTI0, ?LTI, +GTI0, ?GTI) |
| Instr : Intermediate instruction |
| LTI : [XN, YN, PN, Alloc] |
| XN : The register a(XN) is available for "Term". |
| YN : The register y(YN) is available for "Term[]". |
| PN : The register p(PN) is available for "Predicate". |
| Alloc : [[VarTerm, Register, Seen],...] |
| GTI : [SN, SAlloc, SInstrs] |
| SN : The registers s(SN), si(SN), or sf(SN) are available for static "Term". |
| SAlloc : [[NonVarTerm:Type, Register, Seen],...] |
| SInstrs : list of instructions for static terms. |
| Seen : Unbound variable | yes | void |
| Type : int | flo | con | str | lis | arr |
| */ |
| comp_instr(get(X, A), LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> !, |
| gen_get(X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| comp_instr(put(X, V), LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> !, |
| gen_put(X, V, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| comp_instr(put_clo(X, V), LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> !, |
| gen_put_clo(X, V, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| comp_instr(put_cont(X, V), LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> !, |
| gen_put_cont(X, V, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| comp_instr(Instr, LTI, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> |
| [Instr]. |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% put instructions |
| gen_put(_, A, _, _, _, _) --> {nonvar(A)}, !, |
| {pl2am_error([A,should,be,an,unbound,variable])}, |
| {fail}. |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> {var(X)}, !, |
| {assign_reg(X, R, Seen, LTI0, LTI)}, |
| gen_put_var(R, Seen, A). |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> {integer(X)}, !, |
| {assign_sreg(X:int, R, Seen, GTI0, GTI1)}, |
| gen_put_int(X, R, Seen, A, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> {float(X)}, !, |
| {assign_sreg(X:flo, R, Seen, GTI0, GTI1)}, |
| gen_put_float(X, R, Seen, A, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> {atom(X)}, !, |
| {assign_sreg(X:con, R, Seen, GTI0, GTI1)}, |
| gen_put_con(X, R, Seen, A, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {ground(X), X = [X1|X2]}, |
| !, |
| gen_put_args([X1,X2], [R1,R2], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI1), |
| {assign_sreg(X:lis, R, Seen, GTI1, GTI2)}, |
| gen_put_list([R1,R2], R, Seen, A, GTI2, GTI). |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {ground(X), X =..[_|Args], functor(X,F,N)}, |
| !, |
| {assign_sreg(F/N:con, R0, Seen0, GTI0, GTI1)}, |
| gen_put_con(F/N, R0, Seen0, _, GTI1, GTI2), |
| gen_put_args(Args, Regs, LTI0, LTI, GTI2, GTI3), |
| {assign_sreg(Args:arr, R1, Seen1, GTI3, GTI4)}, |
| gen_put_str_args(Regs, R1, Seen1, _, GTI4, GTI5), |
| {assign_sreg(X:str, R, Seen, GTI5, GTI6)}, |
| gen_put_str([R0,R1], R, Seen, A, GTI6, GTI). |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {X = [X1|X2]}, |
| !, |
| gen_put_args([X1,X2], [R1,R2], LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI), |
| {assign_reg(_, R, Seen, LTI1, LTI)}, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| [put_list(R1, R2, R)]. |
| gen_put(X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {X =..[_|Args], functor(X,F,N)}, |
| !, |
| {assign_sreg(F/N:con, R0, Seen0, GTI0, GTI1)}, |
| gen_put_con(F/N, R0, Seen0, _, GTI1, GTI2), |
| gen_put_args(Args, Regs, LTI0, LTI1, GTI2, GTI), |
| {inc_YN(R1, LTI1, LTI2)}, |
| {assign_reg(_, R, Seen, LTI2, LTI)}, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| [put_str_args(Regs, R1)], |
| [put_str(R0, R1, R)]. |
| |
| gen_put_var(void, _, A) --> !, {A = void}. % void is a special constant. |
| gen_put_var(R, Seen, A) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| [put_var(R)]. |
| gen_put_var(R, _, A) --> {R = A}. |
| |
| gen_put_int(X, R, Seen, A, GTI0, GTI) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| {add_instr(put_int(X, R), GTI0, GTI)}. |
| gen_put_int(_, R, _, A, GTI, GTI) --> {R = A}. |
| |
| gen_put_float(X, R, Seen, A, GTI0, GTI) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| {add_instr(put_float(X, R), GTI0, GTI)}. |
| gen_put_float(_, R, _, A, GTI, GTI) --> {R = A}. |
| |
| gen_put_con(X, R, Seen, A, GTI0, GTI) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| {add_instr(put_con(X, R), GTI0, GTI)}. |
| gen_put_con(_, R, _, A, GTI, GTI) --> {R = A}. |
| |
| gen_put_list([R1,R2], R, Seen, A, GTI0, GTI) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| {add_instr(put_list(R1, R2, R), GTI0, GTI)}. |
