| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Interactive interpreter of Prolog Cafe |
| % |
| % Mutsunori Banbara (banbara@kobe-u.ac.jp) |
| % Naoyuki Tamura (tamura@kobe-u.ac.jp) |
| % Kobe University |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| |
| :- package 'com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin'. |
| :- public cafeteria/0. |
| |
| %%% Main |
| cafeteria :- |
| '$cafeteria_init', |
| repeat, |
| '$toplvel_loop', |
| on_exception(Msg, '$cafeteria'(Goal), print_message(error, Msg)), |
| Goal == end_of_file, |
| !, |
| nl, '$fast_write'(bye), nl. |
| |
| '$cafeteria_init' :- |
| '$new_indexing_hash'('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin','$leap_flag'/1, _), |
| '$new_indexing_hash'('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin','$current_spypoint'/3, _), |
| '$new_indexing_hash'('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin','$current_leash'/1, _), |
| retractall('$leap_flag'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_file'(_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_package'(_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_predicate'(_,_,_)), |
| assertz('$leap_flag'(no)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(call)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(exit)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(redo)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(fail)), |
| !. |
| |
| '$toplvel_loop' :- |
| current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode), |
| (Mode == off -> true ; print_message(info,[debug])), |
| '$fast_write'('| ?- '), |
| flush_output. |
| |
| '$cafeteria'(Goal) :- |
| read_with_variables('user_input', Goal, Vars), |
| '$process_order'(Goal, Vars). |
| |
| '$process_order'(G, _) :- var(G), !, illarg(var, (?- G), 1). |
| '$process_order'(end_of_file, _) :- !. |
| '$process_order'([File|Files], _) :- !, consult([File|Files]). |
| '$process_order'(G, Vars) :- |
| current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode), |
| ( Mode == off -> call(user:G) ; '$trace_goal'(user:G) ), nl, |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(Vars, Vars1), |
| '$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vars1), |
| !, |
| '$fast_write'(yes), nl. |
| '$process_order'(_, _) :- nl, '$fast_write'(no), nl. |
| |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'([], []) :- !. |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(['_'=_|Xs], Vs) :- !, |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs). |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'([X|Xs], [X|Vs]) :- |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs). |
| |
| '$give_answers_with_prompt'([]) :- !. |
| '$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vs) :- |
| '$give_an_answer'(Vs), |
| '$fast_write'(' ? '), flush_output, |
| read_line('user_input', Str), |
| Str \== ";", |
| nl. |
| |
| '$give_an_answer'([]) :- !, '$fast_write'(true). |
| '$give_an_answer'([X]) :- !, '$print_an answer'(X). |
| '$give_an_answer'([X|Xs]) :- |
| '$print_an answer'(X), '$fast_write'(','), nl, |
| '$give_an_answer'(Xs). |
| |
| '$print_an answer'(N = V) :- |
| write(N), '$fast_write'(' = '), writeq(V). |
| |
| %%% Read Program |
| :- public consult/1. |
| |
| consult(Files) :- var(Files), !, illarg(var, consult(Files), 1). |
| consult([]) :- !. |
| consult([File|Files]) :- !, consult(File), consult(Files). |
| consult(File) :- atom(File), !, '$consult'(File). |
| |
| '$consult'(F) :- |
| '$prolog_file_name'(F, PF), |
| open(PF, read, In), |
| print_message(info, [consulting,PF,'...']), |
| statistics(runtime, _), |
| consult_stream(PF, In), |
| statistics(runtime, [_,T]), |
| print_message(info, [PF,consulted,T,msec]), |
| close(In). |
| |
| '$prolog_file_name'(File, File) :- sub_atom(File, _, _, After, '.'), After > 0, !. |
| '$prolog_file_name'(File0, File) :- atom_concat(File0, '.pl', File). |
| |
| %%% Trace |
| :- public trace/0, notrace/0. |
| :- public debug/0, nodebug/0. |
| |
| trace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, on), !. |
| trace :- |
| set_prolog_flag(debug, on), |
| '$trace_init', |
| '$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch on}'), |
| nl, !. |
| |
| '$trace_init' :- |
| retractall('$leap_flag'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)), |
| assertz('$leap_flag'(no)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(call)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(exit)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(redo)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(fail)), |
| !. |
| |
| notrace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, off), !. |
| notrace :- |
| set_prolog_flag(debug, off), |
| '$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch off}'), |
| nl, !. |
| |
| debug :- trace. |
| nodebug :- notrace. |
| |
| %%% Trace a Goal |
| '$trace_goal'(Term) :- |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no), |
| '$get_current_B'(Cut), |
| '$meta_call'(Term, user, Cut, 0, trace). |
| |
| '$trace_goal'(nodebug, _, _, _) :- nodebug. |
| '$trace_goal'(notrace, _, _, _) :- notrace. |
| '$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| print_procedure_box(call, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| '$call_internal'(X, P, FA, Depth, trace), |
| print_procedure_box(exit, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth). |
| '$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| print_procedure_box(fail, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| fail. |
| |
| print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, F/A, Depth) :- |
| clause('$current_spypoint'(P, F, A), _), |
| !, |
| '$builtin_message'(['+',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]), |
