Merge branch 'stable-2.15'

* stable-2.15:
  bazlets: Replace native.git_repository with skylark rule
  Update bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with released 2.15.5 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14 to build with 2.14.15 API
  Format all Bazel build files with buildifier
  Update bazlets to latest stable-2.14 to build with 2.14.14 API
  Migrate `tools/bazel.rc` to `.bazelrc`
  Update bazlets to latest stable-2.14 to build with 2.14.13 API
  Format Java files with google-java-format 1.6
  CommitUtils: Fix improperly closed <ul> tag in Javadoc
  Update bazlets to latest revision on stable-2.14

Change-Id: I60c7c21017547c220570e5fa562fed79ef2d4414