| gen_put_list(_, R, _, A, GTI, GTI) --> {R = A}. |
| |
| gen_put_str_args(Regs, R, Seen, A, GTI0, GTI) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| {add_instr(put_str_args(Regs, R), GTI0, GTI)}. |
| gen_put_str_args(_, R, _, A, GTI, GTI) --> {R = A}. |
| |
| gen_put_str([R0,R1], R, Seen, A, GTI0, GTI) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| {add_instr(put_str(R0, R1, R), GTI0, GTI)}. |
| gen_put_str(_, R, _, A, GTI, GTI) --> {R = A}. |
| |
| gen_put_args([], [], LTI, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> !. |
| gen_put_args([X|Xs], [R|Rs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| gen_put_args(Xs, Rs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| |
| gen_put_clo(P:X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {X =..[F|Args]}, |
| !, |
| gen_put_args(Args, Regs, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI), |
| {assign_reg(_, R, Seen, LTI1, LTI)}, |
| {Seen = yes, R = A}, |
| {X1 =..[F|Regs]}, |
| {(clause(package_name(P), _) -> CLO = X1 ; CLO = P:X1)}, |
| [put_clo(CLO, R)]. |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% get instructions |
| gen_get(X, A, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| gen_get([A=X], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| |
| gen_get([], LTI, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> !. |
| gen_get([A=X|_], LTI, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> |
| {var(A)}, |
| !, |
| {pl2am_error([A,must,not,be,a,variable,in,get(X,A)])}, |
| {fail}. |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {var(X)}, |
| {assign_reg(X, R, Seen, LTI0, LTI1)}, |
| {nonvar(Seen)}, |
| !, |
| gen_get_var(R, Seen, A), |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {var(X)}, |
| !, |
| {add_alloc([X,A,yes], LTI0, LTI1)}, |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {integer(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [get_int(X, R, A)], |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {float(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [get_float(X, R, A)], |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {atom(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [get_con(X, R, A)], |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {ground(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [get_ground(X, R, A)], |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {X = [X1|X2]}, |
| !, |
| [get_list(A)], |
| gen_unify([X1,X2], Instrs1, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| gen_get(Instrs1, LTI1, LTI2, GTI1, GTI2), |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI2, LTI, GTI2, GTI). |
| gen_get([A=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {X =.. [F|Args], functor(X, F, N)}, |
| {assign_sreg(F/N:con, R, Seen, GTI0, GTI1)}, |
| gen_put_con(F/N, R, Seen, _, GTI1, GTI2), |
| [get_str(F/N, R, A)], |
| gen_unify(Args, Instrs1, LTI0, LTI1, GTI2, GTI3), |
| gen_get(Instrs1, LTI1, LTI2, GTI3, GTI4), |
| gen_get(Instrs, LTI2, LTI, GTI4, GTI). |
| |
| gen_get_var(void, _, _) --> !. |
| gen_get_var(R, _, A) --> [get_val(R, A)]. |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% unify instructions |
| gen_unify([], [], LTI, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> !. |
| gen_unify([X|Xs], Instrs, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {var(X)}, |
| !, |
| {assign_reg(X, R, Seen, LTI0, LTI1)}, |
| gen_unify_var(R, Seen), |
| gen_unify(Xs, Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| gen_unify([X|Xs], Instrs, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {integer(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [unify_int(X, R)], |
| gen_unify(Xs, Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_unify([X|Xs], Instrs, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {float(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [unify_float(X, R)], |
| gen_unify(Xs, Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_unify([X|Xs], Instrs, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {atom(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [unify_con(X, R)], |
| gen_unify(Xs, Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_unify([X|Xs], Instrs, LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {ground(X)}, |
| !, |
| gen_put(X, R, LTI0, LTI1, GTI0, GTI1), |
| [unify_ground(X, R)], |
| gen_unify(Xs, Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI1, GTI). |