| '$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,F/A,Depth)). |
| print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| clause('$leap_flag'(no), _), |
| !, |
| '$builtin_message'([' ',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]), |
| ( clause('$current_leash'(Mode), _) |
| -> |
| '$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) |
| ; |
| nl |
| ). |
| print_procedure_box(_, _, _, _, _). |
| |
| redo_procedure_box(_, _, _, _). |
| redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| print_procedure_box(redo, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| fail. |
| |
| '$read_blocked'(G) :- |
| '$fast_write'(' ? '), |
| flush_output, |
| read_line('user_input', C), |
| (C == [] -> DOP = 99 ; C = [DOP|_]), |
| '$debug_option'(DOP, G). |
| |
| '$debug_option'(97, _) :- !, notrace, abort. % a for abort |
| '$debug_option'(99, _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no). % c for creep |
| '$debug_option'(108, _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes). % l for leap |
| '$debug_option'(43, print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % + for spy this |
| spy(P:FA), |
| call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)). |
| '$debug_option'(45, print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % - for nospy this |
| nospy(P:FA), |
| call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)). |
| '$debug_option'(63, G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G). |
| '$debug_option'(104, G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G). |
| '$debug_option'(_, _). |
| |
| '$show_debug_option' :- |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('Debugging options:'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('a abort'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('RET creep'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('c creep'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('l leap'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('+ spy this'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('- nospy this'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('? help'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('h help'), nl. |
| |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :- |
| clause('$leap_flag'(Flag), _), |
| !. |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :- |
| retractall('$leap_flag'(_)), |
| assertz('$leap_flag'(Flag)). |
| |
| %%% Spy-Points |
| :- public spy/1, nospy/1, nospyall/0. |
| |
| spy(T) :- |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, spy(T)), |
| trace, |
| '$assert_spypoint'(PI), |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes), |
| !. |
| |
| '$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| clause('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A), _), |
| print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,already,added]), |
| !. |
| '$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| clause('$consulted_predicate'(P,F/A,_), _), |
| assertz('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)), |
| print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,added]), |
| !. |
| '$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| print_message(warning, [no,matching,predicate,for,spy,P:F/A]). |
| |
| nospy(T) :- |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, nospy(T)), |
| '$retract_spypoint'(PI), |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no), |
| !. |
| |
| '$retract_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| retract('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)), |
| print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,removed]), |
| !. |
| '$retract_spypoint'(_). |
| |
| nospyall :- |
| retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)), |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no). |
| |
| %%% Leash |
| :- public leash/1. |
| |
| leash(L) :- nonvar(L), '$leash'(L), !. |
| leash(L) :- illarg(type('leash_specifier'), leash(L), 1). |
| |
| '$leash'([]) :- !, |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| print_message(info, [no,leashing]). |
| '$leash'(Ms) :- |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| '$assert_leash'(Ms), |
| print_message(info,[leashing,stopping,on,Ms]). |
| |
| '$assert_leash'([]) :- !. |
| '$assert_leash'([X|Xs]) :- |
| '$leash_specifier'(X), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(X)), |
| '$assert_leash'(Xs). |
| |
| '$leash_specifier'(call). |
| '$leash_specifier'(exit). |
| '$leash_specifier'(redo). |
| '$leash_specifier'(fail). |
| %'$leash_specifier'(exception). |
| |
| %%% Listing |
| :- public listing/0. |
| :- public listing/1. |
| |
| listing :- '$listing'(_, user). |
| |
| listing(T) :- var(T), !, illarg(var, listing(T), 1). |
| listing(P) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(_, P). |
| listing(F/A) :- !, '$listing'(F/A, user). |
| listing(P:PI) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(PI, P). |
| listing(T) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(T), 1). |
| |
| '$listing'(PI, P) :- var(PI), !, |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, _). |
| '$listing'(F/A, P) :- atom(F), integer(A), !, |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, F/A). |
| '$listing'(PI, P) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(P:PI), 1). |
| |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, PI) :- |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| hash_keys(P, Keys), |
| '$builtin_member'(PI, Keys), |
| PI = F/A, |
| functor(H, F, A), |
| '$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl, _), |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(P, Cl), |