| gen_unify([X|Xs], [R=X|Instrs], LTI0, LTI, GTI0, GTI) --> |
| {assign_reg(_, R, Seen, LTI0, LTI1)}, |
| gen_unify_var(R, Seen), |
| gen_unify(Xs, Instrs, LTI1, LTI, GTI0, GTI). |
| |
| %%% unify_void, unify_variable, unify_value |
| gen_unify_var(void, _) --> !, [unify_void(1)]. |
| gen_unify_var(R, Seen) --> {var(Seen)}, !, |
| {Seen = yes}, |
| [unify_var(R)]. |
| gen_unify_var(R, _) --> [unify_val(R)]. |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%% generate continuation goal |
| gen_put_cont(X, R, LTI0, LTI, GTI, GTI) --> |
| {inc_PN(R, LTI0, LTI)}, |
| [put_cont(X, R)]. |
| |
| %%% A register |
| assign_reg(X, Reg, Seen, LTI0, LTI) :- nonvar(X), !, |
| pl2am_error([X,must,be,unbound,variable,in,assign_reg(X,Reg,Seen,LTI0,LTI)]), |
| fail. |
| assign_reg(X, Reg, Seen, [XN,YN,PN,Alloc], [XN,YN,PN,Alloc]) :- |
| allocated(Alloc, X, [Reg,Seen]), |
| !. |
| assign_reg(X, Reg, Seen, [XN,YN,PN,Alloc], [XN1,YN,PN,Alloc1]) :- |
| Reg = a(XN), |
| XN1 is XN + 1, |
| Alloc1 = [[X,Reg,Seen]|Alloc]. |
| |
| allocated([[V|X]|_], V0, X) :- V == V0, !. |
| allocated([_|Alloc], V0, X) :- allocated(Alloc, V0, X). |
| |
| %%% S register |
| assign_sreg(X, Reg, Seen, GTI0, GTI) :- \+ ground(X), !, |
| pl2am_error([X,must,be,ground,term,in,assign_sreg(X,Reg,Seen,GTI0,GTI)]), |
| fail. |
| assign_sreg(X, Reg, Seen, [SN,SAlloc,SInstrs], [SN,SAlloc,SInstrs]) :- |
| allocated(SAlloc, X, [Reg,Seen]), |
| !. |
| assign_sreg(X:T, Reg, Seen, [SN,SAlloc,SInstrs], [SN1,SAlloc1,SInstrs]) :- |
| assign_sreg0(T, SN, Reg), |
| SN1 is SN+1, |
| SAlloc1 = [[X:T,Reg,Seen]|SAlloc]. |
| |
| assign_sreg0(int, SN, si(SN)) :- !. |
| assign_sreg0(flo, SN, sf(SN)) :- !. |
| assign_sreg0(_, SN, s(SN)) :- !. |
| %assign_sreg0(con, SN, sc(SN)) :- !. |
| %assign_sreg0(str, SN, ss(SN)) :- !. |
| %assign_sreg0(lis, SN, sl(SN)) :- !. |
| %assign_sreg0(arr, SN, sa(SN)) :- !. |
| |
| %%% incriment YN |
| inc_YN(y(YN), [XN,YN|Zs], [XN,YN1|Zs]) :- YN1 is YN+1. |
| |
| %%% incriment PN |
| inc_PN(p(PN), [XN,YN,PN|Zs], [XN,YN,PN1|Zs]) :- PN1 is PN+1. |
| |
| %%% add an instruction to GTI |
| add_instr(Instr, [SN,SAlloc,SInstrs0], [SN,SAlloc,[Instr|SInstrs0]]). |
| |
| %%% add an allocation to LTI |
| add_alloc(E, [XN,YN,PN,Alloc0], [XN,YN,PN,[E|Alloc0]]). |
| |
| /***************************************************************** |
| Built-in Predicates and Constants |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| builtin_meta_predicates((^), 2, [?,:]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(call, 1, [:]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(once, 1, [:]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates((\+), 1, [:]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(findall, 3, [?,:,?]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(bagof, 3, [?,:,?]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(setof, 3, [?,:,?]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(on_exception, 3, [?,:,:]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(catch, 3, [:,?,:]). |
| builtin_meta_predicates(freeze, 2, [?,:]). |
| |
| builtin_local_predicates(assert, 1, [:]). |
| builtin_local_predicates(asserta, 1, [:]). |
| builtin_local_predicates(assertz, 1, [:]). |
| builtin_local_predicates(retract, 1, [:]). |
| builtin_local_predicates(retractall, 1, [:]). |
| builtin_local_predicates(clause, 2, [:,?]). |
| builtin_local_predicates(abolish, 1, [:]). |
| |
| % Control constructs |
| builtin_inline_predicates(fail). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$get_level'(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$neck_cut'). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$cut'(_)). |
| % Term unification |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$unify'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$not_unifiable'(_,_)). |
| % Type testing |
| builtin_inline_predicates(var(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(atom(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(integer(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(float(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(atomic(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(nonvar(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(number(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(java(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(java(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(closure(_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates(ground(_)). |
| % Term comparison |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$equality_of_term'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$inequality_of_term'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$after'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$before'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$not_after'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$not_before'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$identical_or_cannot_unify'(_,_)). |
| % Term creation and decomposition |
| builtin_inline_predicates(copy_term(_,_)). |
| % Arithmetic evaluation |
| builtin_inline_predicates(is(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$abs'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$asin'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$acos'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$atan'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$bitwise_conj'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$bitwise_disj'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$bitwise_exclusive_or'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$bitwise_neg'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$ceil'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$cos'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$degrees'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$exp'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$float_quotient'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$floor'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$int_quotient'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$log'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$max'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$min'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$minus'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$mod'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$multi'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$plus'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$pow'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$radians'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$rint'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$round'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$shift_left'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$shift_right'(_,_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$sin'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$sqrt'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$tan'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$float'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$float_integer_part'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$float_fractional_part'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$truncate'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$sign'(_,_)). |
| % Arithmetic comparison |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$arith_equal'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$arith_not_equal'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$greater_or_equal'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$greater_than'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$less_or_equal'(_,_)). |
| builtin_inline_predicates('$less_than'(_,_)). |
| |
| builtin_arith_constant(random). |
| builtin_arith_constant(pi). |
| builtin_arith_constant(e). |
| |
| /***************************************************************** |
| Eliminate disjunctions |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| % The clause a :- b;c is converted into a :- b. and a :- c. |
| % In addition, |
| % (C1 -> C2) is converted into ((C1,!,C2) ; fail). |
| % ((C1 -> C2) ; C3) is converted into ((C1,!,C2) ; C3). |
| % not(C) is converted into ((C,!,fail) ; true). |
| % \+(C) is converted into ((C,!,fail) ; true). |
| % And then all of disjunctions are eliminated. |
| % |
| % Note: this is based on flatten.pl in holmer's benchmark. |
| |
| eliminate_disj(Cl, NewCl, DummyCls) :- |
| extract_disj(Cl, NewCl, Disjs, []), |
| treat_disj(Disjs, DummyCls, []). |
| |
| extract_disj(Cl, Cl) --> {var(Cl)}, !. |
| extract_disj(Cl, (H :- NewB)) --> {Cl = (H :- B)}, !, |
| extract_disj(B, NewB, Cl). |
| extract_disj(Cl, Cl) --> !. |
| |
| extract_disj(G, G, _) --> {var(G)}, !. |
| extract_disj((G1, G2), (NewG1, NewG2), Cl) --> !, |
| extract_disj(G1, NewG1, Cl), |