| fail. |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(_, _). |
| |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(_, Cl) :- var(Cl), !, fail. |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- true)) :- !, |
| numbervars(H, 0, _), |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(P, H), |
| write('.'), nl. |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- B)) :- !, |
| numbervars((H :- B), 0, _), |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(P, H), |
| write(' :-'), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(B, 8), |
| write('.'), nl. |
| |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(user, H) :- !, writeq(H). |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(P, H) :- |
| write(P), write(':'), writeq(H). |
| |
| '$write_dynamic_body'((G1,G2), N) :- !, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N), write(','), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N). |
| '$write_dynamic_body'((G1;G2), N) :- !, |
| N1 is N+4, |
| tab(N), write('('), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write(';'), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write(')'). |
| '$write_dynamic_body'((G1->G2), N) :- !, |
| N1 is N+4, |
| tab(N), write('('), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write('->'), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write(')'). |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(B, N) :- |
| tab(N), writeq(B). |
| |
| |
| print_message(Type, Message) :- var(Type), !, |
| illarg(var, print_message(Type,Message), 1). |
| print_message(error, Message) :- !, |
| '$error_message'(Message). |
| print_message(info, Message) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{'), |
| '$builtin_message'(Message), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| print_message(warning, Message) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{WARNING: '), |
| '$builtin_message'(Message), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| |
| write(M) :- write('user_output', M). |
| writeq(M) :- writeq('user_output', M). |
| tab(S) :- tab('user_output', S). |
| nl :- nl('user_output'). |
| flush_output :- flush_output('user_output'). |
| '$fast_write'(M) :- '$fast_write'('user_output', M). |
| |
| '$builtin_message'([]) :- !. |
| '$builtin_message'([M]) :- !, write(M). |
| '$builtin_message'([M|Ms]) :- |
| write(M), |
| '$fast_write'(' '), |
| '$builtin_message'(Ms). |
| |
| '$error_message'(instantiation_error(Goal,0)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{INSTANTIATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(instantiation_error(Goal,ArgNo)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{INSTANTIATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(type_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type,Culprit)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{TYPE ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': expected '), '$fast_write'(Type), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(domain_error(Goal,ArgNo,Domain,Culprit)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{DOMAIN ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': expected '), '$fast_write'(Domain), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(existence_error(_Goal,0,ObjType,Culprit,_Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{EXISTENCE ERROR: '), |
| '$fast_write'(ObjType), '$fast_write'(' '), write(Culprit), '$fast_write'(' does not exist'), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(existence_error(Goal,ArgNo,ObjType,Culprit,_Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{EXISTENCE ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': '), |
| '$fast_write'(ObjType), '$fast_write'(' '), write(Culprit), '$fast_write'(' does not exist'), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(permission_error(Goal,Operation,ObjType,Culprit,Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{PERMISSION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - can not '), '$fast_write'(Operation), '$fast_write'(' '), |
| '$fast_write'(ObjType), '$fast_write'(' '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'(': '), '$fast_write'(Message), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(representation_error(Goal,ArgNo,Flag)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{REPRESENTATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': limit of '), '$fast_write'(Flag), '$fast_write'(' is breached'), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(evaluation_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{EVALUATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), '$fast_write'(Type), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(syntax_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type,Culprit,_Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{SYNTAX ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': expected '), '$fast_write'(Type), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(system_error(Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{SYSTEM ERROR: '), write(Message), '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(internal_error(Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{INTERNAL ERROR: '), write(Message), '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(java_error(Goal,ArgNo,Exception)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{JAVA ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), '$write_goal'(Exception), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(Message) :- |
| '$fast_write'('{'), write(Message), '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| |
| '$write_goal'(Goal) :- java(Goal), !, |
| '$write_toString'('user_error', Goal). |
| '$write_goal'(Goal) :- write(Goal). |