| extract_disj(G2, NewG2, Cl). |
| extract_disj(G, NewG, Cl) --> {is_disj(G, DisjG)}, !, |
| {retract(dummy_clause_counter(N))}, |
| [disj(DisjG, N, NewG, Cl)], |
| {N1 is N+1}, |
| {assert(dummy_clause_counter(N1))}. |
| extract_disj(G, G, _) --> !. |
| |
| is_disj((C1->C2), ((C1,!,C2);fail)) :- !. |
| is_disj(((C1->C2);C3), ((C1,!,C2);C3)) :- !. |
| is_disj((C1;C2), (C1;C2)) :- !. |
| is_disj(not(C),((C,!,fail);true)) :- !. |
| is_disj(\+(C),((C,!,fail);true)). |
| |
| treat_disj([]) --> !. |
| treat_disj([disj((A;B),N,X,C)|Disjs]) --> |
| {variables((A;B), Vars)}, |
| {variables(C, CVars)}, |
| {intersect_vars(Vars, CVars, Args)}, |
| {clause(file_name(File), _)}, |
| {list_to_string(['$dummy_', N, '_', File], Name)}, |
| {X =.. [Name|Args]}, |
| {copy_term((X :- A), DummyCla)}, |
| {copy_term((X :- B), DummyClb)}, |
| [DummyCla], |
| [DummyClb], |
| treat_disj(Disjs). |
| |
| intersect_vars(V1, V2, Out) :- |
| sort(V1, Sorted1), |
| sort(V2, Sorted2), |
| intersect_sorted_vars(Sorted1, Sorted2, Out). |
| |
| intersect_sorted_vars([], _, []) :- !. |
| intersect_sorted_vars(_, [], []). |
| intersect_sorted_vars([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [X|Rs]) :- X == Y, !, |
| intersect_sorted_vars(Xs, Ys, Rs). |
| intersect_sorted_vars([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Rs) :- X @< Y, !, |
| intersect_sorted_vars(Xs,[Y|Ys],Rs). |
| intersect_sorted_vars([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Rs) :- X @> Y, !, |
| intersect_sorted_vars([X|Xs],Ys,Rs). |
| |
| /***************************************************************** |
| Utilities |
| *****************************************************************/ |
| pl2am_error(M) :- raise_exception(pl2am_error(M)). |
| |
| %%% format |
| mode_expr([]). |
| mode_expr([M|Ms]) :- nonvar(M), pl2am_member(M, [:,+,-,?]), !, mode_expr(Ms). |
| |
| predspec_expr(F/A) :- atom(F), integer(A). |
| |
| %%% list |
| pl2am_append([], Zs, Zs). |
| pl2am_append([X|Xs], Ys, [X|Zs]) :- pl2am_append(Xs, Ys, Zs). |
| |
| pl2am_rev(L, R) :- pl2am_rev(L, [], R). |
| pl2am_rev([], R, R). |
| pl2am_rev([X|L], Y, R) :- pl2am_rev(L, [X|Y], R). |
| |
| pl2am_member(X, [X|_]). |
| pl2am_member(X, [_|Ys]) :- pl2am_member(X, Ys). |
| |
| pl2am_memq(X, [Y|_]) :- X==Y, !. |
| pl2am_memq(X, [_|Ys]) :- pl2am_memq(X, Ys). |
| |
| flatten_list([]) --> !. |
| flatten_list([L1|L2]) --> !, flatten_list(L1), flatten_list(L2). |
| flatten_list(L) --> [L]. |
| |
| flatten_code([]) --> !. |
| flatten_code([(L: C)|Code]) --> !, |
| [L: []], |
| flatten_code([C|Code]). |
| flatten_code([Code1|Code2]) --> !, |
| flatten_code(Code1), |
| flatten_code(Code2). |
| flatten_code(Code) --> [Code]. |
| |
| %%% transform |
| conj_to_list(X, _) :- var(X), !, |
| pl2am_error([variable,X,can,not,be,converted,to,'[A|B]',expression]), |
| fail. |
| conj_to_list(((X1,X2),Xs), Y) :- !, conj_to_list((X1,(X2,Xs)), Y). |
| conj_to_list((X,Xs), [X|Zs]) :- !, conj_to_list(Xs, Zs). |
| conj_to_list((X), [X]). |
| |
| list_to_string(List, String) :- |
| list_to_chars(List, Chars0), |
| flatten_list(Chars0, Chars, []), |
| atom_codes(String, Chars). |
| |
| list_to_chars([], []) :- !. |
| list_to_chars([L|Ls], [C|Cs]) :- atom(L), !, |
| atom_codes(L, C), |
| list_to_chars(Ls, Cs). |
| list_to_chars([L|Ls], [C|Cs]) :- number(L), !, |
| number_codes(L, C), |
| list_to_chars(Ls, Cs). |
| |
| list_to_conj(X, Y) :- |
| flatten_list(X, L, []), |
| list_to_conj0(L, Y). |
| |
| list_to_conj0(X, _) :- var(X), !, |
| pl2am_error([variable,X,can,not,be,converted,to,'(A,B)',expression]), |
| fail. |
| list_to_conj0([X], (X)). |
| list_to_conj0([X|Xs], (X,Ys)) :- !, list_to_conj0(Xs, Ys). |
| |
| %%% misc |
| variables(X, Vs) :- variables(X, [], Vs). |
| |
| variables(X, Vs, Vs) :- var(X), pl2am_memq(X, Vs), !. |
| variables(X, Vs, [X|Vs]) :- var(X), !. |
| variables(X, Vs0, Vs0) :- atomic(X), !. |
| variables([X|Xs], Vs0, Vs) :- !, variables(X, Vs0, Vs1), variables(Xs, Vs1, Vs). |
| variables(X, Vs0, Vs) :- X =.. Xs, variables(Xs, Vs0, Vs). |
| |
| count_variable(V, X, 1) :- V == X, !. |
| count_variable(_, X, 0) :- var(X), !. |
| count_variable(_, X, 0) :- atomic(X), !. |
| count_variable(V, [X|Y], N) :- !, |
| count_variable(V, X, N1), |
| count_variable(V, Y, N2), |
| N is N1 + N2. |
| count_variable(V, X, N) :- |
| X =.. Xs, |
| count_variable(V, Xs, N). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| |
| % END |
| % written by SICStus Prolog 3.12.8 |